Exalted Modern Game (Recruitment)

Ten Eastern is the absolute earliest I can do. Internet access is a bit of a problem for me right now, and the local library opens its doors at ten. Thank Sol for free wi-fi.
Alright, I've chosen some backgrounds and motivations for my character.

Firstly, the reason he Exalted, is because he feels responsible for getting a friend killed. He should have talked to her more, she should have listened, she shouldn't have jumped... (This is closely based on a real life experience of mine, although in the real world, my friend was fine and got counseling. In fact, this character is very much going to be based off of me.) Feeling tremendously guilty, and being alone in his apartment at the time, he was approached by a custom demon of the Ebon Dragon, a Grimalkin, (which I already discussed with Andoriol about.) Presented with power and Exaltation, he quickly accepted. When he finally emerged from the Chrysalis five days later, he found his hair had turned the blue-gray color of a Malk's fur, his canine teeth had noticeably elongated, and his eyes were green cat eyes. (He normally covers his eyes with custom made contact lenses.)

Motivation: Discover the purpose for his Exaltation, and the goals of the Ebon Dragon.

Now, backgrounds. I've minimized any overt backgrounds, and none of them really require constant, direct connection to Hell.

Resources 5 - 3 background points, +2 from 4 bonus points. My character was originally the son of a small family farm, just a few square miles of farmland in the center of Wisconsin. In the year since his Exaltation, and using his exalted abilities subtly, he's managed to grow that until now, his family dominates most of the farming trade in the northern Midwest. He now has quite a lot of wealth to draw upon.

Cult 1 - Just a small group of friends and acquaintances from both high school and college, all of whom were rather... off to begin with. (Yes, I do have a cult in real life, although they aren't in any way serious.) Now that he has true power, however, they've been welded into a more coherent organization. They worship him for power and in the hopes of gaining influence in any New World Orderâ„¢.

Unwoven Coadjutor 2 - The Grimalkin bound to him is somewhat helpful. It gives me a bonus ability, Socialize (Demonic Etiquette), and two bonus die for interacting with demons. It's little help now, with so little connection to hell, but might be useful at some point.

Past Lives 1 - Occasionally my character gets... flashes, and snippets, of a life not his own, from a strange and shiny age.

Also - Does Exalted exist in this world? Because if it does, then I imagine that, as soon as someone in the Government recognized what was happening, Exalted players found themselves to be very high-demand employees. And White Wolf is likely a monetary Juggernaut, with all the books they've been selling.
Andoriol said:
The White Wolf question is a good one. While much of the company was secretly taken in for questioning, but found they hadn't really done much of anything except get lucky on some points.
When thinking about the books relative to the charms and abilities of other Exalts or even your own type, assume the books are a bit off in some ways, though not by much. Our books are accurate, in the world where the Magic Comes Back, the books are a little bit off.
This should be enough for answer on your question Aasharu.

As for My character I also based him on myself with few differences in his live timeline. I never were in America while he started live in Chicago in search of work due of bad economical situation in his Fatherland (actually i had this possibility few years back but i decided to stay in Poland). And unfortunately I didn't go weary well. He started doing some shady business i delivering packages and one day decided to check what he was transporting. And believe me drugs were nothing compare to this what he found out. He tried to do something about it but cops he contacted we corrupted and knew about this business. Still he tried to fix this with his own hands even if it cost his live. And it would but lucky for him he Exalted that weary moment and survived. Trauma from those events created in his mind need to purge all those who feed on suffering of innocent. Since then He travel trough USA seeking for any sight of Organized Crime or some sick Cults and he destroy them ( later i will put his Modus Operandi in character submissions). When he deliver judgment to his foes he always wear black mask. Also due often crafting false identities while infiltrating his targets government don't know who he truly is except few facts.
Exactly how anti-organized-crime is your guy, Jaksio? Because I think him and my guy are not going to be friends.

