[Exalted] Shadows of Nexus

@Wolf Rawrrr, simply being an Exalt doesn't draw any attention. Doing things that only Exalts could do and being obvious about it draws attention. The reason you have to leave the city at the end of the tutorial is that the Realm already knows that an Anathema is there. How else could two of their Terrestrial Exalts have been slain? Not to mention the army of mortal soldiers that were sent back to the Blessed Isle and personally saw you being all glowy and stuff. You leave to allow the city plausible deniability when the Wyld Hunt inevitably comes to find you, not because you're too obvious simply by being an Exalt.

Thank you for answering ayetherebobbyu's question Wolf Rawrrr, Captain Hesperus, and Lord-Leafar.

I agree, if people post the basics of their char, it'll be simple to figure out how much or if the characters know each other.

@PirateLexi, I would highly recommend getting more defense, even if it's only some form of armor or a specialty. If just two or three of the Extras in a fairly early battle were to attack you, it could be quite difficult for your character as it is now to survive without you being exceedingly clever, running away, or spending an excessive number of motes. That goes for everybody. More defense is good. If your character is social based and can talk the pants off anybody (literally), that still doesn't replace defense. There will be enemies that you cannot simply convince not to attack you.

However, in all fairness, I do partially blame myself for any lack of defense you guys may have. I'm not using my chargen templates that simply force your characters to have more defense. For Solars and Lunars, the templates require 4 in the relevant defensive traits and 4 Charms specifically just for defense, including an Excellency. They also require Lunars to get Deadly Beastman Transformation (which also forces at least 3 Stamina).
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I'm trying to create a rough character draft, but i'm not sure how many points do i get for:




All i know is that Essence starts at 2
Attributes: 8/6/4 You have 3 attribute categories, all attributes start with 1 dot, so you prioritize your attributes and assign dots respectively, you could spread 8 dots on social, 6 on physical, and 4 or mental, or 8 mental, 4 physical, 6 social, whatever you choose for your character.

Abilities: 28 Spread as you like over all the abilities, no ability might be higher than 5 though.

Virtues: 5 All virtues start with 1 dot, and you can spread the 5 points in any way you want.
Having a high DV is key to your survival in Exalted. It SHOULD be at least 7. Oh, and everyone always needs to buy a PD and a surprise detector as well. If not then your character WILL die.
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PirateLexi said:
Cool, thanks. Heres the rough draft; all the dots are spent, and I'm still working on at least a rough full history to at least show how he was exalted.
Maxing out Dodge for non-combat is mandatory in all Exalted games. You're going to get killed REALLY fast if you don't. Secondly. Charms > Abilities all the time.
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]Having a high DV is key to your survival in Exalted. It SHOULD be at least 7. Oh, and everyone always needs to buy a PD and a surprise detector as well. If not then your character WILL die.

[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]Maxing out Dodge for non-combat is mandatory in all Exalted games. You're going to get killed REALLY fast if you don't. Secondly. Charms > Abilities all the time.

To be honest this isn't mandatory in any way, what you're suggesting is more along the lines of paranoia combat.

For those that don't know what Paranoia Combat is, is basically covering every single aspect an opponent could use to harm you in some way, as to ensure you are completely invulnerable to anything that you could ever face, however this forces you to devote a great deal of charms and skills into combat (disregarding any character concept you might have) and it requires you to be fairly familiar with the system to cover any holes in your defense.

That being said, a decent DV for a starting character would be 5-7, if you're really into combat a DV of 7-9 would be better, but if you're not into combat I suggest you devote some attention to at least 1 of these things to ensure you survive:

- High DV: The higher, the harder it is for people to hit you.

- High Soak/Armor: This is your ability to reduce damage from enemy weapons.

- Lots of Health levels[Charm: Ox-Body Technique]: If you get hit, this will ensure you stay alive longer.

- A good way to run away: This means charms/artifacts/whatever you can use to enhance your movement to GTFO if things get really hairy.

