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Fantasy Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts


Kabehchet Allrasid


320yrs looks 18 - 20yrs human










Long Black often braided back or tossed up in a messy up do


Bright green


Caramel colored


Almawt'Alssjjan (more to be revealed )


the holders of Dark and Necromancer magic also known as Korettlnesti called known better to the masses as Drow or Trow by some Races. Worshipers of the daemon and dark goddesses. They true dark elves, dark skinned are beautiful like their cousin races, most closely related to the Atearaneaesti in stature, appearance, but not values and demeanor, only telltale difference in physical appearance is that the Korettlnesti's eyes tend to range from deep crimson to black or dark colors to reflect the evil that has overtaken their souls. They live in the the deep under ground subteranian caverns like their cousins often at war over land and resources. Tend to wear hair long and loose unlike their cousins the Atearaneaesti. Personal gain is always on their mind even if that means assassinating their own family members. Once believed that the Korettlnesti and Atearaneaesti were the same race but split asunder due to their beliefs and ambitions. Average height is between six and seven feet tall.


(Translated as mages of the forgotten) An elven race particularly gifted in psionic powers and ancient magic, thought to be cousins to the Selaithesti for the tendency to have raven colored hair. Their eyes varying shades of green and blue but the pupils are ringed in silver or gold and the irises are flecked with gold or silver. They are omnivourous and are of similiar elven build and stature averaging between six and seven feet tall. The Arkenesti as they are sometimes refered to are rather good with bladed weapons and favor wielding two equal length.

Their Kingdom is found on the cliffs of Rahaelon.

Identifying Marks:

Birth marks: Phoenix on her hip, Scales of Virtue on her


Appearance :

Weapon :

Two large sabers and the Scales of Justice: she can weigh a person's soul actually see if someone's soul tell if it is good or bad or not see their aura and if they have full filled their tasks to move on


Ancient Egyptian and Necromantal Arts, Blood and Soul and Aura Magics

Other Skills: Weaponry Master


Necromancer Priestess and Warrior The Scales of Justice

Shadow Manipulation has Minons: skeletal army of mummified cats


A Jackal : Tanenu

A Serpent: Apep

A Black Panther: Bäst

Special Abilities: Necromancy

Gifted with Egyptian weapons, Ability to understand; any language decode any language Sonic voice - can take out an opponent with the vibrations of sound. Sirens Song, has the ability to lure opponents to their deaths or sooth them to sleep it depends on what song she sings so don't utter a peep. A gentle lullaby to help you rest your heads or a nightmarish warning of winding up dead.

A Trans-Dimensional Gate Keeper : can open the dimensional fabric of between worlds

A Bit'O'History:

Daughter of Haris and Alanah Allrasid coming from a long bloodline of Weapons Masters decedent from Pharoahs, Queens and Egyptian Noblity she grew up in Egypt. She has lived between the City and Egypt since she was a child. Her family a large academy financial contributor.

Parents are diplomats and have been for the foreign nations for many years.

Kabehchet has from an early age been trained to be skilled in martial arts and with weapons. She has had classes in classic Egyptian dance, hip hop, belly dancing, ballet, gymnastics, fencing, sword fighting, voice. She loves singing and dancing. She was tutored in lessons from government to horticulture from the moment she could talk. Her parents made sure she was a well rounded Diplomat and could one day take her place of nobility. (Not much to live up to right)


Extremely Intelligent, Well versed in procedures and rules (because of parents), Energetic, Great voice and dancing skills, Selfless,Shares what she has


Knows rules a little too well and how to get away with things Can sometimes forget she is privileged shes a bit of a flirt. can be a little bull headed sometimes

Likes: Boys a lot getting into girls a little, reptiles, large cats little cats dogs any kind of animal really

Dislikes :

her station in Society, Liers

Occupation :


"Magical and Mythical or so you thought it was" Biology and Botany (includes Surface Realm, Nimkoehther and Shadow Realm)

Beginer to Advanced Necromancy: learn the art of romancing the dead, contracts, soul bonding, Familiars, laws regarding Familiars and masters and their exceptions, summoning, resurrection, healing with death, communication, IMMORTALITY

Foreign Cuisine: Taste and prepare even collect ingredients of Foreign Cuisine from other cultures and worlds.

