[Extinction] Extinction - Suggestions and Ideas


The Rotten Fruit
If you have an Idea or Suggestion, please make a new thread or add it to a pre-existing thread about the same topic or game mechanic.



, Miz & Monsterous
Monsterous' Epic List of Traits!


  1. Chastity: You cannot be seduced by others. [2 points]
  2. Animal Handler: You are an excellent animal handler, and they are less agressive towards you. [1 point]
  3. Strong Stomach: Your stomach can easily handle less than adequte food. [1/2 points]
  4. Sense Recovery :The time spent deaf or blind is halved. [2/3 points]
  5. Courage: You gain 10% Bravery if you are with a friend. [3 points]
  6. Brain Damage: The penalty for aiming for heads is now only 5%. [3 points]
  7. Strong Immunity: You can now heal infected damage after non-lethal damage if you choose to. [1/2 points]
  8. Fast Metabolism: You now heal 1 point of damage every 8 hours instead of every day. [3 points]
  9. Snug Fit: The penalties of wearing makeshift armour is halved (rounded up). [3 points]
  10. Steady Hand: You can fire a two handed weapon with one hand. This also increases your roll to hit with one handed weapons by one. [2/3 points]
  11. Hawk's Eye: You gain -20 on notice checks that involve very small details. [2/3 points]
  12. Grounded: It takes heavy impacts/shockwaves to knock you down. [2 points]
  13. First Impressions: The first time you meet someone, your Charm is increased by 2. [2 points]
  14. Observative Mind: You now gain a % modifier to skills you do not know when you see someone else do it, to a maximum of the first rank of the skill. [4 points]
  15. Leadership: People are less likely to turn their back on you. [2 points]
  16. Well Rested: The first three rolls you make within an hour of you waking up are more likely to be successful. [3 points]
  17. Medicially Gifted: Bandages and creams now persist even if you take damage, but the effects are reduced by half. [3 points]
  18. Assassin: When starting an ambush, you now gain two extra combat rounds instead of one. [2 points]
  19. Time Crisis/Steel Nerves: When in a severe crisis, if you can get out of it, you gain -2o on your roll to get out of the crisis. [4 points]
  20. Heavy Endurance: When carrying someone, you do not get a penalty for running. [2 points]
  21. Patient Aim: For the cost of a combat round, your next attack will guarantee half of your attack hits to hit (rounded up). [2 points!

Monsterous' Semi-Epic List of Items!


  1. Seimono Falcon: A Pair of lime-coloured gloves with built-in gyroscopes to steady aiming at long distances. Long distance shots from rifle weapons now no longer have penalties. [Defense 3] [Arms]
  2. Seimono Rex: A Dark green outfit that utilizies pneumatic actuators to augment your physical strength, however requires recharging after a few uses at a power outlet. [increases Strength by 2] [Defense 5] [Chest]
  3. Nova Glare: Allows the use of Thermal Imagery when using the helmet. [2 Defense] [Head]
  4. Nova Swift: A pair of flexible, grey gauntlets linked to a grey helmet with neural sensors. Having the head will increase your reaction by 5% per gauntlet you have on. [Defense 3] [Head] [Arms]
  5. Seimono Gecko: A pair of vivid orange gloves with small cusps on the front. Wearing both grants a +10% to climbing. [Defense 2] [Arms]


  1. Ammo: Scatter Shells: Doubles the damage of your hit, but only 1/4 of it can hit one target. (Shotguns)
  2. Ammo: Cluster Rockets: Each rocket deals 1/3 of the normal damage of a rocket, but requires a roll to hit with each. (Rocket Launchers)
  3. Seimino Quake: A large rifle utilizing small rounds to perferate organic targets. (1d1 organic. Cannot hurt non-organic. 35 Attack hits (roll 1d35 to see how many hit) Type - 2mm rounds. Clip: 175 rounds. Reload: 4. Weapon Profciency: 15. Medium: 20. Long: 40.)
  4. Hood Modification: Red-dot Sight: Increases chance to hit by one. Can break from a strong impact.
  5. Nova Stalker: A silenced, one round pistol utilizing specialized ammo designed to take down targets from the shadows. (15d2 both organic and non organic. 1 Attack hit. Type - 10.5mm Nova rounds. Clip: 1 round. Reload: 1. Weapon Proficiency: 14. Medium: 80. Long: 160.) (Built-in Silencer)

Medical Items

  1. Disinfectant: Disinfects any zombie-related wound, Transferring the infected damage to normal damage.
  2. Chloroform: When inhaled, will knock out the recipient for a few minutes. (Liquid Inhaler)
  3. Astra Heat: Masks your internal heat to outside sensors. (Body lotion)
  4. Seimono Herb: A turquoise, thick paste inside a small glass jar. (4 initial healing. -6 damage adjustment. Removes poison effects. Not addictive) [based on no medicine skill] (Medical Cream)
  5. Astra Cleanse: A needle full of a swirl of orange-green liquid. (Removes a third of your infected damage. 35% addictive.)
A just recently put in the values for most of these items. So some of it may be broken

Medical System:

Damage from zombies is now called Diseased damage groups of them are called the Disease to allow the infection system

All damage should now be categorized under cuts, bruises, or punctures, or fractures, or combinations.