- Have at least 1 Perfect Defense: PD's are very expensive to use, but when all else fails they sure come in handy as they are incredibly effective at keeping you alive.

- Have a decent bodyguard: If in agreement with the ST, having an Ally (can be bought with Background dots) that can fight much better than you in your stead will certainly be to your advantage.
HolyFireX said:
How many charms can i buy? or more specifically how many exp do i start with?
You start with 10 charms of your choice that you meet the requirements for (those are Minimum essence and minimum Ability, plus any pre-requisite charm they might have).
I've already moved some points around to get a bit higher defense, but I really don't see a way I could shoot for a perfect defense without making my charms all about defense.
Guys, it's alright :) Alazair won't actively seek to kill us off in a practice match :P



... right?! :o
*glares at his character sheet*

...this concept isn't working *growls a little* I swear...every single freakin' time...
Well I for one have been working on the character sheet for... *glances at clock* the last three hours or so? Wow *bark*

And I haven't gotten past the first page, of course. I easily get distracted, so when I go to look up something on Exalted wiki for example, I tend to click on all sort of interesting links I see that are not necessarily useful :P

I'm trying to put together a sorceress concept, mind you, and I believe that's slightly more complicated to put together than your everyday axe-swinging brute. Any tips, however general, are welcome.
@HolyFireX, we should talk on Skype to create your character so as not to clutter the forum. I'll send you a PM with my Skype name.

I agree with Lord-Leafar, not all of those things are required (heck, even my templates don't give that much defense), but a DV of 6-7 for non combat and 7-9 for combat characters is ideal (and pretty much required). Then add one of the methods that Lord-Leafar proposed, either soak, running away, health, a perfect defense, or a bodyguard.

Of those forms of defense, extra health is most probably the weakest because it merely allows you to survive 1 more hit, whereas the other methods all allow far more than that. Running away, while useful (and very powerful when playing as an archer solo or with one other that can also run), can be bad in that if you're running away, you're no longer participating in combat, and that can be boring.

As for perfect defenses... Solars have absolutely no reason not to have one because they're so easy to acquire. Lunars however, might go some other routes for defense. Lunar Stamina Charms can be pretty amazing. And, given enough soak, Lunars are the only ones that can feasibly heal in combat time.

As for @PirateLexi's char as it was last night, simply getting a +3 specialty in Dodge would bump your DV up to 6, which would completely change the table in regards to those Extras I was talking about. Adding some form of armor would also be useful though, even if it's just some light mundane armor like a Fine Chain Shirt or Exceptional Breastplate (exceptional so as to remove the mobility penalty). It may not shift with you, but it would provide some much needed soak to help lighten the blow of attacks that get through your now-moderate DV of 6 when in human form.

Those things alone would bring the character up from just barely better defense than an Extra to being adequate to survive most normal battles against any number of Extras (as long as they aren't being coordinated). I would suggest trying to get at least 1-2 Charms that are focused on defense, which would make you somewhat more difficult to kill, even for Exalts. The rest could be used however you want :)

@Wolf Rawrrr, no, I won't be actively seek to kill you guys off. However, I won't be making it excessively easy either. That would be doing a disservice to you by making you believe that whatever amount of defense you have is adequate, when in reality, it may be far less than is actually required and expected in other ST's games. The manner that this will be easier isn't in the enemies you face. It will be easier in that, if you have troubles, I'll be helping you remember some techniques you have, and suggesting ways you can use your abilities that might help overcome your opposition.

And yes, Sorcerers are quite a bit more difficult to put together than nearly anything else. I'm gonna send you a PM with my Skype name so I can help with that in a much quicker and more direct manner. As a general rule of thumb though, have a bodyguard haha. Granted, I really have to go over the vanilla Sorcery rules again because I haven't used them in a long time and can barely remember how it works. I've been using Limited Reagent's Sorcery revision which, among many other things, fixes the clunky mechanic of removing you from battle and requiring another Join Battle roll and such nonsense...