2nd Weapons Master: Assists First Weapons Master in teaching proper use handling and spells for Weaponry as well as hand to hand combat both magical and non, Martial arts

Housing: There are currently 4 entrances to her property located on the school grounds. One can be accessed from her classroom, they are used to access the Nimkoehther of her world for her Biology and Botany classes.
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Kazehana said:
I don't think I understand. This is an rp based around the idea that the characters are supposed to be developing their magic in some way. How do you plan to be a part of the rp if you can't use magic and don't have any classes?
Also, why is a half demon a demon hunter?
avaitheking said:
he doesnt know hes half demon and ok
You gotta tell me on how you plan to participate. There's nothing particularly wrong with your character. It's just that I don't think you would fit in very well if you didn't have magic and didn't attend any classes.

Weapon :

Two large sabers and the Scales of Justice: she can weigh a person's soul actually see iff someone's soul tell if it is good or bad or not see their aura and if they have full filled their tasks to move on)


Arcane arts


Shadow Manipulation


The Jackal

The Serpent

A Bit'O'History:

Daughter of Haris and Alanah Allrasid coming from a long bloodline of Weapons Masters decedent from Pharoahs, Queens and Egyptian Noblity she grew up in Egypt. She has lived between theb City and Egypt since she was a child. Her family a large academy financial contributor.

Parents are diplomats and have been for the foreign nations for many years.

Kabehchet has from an early age been trained to be skilled in martial arts and with weapons. She has had classes in classic Egyptian dance, hip hop, belly dancing, ballet, gymnastics, fencing, sword fighting, voice. She loves singing and dancing. She was tutored in lessons from government to horticulture from the moment she could talk. Her parents made sure she was a well rounded Diplomat and could one day take her place of nobility. (Not much to live up to right)


Apep her snake and Tanenu her Jackal (which you will see she adores)


Extremely Intelligent

Well versed in procedures and rules (because of parents)


Great voice and dancing skills


Shares what she has


Knows rules a little too well and how to get away with things

Can sometimes forget she is privileged

Dislikes her station in Society

Bit of a flirt

Can be a little bull headed sometimes

Special Abilities:

Gifted wi th Egyptian weapons, Ability to understand; any language decod any language Sonic - can take out an opponent with the vibrations of sound.

Sirens Song, has the ability to lure to their deaths or sooth them to sleep it depends on what song she sings so don't utter a peep. A gentle lullaby to help you rest your heads or a nightmarish warning of winding up dead.
Okay 2 things. 1, you didn't specify your classes. 2, what do you mean by arcane arts? That's a bit too broad and vague as it could basically mean anything.
avaitheking said:
Name: Avai
Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race/species: Half human half demon

Skills in magic: None

Weapons: soul dagger



Backstory: His mom died at birth and his dad left him at the age of 10 giving him a soul dagger named Gaga who the soul can only talk to Avai no one else can see Gaga.

Abilities/Powers: Can turn into full demon at times

Personality: Mean

Likes and Dislikes: Likes his soul dagger Gaga dislikes everyone

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Crush: Likes to be alone

Classes: none if thats ok

Class: Demon hunter

Markings/Tattoo's: Has a scar on his face

Home: Lives on the streets of Kileah until recently coming to Excelius

Other/Misc: Has a gem that his mom saved for him
I'm afraid I cannot accept this because of a few reasons. One, this is far to short and not quite detailed. Two, if you're attending the academy then you have to take classes (If you've something else in mind PM me and we can work something out), and lastly, he needs to have some skill in magic. If you'd like, I could help you put more detail into this. @avaitheking
Kazehana said:
Okay 2 things. 1, you didn't specify your classes. 2, what do you mean by arcane arts? That's a bit too broad and vague as it could basically mean anything.
Ok was half awak when posted didn't realize I posted wrong version of draft I'll fix and repost

Weapon :

Two large sabers and the Scales of Justice: she can weigh a person's soul actually see iff someone's soul tell if it is good or bad or not see their aura and if they have full filled their tasks to move on


Ancient Egyptian and Necromantal Arts


Shadow Manipulation


The Jackal : Tanenu

The Serpent: Apep

Black Panther: Bäst

Minons: skeletal army of mummified cats

Special Abilities:

Gifted with Egyptian weapons, Ability to understand; any language decod any language Sonic - can take out an opponent with the vibrations of sound.

Sirens Song, has the ability to lure to their deaths or sooth them to sleep it depends on what song she sings so don't utter a peep. A gentle lullaby to help you rest your heads or a nightmarish warning of winding up dead.

A Bit'O'History:

Daughter of Haris and Alanah Allrasid coming from a long bloodline of Weapons Masters decedent from Pharoahs, Queens and Egyptian Noblity she grew up in Egypt. She has lived between theb City and Egypt since she was a child. Her family a large academy financial contributor.

