Exalted Modern Game (Recruitment)


As I don't know if there's a better section for this, I'll put it here.

Here's how it goes:

Creation, due to a raging First Nerd, became primordial Earth while losing much of its magic and Exaltations. Time passed, and the modern society, America, the U.K., Germany, Poland, Italy, Africa, all those wonderful things, came along.
Then, in the year 2010, the magic started to come back.

The very first things to come back were the Exaltations of Solars and Lunars. Including the tainted Solars, the Abyssals and the Infernals.

And you got lucky.

Out of 23 Million people, you were the one that exalted.

A year has passed, the goverments of the Western nations are scrambling to both cover up the supernatural insanity while simultaneously trying to snatch up as many of these supernatural beings as they could, Gods have started to show themselves and the blood of the dragons has started to show.

And now, through coincidence, intention, or sheer dumb luck, you have met up with a group of exalts in a city on the east coast of America.
I'll be holding the game online on Saturdays using a program called OpenRPG+. You can find the program here:

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Aasharu said:
ShadowDragon, what precisely is OpenRPG+, and how do I get it on Windows 7? Also, if said game is online and not play by post and allows Infernals, I'd like to participate.
This is OpenRPG+.

DO NOT use the autoinstallers. They SUCK ASS. Get the appropriate Python and wxPython, then try the latest OpenRPG+ version, then try OpenRPG1.8.0Vista.exe.
All exalts except Alchemicals are allowed, though I would rather no Siddies (for 'in character' reasons as well as wishing to avoid their mind-bending-fu).

If you would like to join, please post up what type of exalt/caste you'd like to play.

I currently know of three who are in:

  • ShadowDragon8685: ----- Solar
  • Fabricati: Twilight Solar
  • FluffySquirrel: Full Moon Lunar
  • Teln: Dawn Solar
  • Jaksio: ----- -----

I would like to keep the number of people at 6 or under if at all possible, though I can bump it up to 8 if we have a rush.
Re: Exalted Modern Recruitment

These are the house-rules, I think I've covered everything:

Edit: Wait, no, knew I forgot somethin', forgot the combo creation modification.

Edit the Second: Wow, I can't believe I forgot that... XP for everyone!

  • Craft is reworked a bit. No five elemental Crafts (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Hea- oh wait, I mean Wood), instead there's only one base Craft. Craft (Elemental). It counts as all five of the others, though the exotic crafts (like magitech) remain the same. Also, none of this "Lowest of four different things" crap, most Crafting will just straight up use Intelligence as the attribute and high detail/really small stuff will use Dex as a limiter. Otherwise, crafting works the same.
  • You can not have an Artifacts/Manse rated over three at chargen. Outright can't. There aren't any grand wonders left in the world, and the few that are left are weak, small wonders compared to those of Creation.
  • You may not have a Cult over 2 at chargen, you've been Exalted for less than a year, how're you gonna get one that quick?
  • Some skill names have been changed.
    Ride = Drive.
    Sail = Pilot.
    Archery = Marksmanship.*
    Thrown = Pistoleer*
To explain: Marksmanship covers all two handed ranged weapons and two handed use of weapons such as the pistol. However, using a weapon such as a pistol in one hand uses the Pistoleer/Thrown skill and charms. For Example: Using two pistols at once uses the Pistoleer/Thrown ability, as do grenades and the normal usages of the Thrown abiilty, where-as using a single pistol is Marksmanship.

This is mostly to ensure that the Thrown charm tree's aren't totally lost as well as an attempt to maintain some balance. This has yet to be playtested.

For Character Creation: Unless you don't know how to read (In which case, how are you reading this?) you get some free dots. All characters get a free dot each in Lore and Drive. And you/your character also has five free dots to distribute as you wish between Lore, Drive, Craft, Athletics, Buracracy, Linguistics, Medicine, or Performance. This is due to the higher standards of education in our world than Creation during the Second Age.
Lunars have access to all Five original castes, however, if you still want to be a Changing Moon you may. There is a reason for this.
Abyssals/Infernals, I'm sorry, but your backing from the Underworld or Hell is limited. If you wish to play as a corrupted Solar, please get my attention about the backgrounds you want and we'll work something out.
Choose a flawed virtue, but not a flaw.
Otherwise, character creation procedes as normal. There might be issues, but we'll hit those.
We will be using modified Backing and Resources backgrounds for the Modern Age, which can be found here. Those, and the firearms that are being worked on, will be all we're using from the page.
Special Combo Rule: Easier Combo's. An Exalt may add charms a combo after its been created by paying the experience to add just that charm, but going through the full training time.

