Exaltificating the KoC! - Ten Winds REVISITED!!

Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

It's from BWC,a combination of Charms lets you...well in the lack of a better way to put it out:Send the Yozis to shit,create a caste,excellency AND anima based on yourself,among lots of other stuff that screw them

well pretty much?The Green Sun Princes said Fuck you I won't do as you tell me!"

(and now that song is stuck into your mind ^^)

Get it if you can ^^

(I'm not sure their new caste gets a name of their own,but I believe it does)
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

well after some time I finished the Fae bro!

And they got their very own different art style =D

Hasishin Leader


Fae Ninja!


If anyone knows their actual names...let me know xD
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

I looked for the names for the character poll. I did not find any. For the lack of anything better to do I nicknamed them Troper Fae and Ninja Fae.
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

Aaand, I revisited Secret like I said I would in another thread =D

Ten and Mew Cai still to come, give me your opinions

(And I really gotta know, how is that "blood flowing through the face" looking like...?

Re: Exaltificating the KoC! - Secret REVISITED!!

It's probably just me, but all I see are frogs in ice cubes. Maybe a different image hosting site?
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

DukeGod said:
Aaand, I revisited Secret like I said I would in another thread =D
Ten and Mew Cai still to come, give me your opinions

(And I really gotta know, how is that "blood flowing through the face" looking like...?

Honestly, I'm not sure whether to d'aww or run away screaming. Lovely work with the anima banner.
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

DukeGod said:
If it helps,I can't draw,just modificate existing pictures
changing a lot of details?Yeah sure.Drawing them from scratch?Yeah not so much

Secret's coming anytime now

By the way,the bases I used for Misho and Marena in case anyone is wondering are the High Wizard and the Stalker from Ragnarok
That makes sense since I thought that Ben looked quite a bit like Alucard from Hellsing. ^^

Good work, nonetheless. :)
Re: Exaltificating the KoC! - Secret REVISITED!!

What happened to the picture of Ten Winds?
Re: Exaltificating the KoC! - Secret REVISITED!!

College happened xD

I'm still trying to do it, just that I sorta give priority to the pics I do for the games I'm in, but when I'm bored with those I do his pic. And some research on effective ways of showing a lightning, ice and wind anima

Edit:If you mean the Old One, I deleted it by mistake and saw myself with no backup
Re: Exaltificating the KoC! - Secret REVISITED!!


Yes, I know there are still problems with it. I should fix them sometime between tonight and next year...



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