Parents are diplomats and have been for the foreign nations for many years.

Kabehchet has from an early age been trained to be skilled in martial arts and with weapons. She has had classes in classic Egyptian dance, hip hop, belly dancing, ballet, gymnastics, fencing, sword fighting, voice. She loves singing and dancing. She was tutored in lessons from government to horticulture from the moment she could talk. Her parents made sure she was a well rounded Diplomat and could one day take her place of nobility. (Not much to live up to right)


Apep her snake and Tanenu her Jackal (which you will see she adores)


Extremely Intelligent

Well versed in procedures and rules (because of parents)


Great voice and dancing skills


Shares what she has


Knows rules a little too well and how to get away with things

Can sometimes forget she is privileged

Dislikes her station in Society

Bit of a flirt

Can be a little bull headed sometimes

Accepted, and for your classes there is a list of professors and what they teach so you can chose from what's there and whatever else ya want.
LilyannaGaming said:
Name: Marie Protise
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race/species: Human, And part ancient (Will be revealed in Rp)

Skills in magic: Teleportation

Weapons: Daggers


View attachment 222715


I have no backstory, well... Except I remember only glimpses of my past intill 5 days ago after I escaped from a holding chamber of sorts.




Sweet, kind, Confused, lost.

Likes and Dislikes:

im not sure. I like the color violet, but that's all I know.


I am asexual (Prefers neither Gender.)





Class: I am an Ancient, but im not sure what of....

Markings/Tattoo's: (optional)

View attachment 222722 it means Prophet

Home: (Where you are from)

I..I don't know

Other/Misc: Nope!

Morning (breakfast)

half past 7 o'clock

until half past 8 o'clock

First class

Professor Shaltea: Healing Magic and Illusion magic.

9 o'clock until quarter after 10

Second class

Professor Varien: Alchemy

Quarter after 10 until half after 11

Third class

Professor Addor: Magic control

Half after 11 till 12 o'clock

Lunch (mid day)

12 o'clock till exactly 1 o'clock

Forth class

Professor Draconus: Defense of dark magic

1 o'clock till half past 2

Fifth class

Professor Adlin: Miracle type magic and charms

Half past 2 until half past 3
Name: Ara

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race/species: Human

Skills in magic: Ice and water magic

Weapons: Ice scythe




Once upon a time, Ara laughed and talked like a regular boy. He was taught ice magics that were passed down in his generation. One day, after he came back to his village after his test to become full sorceror, he found that his village was burned, and his people slaughtered. He stared in horror as his family was killed. He used all of his magics to instantly freeze every single one of the attackers, and shatter them into dust. Ever since then, he spoke little, and laughed none at all. Now he seeks to study and improve his magic even more.

Abilities/Powers: Remove heat from objects, manipulate water and ice

Personality: Quiet, calm, doesn't speak much or loudly

Likes and Dislikes:

Likes reading books, playing with ice

Dislikes loud people

Sexuality: Pansexual

Crush: None

Classes: Elemental manipulation, Ice sculptor class

Class: Sorceror

Markings/Tattoo's: None

Home: An Unknown norther village
Name: Astra Paven

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race/species: Human Sorceress

Skills in magic: Dark magic

Weapons: Her magic but she carries her knife with her just in case



she looks like this and wears that in battle.


She wears the hood when travelling and the dress casually.


Astra was a nice little girl, but one day, as she was experimenting with her powers her house caught ablaze. Her parents died and Astra was just saved by a wolf called Leventa. The wolf brought her to these fairies that became her replacement parents. When Astra turned 18, the fairies decided that her magic was too powerful and needed to be controlled.

Abilities/Powers: She has dark black magic. She can bring up powerful skeletal warriors from the ground but it drains her, she can also put a shield around her that withers or melt any weapon that try to penetrate. Astra has extremely powerful magic that can kill if she tries to summon all the hate within her.

Personality: Extremely quiet, she pushes herself away from people as the ones she loves can break through her dark shield magic, lonely, but loyal when she opens up.


Wolves, bats, darkness, storms, terror, blood and her friends(if she had any)


Happiness, light magic, hugs, sun, and sparkling water.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None

Classes: magic control, defence magics, illusion, healing

Class: Sorceress

Markings/Tattoo's: A tattoo of a withered flowered on her back near her right shoulder.

