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ExtraOrdinary [rp]

Please read before beginning: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/1513-ExtraOrdinary-info-and-discussion

A dirt path leads to a large castle from the southwest. An entrance on the south side is blocked by a solid wooden gate. The weathered stone and splintered wood betray the castle’s age despite its attempt to appear sturdy and formidable. Sunlight beams down over the open field and light armor gleams on the backs of castle guards patrolling the grounds.

Two floors above ground with identical layouts house the inmates. A stairwell in the southeast corner connects the upper and lower levels. Cells with rusted metal bars line the northern, western, and southern walls on each floor. Each cell holds one prisoner. Guards keep a watchful eye while talking quietly on the eastern sides of the rooms. A section of bars is hinged to serve as a door. A small section of stone is cut from the outer wall in each cell to form a window about five and a half feet above the floor. The windows are barred as well, but rays of sun slip through to illuminate dust in the air. Low, worn wooden slabs are mounted to each cell’s wall to serve as a bench. Two long chains with cuffs on the ends embed themselves in the wall just above the wooden bench. They restrain the hands of prisoners while allowing the inhabitant of each cell to explore most of the confined area. A faint smell of mildew peppers the air. At night, torches along the east wall offer light to the jail cells.

A floor below ground is used for storage. Guard equipment and other items are kept out of reach of any inmates. A smaller barracks with an entrance on its west wall sits to the west of the castle. A horse stable for mounted guards joins the north end of the barracks. It is also accessible from the west side.

A thick forest lies about 150 meters to the northwest. The tree line is patrolled by three pairs of guards. A wide, swift river carves itself into the earth from the northeast to southeast of the castle. This is used as a water source for the inmates and guards. Two pairs of guards patrol the river. A dirt path runs south and curves to the west. It is not heavily guarded but guards are on horseback. The path is lined with a few large boulders. A small village lies to the south of the path after about 2 miles of walking. Groups of guards patrol the castle grounds regularly both on foot and horseback.

Prisoners are given food and water in their cells twice a day. More than one guard must be present at feeding times. Procedure is for the prisoner to sit on an edge of the wooden bench mounted to the wall facing away from the cell doors. Metal forks are supplied during meals and are collected carefully to ensure that none are stolen. Inmates are also accompanied by two guards to a separate cell with a chamber pot when the need arises. The feet of prisoners are held together with stiff metal cuffs to prevent running. Floors are not divided according to gender.

Placement: All participating characters are on the second level

Going clockwise starting on the south wall (southeast corner):

NPC; NPC; Samuel Radbert (Pleba); Rosalind Faire (14hca14); Kylar Thrace (Heartsteal22)

West wall:

NPC; Saturas Feld (Riddle78); Jag Leer (Ryo); NPC

North wall:

Drake Manji (wllwtenn); NPC; Mason Hart (Bangbang); Natalia Simonovitch (Neontails)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Mason sat on the floor and picked at the worn beige rags that hung loosely around his legs. Seven months in a prison made any small thing interesting. Mason’s gaze shifted to the window above him. The sky was a purple-grey color. Night would fall soon. Chains dragged across the dusty floor as he stood up, knees protesting with a loud crack. Through his window on the north side of the building he could see the forest to the northwest. Its trees were still green, dancing clumsily in the early autumn breeze and shaking off water from earlier that day. A horde of blackbirds cawed from the trees as his face reached the window. At least they were quieter today.

The sound of feet shuffling down the stairs in the corner interrupted Mason’s thoughts. The room was empty of guards. Experience told him that preparation for meal time would take about 45 minutes. None of their voices would carry to the lower floor if they spoke lightly.

Mason’s voice, slightly raspy yet still smooth like a whisper, floated out through the bars of his cell. “Who wants to get out of this hell hole?”
"Get out?" Kylar asked, perking up a little from scraping the walls in his usual fashion. The hinge on his right cuff had been worn away to the point he could almost squeeze his hand out of it, though if he ever did, the guards would just have the restraints replaced anyways. The window, the only thing that reminded the prisoners there was still a world out there was entirely useless to Kylar, he was too short to even see over the edge. The sliver of sky that the witch-boy could actually see told him that dinner time would be soon; though that did nothing to help reveal the plan to escape.