Cuts: Would be things like a giant claw ripping off part of your arm.

Bruises: Would be blunt trauma, so a club hitting your head

Punctures: Punctures would be things like being stabbed or being shot, a very broad term that covers anything that going into the body.

Fractures: To keep things simple, bruises that deal over 15 damage will cause the bone to be fractured.

All of these can be treated differently with different Astra™ items! Cuts can be cauterized very carefully by certain Astra™ equipment. This does not take away a regular person’s ability to heal, damage is still dealt and heal normally but the different types of injuries are categorized to allow more items into the game for more fun™. Cuts are open wounds

Bruises are treated with special ointments that reconstruct and flatten and push down a bump or a bruise. Bruises are closed wounds

Punctures are treated with special Astra™ pads that will cover said wound and begin to use a mix of ointments and vitamins that speed up the natural process of healing. Punctures are open wounds.

Fracture as stated, fractures are when the bones in a human body are broken. Depending on the fracture area, it will add a modifier of 20 to any action using said extremity. Fractures are treated with makeshift splints (cloth and something straight) and will heal after 3 days, regardless of how severe (for simplicity). If a fracture is within a splint than an individual will only have a modifier of 10 but will take 2 points of damage for every use unless a numbing agent is used. If not put within a splint then it will take a full week for healing.

Cuts and punctures bleed, which means they are open wounds. Which gives a chance of infection. Infection is a very real thing outside of a controlled environment. Whenever you take over 20 straight damage of a cut or a puncture unless the wound is treated and disinfected within an hour you will roll a dice that has a 50% chance of you getting infected. Infection will reduce the healing rate of any wound by half and deal 1 damage every 3 hours for a week. Generally the only thing needed to stop infections would be to cover up the wound before onset or wash the wound. Severe wounds are generally harder to stop from infections and anything that deals 35+ damage will adjust the roll to 70% chance of you getting infected

A more complicated heirarchy for damage would be

Damage: 3

Cuts: 1

Bruises: 1

Punctures: 1

Infected Damage: 3

Cuts: 1

Bruises: 1

Punctures: 1

Total Damage: 6

New Debuffs:

Burnt: Deals regular damage and will burn an individual scaled ⅓ of the damage for two seconds. So a bullet dealing burn damage of 3 will inflict 3 initial damage and another 1 for two more seconds for a total of 5. Will also scar a person, meaning that they will take ¼ more damage from any damage on that body part. So 4 would become 5 (rounded down). Scars can only be healed by an Astra Caret Igne. If a cauterization is done poorly or incorrectly it will deal burn damage equal to half to the damage that you took from the original weapon.

Infection: When bacteria and pathogens reach a person’s wound site the wound will start to become infected (different from actual infection) the wound will heal at half of the rate and will deal 1 damage every 3 hours to the person until death or treatment.

Frostbite: A serious disease that occurs when the body becomes too cold, first degree frostbite will cause the skin to be itchy and painful and eventual swelling will occur. Second degree frostbite will cause freezing of the top layer of skin and blisters will occur on the skin, unless treated, the afflicted areas will no longer be able to feel hot or cold. Third and fourth degree frostbites will almost guarantee a necessary amputation of the extremities of gangrene is to set in.

Anemia: A disease literally meaning lacking blood. If an individual has taken over 30 puncture or cutting damage they will roll for a 60% chance of contracting anemia, anemia will make all rolls add 15 and if not treated within 3 days, the individual will die. If the wound site is treated then the individual will continue to suffer the 15 penalty for 12 hours.

Astra adspergine in fascia: A spray on bandage that heals for half of a regular bandage, initial and over time, but is not interrupted by damage, will stop healing after healing 11 damage (including initial).

Astra Caret Igne: A special type of adhesive wrap that will cover inflicted burn areas and heal them of scars, will also heal an initial of 5 and another 2 every hour.

Astra rectus Crus: A cream that when applied to a certain body part will render that body part completely straight and immovable. This cream will replace a makeshift splint and will wear off after the fracture is healed.

Astra magna vis: A special type of strength steroid that will do a -10 modifier to any kind of strength skill. Will last 1 hour and for 30 minute after use it will cause the user to be extremely weak, adding a +15 modifier. 35% chance of addiction. Multiple uses within a day will cause diminishing returns on the initial and increasing returns on the side-effects

Astra visionis nocturnæ: A pill that is infused with a modified type of Vitamin A that will allow an individual to basically have perfect night vision as if they were in the day, practically night vision goggles in pill form. During night or dark areas the individual will gain a modifier of -10 to any notice checks involving the eyes. Will last 1 hour and will have 45 minutes of extreme sensitivity to such a point as to blind an individual if not careful. Multiple uses within a day will cause diminishing returns on initial and increasing returns on the side effects, extreme uses will cause the eyes to no longer be able to re size the pupil, leaving the individual unable to go outside of the current lighting.