Home: A small village

BlueAra said:
Name: Ara
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race/species: Human

Skills in magic: Ice and water magic

Weapons: Ice scythe




Once upon a time, Ara laughed and talked like a regular boy. He was taught ice magics that were passed down in his generation. One day, after he came back to his village after his test to become full sorceror, he found that his village was burned, and his people slaughtered. He stared in horror as his family was killed. He used all of his magics to instantly freeze every single one of the attackers, and shatter them into dust. Ever since then, he spoke little, and laughed none at all. Now he seeks to study and improve his magic even more.

Abilities/Powers: Remove heat from objects, manipulate water and ice

Personality: Quiet, calm, doesn't speak much or loudly

Likes and Dislikes:

Likes reading books, playing with ice

Dislikes loud people

Sexuality: Pansexual

Crush: None

Classes: Elemental manipulation, Ice sculptor class

Class: Sorceror

Markings/Tattoo's: None

Home: An Unknown norther village
Rue said:
Name: Astra Paven

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race/species: Human Sorceress

Skills in magic: Dark magic

Weapons: Her magic but she carries her knife with her just in case



she looks like this and wears that in battle.


She wears the hood when travelling and the dress casually.


Astra was a nice little girl, but one day, as she was experimenting with her powers her house caught ablaze. Her parents died and Astra was just saved by a wolf called Leventa. The wolf brought her to these fairies that became her replacement parents. When Astra turned 18, the fairies decided that her magic was too powerful and needed to be controlled.

Abilities/Powers: She has dark black magic. She can bring up powerful skeletal warriors from the ground but it drains her, she can also put a shield around her that withers or melt any weapon that try to penetrate. Astra has extremely powerful magic that can kill if she tries to summon all the hate within her.

Personality: Extremely quiet, she pushes herself away from people as the ones she loves can break through her dark shield magic, lonely, but loyal when she opens up.


Wolves, bats, darkness, storms, terror, blood and her friends(if she had any)


Happiness, light magic, hugs, sun, and sparkling water.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None

Classes: magic control, defence magics, illusion, healing

Class: Sorceress

Markings/Tattoo's: A tattoo of a withered flowered on her back near her right shoulder.

Home: A small village

Name: Tokumei No Serafimu



Race/species: Seraphim

Skills in magic: (Any kind of magic you specialize in etc.)


Destroying demons

Plant growth

Weapons: (Optional. This also counts as staves and such)

Wingblasts:When in seraph form she gaind the ability to let loose feathers that are like holy throwing knives.

Divine retribution: a holy blast that is the equivalent of a nuclear bomb to many lesser demons- it wipes them out of existence.

As far as actual weapons are involved she gains a holy sword that burns with blue fire.

Appearence:Tokumeis hair is a thick mass of wispy, silverish-whitr curls, her skin two toned, whitish with notes of olive. Her figure is thick, her hips large and her bosom likewise.

Backstory: Tokumei is deemed "the formless seraph" for she is quiet as a mouse to most beings. Though like everything, there is always an equal. Many demons and other seraphs can tell her by her divine presence, and in general they duly note her presence.


Speaking to many types of animals.


Plant defense

Holy offense

Personality: Is quite quiet and gentlehearted. Kindness is imbued into her from the moment she was a thought.

Likes and Dislikes: she very much dislikes evil and follows the path of her foremothers, destroying lesser demons whenever possible. She loves sensing kindness in peoples hearts and through their actions.



Classes: (What classes you have in the academy) healing

Class: (If you are a Battlemage, mage, wizard, warlock, etc.)Seraphim

Markings/Tattoo's: (optional) n/a

Home: (Where you are from) the divine aether

Other/Misc: (Any kind of rings or necklaces etc. or just anything else you want to add)

She wears a necklace which looks similar to a ying yang but comprised of a sun and a moon, the suns rays stretching over the moon.

(and anything else you want to add)
TokumeiNoJorogumo said:
Name: Tokumei No Serafimu


Race/species: Seraphim

Skills in magic: (Any kind of magic you specialize in etc.)


Destroying demons

Plant growth

Weapons: (Optional. This also counts as staves and such)

Wingblasts:When in seraph form she gaind the ability to let loose feathers that are like holy throwing knives.

Divine retribution: a holy blast that is the equivalent of a nuclear bomb to many lesser demons- it wipes them out of existence.

As far as actual weapons are involved she gains a holy sword that burns with blue fire.

Appearence:Tokumeis hair is a thick mass of wispy, silverish-whitr curls, her skin two toned, whitish with notes of olive. Her figure is thick, her hips large and her bosom likewise.