Free XP: You/your character start(s) with a bonus 15 XP at character creation. Let's excuse this by saying you are lucky and by realizing what you are, have a bit of an edge in learning your powers in the first scramble or something like that.

There will be special Marksmanship, Drive, and Pistoleer charms available (which I'm still working on).
Re: Exalted Modern Recruitment

Currently? It's flexible, I'm EST but I'm generally completely free on Saturdays. Tentaively, it's from 11 A.M. EST to whenever it ends, probably 4 P.M. EST or so.
I will he honored to Join if you guys don't have nothing against it. But can i ask what happen with yours previous game? Did you guys simply decided to reverse few things and start new one?
Absolutely nothing against it Jakiso, I'd be happy to have you part of the game again, though didn't you have issues meeting the time before? *checks character submissions* Oh wait, nevermind. Feel free :D

And the other game was called off 'cause Aasharu didn't really care for ST'ing as much as he'd thought, and while I'm happy to give this a go, I'm not gonna pick up the game when it would've just been me ST'ing for three people.
Great then i will be happy to join. Now is the time to think about my character. But before that i have question about setting. I know we will be simply in Our world 2010 but i really curious how Exalts are seen in it? Is this similar situation like in anime Darker Than Black where Contractors are considered nothing more than urban legend or unnatural rumor for common folk and all governments manipulate information that support this believe? Is White Wolf crew exist in this world or was taken by Black Suits to unknown location?
In America, Britan, and much of Europe, people know next to nothing about Exalts. Most people have a sense that the world is different, that something has changed, but not how or why, and it hasn't affected their normal lives any, so they don't particularly care.

Most anyone with a college education is aware that something supernatural is going on, though they don't know what and there isn't much information available that they can really trust.

People who actually have their 'ears to the ground' so to speak know that some people have been getting superpowers and supernatural sightings have gone up, but it's difficult to get hard facts and not something that a friend heard from a friend.

The reason for this is simple, the Goverments are actually reasonably good at their cover-ups, and Exalts and magic didn't surge into the world in such a rush that they couldn't react.

Depending on the Goverment and the section of said goverment, they feel about Exalts differently, but the general sense is wary suspiscion, they're hiring the Exalted wherever they can and studying them as subtly as possible while making use of their talents and trying to keep them out of the public eye.

The only reason they're not being harsher and more paranoid is because America tried to study an Exalt they captured, but what they tried to discect/study was a Slayer Caste Infernal. After nearly losing an entire Secret Military Base to a single one of these beings, they're being a lot more cautious.

It is 2010 our time and our world, everything is as we know it, the only difference before the Magic Came Back was that the Legends like King Arthur and Merlin or Beowulf or other such things weren't just tales, they were real (if possibly exagerated over retellings).

The White Wolf question is a good one. While much of the company was secretly taken in for questioning, but found they hadn't really done much of anything except get lucky on some points.

When thinking about the books relative to the charms and abilities of other Exalts or even your own type, assume the books are a bit off in some ways, though not by much. Our books are accurate, in the world where the Magic Comes Back, the books are a little bit off.
Teln said:
Err, how exactly do you install OpenRPG without an autoinstaller?
Don't worry to much about it, the auto-installers for Windows XP work just fine, I can attest to that myself. :D
I tried that, the stupid thing crashed almost instantly. Guess I'll try again.

EDIT: Crashed again. I'll make a post on their forums about it.
I have another question. This one is for players. What exalt caste you planing to play. I like to know so we can create more flexible team. Besides hawing 3 Twilight one Daybreak and one No Moon as PC will be a little... you know.

As for me. I think about 2 concepts.

First one: Twilight Caste Spy/Assassin/Masked Hero mixed with large dose of "Punisher" and Leon from "Professional" ( Who said that Copper Spider must be savant/artist/crafter) That will protect innocent from mortal and supernatural threat.

