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Exalted: Great Light and Brazen Shadows (Interest Check) [Forum] [Dice]

WarDragon said:
First thought: wow, those automatic smileys get in the way.
Second thought: not quite what I'd hoped for, but I can work with it, thanks to the rules on free combos.
Mostly I am hesitant to allow merits, much less flaws. 2E was not an example of how to do them well.

WarDragon said:
But normal, BP-based chargen otherwise?
Exthalion said:
Mostly I am hesitant to allow merits, much less flaws. 2E was not an example of how to do them well.
A few of them were done well, but they are mixed in with the broken ones.
Hmm, I see I missed the part about "reason for creating" me. I figure they wanted to bring back one of their greatest leaders who'd been unjustly murdered, to find out who and why, and continue providing hope and justice. That he was also capable of kicking ass and heavy lifting was just a bonus.

As one interesting quirk, I imagine Avatar is rather less... pompous than most Archons. Given his mix of past lives, he could just as easily have been a Jade caste as Orichalcum; perhaps Wisant was experiencing a surplus of the golden metal?
Name: Inovaention the Daughter of Necessity, or simply Inovae

Caste: Moonsilver, Starmetal, or Orichalcum

Reason for Creation: Intended to be an investigator and dispatcher of void-cells, but she's been more interested in almost everything else besides that grim task.

Previous Lives:

Last: Shara Pistonsmith, a proletariat worker woman. She was kind to all, and her shift chief often leaned on her ability to soothe flared tempers to keep her detail settled in the wake of minor disagreements... She died from cancer of the lungs that went undetected too long.

First Prior to Last: Trauot Eversteady, a Luminor and ladies man. He was a hard worker, when work needed to be done, but put in as much effort in his off shift recreations. At the age of 36 he was blinded, and rather then be retrained for some duty he could still preform, submitted himself to the Elixer of Rest after a seven shift long 'last hurrah'.

Second Prior to Last: [if permitted, this character would have been a Dominus or baring that Lightning-Blooded... depending on that permission the story changes.]

Unindexed High Priority: Vanguard's Promise... the last champion to bear these souls. A prestigious example of Orichalcum glory... His decision to become a patropolis was met with cheering. When Inovae was first created, she awoke screaming. The technicians thought there was something wrong with her neural net... but she was remembering Vanguard's death. Gremlins busting into her, Corrupting her, turning her, until the last sane thing she could do in all that pain is destroy herself... himself. Inovae still wakes some nights with that nightmare.

Affiliation: [Depends on the existence of Dominus near Narud]
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Guys, despite the awesomeness I don't have time for the game so I'll bow out. Enjoy!
Important question: Are we based in Wisant, one of the three other great cities, Perygra, or somewhere else entirely?
Hmm... fun.

If I have the spare BP I'll pick up some sort of airship for party transport reasons.
Pretty sure Alchemicals specifically can't remember other lives when they were Alchemicals, only mortals (and theoretically, the other kinds of Exalts who don't exist in Autochthonia). If anything could leave a strong enough impression, that's it though!
WarDragon said:
Pretty sure Alchemicals specifically can't remember other lives when they were Alchemicals, only mortals (and theoretically, the other kinds of Exalts who don't exist in Autochthonia). If anything could leave a strong enough impression, that's it though!
Traditionally, they can't recall things that happened in those lives until they reach Clarity 7, and then, only up till the essence they have now. I was assuming death-trauma would be an exception, as I'm not recalling some useful datum from centuries ago, but a nightmare that will probably prevent Inovae from every taking the steps to matropolis.
Fair enough. Forgot about that clause.

While refreshing my memory about the Alchemical Charms, I ran across the section on Arrays, and I have a question; do they still cost the same amount of xp as before? They aren't really needed to combo any longer (I assume), and the slight commitment discount doesn't really seem like enough to justify their cost.
The commitment thing is useful if you're bundling the exoskeleton armor and some physical mutations for a cheaper 'Battleform'.
WarDragon said:
While refreshing my memory about the Alchemical Charms, I ran across the section on Arrays, and I have a question; do they still cost the same amount of xp as before? They aren't really needed to combo any longer (I assume), and the slight commitment discount doesn't really seem like enough to justify their cost.
It becomes more relevant for spies/stealth characters and those who have enough charm slots to start running up against the limit of the personal essence.
Also those alchemicals that use Protocols. Since switching two five-charms arrays out costs 1/5th as much as doing all five individually.
<--- Bah, downside of life, same as the last one I thought about joining. Just way too little time for me right now to sit down and figure out new stuff. And I have zero when it comes to the alchemicals beyond knowing what they are.
True, true...

Oh, and speaking of mutations; we're using the ones in the books, not Revlid's rewrite?
Very, very interested! Moonsilver or Soulsteel, I think, or maybe Adamant if I can write something that doesn't make it annoying. I like the magical material, but not so much the perpetual loner fluff.

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