Foolish13, what's not working about it? I'd be glad to help out :)
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That's what I've got updated so far. Contemplating switching from Thrown to Melee and changing weapons though. Maybe some clawed weapons or a garrote lol

Only real question I have is whether or not to drop Ox-Body for another in the Golden Tiger Stance line.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Avexi_pdf.6f230de375b25952899f60ddd01a741b" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24459" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Avexi_pdf.6f230de375b25952899f60ddd01a741b" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@Foolish13 Regarding First Pulse Style, the MA it's in general ok and there should not be any problems using it as is, with only a few modifications. The one charm that blinds another character with essence charged dust/sand/mud should have the Crippling Keyword, and it just needs to be mentioned that through no combination of effects can a character's action Speed be reduced below 3.

Other than that, it seems like a good Style and I'm sure you'll get a kick out of it's use, specially with Solar Hero Style for backup.
PirateLexi said:
That's what I've got updated so far. Contemplating switching from Thrown to Melee and changing weapons though. Maybe some clawed weapons or a garrote lol
Only real question I have is whether or not to drop Ox-Body for another in the Golden Tiger Stance line.
Ok, after a quick reading here's a couple of suggestions:

- Every character gets 4 specialty dots for free since Errata 2.5, make sure you use them.

- Drop Changing Plumage Mastery, it's effects are rather weak when compared to your natural caste power.

- Ox-Body Technique for Lunars is much better than it is for Solars, keep at least 1 of them.

- Without Changing Plumage Mastery, I would suggest to either get another defensive charm, or a utility Knack, like Hybrid Body Rearrangement, which allows you to manifest mutations at will that can range from increased perception, better soak, create natural venoms, extra arms/tentacles or anything you can copy from your animal library. Alternatively, the Knack that allows you to acquire animal forms as small as a mouse is very useful.

Keep in mind a few things when playing a Lunar, you are not expected (nor you should try) to play the same way as a Solar. Lunars are survivors, and their natural shapeshifting makes them very versatile at many things as opposed to Solars that excel at their area of focus, you're not very strong in your human form? Transform into a Bear and rip anyone apart. You're not very good at sneaking? Transform into a mouse, get through that small hole in the wall. Can't get into the underwater palace? Transform into a fish and swim away. Can't reach the top of the aerial palace? Sprout some wings and off you go.

Specially as a Changing Moon, Shapeshifting is a great tool.
Funny. When it comes to my freeform games, Wolf has zero problems thinking about legions of characters (PCs and NPCs), pulling their backgrounds and histories out on paper like Athena jumping out of Zeus' head. But in Exalted, I got so swamped by sheer numbers and other technicalities that when I was finally forced to define some of my character's origins, I had nothing. The fact that Exalted is so undefined in a way - I mean, the official wiki is full of placeholder articles with no content, and the core book is very stingy when it comes to non-general lore. The Internet is next to none in usefulness.

I decided my character should be from the Great Forks because this goes along with both her skillset and the fact we're playing in Nexus, so the game puts emphasis on the Scavenger Lands. However, aside from the basic description of what Great Forks are like, the place is so raw that even the Calamity couldn't cook it (as the Kid would say :tongue:). I don't have much experience in tabletops. I guess I was looking for detailed descriptions on what exactly is in the city, but it seems that isn't the point of Exalted, am I right?

So a real, solid character history concept has started shaping up in my mind, but it does require some Creation of my own. How much liberty do we have when shaping the world in order to make room for our character backgrounds?
@Alazair Here's my char

You guys should take a quick look too. I can't decide between Surprise Anticipation Method and Reflex Sidestep Technique.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Holy_pdf.786b207f042933ed4e7129adeabb571a" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Holy_pdf.786b207f042933ed4e7129adeabb571a" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@PirateLexi, I agree with most of what Lord-Leafar said, however even though the Lunar version of Ox-Body Technique certainly is better than the Solar version, I still feel it's probably one of the weakest options you have. Like I said before, Ox-Body Technique may let you survive an extra hit. But compare to something even as simple as Hide-Toughening Essence.

