Exalted - Mandate Restored

Starting Location

  • North-South of Dehennen Mountains

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • North-The Great Ice

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The West

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • East-Hundred Kingdoms

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • East-Southeastern Jungle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • South-Coastal City-State

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • South-Desert

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blessed Isle-Along the Serpentine River

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Lord of Chaos

Elder Member
With the Empress gone, the lords of the Threshold are testing their strength and expanding faster than ever before. The chaos of the returning Solar Exalted has created the perfect environment in which to gain or lose a fortune. Plots centuries in the making are being put into action in order to take advantage of the Time of Tumult. The world stands on the brink and it falls to the Exalted to pull it back... or push it over.

This will be a slow-paced Creation-Ruling Mandate focused game. You will start with a single small city and grow from there. The game will permit any type of exalt except alchemicals (the Seal remains intact). Rather than receiving XP per session, XP will be awarded per in-game year, so don't be afraid to plan ahead and take the slow route until it's necessary to rush. Remember, most of the world considers you Anathema so be careful. Abyssals and Infernals must be renegades.

Character sheets and other campaign relevant files will be stored in a communal dropbox. The game will take place on Sundays from 1pm-5 or 6pm EST, and will be played on the site's Ajax Chat

Post here if interested, along with whatever character concept (if any) you have.


All XP costs are replaced by the below chart (thanks to Sojiko for developing it). These costs are static, except for Essence, meaning they do NOT rely on the current rating.

XP Costs (Unfavored/Favored)

* Attribute : 8/6 XP

* Ability : 4/3 XP

* Specialty : 2/1 XP

* Native-level Magics : 10/8 XP (includes Charms and spells)

* Superior Magics : 12/10 XP (includes mortals learning TMA and TCS, or Db learning CMAs)

* Other Magic : 9 XP (includes heretical Charms, Infernal spells, and Knacks)

* Essence : Rating × 8 XP

* Virtue : 3 XP

* Willpower : 3 XP

* Colleges: 4/2 XP

* Thaumaturgy Degree 6/4 XP (or 3/2 BP at chargen)

All Solars, Abyssals and Infernals receive 2xp per in-game year. All Lunars and Sidereals receive 3xp. All Terrestrials receive 4xp.

Characters receive a free purchase of Ox-Body Technique (Or equivalent) with each dot of Essence. You are free to purchase additional levels above this. Should your Essence increase later, you will be refunded the xp spent on excess Ox-Bodies

All Craft abilities are now a single Craft. This means that Craft grants equal aptitude with blacksmithing, agriculture, architecture etc.

When rolling Craft for Esoteric crafts, they are limited by a single other ability, listed below:

Magitech: Lore

Genesis: Medicine

Fate: Occult

Glamour: Occult

Crafting small items roll Perception, crafting large items roll Intelligence

If a character has a trainer when purchasing Attributes or Abilities, they receive a 1xp discount for each dot the teacher has higher than the student. This cannot reduce the price below 1xp. Charms learned from a trainer (including sorcery, knacks, etc.) have a flat 2xp reduction in price. All exalts are considered to have a trainer when learning Excellencies and Ox-Body equivalents. Barring charm usage, it requires half of a character's free time to teach or be taught. Only one student may receive the xp discount per training session.

Every two charm slots spent on Excellencies grants a third for free

Sorcerers receive one free spell upon initiating into each Circle. This new spell must be chosen from the circle being learned.

This Wyld-Shaping rewrite will be in full effect

Fan-Made rewrites of most martial arts will be used as well. Use this thread as a guideline. If multiple rewrites are present, ask which are in effect
The game will be sundays, from 1pm EST to about 5 or 6. It will be as close to every sunday as we can make it, with some allowances being made for exceptional circumstance
alright, that's 3, which would be enough for me. I'd like to get one or two more, but if everyone currently interested makes a character and participates, we can get a good story going. I'll set the start date for the sunday after next (16th of June)
Im in, no idea as what though. Can others post their possible character type, ie solar, lunar, sid, DB?
Other than that I have company coming the weekend you want to start, I'd be up for this game. I'll have to kick around some ideas, but probably leaning Lunar or DB... I love DB utility in the game type, but I've never gotten a chance to play with the Lunar territory charmset and am eager to see if I can make it work. If you'd be ok with me jumping in after the 1st session I'll put some ideas together for you.
Actually after thinking about it, Im changing my vote for location to the blessed Isle. Just for the shenanigans as we hid, cover up, pretend not to be, or otherwise obfuscate our Anathema-ness.
alright. I'll leave the poll open until the end of the week (or until everyone's voted), and I'll count the Blessed Isle as getting one more vote than it did since you can't change your vote (if anyone can figure out how to do so, please let me know)
I have to manually create accounts, so the site chat does not get used often because teamspeak does have exalted dice but sometimes I allow it.
Well, the Southern Coastal City-State has enough of a lead that it's impossible for it to lose at this point. Up next: statting out your city. Here's the baseline from which to work:





Size: 5

Competence: 3

Influence: 2

Wealth: 3

Reach: 3

I have it envisioned as a fairly minor trade stop for ships, with most of its exports being agricultural. Of course, as the players you get to decide whether that's what you want or not. You could be a more inland-focused mining city, or a martial city-state waging petty wars on its neighbors, etc. As long as your impact is minor (at first, that is. you need room to grow) you can be whatever you like. As a further plot point, you have a single Special Asset rated at 1. The exact nature of this asset is still in the air. You could either submit ideas for it here or leave it a mystery for further in-game developments. (For those who don't know/remember, Rating 1 Special Assets are magical assets like exalts or artifacts that are broken or otherwise nonfunctional. You could have a broken manse buried under the city or a cache of first age artifacts guarded by deadly traps. Anything useful that you cannot access yet)

Finally, you need to decide your city's Name, Motivation and Intimacies. Post any ideas, suggestions or comments you have here
Why don't we just have a city creation session like in Dresden Files? I feel like that would be the best way to get everyone (Or almost everyone's) Input. Besides, it would help us tailor our characters a bit more readily as well.
If everyone else is fine with that and we can find a time to meet before the game (not this weekend), that sounds like a good idea. Also, we'll be switching to the Teamspeak Server instead. Since it supports exalted and doesn't require Dark Wizard to manually create accounts, it should be easier all around
Assuming you meant this one:

  • 28 Ability dots
  • 9/7/5 Attributes
  • Two Favoured Attributes from the three related to their Caste, two more chosen from any of the remaining seven.
  • 7 Charms (4 must be from Caste or Favoured Attributes)
  • 3 Knacks
  • Backgrounds do not cost any more for Lunars than they do for Solars; e.g., a Lunar can take up to 5 Influence without spending twice normal bonus points.

then yes, you can use it for Lunars. Note that Knacks still cost 9xp, asp per the chart in the first post
Kaza, could you perhaps recommend some days you're free and we could bounce of that.

As a suggestion... Maybe Monday at 7 PM?

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