

New Member
I had some good responses in the ideas section, so I want to start my rp soon.

If you were directed here from my thread in the ideas section, please post a character sheet.

If you have not seen my ideas thread which has the premise for my rp, please view it here: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/1384-Ordinary-people-with-extraordinary-abilities-help-needed

Character sheets should have the character's:




Description (can be as short or as long as you want it to be, but must give a good idea of what your character looks like)

Ability (NOTE: If you want your character's ability to remain a secret for other players to figure out, send it to me in a private message. I need to know what your ability is and any weaknesses that accompany it. I reserve the right to reject an ability that I believe to be too "overpowered.")

And Optionals:

Why they are in jail (I expect you to have at least a vague idea. I'd like to work it into the storyline. If you want to hide this from other players, its fine. Some surprises might be nice along the storyline. If you choose to do this, I do not need to be messaged because it is not "necessary" information.)

Background (not necessary but would help to flesh out your character and make them more interesting.)

The purpose of the sheets is not only to join the rp, but to give me information for possible scenarios that we could all have fun playing through. I will continue posting in the ideas thread until i have everything set up to start the actual rp.
Name: Saturas Feld

Age: 34 (Imprisoned for three months)

Sex: Male

Description: Six foot two inches tall. Pale skin. Bony. Brown eyes,thin eyebrows. Brown hair,goatee. Short ponytail (three inches long). Thick hair,kept short. Steep nose angle,pointed nose. Narrow chin and long face. Thin and lanky. Wears the standard prison garb; sack-quality cloth shirt and trousers,with wood and rope sandals.

Ability: I'll PM you.

Crime: Heresy,suspected witchcraft. Saturas refused to worship at church,and was then arrested for breaking the tenants of the church. It was suspected that he was a witch,because of his refusal to worship.

Background: I'll improvise.
Name: Kylar Thrace

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Description: Kylar is relatively small, scrawny boy, especially at his age. His mismatched eyes singled him out immediately as a "witch". Long, dirt brown hair reaches sloppily to his shoulders.

Ability: PM

And Optionals:

Why they are in jail: Kylar is suspected of murder on several accounts. As accounts say, the victims were savagely beaten to death.

Background: I'll cover this in the rp.
Name: Jag Leer

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Description: Tall (but not past 6 feet) skinny with black hair that in the back is as long as down to the middle of his neck and in the front covers his eyes down to the middle of his nose. He has green eyes

Ability: PM

Crime: Black Blasphemy and unstable mentality

Background: Surprise for now
Name: Natalia Simonovitch

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Description: Average weight, 5'10" frame, long beige blond hair that falls to the middle of her back, indigo eyes.

Ability: Can manipulate ice. But it must already be there, she cannot create it from thin air. There's also a distance limit. The ice should be within 15 feet for her to control it, any further and it wont budge. And fire can melt it, all that fun stuff.

Why they are in jail: Murder of a worker for the Queen whilst using "magic".

Background: Originally born in Russia. Her father drank, her mother was abused by him, Natalia had to leave because she hated being there, yada yada yada... Anyway. She traveled to England merely by whim and got into a bit of a tussle with a knight, killed him, and was thrown in jail.
Name= Drake Manji

Age= 22

Sex= Male

Description= weighs 210 pounds, 6' 2", black scruffy hair, blue eyes, tan skin, and a scar on his right for arm

Ability= pm

Crime= Killed a man with his power

Backround= Drakes past is shrouded in darkness all that he knows is that when he was twelve that he was captured and locked away in the prison
Name: Samuel Radbert

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Description: Tall, with broad shoulders and muscles and all. He has dusty blond hair that's cut short, sharp cheekbones, and light brown eyes.

Ability: The more injured he is, the stronger he becomes. (As in, he hits harder, but it also means that he's closer to being knocked into unconsciousness or death.)

Crime: Betrayed the English army in a war against the Scottish. He was paid by a Scottish general to bring him the strategy of his unit, but was caught and beaten up. In his desperate attempt to escape, he killed a number of English soldiers and the his unit's general, but was caught in the end.