Second: Eclipse Caste Sailor and mercenary company leader with second personality ( i came up with very epic back story for this flaw but i wont tell about it right now.)

Any advices or something?

Also about this Slayer Caste Incident. Americans got worst luck ever. I mean seriously. Dissect Infernal! God. I hope Russia or China didn't have any better results. I'm also wondering if any higher up politician in US government exalt as solar or maybe as other type ( Will bet Obama would be a Zenith)

Edit: Oh yeah i forgot to ask 2 more questions.

Number One - What about Sorcery? How well it existence is know for exalted? Can we chose it at character creation?

Number Two - When we create our character we base them on ourself or we can make whoever we what?
It's really unfortunate you're tlking about a Twilight there because, unfortunately, I'm going with the Twilight ACE*DETECTIVE, or rather, loremaster/investigator/red-tape-cutter.

It's the little used set of Twilight Charms and requires I favor Bureaucracy of all things, but damned if it's not funny as hell to be a former menial turned librarian turned FBI agent. :D
Teln said:
I tried that, the stupid thing crashed almost instantly. Guess I'll try again.
EDIT: Crashed again. I'll make a post on their forums about it.
Can't really help you then, I don't know how to work the program well enough to do anything with it. Did you let it auto-update completely?

And there might be people here who know how to work it, I'm not sure.

Jaksio said:
Number One - What about Sorcery? How well it existence is know for exalted? Can we chose it at character creation?

Number Two - When we create our character we base them on ourself or we can make whoever we what?
For Number One: You can take the Terrestrial Circle Sorcery Charm just fine, but it'll be hard to justify knowing an actual spell. There aren't any real 'libraries' of spells out there, and what little stuff there is would be hard to find, fragmented remains of a single spell. Generally, I won't really begrudge you one spell to start if you justify it some, but I'm iffy on two or more.

Number Two: You can create the character based on whomever you want, it doesn't have to be based on you. But the person is from Earth, no magic.

The biggest appeal of this game just seems to be to base the character off yourself is all, you don't have to in the least. Just remember to check with me on your backgrounds and character idea before you commit to it.
Fabricati said:
It's really unfortunate you're tlking about a Twilight there because, unfortunately, I'm going with the Twilight ACE*DETECTIVE, or rather, loremaster/investigator/red-tape-cutter.
It's the little used set of Twilight Charms and requires I favor Bureaucracy of all things, but damned if it's not funny as hell to be a former menial turned librarian turned FBI agent. :D
Damnation! And i hoped to be a non stereotypical solar dude. Oh well you were first and i think that having two twilight in the same team is extreme hazardous for surrounding so... I think i will go for stereotype and take first option but be a Night Caste instead. Or maybe a Zenith? But I wonder about our characters if i would be a twilight. Despite their caste would be same their methods are polar opposites in case of how to handle things. First is Law Enforcement second is Law Outcast. I think i have an idea about circumstances we could bump at each other.

I know i will go a little off topic here but what most non stereotype exalted character you guys manage to came up with?
Jakiso, if you're gonna make a character that acts like a superhero, please be sure to message me with your Biography and Character Summary once they're kinda done, I'll try and point out anything that doesn't fit early and suggest changes if need be.

rattleingpython said:
I am also intrested id like to play an infernal either a defiler, or a fiend.
No problem, though you might be the last player I let in... Just remember to check with me about your Backgrounds, there's limits on how much Hell helps you out in this setting :D

Anyways, the first game will probably be the Saturday after this one, meaning June 26. This may be pushed back a week if the guns/charms aren't done yet.
Andoriol said:
Jakiso, if you're gonna make a character that acts like a superhero, please be sure to message me with your Biography and Character Summary once they're kinda done, I'll try and point out anything that doesn't fit early and suggest changes if need be.
rattleingpython said:
I am also intrested id like to play an infernal either a defiler, or a fiend.
No problem, though you might be the last player I let in... Just remember to check with me about your Backgrounds, there's limits on how much Hell helps you out in this setting :D

Anyways, the first game will probably be the Saturday after this one, meaning June 26. This may be pushed back a week if the guns/charms aren't done yet.
Understood. I'm working on it and it should be ready in 2 maybe 3 days. I will play definitely a solar but i still can't decide witch caste to chose.