"You have a plan?" he asked, this time his voice lower, quiet enough not to be overheard.
Jag opened his green eyes, they seemed to glow like a cats slightly in the dimming light of the world. Looking around he took in the surrounding situation. Thinking to himself...>Close to night fall...< Jag closed his eyes again and spoke softly.

"Along with that plan of yours...do you know the way out of here as well?"
Saturas smirked. He got up,chains clinking. The anchor for his chains was mounted to the center of the floor. If one looked closely,one could see cracks,heralding that the anchor was almost ready to come out. "What prisoner wishes to remain such? Let's hear it." He looked out the window. Every day he gazed beyond the wrought iron bars to the outside world,the only reminder that he was still alive,and still in the same plane of existance as everyone else. Over the months,whenever he was alone,he always gave vicious tugs on his chains,trying to loosen them from the anchor so he'd be free. He felt that a few more good hauls will do it.
Natalia hung her head while sitting on the wood bench placed in her cell. One leg propped up and the corresponding arm resting on the leg, her beige hair veiled over her face. Listening to the conversation amongst the other prisoners, her indigo eyes slowly opened, her gaze leading her head to the cell of the one who proposed the escape. Assuming it was directed at everyone, she simply replied with "Da," And sat up completely.
Rosa stumbled into the dungeon cell swatting a cuffed hand at the guard behind her. Pausing for a moment she took inherent surrounding. Something was in the right corner, maybe a bed, and on the "far" wall a window lay open. At least she had light in a world that was mostly darkly. Shapes were easier to detect when there was some form of light. Specifically natural light.
The sky turned dark and Samuel felt his heart beat just a little faster at the thought of getting out. He couldn't remember how long he's been jailed, but it felt like forever since the day he killed his unit's commander and was hauled in here, all bloody and beaten up. Time didn't seem real through that tiny window and it drove him mad. Outside this rotten hole, there was something and everything and he wanted it. His chance to become a soldier again, maybe. His chance to be something.

He needed out.
As the guards walked away she sighed her head slowly emptying. The two men so close to her had caused an over load of information. Every process going on in their bodies had entered her mind in a whirlwind of chaos. Rosa had no means of controlling these thoughts until she became closer and more relaxed with the people. Her "gift" really was debilitating, trying to push her thoughts to fore front of her mind was near impossible with all of her other connections.

Taking a tentative step further into the cell. At this point all she knew was that two steps to her right was a bed and to the left of that was a window. However she couldn't picture the room because she hadn't felt the walls. Once she touched things Rosa could get a better understanding of where she was. The cool stone was rough under her fingers, she could feel a presence in the room beside her but the distance was too far for her to understand any thoughts. Making her way around the room counting steps she gathered that the room was square with a heavy wooden door and metal hinges. The window was barred but the metal was warmed by the sunlight. When she reached the bed the wool sheets scratched her fingers but it wasn't a painful feeling.
Mason glanced around at everyone that had responded to his question. Was it wise to trust these others? No choice. The thought of relying on these people brought a twitch into his left eyebrow.

Mason took a deep breath. What bothered him even more was why more people didn't join him in wanting to escape. Cowards.

No, he admonished himself quickly. This is dangerous. They may be right to stay here. But... I know I can't.

Mason quickly glanced back out the window. It was getting darker. His voice made a scratchy sound as he cleared his throat.

"First things first. We need to get rid of the guards if we want to even leave our cells. They've all got keys for our locks that could be stolen at feeding time. But I'm not strong nor foolish enough to attack two guards at once. And even then, we're all chained to our cages. I doubt any of us could break these cuffs."

Please prove me wrong, comrades.

Mason rubbed at the metal cuffs. His bound wrists ached for release and the feeling of impact of a hammer on metal. His skin longed for the warmth of a flame.

