Exalted 3rd: To Wound the Autumnal City


Startled by the sight, Yugo examined the pyre as best he could, while also keeping a respectable distance from the blaze in the afternoon heat. Thanks to the flames, couldn't tell if they were victims of a battle, a plague, or just some poor innocents who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Moving around the tree in a semi circle, Yugo looked for anyone who might be nearby who could explain what had happened here, or at the very least, look for some explanation to what the pyre meant.
Echo's Lament

Before the musician responds to Utapa, he speaks with those who are offering him thanks. He thanks them for the work they do each day, and reminds them to find strength in one another, as well as kindness. When he turns his attention to the god, there is a pause before Echo's Lament responds. He unconsciously rubs at his throat when he does speak, obviously aware of the dichotomy between the music he just played and the ruined cacophony of his voice. "It does my heart good that my simple skill pleases you, good Utapa. It is my hope that something as simple as music can do much to heal this region, suffering as it does. I know a doctor is most likely the preferred specialist of choice, but it is my belief that if we can come together - look out for one another - the plagues that haunt us - and here I speak not just of the disease threatening these lands - will have a much more difficult time of it.

"As to your question, that is a tale for another time. Suffice it to say I learned such music in the school of adversity and tribulation. I refused to allow those imposing task masters to break me, and I am stronger for it. I make it my aim to thwart those bastards whenever I can, in what little ways I can. Hence," and he sweeps his arm at those people talking amongst themselves, seemingly of better spirit. "It's why I love to play. There is something I would ask of you, Utapa, if I could pardon a moment of your time. But first," and Echo's Lament turns to the pipe smoking traveler who has walked up to him, "I wish to thank this gentleman for honoring me with his attention during my performance. I hope the day finds you well, sir, and that my music gave you some small amount of surcease."

I know I took some liberties with Sarky's character, but I hope they are acceptable to facilitate "introductions."

I don't know if it matters, both in terms of the result or the roll, but in social actions, if I have a higher Appearance than the target, I get dicae equal to the difference. Here are the two dicen from the stunt:


So no change from that roll. I don't really care about the Appearance dice, CW, but I just want to make sure I understand this because I have charms (OK, charm) where this is important.
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Samash greeted the musician with a warm smile. "It certainly did, sir. I haven't heard the like since I left Great Forks last year. And to witness you soothe people who truly need soothing, not just rich city folk, I think that may be just as delightful again. Thank you, sincerely. I won't even feel the distance to Manua with that melody in my head!"

A bow for the God, as well. "And thank you, honoured being. Too many gods and spirits these days would attempt to demand a toll for passage through their domain instead of caring for it and others. I am glad to see kindness alive and well in these lands."
Echo's Lament

Echo's Lament returns the man's smile as he shoulders Tempestuous Harmony. "I thank you for your kind words, sir, not only for my music, which is trivial, but for your obvious interest in the people who travel upon the road. It's not often I am able to witness genuine concern for simple folk. It's refreshing to see." Once the musician is finished securing his instrument, he offers the man his hand. "Please forgive my rudeness. My name is Echo's Lament. I do have two questions for you. First, what is it that takes you to Manua? Next, if it's not too much trouble, might I inquire as to your name?"
Radiant Shine

"I will find answers," Shine said, "with a little time."

He set his palms on feverish flesh, and let the power of Sol guide his hands and eyes to Truth.

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This is new and unprecedented in a vivid manner.

Two things stick out concerning this disease: it is a blood pathogen of some manner not unlike hemorrhagic fever without blood expulsion. However, the comparison ends there. Firstly, intense fever brings about the delirium as if burning out the infected's soul and mind. Secondly, it is magical in nature. This is no common disease brought on by rats or an irate elemental godling. Essentially, this plague is a manner of construct marrying disease and the power of Essence. Supernatural disease is a rare thing indeed.

Whatever originated this plague has a thorough understanding of chakras and Essence itself.


Upon entering the common house, a wall of sheets and dirtied curtains obscure all talk. The moans and weeping of the sick become crystal clear. The (for now) hale and hearty walk here and there with rags wrapped round their faces, checking on the sick. Despite the relative bright and airy look of the place, the horrible stink of sickness clings to everything. Incense and citrus burn in braziers to no avail. Brushing into the center of the hall, you see a cluster of locals gathered round... a very familiar face working again at his healing arts.