Astra lapis cutis: A cream that gives the user extremely hard skin. When used in a large area, will slightly harden the skin, equivalent to perhaps wood. When used in a localized area, as the knuckles, the skin will become as tough as enamel. Over large areas the cream will give only a defense rating of 2, on localized areas, the cream will get a defense rating of 6. Will last 30 minutes. If used several times, severe boils and sores will occur on afflicted body areas.

Astra acutus inspector: An injectable drug that wires almost all of the brain’s functions to the eyes, allowing an individual almost superhuman observation skills at the cost of weakening the body’s other functions. Will give an individual a -15 to all notice checks involving the eyes but a +10 to everything else. Unless the user has high knowledge the brain will be quickly overwhelmed with all of the information being forced into it, unless controlled the individual will pass out for about 3 hours. Lasts 15 minutes. Rapid uses will cause extreme stress on the brain and may cause death

Astra loquitur linguis: A type of injectable drug developed with the insight of language teachers that amplify a person’s ability to comprehend languages they do not know

Astra audiente maximo: An injectable drug that hardwires almost all brain functions to the ears, once used an individual will surfer similar affects as an Astra acutus inspector but for the ears. Will give an individual a -15 to all notice checks involving the ear and will give a +10 to everything else. Lasts 15 minutes and directly after use leaves the user extremely sensitive to sound. If not careful an individual could be deafened for months.

Astra vide per: A special battery powered tablet that has sensors on the back that displays various inner workings of an individual, it is used for internal injuries where removing the wrong area of skin would be deadly. Modifies medicine to -10

Astra corporis temperatura: A special battery powered tablet that will detect a person’s body temperature, has short range but can see through walls if needed. Depending on use will modify medicine -5 or modify notice checks -5.

Astra dator vitae: An advanced defibrillator that has a 40% chance of reviving someone that has recently died, medical doctors will be able to adjust the voltage to allow higher chances of success, although success is never guaranteed.

Astra transfusio sanguinis: Two hypodermic needles that are connected by tubing, a recent breakthrough in blood transfusions allow quick transfer of blood to individuals who are in danger of anemia. If a person uses this instrument more than once to treat anemia then that person will contract anemia from his own lack of blood.

Astra adurere: A special type of heated blade that is either battery powered or plugged in that will instantly cauterize an individual. The blade will instantly heal all cuts that are 20 or more in damage. If the individual is not cauterized with a numbing agent than they will take half of the cut damage in burn damage but will not leave a scar.
Thats for all the suggestions! They are being processed, may suggestions will be used, they may not be exactly as you posted, they may be slightly modified, but be asured they will be used!

Oh, and if you have more Trait ideas, those are great! We need a good amount more of them!
As I told someone to suggest, we need a trait in which you get a bonus on rolls when at low health. Dunno the specifics on it, but it needs to exist. It'd be related to Adrenaline, maybe a bonus to ignore damage as well.
low health is over 50, as you must fail by 50 or more to die.

As far as traits go, they have since been finished, though post what you have if you were working on them.

As well, would you people let to spend 30 minutes or so discussing current changes at the start of the session?
Pineapple and I are working on some new Infected for 3.0. I think you guys will like them. We definitely tried to give each type of Infected a specialty. Some are disturbing, others are just like "Honey Badger". All in all, All infected now are a threat to you. Though some old favorites do come back, but more fun now. We have a bunch more to do. So if you think we missed anything with our Zombies or you want to see something. Suggest it!

PS - They will be able to be played in Astra Chronicles as well. I am including a fairly long description of them under each statistical profile. So that we can convert them over.

PS-S - Once again! Suggest some we will be glad to hear your ideas. While we probably won't use them exactly, we will try to incorporate whatever you suggest.
Hawk Tech Recreational Industries. They create bows for sport. no one creates bow for combat. :P

And, unless you have full faith you understand the sheet (you probably wont) I would suggest contacting me tomorrow to deal with character transfer.
Pets for Extinction 3.0 are in the works.

Edit - Well more like being reintroduced they were in Extinction 2.0, somewhat??
We are planning for having all sorts of pets, from squirrels, to dogs, to...

Whales? What?

also, this is now 3.1
For those of you interested, I have some notes to release for Pets.

Animals are divided into different groups based on their size. Of course the needs to be met are different with every category as you know its much easier to keep a squirrel happy then it is a Rhinosaurus. There will be more information on this later, but for those of you curious as to what animals you might be able to get:


Canine (<60 lbs)

Feline (Small)



Bird (Small)

Aquatic (Small)

Snakes (Small)



Canine (>60 lbs)

Feline (Medium)

Birds of Prey

Aquatic (Medium)

Snakes (Large)







Feline (Large)






Flightless Birds





All of these creatures will have a specific advantage. Though that is for you to find out later. If you think we missed a creature/critter you want to have or could see having, please post below.
After a lot of talk yesterday, its been decided that we will be moving to Version 4.0, some real major changes that add some realism and bring some balance to several issues. If you have an idea that you think should be included, don't forget to post here.
If you have an Idea or Suggestion, please make a new thread or add it to a pre-existing thread about the same topic or game mechanic.


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