Okay, at the moment, my character is the son of a Mafia type who was being groomed as an heir, and wound up inheriting far earlier than anticipated--on his eighteenth birthday, to be exact. He was out taking his brand new sports car for a joyride, and got back just in time to see masked gunmen executing the last of his family. They would've gotten him too, if the Dawn shard hadn't pounced when it did. He managed to get a name out of one of the gunmen before they were all dead: Mézalkim. He's been trying to find Mézalkim ever since.

Motivation: Find out who--or what--Mézalkim is, and why Mézalkim wanted his family dead.

Backgrounds: Backing (Mafia) 4--fourth point purchased with bonus dots.

That's as far as I've gotten at the moment.
As long your character isn't personally or unpersonally active in things like human sacrifice, pedophile porn ro some sick killing buisness then i think we can work it out somehow. He start killing spree only when he see that moobs are rotten to the core. My chharacter not allways kill everything that moves. He quite often give some people second chance to redeem or he simply expose evil doing of organization to public and let law enforcement handle the rest. So if your character decide to turn his mafia family into charity foundation or they will help in destroying greater evil he might turn blind eye on few occasions. Besides he realize that he's not a angel of mercy himself.
The worst his branch of the Mob ever did was the occasional piece of blackmail. Underground casinos and high-class prostitution (think courtesans) were lucrative enough for them. Drugs were strictly verboten due to the Don being a former addict, and hits tended to get contracted out.

Anyways, being a Mafia member is not exactly the sort of thing you tend to advertise, so I think we'll be okay.

EDIT: Almost forgot, I managed to get OpenRPG working. There's a bug with the colored tabs, and they told me to just delete the offending lines of code. So, no colored tabs for me until it's fixed.
Teln said:
The worst his branch of the Mob ever did was the occasional piece of blackmail. Underground casinos and high-class prostitution (think courtesans) were lucrative enough for them. Drugs were strictly verboten due to the Don being a former addict, and hits tended to get contracted out.
Anyways, being a Mafia member is not exactly the sort of thing you tend to advertise, so I think we'll be okay.

EDIT: Almost forgot, I managed to get OpenRPG working. There's a bug with the colored tabs, and they told me to just delete the offending lines of code. So, no colored tabs for me until it's fixed.
Then its fine. My character can easily accept those. Most of the users of those casinos and whore houses are people that bring troubles on them self. As for blackmail he would be hypocrite if he start killing because of that. He use this method quite often to scare few corrupted officials so they wont disturb his work.

Edit: And another question about character creation. What about Merits and Flaws? Can we have them? Is answer is yes then what's the limit of bonus points we can get trough them?
Alright, that works a lot better Teln, there'll probably be some party conflict, but nothing major or end of the world kind of stuff. I'd like a bit more on your exaltation personally, and if you still want to play an Infernal you could easily twist it to such.

Anyways, Backing (Mafia) 4 covers much of what you've just told me and your description of it to Jakiso eased most of my worries about it when I first read it. Could you tell me more about the character and what your plans for him are? We'll see if any other Backgrounds jump out at us.

Also, could you message me about what you were thinking about for Mézalkim? (Which sounds very much like an Enemy to be honest)

On that note, Jakiso, about your character, I like the idea. Could you tell me what was in the box? And what Backgrounds do you think he'd have?

Also, both of you (Jakis and Teln), do you two mind if we do some back-story weaving? I'm thinking both of you are in Generictropolis following up on a lead on Mézalkim, though Jakiso's character doesn't know him by that name, just that he deserves death.
I send you PM about what were in the box. And about backgrounds. Actually i can't think anything logical. Maybe ally? But ho? Person he saved as Masked Hero? Cult? Because he's starting be quite popular urban legend for common folk and urban horror for criminals? He definitely won't work for government. They might want to recruit him but he's too hard to contact. Maybe some help or ideas or advice? I would appreciate that.
Jaksio said:
I send you PM about what were in the box. And about backgrounds. Actually i can't think anything logical. Maybe ally? But ho? Person he saved as Masked Hero? Cult? Because he's starting be quite popular urban legend for common folk and urban horror for criminals? He definitely won't work for government. They might want to recruit him but he's too hard to contact. Maybe some help or ideas or advice? I would appreciate that.
And I just sent you a reply :D