Ox-Body Technique would give you up to 6 health levels (2 of them in Dying levels so you're already unconscious by the time you get to them) whereas Hide-Toughening Essence would reduce the damage of every attack that hits you by up to 6 for the entire scene and is no more Obvious than Ox-Body Technique. Yes, it takes motes (and that's its downfall in comparison), but it will protect against any number of attacks. Far more than Ox-Body would, especially considering your terribly low Soak without it.

However, I must say that your DV is looking much better than it was before, and I'm sure it'll be looking even better after you've spent your 4 free Specialties. You shouldn't have any problems with Extras anymore (except maybe in trying to hit them), so that's a good thing haha xD Also, Hybrid Body Rearrangement is... Well, I won't even start going into how amazing it is. And I can't believe they made the mote cost for using it uncommitted lol. Feels almost too powerful without a mote commitment.

Wolf Rawrrr is being answered in Skype...

@HolyFireX, the first thing I noticed when I opened the sheet is that you're using the Elder Solar sheet and that your character is an "ambitious young noble"... I thought, "Yeah, very ambitious to be using that sheet." Then I noticed that you inadvertently had Melee set to 10, not 5 haha. Also, the anima abilities are just that... Anima abilities. They are not Charms and do not take a Charm slot.

As for "Empowering Melee Excellency", I'm assuming you mean the First Dawn Excellency, and that "Supreme Dodge Excellency" means the Second Night Excellency? I can't be certain though because there is no "Empowering" or "Supreme" Excellency of any type. If those are the ones you mean, they would be Overwhelming and Triumphant, respectively. I'll be giving more advice through PM so as not to clutter the thread.

I'd highly suggest that somebody take some ranks in War. Preferably at least a couple people. Usually the Dawn and the Zenith, if following the general stereotype, though the Eclipse might be likely to as well. There will be at least a small amount of mass combat to teach that system to you, and in mass combat, all the rest of your combat abilities are limited by the unit commander's War rating. If he has 0 war, all the rest of your combat abilities (even ones at 5) will count as if they're at 0 instead. There's obviously a bit more detail to it, but the system will be explained when we get to it (which won't be for a while).
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Which reminds me, if you have Skype or something Leafar, message me with your name and we can work out something in real time about the connection between our characters

And as an attempt to not clutter things up, there's the next version of my sheet uploaded on my previous post with it lol. Only thing I'm not taking is Hide-Toughening, honestly, but it may be the next thing I shoot for with XP as we get it. Would only need 11.
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Hmm, I might need some help with something over here.

Character sheet is still nowhere near done, but I wanna show you guys what I have so far...at this point it's more of a wishlist really. Just need some help with getting things right, and quite possibly picking out what the heck's been niggling at me.

Now a few things to keep in mind, I've decided to give him a severe case of amnesia. One day he woke up near Great Forks, he knew that he was one of the Exalted, but that was about it, his name was later given to him by those in the Great Forks. A few months down the line, he left Great Forks and headed to Nexus, what was there, he did not know, just that it would help his need to create a safe haven for the downtrodden.

@Alazair: There are a number of things I need to go over his history with you, would you like to do it via pm or skype?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Eclipse_pdf.525dae05422864b69115320fd70b551c" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Eclipse_pdf.525dae05422864b69115320fd70b551c" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I don't know about you guys, but if Alazair approves the sheet I sent him, then I have a finished character! *howl*

And it only took about 20 hours of work :P
Ok guys so here's my concept, a motherly, gentle and modest woman with a very kind heart, looking to educate Creation with virtuous behavior and ideals for a better world since her Exaltation and vision from Sol Invictus.

Still polishing her backstory, so no stats yet, but I have a very clear idea of what charms and skills I'm gonna give her, I'll go with Crane Style Martial Arts, and I reckon she will be quite capable to protect herself and the rest of the Circle in combat.
I'm pretty much done from the stats standpoint. Just gotta finish my backstory which is now pretty good to go thanks to Leafar. The final sheet is up on the earlier post again.

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