

The Rotten Fruit

Everything seemed great just a few days ago. You were alive, you lived your day to day life, planning for the future and remembering the bad and good times in your past, but not anymore. Now you are only concerned about the here, the now, the present. You are running for your life, there is countless things around that can kill you now. Your friends, your family, everyone is nothing but mindless zombies.

There was an outbreak of an infection. People who were infected began to get distorted and change. They would morph, become creatures of nightmare and legend. Your vary sanity was at risk of being torn apart in this new world. Now you are on the move, you want out of the city. But that is not easy. Every turn there are new challenges waiting for you. Hopefully you can find more survivors and work together, only then can you hope to get out of the city.

Though, not everyone wants to leave the city. There are groups settling in, building bases within the city, and just trying to live. They have supplies, and are reluctant to share, money has no value, if you want something, trade up or work for it.

Remember, nothing is impossible with dice. Just… Improbable.


I love DnD, it's amazingly fun, and I love zombies. Who doesn’t love zombies? I came up with this idea of a game, the future is in ruins, and you're survivors with hordes of zombies running around trying to kill you. Some might find things about the game confusing at first, but be not afraid, I am more than happy to help walk you through it, from start to finish! And I guarantee you, after a session or two you will have it all down pact! It becomes simple and amazingly fun!

You have a wide variety of skills, weapons, and defensive equipment to help fight off the zombie hordes, and all the skills are to help you survive! But Life is more than killing zombies, there are skills to help you do things like pick locks, save your ass in tight spots, or even help heal people with medical skills.

One of the more interesting things you will see is a Sanity Stat. Its simple, your sanity goes down if you witness and see lots of horrifying things. For example, if you see a zombie that’s been mutated beyond human recognition or watch someone torn to shreds, your sanity lowers. Once it’s run out your character goes insane. (This does not happen quickly or easily).

There is no ways for characters to be revived in this, when you die it's permanent. Though, you should not be dying often, in fact, you will most likely be falling unconscious. (Which only lasts a few minutes usually). As well, when attacking you can aim at different body parts or just the target in general; then you roll the dice to see if you hit them. The advantage to this is you can aim to shoot in the head (Which deals extra damage) or limbs (Which can disable that limb from any further use). It has great strategic value when facing opponents who use a dominant hand.

What to Do

Anything you could possibly want. You tell me what you want to try to do; I’ll tell you how to make it happen. The main advantage to having skills and dice rolling is that, just like in real life, you can’t do everything. And even with minimal skill with something, you can still perform amazing things.

Hell, I’m the one telling the story, but you are all the ones who will make it. Everything I tell you about the story, it’s told because you caused it. You looked into that cabinet to find the limbs. Really, you have control over the story more than I do. I’m just the guy sending zombies after you all in an attempt to kill you. That’s all.

If you are unsure if you would like it, just try it! See if you like it and if you want to continue or not. Nothing to lose is there?

What is There

There is a wide variety of weapons, pistols, rifles, shot guns, heavy weapons (Rocket launchers, flame throwers), grenades/explosives, all types of melee weapons and even bows!

Ammunition is needed, but its not always just bullets! You can get ammunition for different things, hollow point, armor piercing, incendiary, long range, etc...

Armor is here, but you can wear two different gloves, or boots, there is helmets and body armor as well!

Modifications! Change your guns or armor. Add silencers, scopes, flash lights, or add in a chip to add a desired functionality!

Items Include: Healing items and things to help ignore pain, drugs, cures to the infection, any anything else you could possibly want!

Addiction! You can't just take drugs constantly, you will get addicted then have to go through withdrawal. But drugs often give you a boost to your skills!

Zombies! Lots of unique zombies to make things interesting.


Here you will find a list of people that display interest in joining Extinction - or who is playing the game.


  • Pineapple - The Dungeon Master

    Pineapple (myself) is responsible for the creation of Extinction, I created the entire game and it's mechanics, and since it's creation three years ago I have been in constant work, preforming tweeks and gameplay changes. I have a world built up with Lore, including locations and people.

[*]Miz - Dungeon Master's Dungeon Worker & Content Editor

  • Miz, a partial co-creator that has been playing since first edition, and is responsible for helping me add new game mechanics, tweaking game mechanics, co-dungeon mastering, as well as helping design the spread sheets and information for the game. He is also chief of Lore creation for the Extinction World.

[*]Monsterous - Dungeon Master's Dungeon Work & Content Editor

  • Monsterous, a long time fan and player that has now taking content creation as a new creed. He works on adding new game mechanics, new lore and giving his advice on tweaking previous mechanics. He also takes some time to dungeon master special sessions of Extinction.


  • Miz
  • ElderKingpin
  • Monsterous
  • God-Emporer (Silverwolf)
  • Deus
  • ???

    Everyone is a gameplay tester! You will all get to play a pen and paper RPG that is completely unique. One that is ALWAYS under construction! With your help the gameplay mechanics may change completely or just slightly.
Just like last time I am 100% ready to join this and willingly to help out with anything you might require. :cool:
Congratulations, you are now a Survivor.

I hope a few more people will join us :)
We are still working on making a lot of modifications. Fun and Awesome new mechanics.
A New mechanic to the game: Phobias and Traits.

Perhaps your character is scared of heights? Fog? Death?

Maybe your character is Ambidexterous? An Insomniac? A Quick Learner?

You can further customize your character by gaving them fears, and based off of those fears you can choose Traits for your character to have.

Or you can have no fears and no traits. Or you can have fears and no traits if you really want to.
Sure you can totally join, we will usually be in the RP Chat at 12pm EST.

We might not play the Chat RP though today because Pineapple still might be on Vacation, but we will be meeting up even if we don't play to work on our Extinction Forum RP characters. (They are separate from the Chat RP)

So feel free to stop by, we would love to have you. :D
i moved this to the opening night, so people know the game is still accepting players, and we would love to have you! It's a very easy game to get into.

And, as my players can vouch for, a very newbie friendly DM, who will make your character with you, step by step.

Did I mention Extinction is the longest running game on the Inn?


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