Absence Explaining Some Things~


The magician
Hello Everyone, I am Wolfsbane, but please call me Wolf. Most of you won't remember/recognize me here, and that is simply because of circumstances that I will briefly cover in this thread. (Apologies for the flat post. I am limited to mobile posting for the time being, as my desktop AND laptop have died this past year. RIP~)
So, I joined RPNation about two years back and spent a few months getting to know the forum, and observing a bit of the community. I reached out to a few roleplays, and members, but unfortunately was unable to ever get into anything.
Thi, unfortunately, was because shortly after signing up, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. All of my time and attention over the past two years has been entirely monopolized by taking her to appointments, and monitoring & maintaining her mental health. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, I would die for that woman! I’m just incredibly overwhelmed and exhausted emotionally. I haven’t done something for my own enjoyment in such a long time, and with COVID on top of everything, I’m about going
Fortunatly, as of Monday my mother had her 5th surgery, and I’m ecstatic to say that she is cancer free! This being said, I have been slowly integrating myself back into my hobbies, and RPNation is my first stop. I feel that this will be a place I can integrate at my own pace, and still have the support of the community.
So please, I ask for any direction or input on places/roleplays that would suit me. Also feel free to ask me any questions about myself and/or my roleplay style and interests.
Oh my gosh! Just dropping by to say major respect towards your mother. That fight is never a fun one, I beat cancer a couple years ago, myself. I know how that can be not only exhausting for the patient, but everyone involved too. The disease really is a black hole that sucks everything in.

Take as much time as you need to reacclimate. I reccomend browsing around the recruitment section when you're ready to jump back into RP, but really, go at your own pace. We're happy to have you back. 🎗
Thank you so much for posting! My mother really is a powerful woman. On top of losing a breast, her mother(my grandmother), passed away in 2020 as well. Not to mention that her brother(my uncle) is trying to screw her out of her inheritance. Ahhh, sorry, I’m ranting. It’s just been a mess.
Thank you so much for posting! My mother really is a powerful woman. On top of losing a breast, her mother(my grandmother), passed away in 2020 as well. Not to mention that her brother(my uncle) is trying to screw her out of her inheritance. Ahhh, sorry, I’m ranting. It’s just been a mess.
Man, what an absolute badass. Absolutely phenomenal, I'm so glad she's pulled through. I'm glad you pulled through too. My own mother was who stood by me every day and she is an absolute trooper. We're both a bit messed up from it but we're marching on.
hey, welcome back! do i run around the website too much because i recoginzed your username on here lol, congrats with your mom, too!

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