Exalted alternate settings

Would the Fair Folk even care about the nomenclature of First Age vs. Second Age? They just want to expand the Wyld. I don't know that they'd really give two shits about whether they ended the First Age or not.....
The Fair Folk care about stories. The epic tale of destroying the greatest part of civilization and so forth is certainly a story of epic proportion.
Sure. I'm not really arguing that point. But would they look at it as an ending to the First Age or just that they destroyed the greatest part of civilization, and all the inherent stories that resulted from that? I just think they wouldn't give a fig about the First Age/Second Age tags.
Alternate setting:  isolated pieces of Creation out in the Wyld, with the Fair Folk as the main antagonists/allies/whatever.
My custom setting:

Mask of Winters, with the "help" of a circle of Solars, has stabilized the Wyld, and almost completely severed the Underworld from Creation, at least as far as anyone can tell. The Fae were forced into real forms, but the Lunars residing in the Wyld were twisted and robbed of most of their power, save their knowledge and connection with Luna. The Fallen Lunars and the Fae faded into the boundless new landscapes left behind by Mask of Winter's tampered-with superweapon, and were ignored by the Solars. Soon after, the Sidereal Factions rose up in civil war with each other, for the Gold Faction had released the remaining Solar incarnations from their prison. With Solar help, the Golds prevailed, and a hundred years of bliss followed.

Then the Fae returned, under the command of the Fallen Lunars, who had declared themselves the Prophets of the Covenant. The various races of the Fae had banded under them in hopes of shaking off their harsh new reality.

Whats more, massive structures have been discovered in the new lands. These giant buildings use far greater magitechnology than what was known even in the First Age, and it has been theorized that they are a remnant of a long lost civilization, one that existed even before the primordials themselves. How such magical power was forced back in the Wyld has yet to be discovered...

I just need to finish writing stats for the Covenant and their tech.
Yessir. It's just so easy to do if you use Wonders of the First Age: Power armor, "Animating Intelligences", guns, Scarabs, dropships, surgical enhancements, it's all in there. Take Gloves of Martial Readiness down to a Glove of Martial Readiness, beef the damage a little, and bam, plasma sword.

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