-Exalted- Party Under a Tree

The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The Empress is gone. The Realm is in Civil War. Creation itself seems to be falling apart. As the Wyld Hunt wanes in power, the fabric of reality seems to be unraveling. Strange events are being reported in cities all across Creation. In one, every stone structure turned into glass overnight. In another, the animals began moving in strange, geometric patterns without clear cause. In the port city of Azerin, nobody dies. This is the sign that has caught your eye, whether due to personal interest or simple physical proximity. You are Chosen, and you will discover the cause behind the blessing of Azerin. Perhaps you are not the only one. Perhaps other Chosen will hear the call as well. And perhaps all is not as it seems and a dark power works below the surface, corrupting what should be a bright gift.

This will be an Exalted game focusing on Solar<note if other types are available> characters. The general themes will be Power/Herorics/Awesome/Struggle/Survival/Against Odds. It will be run on Thursdays at 6 pm eastern

-Character Sheet-

(This will be submitted as a post here, actual mechanics will be submitted in an interactive PDF into dropbox so it syncs with me each time you update it) PDF Can be found here same user/password as below






Scroll of Errata character generation rules. The Scroll of Errata takes precedent over the core book.

Please post below if your interested!

If you do not have dropbox click here!

Incase the PDFs try to open in your browser because most modern browsers come with a PDF View just rightclick on the link and hit save as so you get the actual file or save link as depending on your browser.
Name: Kirass Thane

Age: 23

Caste: Eclipse



Our Souls Through Our Eyes

My first memory is deciding that someone needed to die. I was a slave, sold shortly after birth to Lowmaster Histron by my father. My father was a storm god, selling the products of his dalliances with mortals in exchange for worship and drugs. At the time, I didn't know that. All I knew was that Histron was standing between me and my freedom, and had to be removed. He wasn't a cruel master, as these things go. As my parentage gave me an increased mental ability compared to my fellows, I was put to work managing the ledgers for the qaf plantation. It was easy work, but not one I was satisfied with. To realize my destiny, Histron had to die.


My plan began simply. Histron was married to a guild Warden. I edited the books to hint that he was maintaining a mistress on the side and violating the monopoly agreement he had with the guild to sell qaf to her friends. This alone wouldn't have been enough, so I sent her a message, disguising my handwriting, warning her that a large trade would be going down in an abandoned stable a mile outside the city. To Histron I wrote a letter forged to be from his wife, wishing to arrange an urgent meeting at that same stable. He had no reason to doubt her, and she was suspicious of him and wished to spring a trap before he could react. Neither of them saw it coming. I burned down the stable when they were inside, killing both my owner and the next in line to take up the reigns. To distract attention away from myself as a suspect, I drugged another slave and left him in the stable next to an ill-fated set of firestarting tools. The investigators would assume that a disgruntled slave started the fire but failed to control it. As my plan coalesced perfectly, I felt a wash of power wash over me. I knew that I had been Chosen to shape the world according to my vision. I saw my reflection and realized I had become one of the Anathema, a Deceiver. I laughed. Anathema they named me, Anathema I would be.

Obligations of the Caste

After escaping in the aftermath of the fire, I began seeking more power. I was strong, but young and would need a firm foundation. My dreams guided me to a hidden valley, where a tall golden spire stood. I knew that this was mine in a way that nothing else had ever been. I was home. Unfortunately, the thaumaturge studying it was unaware of this fact. I changed my face to be that of a wandering scholar, a trick I learned in the first week of my Exaltation. I approached the spire and asked to be allowed to study under the wise man. With my powers lacing every word I spoke with suggestion and influence, he quickly accepted and took me in as his student, providing me with books, food and lodging. I used the time to gauge his power: a minor command of geomancy and a dozen guards. That night, I twisted the air in the spire into poison and killed them all. Stepping over their bodies, I attuned to the manse and commanded it to clear away the refuse. Taking up the hearthstone, I once more felt discontent. This was not enough. The Guild ruled nearly half of the world through indirect measures and money. They were mortals. The Realm ruled the Isle through force and indoctrination. They were weak. I would subvert both, I would rule the world. Nobody else could even come close to this glorious goal, but it would be easy for me. By wealth and machination, by power and divine right, everything would belong to me.