As a question: How adverse to working for the goverment is your character? If he was offered the chance/job, would he take it?
I know my character, at least, will view you as amusingly quaint, although he'll never really say so to your face. Heroes are a waste of time, effort, and energy. Money is the best way to influence mortal society: no matter how strange things may become, offer enough money, and everyone will suddenly develop "mysterious" gaps in their memory. And food is the best way to make money. After all, consider; say this influx of the supernatural causes mortal society to collapse. If that happens, banking will be worthless, lawyers unneccesary, and the stock market will be useless. But everyone will still need food. Thus, food is power.
Andoriol said:
As a question: How adverse to working for the goverment is your character? If he was offered the chance/job, would he take it?
I really like this modification of recourses/arsenal background I think I'll go with this. Trough he take some temporary jobs as bodyguard,bouncer, cook of even as illegal surgeon. ( I plan to take craft and medicine excellencies.) when he try to infiltrate his target.

As for government job. It mostly depend who/how/and where will negotiate with him. Currently he's a little paranoid about his situation so he prefer to contact them when he won't fell threated by government. But if proposal will be good he might accept offer. But remember one thing. He's not American so he have 0% of patriotism toward US. So if he discover that they F***** him he wont hesitate to become public enemy Nr 1. And start reviling to hostile countries any secret he can find. And if they thread his family... Prepare for some assassination/blackmails attempts in higher levels of intelligence agencies.
Jaksio said:
I really like this modification of recourses/arsenal background I think I'll go with this. Trough he take some temporary jobs as bodyguard,bouncer, cook of even as illegal surgeon. ( I plan to take craft and medicine excellencies.) when he try to infiltrate his target.
Alrighties... if we're doing that, I'd say that your character has an effective 40 dots of Resource purchases at start (Cars/guns/ammo/etc.) as well as the (modified as per here) Resources 3 and Cult 1. Come up with a list of stuff like car, weapons, ammo, stuff like that and we'll work out what costs what. :D

As for government job. It mostly depend who/how/and where will negotiate with him. Currently he's a little paranoid about his situation so he prefer to contact them when he won't fell threated by government. But if proposal will be good he might accept offer. But remember one thing. He's not American so he have 0% of patriotism toward US. So if he discover that they F***** him he wont hesitate to become public enemy Nr 1. And start reviling to hostile countries any secret he can find. And if they thread his family... Prepare for some assassination/blackmails attempts in higher levels of intelligence agencies.
Probably won't be much of a worry there, depending on how things work out.
Great. More thinking what to give my character. Of well I will make a list and send it to you. Oh, and you still didn't said anything about my earlier question. One merits and flaws. Can we take them? If yes then what's the max limit of Bonus points we can get by taking them? Can we buy merits by spending EXP?
Jaksio said:
Great. More thinking what to give my character. Of well I will make a list and send it to you. Oh, and you still didn't said anything about my earlier question. One merits and flaws. Can we take them? If yes then what's the max limit of Bonus points we can get by taking them? Can we buy merits by spending EXP?
Sorry, skimmed over that question on accident :oops:

Depends on the merit/flaw, really it's more of a case-by-case basis, there are some Merits I wouldn't mind someone buying with XP, but others I would... which ones would you like?
Just asking. I also think that some merits could be purchased with exp but some not.

I think that best Merit for Night caste is Danger sense. With this there is no single mortal soul that might initiate surprise attack on him ( No use for getting Reflexive sidestep technique)

As for Flaws i think that Wanted(by Government Intelligence Agencies) or Enemy(Criminal Underworld) might suit him.

Also i like to take Sickly . Why? Good that you ask. I were thinking about taking essence 5 at beginning. Sickly flaw come to existence in moment of his exaltation. It was so powerful that his "core" gone trough some damage. So till he won't reach Stamina 4 ( I will have stamina 2 at beginning) he must depend on healing charms.

