[Exalted] Shadows of Nexus

Glories... I don't believe I've read them, so I don't have an opinion about them :P Unless it's relevant to a current character, I'll read them after I get some more things set up. Which reminds me. Do you happen to have a suggestion for the banner? As it is now, I'd just be searching Google for... Something lol.
Alazair said:
Glories... I don't believe I've read them, so I don't have an opinion about them :tongue: Unless it's relevant to a current character, I'll read them after I get some more things set up. Which reminds me. Do you happen to have a suggestion for the banner? As it is now, I'd just be searching Google for... Something lol.
The Charm is Sun and Moon Method, and allows a Solar to give their Lunar Mate 5 dots in Solar Bond with a touch. If their mate is not present it lets them find them. Its upgrade, Soul-Spanning Bridge Relay, lets the Solar make social attacks against their mate regardless of location.

Sun and Moon Method has the alternate name Lunar-Taming Leash.

As for the banner, perhaps something like this?

P.S. Hello everyone, I am Exthalion and I will be observing this game with Alazair's permission.
Scroll of the Monk is well known for it's broken MA styles and mechanics, being one of the books that did not get an Errata to go along with 2.5, so I would be careful of using it's Martial Arts, that being said Night Breeze is fairly ok iirc, but Dreaming Pearl Courtesan could do some fixing, I'll double check the styles when I get home from work and give you more details about it.
Try not to hurry to much... i'm still jamming in most of the requirements.

EDIT: Where do i get the Core rule book?? just realize i needed (i thought it was for ST only)
[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]Scroll of the Monk is well known for it's broken MA styles and mechanics, being one of the books that did not get an Errata to go along with 2.5, so I would be careful of using it's Martial Arts, that being said Night Breeze is fairly ok iirc, but Dreaming Pearl Courtesan could do some fixing, I'll double check the styles when I get home from work and give you more details about it.

Yeah the one other full game I played they had to hardcore rewrite the penultimate charm for dreaming pearl courtesan. The reasoning being my character would either be insane overpowered or I'd instantly lose my character as playable.
For the sake of all men out there, I won't even get started on the dread Six-Fisted style (hell no way am I ever going to write the full name).
@Alazair Do you prefer for all characters to be combat capable in some measure, enough to survive a few encounters, or is it ok to disregard combat and go completely socialite?
The errata are in a different book and they are there as fixes (patches if you will) to 2.0 (the Core Book we're using in this game), bumping it up to 2.5.
That's right, I'll admit that it is a bit of a hassle, as everything you read in the Core book needs to be double checked in the Errata in case it has been updated for 2.5, particularly charms. Quite a few combat charms don't work exactly as they are in the Core, but rather they have new rules and or improvements in the Errata.
You can get it free on drivethrurpg though. There's a link on the first page of this post and the other post.
A bit of a hassle is an understatement. It's like creating a digital database of something - words, numbers, whatever, and then updating it... But instead of overwriting the old stuff you instead create a new file and place it side by side with the old one so that you can go through comparisons of every little thing that might have been changed that you're not sure of. Honestly I have problems thinking of even a single benefit to credit the way White Wolf did this. That hard to just make a new book? I thought companies couldn't wait to sell the same product again but in a different color and shape, and this is a great opportunity for that.

As much as I love to support companies by actually paying for what I like - and having the actual books in my hands instead of a pdf would be way better for me - I believe that "pirated" content serves a purpose as well. I think of it like a full-version demo. You get to see and use what exactly you would potentially be buying, before you actually spend any money on it (whereas demo versions always have some sort of limitation). I used pirated Minecraft for a long time, but eventually I bought it legit. The same with Portal 2, I passed the cracked version a couple times but then I went and bought it legit nonetheless. It's not true that people won't buy something they already got the chance to do whatever they wanted with it for free. Exalted is new to me, and I don't feel comfortable paying money just so I could try it out - what if it turns out I didn't like it and I never touch it again? I'd rather give it a go by procuring the core rulebook from alternative means, and then after a while who knows, I might just buy the books after all! Not to mention that sometimes people just can't buy something, for whatever reason: no money, invalid payment options, not available where they live, whatever. I'm not taking any sides here, really, but speaking objectively the world needs piracy as counter-balance to corrupt capitalism (the only kind, really). After all, piracy is not theft in the literal sense. It's its own category. It's like your car getting stolen, but it's still there in the morning. And there will always be enough people buying something for those companies to make a more than decent profit. Oh, and all those pirated stuff? Free, global advertisement. I don't want to trigger any discussions here, I know how sensitive people are about that on the internet, so trust me when I state that all of what I just wrote serves merely as my point of view and should not encourage anyone to pirate anything. You like it, you buy it, but don't feel guilty for a company swimming in cash over sales so far just because you tried out their product without their consent. Hell, if it's so good and worth the money they shouldn't be worrying about anyone not buying it.

p.s. as for character sheets, am I correct in thinking we need the Younger Exalted complete sheets?
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Regarding Sun and Moon Method, no... Just no lol. With that Charm, the Solar's player may as well just control the Lunar as well and leave the Lunar's player out of the equation entirely. And it's not like the Charm even has trait requirements that merit the excessive control it grants. Ess 2? Pfft...