The World Awaiting Us

Other Exalted I had thought that they would perhaps be like me. I was wrong. Idealists, fools, petty power-hungry tyrants unable to think beyond their next battle. They would fall like the rest, in time. Until then, let them serve their purpose.

Gods and Spirits I learned of my lineage by accident. A minor spirit recognized me and told me the tale, hoping to gain favor with myself or my father by reuniting us. I let it live, but my father will not be met with the same mercy.

The Dead These miserable souls have already failed. Doomed after-images of a life not worth preserving. Even the Deathlords I hear whispers about got where they are by not being up to the task at hand. Let them rot in their underworld, seeping in the memories of days gone by.
With Lord of Chaos and Foehammer in, I have to be involved in this train wreck. Gentleman I propose that we found Tropico.
Unfortunately Foehammer is not in this game any more and Deviltiger seems to have gone AWOL.

I will be allowing for one - two more players.

I will also be updating this thread shortly because most of the game is different and I have to get the story updated as well as XP and rules. Let me know if you are interested!
I'll throw my hat into this ring for now, though don't hold me on playing.
I'm pretty interested actually. Though I'm not sure of the medium you will be using. I get the impression that with a dedicated timeslot this means a realtime chat program or some such? Regardless, yes interested! Any restrictions on Exalt/Castes?
Myllinnia said:
I'm pretty interested actually. Though I'm not sure of the medium you will be using. I get the impression that with a dedicated timeslot this means a realtime chat program or some such? Regardless, yes interested! Any restrictions on Exalt/Castes?
We have our own hidden chat on the site thats still in testing but I allow my players to use it.

It depends on what you want to be. Reply with some ideas you had back and Ill let you know, I feel that almost anything except achemical will be fine.
Oh neat a chat game then. Yep up for one of those!

So I have this idea, of a friendly-ish rogue-to-be Infernal Malefactor Djinn/Healer who loves little strange secrets, anything after all to boost her own power, anything to give her the edge to protect herself and others from the wrath of her masters.

Alternatively I do have a Changing moon trickster Lunar that I love, she is a thief/assassin robin hood type (Helps the little people and punishes the powerful that abuse places). She's looking for a place to Steward (none of this 1k River Streams things for her).

Worry not if neither are good I'm sure I can come up with a lovely Solar idea too. (more of these thoughts later nod nod)
I'm certainly up for it. I have a would-be-Scourge ex-Tya Fiend who is always happy to find something amusing and interesting to occupy her time. Anything to keep her from actually being useful to her hellish overlords yet able to claim she was doing so anyway. If that's out, then I have either a Solar variation on the character, or I have an Abyssal Engineer and scholar who would be fascinated to try and discover why this phenomenon exists.
Oh, almost forgot, I also had a former Dragon Handler Night Caste who might be interested in investigating such a strange set of circumstances.

Myllinnia said:
Oh neat a chat game then. Yep up for one of those!
So I have this idea, of a friendly-ish rogue-to-be Infernal Malefactor Djinn/Healer who loves little strange secrets, anything after all to boost her own power, anything to give her the edge to protect herself and others from the wrath of her masters.

Alternatively I do have a Changing moon trickster Lunar that I love, she is a thief/assassin robin hood type (Helps the little people and punishes the powerful that abuse places). She's looking for a place to Steward (none of this 1k River Streams things for her).

Worry not if neither are good I'm sure I can come up with a lovely Solar idea too. (more of these thoughts later nod nod)
Since you posted first, Ill take you. Scroll of Errata character creation only.

70 xp

Here are my house rules.

You can be the Infernal. After this week's game I will let people know if I want more players. Anyone is welcomed to join in and watch by the way.

7:30 pm eastern.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/57a8bfb93b0dc_OfficialHouserules.txt.f24a3f366c6ebdb70065e8a77e5e13e4.txt" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_05/57a8bfb93b0dc_OfficialHouserules.txt.f24a3f366c6ebdb70065e8a77e5e13e4.txt" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Official Houserules.txt


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I shall be. ^^ Well hopefully. I'll be building the character soon. *Was sniped by busy late yesterday!*
Alright my self imposed deadline came and went! But I have finished! Somewhat, still working on Appearance, but backstory and crunch is all finished, I decided to ask here: Shall I post both appearance and backstory to this thread? Appeance... I don't think will fit fully in that sheet I sent over, so I might just add it to the backstory piece.

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