Background: Born in England. Nothing extraordinary about his childhood. Used to fight in the English army until he became a traitor and was arrested.
(This is perfect timing because I just saw part of a documentary about witch craft in Europe. Ergot is a disease in rye that causes people to hallucinate and spasm if ingested. This caused people to assume that they were possessed and therefore should be sent to a witch trial. :)

Name: Rosalind Faire

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Description: Her eyes are a glassy blue and she is blind

https://d1ij7zv8zivhs3.cloudfront.net/assets/415120/lightbox/2adc049001b5364f631265eb8aaa15ff.jpg?1276990236 (ignore the name)

Ability: Rosalind can sense objects (get an idea of where things are but she has no idea of colors or their exact shape, All she knows is that the objects are their), people and hear their thoughts but she has a very odd range. If they are too close her mind goes into complete overload sensing every neurological message (subconscious functions such as breathing and keeping your heart breathing) but the thoughts become blurry if they are more than a forty yards away.

Background/ Why they are in jail: Rosalind came from a well-known family and her life was pretty much average for the daughter of a noble. She managed to hide her gift using it only when necessary so that she could function a little more normally (helping her "see"). At the age of sixteen she was married off to a noblemen was forceful and abusive of her. At the age of seventeen Rosalind learned she was pregnant with her first child. She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, named Marcus. As she raised her child her husband's abuse subsided a bit and for two years her life was normal. Then one day everyone in the family and others in the village came down with some strange disease causing them to spasm uncontrollably, Marcus died within a week and days after that so did her husband but Rosalind lived. Instead of trying to comfort the widow the village blamed the deaths on her saying she was witch.
At this point, everyone who has submitted a character has been contacted.

There are 8 people who have submitted, so I won't accept any more for the introduction.

HOWEVER if you would like to take part in this rp, submit a character and I will send you a message when there is an appropriate time for your character to join (most likely after the jailbreak).
(Let me know later on after the jailbreak. I tried to make him easy to set up as a character who runs across the band of runaways later on. :) If everything looks alright, I look forward to seeing where all this goes. Love the idea of supernatural people who may not have it so 'super' as it seems.)

Name: Aubin Mattieu

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Description: A tall and charismatic figure, Aubins appearance has always been more akin to a roguish imp or hunter than a rough and stoic lord as his father wished in a son. He was graced, like his twin, with hair of a bright and fiery red, as well as pale, sea foam green eyes. A gift from their mothers side of the family. Due to her great love of her children's hair, he humored her and allowed it to grow out so that it now falls in thick ringlets to his lower back, often tied away from his face or braided thickly over his shoulder. To his fathers dismay, he has a defiant and stubborn tilt to his features, bellied down by a gentleness in his eyes that always brought his father near to rage when it rose to the surface.

Ability: Aubin is a Clairvoyant of sorts. Through contact with his bare skin, he can pick up memories and bits of information from objects and people alike. However, the ability seems to be focused only in his hands, and the memories he glimpses are often not only tattered and hard to decipher, but painful for himself. More often than not, especially in the case of very passionate or violent cases, he is nearly crippled by the residual effects of another persons emotions. Sometimes he even loses himself entirely and is overcome by emotions that are not his own.

Reason for fleeing (since he won't come in until later): Though from a noble french family who has taken up residence outside their homeland, Aubin is now on the run. Strangely enough, from his very kin and more specifically, his father. His twin sisters elopement with a less than 'respectable' man, one whom his father felt would ruin their good name, eventually led to her untimely death. She was found with her throat slit in a ditch, stripped and robbed as if by thieves. Her betrothed was never located, let alone mentioned amongst the family. Unfortunately, it was a farce, concocted to cover up what could have become a scandal. In fact, it was her father who hired the man who ended her life. When his gift made him privy to just that fact, he went into a blind rage, killing two of his fathers guards before nearly murdering the man himself. But unable to finish the job as he came to his senses, Aubin has fled his manor for the coast, his fathers men hot on his heels to silence a son who now knows too much.
Name: Amaranthe Emeritus

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Description: Auburn hair that falls to her waist in pin straight strands with golden highlights. Has amethyst eyes. Usually wears a baby blue top that shows a lot of cleavage with tight black jeans and her pink and black Nike's. She is very thin and is 5'5. She has her nails pointed and they are razor sharp. She got implant fangs when she was 12 so she has medium sized fangs that she loves to scare people with.

