[Exalted] Lords of Creation

cyl said:
The design of an artifact and its stats are two different things, though you can't really design a weapon doing the same damage as a great klave without the 2 tag.
And you can't forge artefact 4+ not before a veeeeeeeery long time according to the rules of the Codex (craft / lore / occult at 7dots each).
Oh. Yeah. I'm not expecting an arti4+ anything for a LONG time. That was just a long-term plan for the character.
Actually, forging 4-dot artifacts isn't that hard. Solars get a Charm in Oadenol's Codex that reduces the requirements for forging artifacts, allowing them to make 4-dot artifacts with just 5 in the relevant skills. I believe Lunars also get something similar.
cyl said:
The design of an artifact and its stats are two different things, though you can't really design a weapon doing the same damage as a great klave without the 2 tag.
And you can't forge artefact 4+ not before a veeeeeeeery long time according to the rules of the Codex (craft / lore / occult at 7dots each).
Which is why you're a Solar, cheat, and get the charm Wonder-Forging Genius that lets you do this earlier :D (Edit: This charm was mentioned above by Phoenix_Kensai)

In my home game, I never really feared the combat focused characters for breaking the world...

...I quickly figured out that the ones I should worry about were the artificer, the sorceress, and the guy with the loyal army...they were going to get their act together and cause any enemy I threw at them to be laughable...

I mean really, just look up Incantation of the Invincible Army...
NoisyCricket said:
cyl said:
The design of an artifact and its stats are two different things, though you can't really design a weapon doing the same damage as a great klave without the 2 tag.
And you can't forge artefact 4+ not before a veeeeeeeery long time according to the rules of the Codex (craft / lore / occult at 7dots each).
Which is why you're a Solar, cheat, and get the charm Wonder-Forging Genius that lets you do this earlier :D (Edit: This charm was mentioned above by Phoenix_Kensai)

In my home game, I never really feared the combat focused characters for breaking the world...

...I quickly figured out that the ones I should worry about were the artificer, the sorceress, and the guy with the loyal army...they were going to get their act together and cause any enemy I threw at them to be laughable...

I mean really, just look up Incantation of the Invincible Army...
Mmmmh, did someone say "army of super golems?"
Arri said:
Mmmmh, did someone say "army of super golems?"
I would have given it a month or two more...

Anyway, we've kind of gotten off topic. On the plus side, it sounds like you guys have a circle of 5, so you just need to choose your GM, along with any sort of themes you all want.
NoisyCricket said:
Arri said:
Mmmmh, did someone say "army of super golems?"
I would have given it a month or two more...

Anyway, we've kind of gotten off topic. On the plus side, it sounds like you guys have a circle of 5, so you just need to choose your GM, along with any sort of themes you all want.
Four, actually. Trying to keep it as small as possible, because facing the might of an entire empire with 5 people is just unfair. For the Empire, I mean. Once it goes into Gundam mode, anyways. In talks with the ST now, assuming my obscenely tl;dr list of ideas didn't cause him to go into a comatose state. <_<

Also: Awareness: Noticing Things No One Else Noticed. I'm seriously considering taking that one at some point. It sounds useful as hell, especially if everyone else already failed their rolls.
So, wait, who's the ST? Not that its any of my business, but I thought I'd add a shout out for clarity being a good forumite and all that wishing you a good game. Also, if that ST is new, I would help direct him to the Application of Devotion to request a forum.
Well Arri just PM'd me with an outline of what they'd all like the game to entail, so unless he did that with everyone else too, I guess the job is mine...
Sarky said:
Well Arri just PM'd me with an outline of what they'd all like the game to entail, so unless he did that with everyone else too, I guess the job is mine...
You know, in retrospect that would have been a fun thing to do. I mean, you know, if I didn't want a ST. Ever. And I was a colossal failboat who loved being a douchebag. But yeah, Sarky = ST, etc. Looks like it'll be me, Feantari, and whatever the hell my companions in fail end up with for account names.
Arri said:
...Sarky = ST, etc. Looks like it'll be me, Feantari, and whatever the hell my companions in fail end up with for account names.
Cheers! Happy gaming.
Tikor said:
Arri said:
...Sarky = ST, etc. Looks like it'll be me, Feantari, and whatever the hell my companions in fail end up with for account names.
Cheers! Happy gaming.
Well, we only have an omnicidal valkyrie, womanizing asshole sorcerer, and some dude who needs to finish his damn bio. And Feantari, but he's a freaking magitech MacGuyver and that's freaking awesome. I think we'll figure out some way to have fun, or at least kill a bunch of people in the meantime.
Although I have played Exalted for years, I am new to the entire PBP thing and would love to have the opportunity to try my hand at a game like this.

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