An image of hooded customers tainted his thoughts, made his father's forge suddenly undesirable.
Rosa had been moved from her cell below ground to this new one upstairs. Her previous cage was completely dark. The air was cold and wet, within and hour her dress weighed more because of the moisture. There was a constant feeling of drowning, like at any moment the water would expand taking over the air and suffocating the prisoners. When they had pulled her out Rosa had thought it was the end, maybe people were dying again and they were going to blame it on her. No, they moved her upstairs because they needed her cell for some other poor soul.

Slowly her mind began to venture past the stone wall. It really was like her mind was in an animal, it would tell her exactly what it wanted too nothing more nothing less. Occasionally she could control it, calling begging it to come back to her so she could rest.
Saturas spoke up. "I'll help." He shuffled over to the wall from where the man's voice came from,and said softly, "One or two good yanks,and these chains are out of the ground. I can pull 'em now,and place myself so they'll never see the damage until I make my move." He moved back to his original position. "So,how about it?" He looked at the people he was chained up with. All of their chains went to the same anchor. Three others. One had a mop of black hair,covering his eyes. The other two seemed...Not entirely there for Saturas.

He directed his attention to the young man with the mop of hair. "For now,we're chained together. I'm going to need your co-operation." They were on opposite sides ofthe cell. "I'm Saturas Feld. Been here three months. You?" His brown eyes shone with energy,in direct contrast to his almost skeletal appearance. He was ready to get things done.
Rosa began to feel other presences beyond her walls. Picking up the chains she stumbled closer tot he wall placing her ear on the cold rough surface. They were definitely there and talking to each other no less. Human contact had become foreign to her over the past few months. People either came so close so quickly it hurt her or they were so distant she could not quite grasp their thoughts. But these people were close enough for her to maybe even talk to. Running her fingers along the wall she eventually found a loosened stone. Prying at it she pulled out a small portion of the rock lowering it carefully to the ground.

"Hello," she whispered softly.
Voices, then. Samuel snapped from his daze and listened. He wondered if he could help them; maybe knock down a guard, or something. Something. He used to be a soldier, after all. Low in ranks and inexperienced, but a soldier, nonetheless. Wasn't he supposed to be useful?

He stared at his dirt caked hands and nails, and the cuffs restraining them. These ones won't break; he would need the key and that means he was no use to them now (no use, Samuel, again and again like the past twenty-freaking-four years of his life.)

But he needed out, useful or not. Will they take him with them? "Samuel Radbert," he said, to no one in particular. He just needed to let them know that he wanted out. And isn't everyone talking to everyone, anyway? "You might have heard of me," he cracked a smile. "I'm actually quite famous, for what I did."
Rosa could hear the voices but they still seemed too far away. She dug her fingers into the sharp stones prying a few small chunks out. Her hands were becoming coated in a fine powder. Her mind swept through the small crack searching for anything it could bring back to her, maybe only what it wanted her to know. She tried again her voice somewhat stronger, "Hello?" she asked.
Mason looked on as the others began acquainting themselves with their new partners. Good. They'll need to trust each other.

Hearing Samuel Radbert's name did not trigger any specific memories. His question of what this man had done was interrupted by the feminine voice from the opposite side of the room.

"Uhm," his usually strong voice faltered, his mind tripping over its thoughts. He could barely make out any details of her appearance due to the low light and the distance across the room. His eyebrow twitched, betraying his nerves at the unknown for a split second.

He recovered his indifferent expression and tone of voice. "Can you help us? I don't know what you women are doing here, but you must have done something special to get yourselves locked up in here with the rest of us."
Samuel felt his eyes widen, annoyance popped on the back of his neck. A woman? And he thought escaping couldn't get any trickier. If they really were to help a woman, escaping would probably be near impossible. Still, like Mason said, she might be special. As special as a woman can be, that is.