She recalls the empty towns. Delirium and ecstasy sets in quickly. From time to time, she found the bodies of those who dragged themselves forward, a few feet out of bed, before life left them. She chanted prayers for those ill, making a protective mudra as she walked through the halls, watching the rows of the dead. She brushed into the center, and saw him again.

"Shine?" she called.

She had been a pitiful sight when Shine first lay eyes on her. Her right eye, covered by a bloody strip of cloth. Her arm in an impromptu sling. Her good hand used her Blade-Lash as a cane as she limped down the road, hovering near death. Her battle-regalia, the plain dark robes and cowl, were torn and rent and stained by her own blood and that of others. A mortal would have collapsed and bled out long before she reached him, but she was no longer a mortal. She owes the man a great deal of gratitude, thought it was a shame he could not understand this power ultimately stemmed from the City. All the same, she approached him.

"Shine? What are the odds, finding you here?"

It's well beyond the farming paddy and village now. Not quite remote, but close enough. It could be that the villagers themselves set this up. Perhaps. The bodies were thrown atop one another rather hurriedly, not in ritual. There are a number of bootprints in the loose soil. The rich stench of cooking meat permeates the air along with the crispness of burnt cane.

Roll Perception + Investigation, please, difficulty 3.

"Echo's Lament, a pleasure to meet you. I am Samash. Two reasons bring me to Manua. I heard at my last stop that a healer of some skill was in the town and might provide some insight or advice for the plague, as I'll be here in the Old Crown lands some time. But chiefly, it's because I'm searching for a criminal," Samash adjusted the weight of the daiklave on his back meaningfully, "and my trail leads that way."
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@Sarky @Vanman

The god looks curiously at Samash. "Criminal, sir? Perhaps I can be of assistance. This road is one of three reliable roads into the marshes. Only the river provides more options."
Echo's Lament

"Likewise, a definite pleasure to make your acquaintance, good Samash. Curiously enough, I, too, am looking for a criminal, but it's most likely a criminal of a different sort. That is what I wished to speak to you about, Utapa. Have you heard of a goddess who goes by the appellation of The Muse of Inveterate Concupiscence? Do you know where she might reside? She has stolen something quite precious from me and I aim to reclaim that which is mine. I would consider it a personal favor if you are able to assist me in this matter."

Utapa mutters to himself, "Inveterate Concupiscence...? Hmm. Sounds like a pleasant one." A wry smile flickers on his lips. "But, no, can't say I've heard of her. I dice with some of the other road gods--the blind bastard at the crossroads still owes me--and dance with a few fair field goddesses, but no one of that...unique title." He pulls at the thin wisps of a once mighty goatee in thought. "There might be a lot who could answer that for you, however. The Shade Rock Convention. A local gathering of earthen gods and their woodland allies. They've an ear to the ground for any such business for our kind."

"My quarry has kept her name secret as far as I'm aware. The authorities of Great Forks named her the Painted Lady of Blades, after her tattoos and her... Preferred methods of making an example of victim and minions alike. Signs of her presence have led from the City of Temples to the Hundred Kingdoms, and now to this region. Not a goddess, probably not Chosen by a God, but she must have powerful benefactors to evade the law for so long.

If you have not encountered her, Utapa, perhaps this Shade Rock Convention has?"
@Sarky @Vanman

"It is possible. The Convention likes to keep an eye out for such things. We've been a relatively peaceful region--in godly terms--for several centuries. Even the half-cocked Immaculates itinerants turn a blind eye, they've better things with which to attend. Those ruin-worshipers for one." The god spits. "They like to make note of any individuals coming through the region that may amuse them or awe them with their power. Nine Hells, they'll love you two. I can only hope you make them stop nattering in time to get a word out."

Slowly, the crowd disperses in good humor and caring not a word for anything other than the song. All of the faces, marred by soot or affliction, seem renewed as they trundle south toward the foothills.
Echo's Lament

An eyebrow raises as Echo's Lament listens to Utapa and Samash discuss the Convention, but says nothing. For now. When they have finished, he speaks. "The Shade Rock Convention. That seems a good starting point for my search. If you could point us in the right direction, this would be most appreciated. A name is most helpful. The place they meet would be even more so." The sanxianist turns to Samash. "It seems we both have business with this Shade Rock Convention. I have found company always makes a voyage pass quicker. Perhaps we could make this journey together?"

