Exaltificating the KoC! - Ten Winds REVISITED!!


Junior Member
Ok,so a month ago or so I got into Exaltification art and with a lot of help from danelsan even managed to actually do it =D

So,I modded some pictures after (part) of the cast of Keychain!

Right now I only got Misho and Marena,but more are still to come





Edit:Just noticed that Misho wasn't scaled to his actual size.Damned be the zoom...





Mew Cai


Resonance Ben



Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

If it helps,I can't draw,just modificate existing pictures

changing a lot of details?Yeah sure.Drawing them from scratch?Yeah not so much

Secret's coming anytime now

By the way,the bases I used for Misho and Marena in case anyone is wondering are the High Wizard and the Stalker from Ragnarok
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

Secret,added.I redid her a couple of times may redo it again,something just never seems right xD

Might be creator's paranoia

I used Lire,from Grand Chase for her
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

Before you added Secret, I thought they were all going to be from RO. Also, my main "complaint" would Marena's tattoos, and I don't she would be able to level the Stalker class (although stealing clothes fits well). Minor peeves, but otherwise nice job.
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

RO is a good source for images,but can't cover them all xD

aniway Ten added,he is Ryu aged a lot of years
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

Is Ten that bad that I just scared everyone away?

Anyone,since this is Order of Appearance,I did Mew Cai.Tainted and everything
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

Ten could use some work, but Mew Cai is awesome. I don't think you scared anyone away though.
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

I think a modified raiden would be more suited for Ten other than that all looks good for me.
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

Well,I'll try to make a better Ten if I can find a cool image for it

On a side note:Ben and Flame made me hit a sol freaking stone ¬¬'

Edit:also,Caelum,what's the matter with Marena's tattoos?I tried to make them follow a similar pattern to the one showed in the comic
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

Sorry for double posting(again)but the stone was broken,Ben and Flame added

Also,I gotta ask,how is that dripping blood effect I'm trying to put in their faces working out?

edit:Ah,for ease of search,any new pic will be put in the update post....

Resonance Ben



Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

DukeGod said:
Edit:also,Caelum,what's the matter with Marena's tattoos?I tried to make them follow a similar pattern to the one showed in the comic
caeluN, not caeluM.

Anyway, ironically it is the inaccuracy of the tattoos despite your efforts to mimic her pattern. Not that they look bad at all, quite nice really, but the OCD part of me complains a bit.
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

Ha! Nice idea DukeGod! I don't know how it never occurred to me to make exaltifications for the cast of KoC.

I'd try my own versions, but it would feel like trying to steal your thunder. So I'll just make my marketing^^

if you are not a regular at the White Wolf Exalted forum, you may have missed the thread linked at my signature. Lots more of exaltifications wait there :wink:
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

huuh....I think you're failing some nickname similarity here xD

check your PMs...

Edit:On the WhiteWolf forums that is ^^
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

The "clunkiness" of Ben's guitar will be gone if you work on the hand, I think. I believe the oversizing fits exalted just right and it has style :o

Flame's excellent.

I figured Ben would use double-string guitars though xD
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

Synapse said:
The "clunkiness" of Ben's guitar will be gone if you work on the hand, I think. I believe the oversizing fits exalted just right and it has style :o
Flame's excellent.

I figured Ben would use double-string guitars though xD
The "Deathknight Fight" strips show him with a normal guitar(3 strings actually...but that's just impossible ^^)

Also,sorry for the typo Caelun
Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

OK,sorry for doubleposting First

Secondly,yes,this guy has nothing to do with Keychain(that I'm aware of,if I just foresaw Jukashi's mind...well my doctor told me not to stop taking those pills...)

Thirdly,Late Commemoration for the Broken-Winged Crane.I loved that book =D

Without further delay

Ragnarok Caste Infernal,Alluring Dragon of Beyond the Heavens

Re: Exaltificating the KoC!

Ragnarok Caste? Is this something new from Broken-Winged Crane, or just homebrew? *doesn't have B-WC yet*

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