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Fandom Exeggutor Contest OOC

Hi hello
Sorry I haven't posted yet (life stuff keeps happening 😭)
Aiming to get to it later or tomorrow, time and brain allowing
I'll post today or tomorrow.
Was waiting for someone to post so I don't double my mentions.
I'll post today or tomorrow.
Was waiting for someone to post so I don't double my mentions.
awh man, that ended being a 'lie'
anywho, if I can't do one quickly today I'll make sure I do one tomorrow ✨
EDIT: I feel stalked with these likes 😰
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Will do my best to get a post up over the weekend! Sorry I haven't been able to get them out very fast - I hope it's not too much of an issue
No worries, just wanted to see who's in it for the long run. If some people have dropped then we can skip over their battles and get to wrapping up.
Sorry I've not got it up yet! I'm still in, just haven't been in a writing headspace. Hoping to try again this weekend but I understand if you need to move ahead without me.

No worries. I think we're gonna have to plan to wrap-up though.

The winner of Laurie vs Haizou goes on to face Altair, but Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes doesn't want to win, so they would advance to the finals. Afterward they would likely face either G or Esther from Hecotoro Hecotoro or myself.

After your fight ends I think we can jump straight to that finals match, what you y'all think?

Wormy Wormy CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT Patriot Patriot
Say the word and Altair will go easy on you.

Unless your character don't want that then shrug I guess we can battle it out and manipulate RNG
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I will now issue a formal apology for using parafusion swagger foul play.


And I won't do it again. Maybe. Maybe not.
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Just to let you know I have made some progress with writing my post! Hoping I'll get a burst of concentration to finish it soon ^^
btw, you don't have to do everything by the books. You can finish up your battle via other methods as well, if you want to do a collab post to decide the outcome or decide it via Showdown then that's alright too
Is anyone else's battle finished or smt? <feels like I missed something lol
Hi hello! Really sorry I still haven't sorted the post. Probably best to skip to the end of that battle because my brain is Not Cooperating and I've got myself in a mess about it. If it's okay with everyone, we can just assume Heizou won.

Are we still aiming to get to the end of the RP? I'm struggling to gauge how many of us are left.

Thanks for your patience with me! <3
Hi hello! Really sorry I still haven't sorted the post. Probably best to skip to the end of that battle because my brain is Not Cooperating and I've got myself in a mess about it. If it's okay with everyone, we can just assume Heizou won.

Are we still aiming to get to the end of the RP? I'm struggling to gauge how many of us are left.

Thanks for your patience with me! <3
Don't stress yourself over so much, take a break, you most surely deserve it.
As far as I can tell we've got 6 people still in it and the brackets would look like this:


I would like to reach the end and I'm willing to work with whoever is willing to work with me. If we aren't able to RP out every battle then we don't have to, if we'd rather discuss/talk out a conclusion then that's definitely in the cards as well. We can share our move sets, do some quick discussion and then jointly decide on how the Tournament plays out.

For the record, Nua & Esther faced each other via Discord, we hashed it out real quick and got it done.
Laurie vs G, they had a fierce battle, blood was shed, tears were dropped and in the end Laurie won. Match of the year ngl

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