Also, I am now recruiting Exthalion for banner duty. Whenever I need a new banner, I'll be consulting you xD

@PirateLexi, I'd like to hear Lord-Leafar's opinion on both of those MA Styles before I fully decide either way. If your opinion is too detailed and would clutter this thread, feel free to PM me with it instead of posting.

@HolyFireX, No need to rush or anything. I would rather everybody take their time and understand exactly what they're doing than rush through and have everybody lost in the numbers. Besides, if you guys rush (and even if you don't), that makes me rush to get things ready in time, and I don't like rushing. Also, DriveThruRPG sells the Exalted Core book.

@Lord-Leafar, As I was telling Foolish13 in the Interest Check thread, there will be limited opportunities for social conflict, so I would far rather characters be at least capable in combat and then, if they want a social focus, to be merely decent at that. If this campaign lasts longer than I'm expecting, more opportunities for social conflict may open up and you'd have an opportunity to focus your new trait purchases on that more.

@Wolf Rawrrr, I agree completely on both points and it is much how I do things myself. I simply cannot bring myself to buy something before I've tried it out. And I've bought many products that I've tried. The ones I haven't bought, it's usually because I didn't enjoy the product enough to use it, so it sits on my HD taking space and 'collecting dust', so to speak. (Though, I really should go through and delete them, if only to free up some space. But I'm too lazy to bother haha.)

For character sheets, use whichever you like. They're both pretty much the same, but the older ones have more space... An excessive amount of space for a younger Exalt. In case anybody didn't already know, the sheets are to be downloaded, then when you edit them to store your character, save it under a new name so as not to overwrite the empty sheet.

Edited for Foolish13
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Yes, the Younger Exalt sheet is the relevant one.

Also, but could folks please keep talks of Piracy and the such off the thread...I honestly don't feel all that comfortable with it out in plain view.

That's what I was afraid of, so I put the smaller fonts! :D And now even smaller. Let me know if you want me to make it even smaller, I can totally that *bark*

What I was also wondering was, how do these sheets work in practice? Are they posted to the character sheets subforums, or just linked there to wherever else they're saved? Or what?
Also, those sheets are mostly for personal reference. The details of your character will also be posted in a subforum once we get our roleplay forum set up. I simply can't play without those sheets available, and will have to make my own copy of the sheets for each of your characters so I can reference things that way haha.

It was also suggested to me that I mention Anathema as a potential resource for character sheets. And while it can make finding Charms that are updated to the most recent canon versions much easier, I personally don't prefer the program. But that's only because it doesn't make any allowances for houserules and such that change, well... Anything. And since I simply can't play the game without houserules, those two aspects clash.
Thanks guys. :)

Also, I seriously wish that Anathema did have more allowance for House Rules, it's made CharGen so much easier for me in Exalted, but eh, them's the breaks.
Night Breeze Style for the most part is well balanced, there's only a few points I feel I need to address:

It's pinnacle and final charm needs clarification, as of Exalted 2.5 Piercing attacks no longer reduce armor soak by half, but rather reduce 4 points of soak from it's total value, even if this is enough to reduce a soak to 0, armor will always retain a minimum soak of 2. With 2.5 Errata, charms and effects that bypass armor completely are no longer common or easily found, as such the armor ignoring aspect of this charm should be modified accordingly.

I have a suggestion to modify this charm, I can't remember where I saw it, or read it, or if I dreamt it, but an option would be that if a piercing weapon gets a piercing effect from a charm or whatever, you simply halve the armor soak like it used to in 2nd Edition, keeping in mind the minimum 2 soak rule.

Obviously this charm only affects armor soak and hardness, natural soak and hardness values are immune to this charm.
From the looks of things, it seems like I should avoid Scroll of the Monk then...actually, Leafer, Alazair, could you look at First Pulse Style for me and see if that would fly in the game?
I have yet to re-check all of Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style, but it definitely needs some fixing to balance it, I'm not gonna go much into detail right now (I can however do it through PM once I get some rest), but it might be better and just easier to use some of the better balanced fan rewrites that roam the web, I know there's quite a few out there, particularly take a look at Plague of Hats rewrite: http://plagueofhats.blogspot.com/2011/02/dreaming-pearl-courtesan-rewrite.html

Foolish13 said:
From the looks of things, it seems like I should avoid Scroll of the Monk then...actually, Leafer, could you look at First Pulse Style for me and see if that would fly?
Yeah, Scroll of the Monk is just too problematic, the bonus Scroll of the Monk: Imperfect Lotus however, is much better and it's Celestial MA are quite interesting and better balanced. As for First Pulse Style, no problem, I remember it being pretty decent, but I'll give it another look and let you know.

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