And i have another question. This time is about supernatural martial arts styles and mortal martial art styles. Our character will have access to any style or can master only their Hero Style? As for Mortal ones is there will be any benefir or bonus in using Krav Maga, Karate or Tai Chi? Or essence flow in host is so powerful that that he can easily emulate any aspect of mortal style (Judo grappling and trowing, elbow and knee strikes of Muay Thai etc.)
Jaksio said:
Understood. I'm working on it and it should be ready in 2 maybe 3 days. I will play definitely a solar but i still can't decide witch caste to chose.

And i have another question. This time is about supernatural martial arts styles and mortal martial art styles. Our character will have access to any style or can master only their Hero Style? As for Mortal ones is there will be any benefir or bonus in using Krav Maga, Karate or Tai Chi? Or essence flow in host is so powerful that that he can easily emulate any aspect of mortal style (Judo grappling and trowing, elbow and knee strikes of Muay Thai etc.)
Good question, one I forgot to address.

Generally, you probably won't start with any Martial Arts charms outside of your Hero style, but you could, which I'll explain in a second.

The Mortal styles in of themselves don't give any bonuses, that's just covered by Martial Arts. However, they are the beginings of other styles.

Learning/Knowing a Mortal Martial Arts style cuts the time of 'rediscovering' the charms of a similar Supernatural Martial Arts by half. This does not stack with having an actual teacher that knows the style, merely for creating the style yourself. This is because the knowledge of that martial art gives you a basis for the essence flows of the charms.
Well, I've been approached to rejoin the group, and if that's alright, I'd like to play a Fiend Infernal.
Alright now that ive had a bit of time to think.(ahh self checkout so much free time so little to do.)

Ive decided to go with a defiler and do a support role. His motivation is to create a mercenary force of demons/god-blood of any time to hire out as an army.

He was orginaly a grad student working on cancer reaserch. He was aware and later helped his teacher steal human embroys from a storage locker at a local hospital the secound time they went back they got caught and the teacher tried to run and they both got shot. He woke up in the hospital chained to the bed awaiting trial when a demon arrived to offer him an exaltation.

After that he fleed from the United states to Mexico and has set up his postion within a cartel. Seeking two things as he works towards his goals. To get a reconzied nation taken over by this cartel and create an army to fend off super powers such as the united states using demons and demon-blooded.

Im still working on the basic idea of his backgrounds but at least 6 of the points will be as follows if its allowed:

Demon Familiar: Demon that knows sorcery 3 dots

Demon Familiar: Neomah 3 dots.

As one finaly suggestion i was wondering if I could use the Szorzy charms written by Kyeudo Posted: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6676


If this concept is not liked i can pitch another.

Also, I would need the game to start an hour earlier probably I work 1-9:30 Pacific time (4-12:30 Easter) on that day so if we could start at 10:am estern time and be done by 3:pm easter time id be better off. Otherwise ill have to bow out an hour early.
rattleingpython said:
Alright now that ive had a bit of time to think.(ahh self checkout so much free time so little to do.)
Ive decided to go with a defiler and do a support role. His motivation is to create a mercenary force of demons/god-blood of any time to hire out as an army.

He was orginaly a grad student working on cancer reaserch. He was aware and later helped his teacher steal human embroys from a storage locker at a local hospital the secound time they went back they got caught and the teacher tried to run and they both got shot. He woke up in the hospital chained to the bed awaiting trial when a demon arrived to offer him an exaltation.

After that he fleed from the United states to Mexico and has set up his postion within a cartel. Seeking two things as he works towards his goals. To get a reconzied nation taken over by this cartel and create an army to fend off super powers such as the united states using demons and demon-blooded.

Im still working on the basic idea of his backgrounds but at least 6 of the points will be as follows if its allowed:

Demon Familiar: Demon that knows sorcery 3 dots

Demon Familiar: Neomah 3 dots.

As one finaly suggestion i was wondering if I could use the Szorzy charms written by Kyeudo Posted: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6676


If this concept is not liked i can pitch another.

