Exalted VS Scions


New Member
Not sure if this is in the right place, but all well. :shrugs:

How would the Exalted and the gods in Exalted match up to the Scions and Gods in Scion? I've been reading about both games, and then I though, "Could the Exalted take over this world?"

This is because the Titans in Scion are very similar to the Primordials, so I wondered how characters from Exalted would measure up to the characters in Scion.

Just a random thought, and I wasn't able to figure it out on my own due to not being that interested in Scion, and ending up confused by the books. :cry:
Considering Scion has a lot of powers that don't allow the target any sort of check, I'd say the scions start out at an advantage.
They end on one, too. The basic "auto success" nature of Scion mechanics quickly get really insane. The book says something like "at this level, the world is basically a cartoon of your own creation", which isn't far off the mark.
Apples to week-old pumpkins. Mechanical comparison is tempting since both are fruit, but the analogy breaks down, and so does the comparison, especially since even Exalted (which has a better-established scale for its traits and difficulties) has a very flexible, open-to-interpretation scaling.
IanPrice said:
Apples to week-old pumpkins. Mechanical comparison is tempting since both are fruit, but the analogy breaks down, and so does the comparison, especially since even Exalted (which has a better-established scale for its traits and difficulties) has a very flexible, open-to-interpretation scaling.
Could you explain this better? I kinda get what you're saying, bt I know I'm missing a lot of it.
Same reason you can't compare Exalted to World of Darkness meaningfully, at least not based on the stats. Certainly not within any length of time I can imagine reasonably devoting to the project. Consider:

- what, exactly, does 1 die mean in each game?

- what does a success mean?

- what is the default assumption in each game of no-save abilities, and which game's assumptions would you use for the comparison? Attacker applies his, or does defender apply hers, or do both use one set of rules?

- what is the implied scope of capabilities without a magical power specifically outlining them?

All these things are different between Exalted and Scion, making it a rather complex task to try to compare them. Also, I compared Exalted to an apple because I like apples, while Scion is the week-old pumpkin because... what pumpkin?

(I don't like Scion, it totally ripped off Suzerain, and its system is twice as broken as Exalted's ever has been.)
The question is spoiled by the integrity of the mechanics. Scion is a totally broken system past a certain power level - broken in a way that is both over-powered and totally boring. If the inhabitants of Creation are restrained by what is mechanically possible IN creation then the Gods of Scion and their children will just cheese them to death.

On the surface it appears that Scion is just Exalted-lite set in a charming real world setting. In reality Scion is a failed attempt at streamlining the Exalted system that results in a frustrating churl of poorly thought-out game mechanics.

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