Exalted Modern: We are here/Announcements [Through the Looking Glass]


Welcome, wa'sup, hola, que tal, bonjour, greetings, and a general hello.

This is now the Subforum for our Exalted Modern game.

You are here *

I plan for this thread to primarily be for my announcements about the game and for me to practice my Resurgent Redundancy of the Loon... I will add as needed.

Current Announcements: There will not be a game this Saturday [June 26, 2010], however, I will try to put up a room on the OpenRPG+ Veav server (Exalted Modern) early in the morning.

I will mostly be gone Saturday, though I will try to leave the room up for everyone to chat as desired.

Otherwise, currently, just check out the Character Creation Guidelines thread as well as the House Rules one. If I've contradicted myself, call me on it please, I'l try to correct it as painlessly as possible.
Re: Exalted Moder: We are here/Announcements





Uhhhh... No I didn't :mrgreen:

Yay editing!
Announcement: Alrighties, I'm gonna want some definite/mostly finalized Character-Sheets by Thursday. Message me about your Limit Flaws and any other problems you might be having.
Hope that backhanded comment wasn't referring to me, or it further cements my idea that you had absolutely no clue what I was trying to say, as it's not what I was on about at all.

I was just after something like silk armour, a simple shirt that you can wear under clothes which provides nice protection while not being bulky, which in your system would be NIJ class 2 or 3, but easily concealable under normal clothes.
Announcement: Alrighties, I'm gonna be creating a room on Veav (if it's there) as early tomorrow as I can, but I won't actually be starting the game till about 10 - 11:00 A.M. EST. I don't expect the session to run on very long, and while I could be wrong, I'm gonna try and end it before 3:00 P.M. Eastern. This is how I expect it to go for the next couple sessions. We'll see how it goes.
Announcement: As Veav is not up at the moment, we're gonna be using the Adult Roleplaying server, we're in there peoplee :D
You went to the game servers thing in OpenRPG (Browse Servers), picked one of them by clicking on it and hit the connect button in the screen that popped up right?

It was mentioned that it might be your firewall...
No, it's probably worse--the library's stupid Internet filter. Can't go around letting the kiddies look at porn, or letting the Eighth Deadly Sin of filesharing go unstopped, or letting lawabiding citizens play Exalted. :rage:
Ah, that might be a problem...

Suggestions include: Find another compueter. Ask the Librarians to let you connect. And that's about it... :?

There's not a lot to do about that to be honest... ask the Librarians and explain what you're trying to do, it's worth a try at the very least.
No dice, they won't let me install OpenRPG. Shit... I really hate to say this, but it looks like I'm going to have to drop out. :cry:

You all, are a pain, it's official, y'all are a pain -__-

Due to a variety of factors, I have absolutely no idea what we're doing next session, my whole plan could be out the window, or it could be duct-taped back together depending on what you guys do.

Ergo, I'm officially winging it next session. I'm statting up some characters, making the room and running any ST characters neccessary, but I'm not guiding it anywhere. Wherever it goes, we'll work from there.

How this game goes, is now completely up to you guys. Good luck.

P.S. - Y'all suck :P
Might want to give important plot db's a perfect dodge and unexpected counters in the future?

Or not have them walk into a packed building and starting pulling tommy guns :)

It wasn't an unexpected result to be honest
FluffySquirrel said:
Might want to give important plot db's a perfect dodge and unexpected counters in the future?
Or not have them walk into a packed building and starting pulling tommy guns :)

It wasn't an unexpected result to be honest
Yeah, especially given that me and Sylvester have more or less the same skill set. Our standard operating procedure is pretty much to assassinate anyone who looks dangerous before they're aware of our presence, let alone before they can give plot exposition.

We're good at our work.

Okay, I apologize for the lateness of the warning, but I might not be able to run a game this saturday. But I don't know yet. I may or may not get dragged off for a birthday party. If I knew, I'd say one way or the other, but I don't know yet and probably won't know until tomorrow sadly. If I don't have a room up by 12:00 EST, consider the session officially called off. You all can discuss what you'd like, or do straight RPing of disseminating information between yourselves and such, but if I can't run a session... then, well, I can't run a session.

Again, I apologize for the warning being so late, but no one would tell me anything (and still aren't to be honest, which is the problem).

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