Also, I would need the game to start an hour earlier probably I work 1-9:30 Pacific time (4-12:30 Easter) on that day so if we could start at 10:am estern time and be done by 3:pm easter time id be better off. Otherwise ill have to bow out an hour early.
I'm just wondering. Don't you think that might come some problems with joining group of righteous god-kings without getting killed by them? What if one of the Solars character goals will focus on destroying any dangerous element that is a thread for peaceful and idealistic society. And your character plans are this kind of thread. So having two exalted with collide motivations and aspects ( Solar are "Holy" and Infernals are CoD) is 99% chance for conflict between them. And definitely it will be deadly one.

From other hand it good plot device and great chance to roleplay between those characters.
He wants to build an army to hire out. It only modertly matters to who or how...heck with Neomah he can do it with gods, elementals, solars, lunars, and himself. It just takes more time. That said even if that worked out a conflict might eventually emerge depending on how much i became part of the reclamation. If it did happend I best have a very very good army. :twisted: that goes double if my main two yozi end up planning type.
rattleingpython said:
Ive decided to go with a defiler and do a support role. His motivation is to create a mercenary force of demons/god-blood of any time to hire out as an army.

He was orginaly a grad student working on cancer reaserch. He was aware and later helped his teacher steal human embroys from a storage locker at a local hospital the secound time they went back they got caught and the teacher tried to run and they both got shot. He woke up in the hospital chained to the bed awaiting trial when a demon arrived to offer him an exaltation.

After that he fleed from the United states to Mexico and has set up his postion within a cartel. Seeking two things as he works towards his goals. To get a reconzied nation taken over by this cartel and create an army to fend off super powers such as the united states using demons and demon-blooded.

Im still working on the basic idea of his backgrounds but at least 6 of the points will be as follows if its allowed:

Demon Familiar: Demon that knows sorcery 3 dots

Demon Familiar: Neomah 3 dots.
As-is? It doesn't work very well. We're trying to get everyone into Generictropolis (Read: Some city on the East Coast that I'm still deciding on), and being a fugititive of this 'level' really screws him over. If he was contained in the Chrysallis Grotesque for more than a single day when he's supposed to be under arrest, the goverment would be all over it and transport the thing to a military base for study etc. etc.

Your Motivation is perfectly fine and I don't really mind the whole being part of a Cartel, however, this makes it difficult for you to work with at least two of the other characters (both of whom are basically Exalted Secret Agents). That, and your Backgrounds don't really line up with the story, your story implies Backing 2-3 from a drug cartel as well as Allies 2+ for the Demon that knows Sorcery.

That said, here's some possible fixes:

Got shot and got away, running from the cops and into the woods. However, he was bleeding out and desperate. The demon found him delirious and begging for his life as he bled out propped against a tree, the demon gave him the exaltation.

When he finally emerged from the Chrysallis Grotesque, he fled to a small rural town with drug/crime problems, the 'crime lords' of the town took him in, and within months, he basically controlled the towns crime and summoning demons as he went. The Backgrounds would be something like Backing 2 (Small Criminal Group) Unwoven Adjucator 3 (your internal demon knows some Sorcery) Demonic Familiar 3 for the Neomah.

Or, he could work for a darker side of the goverment, willingly letting himself and his demonic children be studied/discected for the sake of science and protection for himself. Slowly creating a demonic army inside the American Goverment.

Everything worked as you said up till he was Exalted, and instead of escaping, the Goverment heard about the Chrysallis Grotesque, came, picked it up, and he came out of it in the middle of a Military base, at which point they struck a deal.

This one avoids some conflict with the other PC's by working for the goverment and not, technically, being a criminal. The Backgrounds for this one would be something like Backing 3-4 for the darker side of the goverment as well as Demon Familiar 3 for the Neomah. The demon that knows sorcery would probably be one that the goverment was studying most of the time, so it would be available through your Backing.

That, or if you come up with something yourself that works, or if you don't want the idea modified and just come up with something else its fine.

As one finaly suggestion i was wondering if I could use the Szorzy charms written by Kyeudo Posted: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6676
No. They're nice and seem balanced at first glance, but I'd rather not.

Also, I would need the game to start an hour earlier probably I work 1-9:30 Pacific time (4-12:30 Easter) on that day so if we could start at 10:am estern time and be done by 3:pm easter time id be better off. Otherwise ill have to bow out an hour early.
I personally don't have a problem with it, what about everyone else?

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