Why in jail: She is being charged for many accounts of murder even though she had killed the ones who wanted to kill her.

Background: She had been on the run moving place to place every since she was 14. She didn't know who but someone wanted her dead. Who ever it was that was after had sent some one to do it. They chased her all over the east cost then when she ran west they did the same. She finally got tired of it so she found a gun and stood in the alley waiting for them to come, and to her plan she did. She pulled the trigger once, twice and they were gone. The cops eventually found her and took her in no trial, no phone calls, no anything.

Ability: She can control ice and water. She is also a very good fighter she can use daggers, swords, and arms,legs,nails,and teeth.

27, male

Son of a blacksmith

Hair: medium-length, shaggy, sun-bleached light brown with slightly darker brown roots. Auburn undertones.

Build: Average but with muscular arms (trained to be a smith).

Eyes: Light Brown. a spot of blue marks both of his eyes (partial heterochromia).

Why they are in jail: Heresy, involvement with a cult.

Ability (Misfortune, rather): followed by
a small flock of crows. No control over birds. The most Mason can do is clap his hands loudly at them in hope of shutting them up. Crows are noisy birds.

History: His mother died during childbirth. Mason was trained as a smith by his father. Mason moved out of his father's house at 22 but they shared the same forge. Mason still knows how to forge weapons and armor but would need a proper forge to do so. Ravens had been drawn to Mason from childhood. The number in the flock grew to about 9 birds by the time he reached the age of 20. Mason's ravens attracted a cult. The cult believed Mason was a demi-god and worshipped him for around 2 years before Mason was arrested. He allowed himself to be worshipped due to the luxurious treatment he received from the cult members. Also partook in several ceremonies to play along and keep the cult's faith in him from dwindling.

Misc. information: Mason is a leader. He knows when to let others lead but only does so grudgingly. Mason does not sugarcoat comments; he says what is on his mind. He is usually laid-back if things go his way. When they do not, Mason adopts an attitude of annoyance. He sulks, but only for short periods of time and he keeps his mouth shut to discourage any negative comments towards others. He may deny it, but Mason cares about others. He has a hard time turning down an opportunity to help another person. Mason has a slightly harsh voice. It is a voice that inspires trust when it turns soft. Mason is shrewd but is not good with words; he would lose in any battle of wits in the form of insults but is able to formulate plans quickly and efficiently,
Name: Addison Merwither

Age: 14

Sex: Female

Description: Medium length dark brown wavy hair. Sparkling brown eyes and tannish skin. About 5'1 with c cup breasts. Slender and athletic.

Ability: Very creative when it comes to her hands. Can set up traps and make a weapon out of almost anything. Expert in camouflage.

***Background: A troubled teenage girl living in the village 2 miles away from the prison. With an abusive father and a mother who is too depressed to care/notice, she would leave the first chance she got.

(I was thinking maybe she could join in with them somehow after the outbreak?)
Name: Catherine Montgomery

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Description: Bright blue eyes that stand out against her long, wavy black hair, pale skin with no blemishes or spots. Often wears shorts or tight trousers with an average top, she always has a weapon on her and considers herself as a female 'robin hood'

Ability: She can make objects turn invisible, but the object has to be touching a part of her body (hands, legs, head etc) in order for it to be invisible. As soon as she lets go it becomes visible again.

And Optionals:

Reason for fleeing (since she won't come in until later): Catherine was part of a noble family until she reached the age of 15 when her father then announced she were to be betrothed to a noble man to become his house wife and live solely for the purpose to bear children and clean up after her husband and their offspring. Catherine had grown up as a dreamer and she felt that this life was not for her, but although she felt this way Catherine decided to give this noble man a chance. She married him at 16 and once they began living together her 'husband' became abusive and rude, giving her beatings each and every day. Catherine plucked up the courage to run away and now lives on the edge of the wilderness close to the village, after seeing the poverty compared to her old noble life, Catherine now uses her 'ability' to steal food and give it to the poor children so that they don't starve. Because of this lifestyle her nickname is 'Robin Hood'


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