"Mason," he said, interrupting Rosa. "We have to do this fast. No time to waste."
Rosa decided to ignore their disdainful rude words and lay it out to them. "I can tell what people are thinking but they can't touch me and they can't be more the than forty feet away. I can also get a sense of what is in a room before I enter it and...I'm blind but I wouldn't be a burden," she finished biting her lip. She didn't know how much longer they would keep her in this place before they killed her.
"Read peoples' minds? You must be crazy. Either that or you've actually signed a pact with the devil. So, what then, you know everything about all of us just by looking at us?" Mason stifled a small laugh, but his face grew more serious when he remembered the situation he was in. His cocky attitute had probably gotten him into trouble yet again or at least made this escape plan more difficult.

A small twinge of guilt crept into Mason's chest before he even knew why. She was probably lying, but she obviously had some kind of rough past to end up here. It could have been very similar to his own, or it could have been completely different, and he would never know. Besides, she was a woman after all. Mason doubted the strength of her constitution because of this, but her blunt response made him think of her as bolder, maybe more useful to him and the other inmates. On top of that, women were to be treated kindly and delicately, not pelted with verbal abuse.

Struggling for a way to appologize for acting ungentlemanly, he stalled his speech with a short cough as if clearing his throat. When words avoided his tongue, Mason looked to the ground and the wall, then at Samuel. Anywhere but at the woman.

"So," he knew Samuel spoke the truth. This all had to be finished with quickly. "how can you help us with our task, miss? You too, Samuel. You talked about being well-known. Could this 'fame' of yours provide any assistance?"
Rosa wanted to give him a little taste of what she could do make this man believe. She knew the best she could do would give his being a little prod, as if something had just touched a thought that was completely unrelated to the topic. Most likely she wouldn't even see what her mind had touched in the man but if she touched his mind she would know. Rosa ran her fingers down the stone wall digging her fingernails into the sandy rough surface.

"I don't expect to be treated any differently then a man, the guards here treat me no differently then you except for..." Rosa decided to skip over some of the "fun" the guards had had with her. "I am also a strong Christian women this curse of mine is of no relation to a pact with the devil," she practically spat the word as she begged the creature, her outer mind, to prod the man. Once she was sure she had made contact if only for a minor second she continued, "I can give you an idea of who or what is in the room before you enter,"
As the blind woman spoke, Mason's nostrils filled with a familiar scent, and a corresponding taste flooded over his tongue. Prison food had made this sensation a far-off memory. There was no food here, so why would he think of eating at a time like this? To tell the truth, his nerves had been agitated by the idea of escape and had already driven away any hunger in his stomach.

A vague malicious feeling misted through his head and stomach suddenly. Bile rose to greet his throat, but Mason held it back as best he could and swallowed hard. Never had such a comforting smell been equated with a negative reaction for him. His teeth exerted pressure on a thumb until a metallic tang dripped onto his tongue. Withdrawing his bloodied finger from his mouth, he wiped it off to leave a rusty brown mark on the knee of his left pants leg.

This had all occured in a matter of seconds. In fact, the sick feeling had overtaken Mason while the woman was talking. No, when she paused between sentences.

He directed a look of bitter scorn and distrust at the strange woman, seeming to understand now.

"Fine," he hissed more forcefully than he meant to. He turned to Samuel. "Your turn to talk, I think." The scorn had dropped out of Mason's voice, but the agitation remained.
Samuel rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I used to serve in the army," he said, remembering the first day he stepped into the training camp, wide-eyed and anxious and eager, in his grubby shirt and brown pants. He was only fifteen then; it seemed like a lifetime ago now. He remembered living in the camp, training hard as he could so that he would be recognized by the higher-ups. Samuel snorted. Naive, he thought. Naive and diligent and hopeful and none of it really mattered, after all.

"As for my fame," selling out his unit's secret. Bringing shame to his family. Getting his father killed. Peachy, peachy. "Wouldn't do much other than getting soldiers on our heels. And everyone who remembers the name Samuel Radbert probably wants to stone me, is all."

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