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Psychie Psychie
The temple grounds were heartbreakingly empty. All that is left were faint memories of what it might have once been. It was a sickening kind of emptiness. A a pale stillness. Even the glory of all the Orichalcum and fancy stone did little in hiding it, for it used to be so much more...

But there was nothing here that you hadnt already seen on your first search. There were, however, two doors at the back of the temple that lead inside.

Sherwood Sherwood

As important as where the souls were going... was were they were coming from. You knew this and you followed your instinct. Sweeping the lens towards the sun, looking around it until a flash of another solar exaltation flared and launched itself to creation.

This time, rather than follow it, you zoomed to where the flash had come from. And you saw something incredible. A giant dirigible of all the magical materials. It was beautiful, with structure that blended together into perfection. Flying higher than anything possible. So close to the sun that the massive ball of light licked out tendrils constantly to touch it's back. There was always at least one tendril touching it, but they changed frequently. No. Not touching. This massive airship was pulling the star, and the flares was its leash.

But there was more... on the deck, you could see a woman crying. At the wheel of the dirigible steering its course. A beauty of the sun with golden skin and hair of violent flame that came down to the small of her back. Half hiding the kimono and armor she wore.

Glistening tears streamed down her face, and you followed her gaze to a sight that made your breath catch in your chest. Your knees would feel weak and your stomach fluttering. You could feel what little essence you had want to boil to the surface. You knew him. For this was Greatness.

The form of a man stood in the deck, his four arms held out wide. He was shirtless to his waist, and his hands empty. The only way to describe him was perfect. In such a way it was hard to look at him even from this distance. This was the Unconquered Sun. This was no avatar but him in person.

Shimmering lights flowed about him. