[Exalted] Gathering Storm

First and most important thing re: evil characters... DO NOT BETRAY THE GROUP. If the other players cannot trust you, or if you break that trust, that's it. You're done.

The rest depends on the other characters made. My Abyssal, in spite of her Black Exaltation, will not appreciate people killing babies or making human sacrifices, and other such stereotypically evil things. And she will not put up with someone being an asshole to her or those she likes, either, though admittedly the latter category will be small given the nature of her Exaltation. Mind you, she'll have to kill people due to her nature, and wouldn't object to putting an asshole down, but she has standards :P
Yeah. Basicaly, I make evil Charachters who won't betray the party- either because they aren't thoroughly pure evil, or because they like the other PC's.

That said- my Character... I intend to be someone who has a Code of Honor, so to speak..... And whose reason for being a Rouge Abyssal, and not going along with "WIPE OUT EVERYZINK!" Is that that would mean an end to war, as well.
There are certain situations where a character CAN work against the group in certain ways, but it requires a LOT of understanding and discussion with the GM so as to provide interesting conflict and not completely forestall the narrative.
I would like to note now that I hate evil characters.

There's a difference between an evil character and an antihero. Evil characters get playerkiilled.
To meaningfully answer whether a given evil character is allowed, taboo the word "evil" and describe what you're talking about. Without using any sort of Alignment System, describe what it is about your character that you believe may cause friction.
He honestly believes that War is the single greatest thing in the world, for the following reasons:

It is the source of most of the technological advancement of the human race.

It weeds out the weak.

And he enjoys it.

Other than that? He also doesnt believe in applying morality to War- and is highly mercenary in that regard.

On the other hand- he also believes in loyalty to ones fellow soldiers, and subordinates, and comrades. He believes in the concepts of Honor, and such- and deals with the resonance that incurs by going out and committing War Crimes.

He freely uses Necromancy and Summons Demons with Sorcery.
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]To meaningfully answer whether a given evil character is allowed, taboo the word "evil" and describe what you're talking about. Without using any sort of Alignment System, describe what it is about your character that you believe may cause friction.

Not replacing the roll of toilet paper when it runs out.

*twirls several foot long mustache*
There may be some issues there if you slaughter wantonly. If it leads to butchering villages, your going to have major problems from my guy. He believes strongly in the principles of the Unconquered Sun when it comes to justice. Killing unarmed people will make him designate you an enemy. Killing enemy soldiers in combat and reanimating them? Not as much of an issue since its the field of battle and needs of war.
Because you said no morality should be assigned to war, effectively advocating total war.

Now, you can say his morality when it comes to war is odd or different or perhaps even lenient, but NO morality would indicate no inhibitions like the one you just named.
Fair enough. Although, I don't consider "It wouldn't be fun" a Morality- and he does advocate total war- but yes. You are correct.

It's more like...

If Killing the Civilians ended the war faster, he'd /avoid/ doing it. If it would prolong the war, he'd do it. More likely though, killing civilians doesnt effect the length of the war, just pisses of the enemy.

And at this point I'm considering just rolling with a different character concept.
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SephirothSage said:
More likely though, killing civilians doesnt effect the length of the war, just pisses of the enemy.
But wouldn't that be a good thing in his eyes, since it'd make the war more fun for him?
Just curious, it seems slightly inconsistent is all.
It depends on the Enemy. It really does- on the other hand, Civilians /do/ make great Corpses for the purpose of making undead horrors to terrorize the enemy.

BUT He is smart enough to not risk alienating his freinds/allies. He does have self preservation instincts.
Well, here's an idea-- give him an ideal he lives up to... a sort of strange morality, whereupon he relishes, for example, the challenge of defending those who can't defend themselves (since it's much harder to do than simply attacking the enemy). Or perhaps he loves to lead rebellions over other kinds of war, to watch the people overthrow oppressive leaders and establish a more equitable realm-- a challenge often worthy of any strategist indeed. Or perhaps he can be motivated to fight for a cause, finding a sort of emotional high in the allegiance, making his war more enjoyable.

Something other than "I'm an asshole and the only reason I'm not killing everyone is because I'm afraid of you".

I mean, if you're making Ellen look like a good, upstanding citizen with astoundingly strong morals, you may be going a bit too far :P
I like the suggestions, and will go with... one or maybe two of em. Thanks.

And hey! I thought Ellen was a good, upstanding Citizen.
No game tonight, maybe next week but don't hold me to that. Wasn't really expecting this, so I'm trying to plan for the game
Okay, I think I'm about ready to submit a finalized version of my charsheet... can we please get a dropbox folder to put it in?
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]No game tonight, maybe next week but don't hold me to that. Wasn't really expecting this, so I'm trying to plan for the game

Now that next week is slowly getting closer, are you leaning towards to having a game?

Melissia said:
Okay, I think I'm about ready to submit a finalized version of my charsheet... can we please get a dropbox folder to put it in?
I second this. I would like a folder for this game.
I have created a dropbox folder for the game. Let me know if you didn't get the invite. Not starting this week, but I am setting the official start date to be December 9
Hm. Thinking of a good motivation for a non-evil abyssal, which can actually be fulfilled...
Neither of those can be successfully fulfilled in a reasonable amount of time.

Was thinking something more like "destroy one of the Deathlords' fleets" or "exterminate the Guild presence in the area".

Completing motivations makes it easier to raise your essence.

Some examples the Wiki gives for solars:

  • Purify the Essence of an Abyssal Exalt.
  • Establish Creation spanning education system.
  • Research and document the personal history of my favorite First Age artifact or device.
  • Find a cure to the great curse.
  • Create a highway road that encircles Creation.
  • Build an island in the sky and found a city there.
SephirothSage said:
Right, but.... Wait, there's game mechanics tied to them? I thought it was an RP thing.

The most frequent mechanic is that you have massive bonuses to social defense (five extra DV, I think) when something goes against your Motivation.

Another mechanic is that you regain willpower when you do actions significant to completing your motivation.

Certain charms also rely upon one's motivation, as well.

But what I'm concerned with is the fact that if you complete your motivation, you can up your Essence without spending training time (you merely spend the appropriate XP cost). My character is Essence 2 to start off with, so...

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