Backstory: Tokumei is deemed "the formless seraph" for she is quiet as a mouse to most beings. Though like everything, there is always an equal. Many demons and other seraphs can tell her by her divine presence, and in general they duly note her presence.


Speaking to many types of animals.


Plant defense

Holy offense

Personality: Is quite quiet and gentlehearted. Kindness is imbued into her from the moment she was a thought.

Likes and Dislikes: she very much dislikes evil and follows the path of her foremothers, destroying lesser demons whenever possible. She loves sensing kindness in peoples hearts and through their actions.



Classes: (What classes you have in the academy) healing

Class: (If you are a Battlemage, mage, wizard, warlock, etc.)Seraphim

Markings/Tattoo's: (optional) n/a

Home: (Where you are from) the divine aether

Other/Misc: (Any kind of rings or necklaces etc. or just anything else you want to add)

She wears a necklace which looks similar to a ying yang but comprised of a sun and a moon, the suns rays stretching over the moon.

(and anything else you want to add)
Accepted. Keep in mind that you cannot destroy OCs that are demons

Lezianis Telero







Skills in magic:

Healing Magic - Group, Caster, and Casted Upon

Mystic Weapons - Generates a "spirit" sort of weapon, as pictured above.


Lezianis was born into a poor family, in a distant elven town. Around the age of 10, she became obsessed with magic, specifically Mystic Weapons and healing magic. She studied those magics at her local library for days at a time, and at the age of 17, she found out about Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts, and packed up and headed there.

Stated above, in "Skills in magic."


Lezianis is a very surprisingly friendly person. She is a bookworm who is anxious to learn more, and she is very protective of her friends.

Likes and Dislikes:


  • Magic
  • Books
  • Friends


  • Spiders
  • Heights
  • Fire






Professor Shaltea: Healing Magic and Illusion Magic

Professor Varien: Alchemy

Professor Addor: Magic Control

Professor Draconus: Defense of Dark Magic


Mystic Mage


Lezianis is from a small elven town far Northeast of the Academy.

Other/Misc: None.
LexiTheTurtle said:

Lezianis Telero







Skills in magic:

Healing Magic - Group, Caster, and Casted Upon

Mystic Weapons - Generates a "spirit" sort of weapon, as pictured above.


Lezianis was born into a poor family, in a distant elven town. Around the age of 10, she became obsessed with magic, specifically Mystic Weapons and healing magic. She studied those magics at her local library for days at a time, and at the age of 17, she found out about Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts, and packed up and headed there.

Stated above, in "Skills in magic."


Lezianis is a very surprisingly friendly person. She is a bookworm who is anxious to learn more, and she is very protective of her friends.

Likes and Dislikes:


  • Magic
  • Books
  • Friends


  • Spiders
  • Heights
  • Fire






Professor Shaltea: Healing Magic and Illusion Magic

Professor Varien: Alchemy

Professor Addor: Magic Control

Professor Draconus: Defense of Dark Magic


Mystic Mage


Lezianis is from a small elven town far Northeast of the Academy.

Other/Misc: None.

Le Feu Follet







Skills in magic:

Spiritual magic





A shade more violet. Approximately 7" tall.




Fire/light mimicry - Ghost light -- Feu can mimic a ball of fire and light to produce the effect that it is on fire

Intangibility/invisibility -- It is impossible to physically touch Feu, and it can sometimes be invisible

Flight -- Floats because reasons

Object/remote possession -- Can posses any inanimate object by entering it physically or not

Fear/confusion inducement -- Can induce fear or confusion

Vibrational communication -- Vibrates surrounding air to communicate with corporeal beings

Immortality -- Cannot be killed since it is a spirit

Ectoplasmic manipulation -- Can create, destroy, or freely manipulate ectoplasm


Feu is passive and neutral. It generally does what it wants, so it is rather ambivalent in nature. It is hard to predict what it is thinking or what it will do next. Overall, its personality generally changes depending on the alignment of the stars in accordance to various nebuli as well as the precise temperature, humidity, and barometric readings of the environment. Atmospheric pressure as well as UV-B radiation may also play a role, but this is contestable. However, a portion of the time, it will remain neutral.

Likes and Dislikes:



+General mischievousness

-Being ignored


-Other forms of lighting












A marsh somewhere


Does not attend the academy
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]You got that from the movie brave I remember watching that with my family xD

Shhh just the picture it was the cutest one

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