Kneeling down to examine the foot prints, Yugo looked to see where they might have come from, and where they might be going.

Spending 4 motes on an excellency to bring me up to 9 dice.

Radiant Shine

Shine's eyes narrow.

"Tell me when this began. Where this began. Tell me everything."

If there is a foulness to be burned out, I will find it.

Before he can continue, a familiar voice reaches his ears. Without looking up, Shine replies through a dim smile.

"It is the way of tangled fates, Whisper. Sometimes they do not even unravel in death," he says, and sets his fingers on third eye and heart chakras of the patient. "And this is more serendipitous than you might imagine."

The old doctor had talked a lot about serendipity, as she recovered in a ramshackle hut in the shadow of a hill. Sol is ever watchful, and his hands are light as a surgeon up on the troubles of the world.

Since the basic Medicine Charm whose name I cannot recall explicitly works against something as gnarly as the Great Contagion, can I try to use it to save these people?"
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She offers the customary bow. "I should have known to expect you here, Shine. You always find those in need. Very noble." Whisper glances around the room, at the many sick. "I saw many villages left empty by this plague. Have you determined what it is?"

They came from the northeast, along one of the causeways, the footprints deep and speckled with blood. Soft grooves lead toward the pyre, flanked by hardnail boots. It seems they carried the bodies here for cremation. How and where they left, that's another story. The most visible path leads back along the causeway, along the wide open expanse across these reedy marshes. The rest seemingly faded into the brush and mud, leaving via the oft-changing morass of the marsh. Elephant grass as tall as you towers around the clearing. Two low open sections are cut a few yards into it--part of the kindling.

Another point of note: one of the corpses atop the pyre is only mostly burnt. A hand curled like a dead spider's legs fell clear of the fire, the arm unnaturally long. Singed hair smokes still. Long claws tip broken fingers. Red ropy muscle peeks through crackle-skin.

Tsi Chi blanches, "It began maybe four days ago for us. Chol was the first of us to get sick, then his family, then two of their close friends. We began isolating them and ourselves with the utmost care. However, it did lead to the death of our elderman, so..." She sighs, looking between the two of you. "He's the only one who has been lost. But yes, Chol. He's a fisherman, works on the river or near the sunken square come lean times. He was at the square four days ago..."

Ailment-Rectifying Method, I think? If so, have at it! It'll take a few hours, but would you rather roll all six patients or one general roll for six hours in-game? Disease Morbidity is 4! Roll 'em some Intelligence + Medicine!

"They meet once a moon north of the Antoo territory in the midst of what they call the Collegia. Look for the cranes in the stones." He chuckles. "You really can't miss it."
Echo's Lament

Another smile crosses Echo's Lament's face. "Thank you for that," he says in his broken voice. "You have been a most hospitable host, Utapa, and I thank you for your kindness. May the feet on your road be plentiful and vigorous."

The musician turns to Samesh. "So, Samesh. Shall our paths walk the same road this day?"

"Indeed my new friend, hopefully we can both get some answers at the end."

Samesh bowed and waved farewell to the road god. "Thank you for your help, Utapa. You will be in my prayers. May the Unconquered Sun bless you and your road."
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Moving in to inspect the hand, Yugo gave it a gentle prod to examine it, committing it's appearance to memory before he followed the tracks back down the causeway.
Echo's Lament

Echo's Lament enjoys the silence as he and Samesh make their way north to Manua. After a while, the sanxianist speaks, wincing at the damaged sound as it comes out of his mouth. "So, Samesh. I've been wondering. At some things you have said, and at a few things Utapa said. When discussing your quarry, you said she was neither a goddess nor a Chosen of a god. Interesting. Then you offered the blessings of the Unconquered Sun to Utapa. There aren't many who do such a thing, particularly if the Immaculate Faith is their religion of choice."

There is a brief pause and Echo's Lament takes a swig from his water skin before continuing. "Then there's Utapa. He said something curious. When speaking about the Convention he said - and I quote - 'Nine Hells, they'll love you two.' I have a pretty good idea as to why they might be interested in me. Why would they be interested in you? Could it be for the same reason they're interested in me?" There is yet another pause, and then Echo's Lament continues. "Finally, there is that sword on your back. There are few who could lift such a weapon effectively, and then there is the material from which it's constructed. So. The question. Are you, yourself, Chosen?"

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