Why Essence 5? Well I though about having also a Obligation or Oath toward Lytek. Previous host make deal with him that next host of his exaltation will be strongest in essence as much possible. In exchange he and next host will fulfill one favor he ask. No mater what nature this favor will have..
Andoriol said:
As-is? It doesn't work very well. We're trying to get everyone into Generictropolis (Read: Some city on the East Coast that I'm still deciding on), and being a fugititive of this 'level' really screws him over. If he was contained in the Chrysallis Grotesque for more than a single day when he's supposed to be under arrest, the goverment would be all over it and transport the thing to a military base for study etc. etc.

Your Motivation is perfectly fine and I don't really mind the whole being part of a Cartel, however, this makes it difficult for you to work with at least two of the other characters (both of whom are basically Exalted Secret Agents). That, and your Backgrounds don't really line up with the story, your story implies Backing 2-3 from a drug cartel as well as Allies 2+ for the Demon that knows Sorcery.

That said, here's some possible fixes:

Got shot and got away, running from the cops and into the woods. However, he was bleeding out and desperate. The demon found him delirious and begging for his life as he bled out propped against a tree, the demon gave him the exaltation.

When he finally emerged from the Chrysallis Grotesque, he fled to a small rural town with drug/crime problems, the 'crime lords' of the town took him in, and within months, he basically controlled the towns crime and summoning demons as he went. The Backgrounds would be something like Backing 2 (Small Criminal Group) Unwoven Adjucator 3 (your internal demon knows some Sorcery) Demonic Familiar 3 for the Neomah.

Or, he could work for a darker side of the goverment, willingly letting himself and his demonic children be studied/discected for the sake of science and protection for himself. Slowly creating a demonic army inside the American Goverment.

Everything worked as you said up till he was Exalted, and instead of escaping, the Goverment heard about the Chrysallis Grotesque, came, picked it up, and he came out of it in the middle of a Military base, at which point they struck a deal.

This one avoids some conflict with the other PC's by working for the goverment and not, technically, being a criminal. The Backgrounds for this one would be something like Backing 3-4 for the darker side of the goverment as well as Demon Familiar 3 for the Neomah. The demon that knows sorcery would probably be one that the goverment was studying most of the time, so it would be available through your Backing.

That, or if you come up with something yourself that works, or if you don't want the idea modified and just come up with something else its fine.
The goverment option works alright with me it just has the qualifaction he and his famailar are not studied he adopts her like a sister. Heaven forbidden anyone try to tade sensual acts with her...

As one finaly suggestion i was wondering if I could use the Szorzy charms written by Kyeudo Posted: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6676
No. They're nice and seem balanced at first glance, but I'd rather not.
Thats fine then my favored will be Celene's charms
Jaksio said:
Just asking. I also think that some merits could be purchased with exp but some not.
I think that best Merit for Night caste is Danger sense. With this there is no single mortal soul that might initiate surprise attack on him ( No use for getting Reflexive sidestep technique)

As for Flaws i think that Wanted(by Government Intelligence Agencies) or Enemy(Criminal Underworld) might suit him.

Also i like to take Sickly . Why? Good that you ask. I were thinking about taking essence 5 at beginning. Sickly flaw come to existence in moment of his exaltation. It was so powerful that his "core" gone trough some damage. So till he won't reach Stamina 4 ( I will have stamina 2 at beginning) he must depend on healing charms.

Why Essence 5? Well I though about having also a Obligation or Oath toward Lytek. Previous host make deal with him that next host of his exaltation will be strongest in essence as much possible. In exchange he and next host will fulfill one favor he ask. No mater what nature this favor will have..
No. No Essence 5 at the start. :|

I might consider the Danger Sense and Enemy (Criminal Underworld), however, no Essence 4+ at the start. I'm putting my foot down on that one.

Could you tell me the book and page number of Danger Sense please? I'd like to go over it.
No? OK fine by me. So I'll stay at essence 2. ( Guess i started getting a little to far sorry bout that) Danger Sense merit can be found on page 58 of the Scroll of Heroes. Oh and Wanted (p.75 of Scroll of Heroes) is affecting the Resources and Cult back grounds ( double cost of these) so we need to work on it somehow.
Jaksio said:
No? OK fine by me. So I'll stay at essence 2. ( Guess i started getting a little to far sorry bout that) Danger Sense merit can be found on page 58 of the Scroll of Heroes. Oh and Wanted (p.75 of Scroll of Heroes) is affecting the Resources and Cult back grounds ( double cost of these) so we need to work on it somehow.
Okay, read over the actual things and while I'm sorry about this, the anwer is no :|

I might consider Danger Sense at the 3 point level (definitely not the 5 point level), but Wanted is too mechanical and runs a good chance of just dissappearing in the first couple sessions.

It's just that Danger Sense looks like it'll rather quickly become a huge pain in my ass and that I'd have to work around it, something I would like to avoid on my first go as a ST.

Wanted might just go away pretty quickly, which isn't much of a flaw in that case.

So, no on both of those, sorry. :|
Wow. Perfectly explained reasons You doing good job as ST. I would fell bad if because of my char we all would suffer some unbalance in the gameplay.

And since i started post i have question. It's about charms. Any Recommendation witch charms better not to chose as starting character? What enemies(Mortals, Demons,other supernatural beings) and other obstacles(Red-tape, Hacking computers, brainwashing etc) we will meet at firsts sessions? I doubt that we will need any anti-shaping charms at first, unless we might fight against Raksha. I hope you understand. I don't want to take charm that i will use 3-4 times in whole campaign.
I have a few questions:

Id like to take the flaw diminished physical attribute it gives 3 bonus points but costs one attibute dot out of physical attributes. Is this alright?

Second, where do you want a character sheet to be placed for you to look at and decide if it needs work?

Also, Do you want to chose the urge for infernal charecters or can we subject to your approval.
Jaksio said:
And since i started post i have question. It's about charms. Any Recommendation witch charms better not to chose as starting character? What enemies(Mortals, Demons,other supernatural beings) and other obstacles(Red-tape, Hacking computers, brainwashing etc) we will meet at firsts sessions? I doubt that we will need any anti-shaping charms at first, unless we might fight against Raksha. I hope you understand. I don't want to take charm that i will use 3-4 times in whole campaign.
Creatures of the Wyld probably won't make too many appearances for quite a while.

The most common enemies you guys will fight in the first 10 or so sessions (at least) will probably be just mortals and Dragon-Blooded, with the occasional Lesser Gods.

We will be fighting other Creatures of Darkness eventually. I don't know how many sessions from now, but it will happen eventually.


rattleingpython said:
I have a few questions:
Id like to take the flaw diminished physical attribute it gives 3 bonus points but costs one attibute dot out of physical attributes. Is this alright?

Second, where do you want a character sheet to be placed for you to look at and decide if it needs work?

Also, Do you want to chose the urge for infernal charecters or can we subject to your approval.
About that... I just counted up my players, and I'm at 7. Part of the struggle our last ST had was trying to handle all of the players and I don't want to do the same. I know five of the players already and have an idea what their play style is... and Teln asked first. I hate having to ask this of you, but could you pull out?

If I don't flounder with this game, once I get into the rythm of it, I'm gonna give an Infernal/Abyssal only game a go in the same setting, you'd be the first I'd contact for the game, and while I get the hang of Exalted Modern, we can work on your Infernal... but I'd really appreciate it if you pulled out of this one. :|
Andoriol said:
If I don't flounder with this game, once I get into the rythm of it, I'm gonna give an Infernal/Abyssal only game a go in the same setting, you'd be the first I'd contact for the game, and while I get the hang of Exalted Modern, we can work on your Infernal... but I'd really appreciate it if you pulled out of this one. :|
Heee. So you hope to lead two campaigns at the same time at some point in the future? Lemme guess that events from bout would be connected and at the end we will have some epic showdown between two opposite teams ( Good side of government versus dark side of government)

And another question. Is charm Lock-Opening Touch will work on hacking into database? Technically firewalls and other safety's are nothing more than digital lock's, while keyboard, proper programs or another computer connected to INTERNET is in many ways a tool that you use to open them.

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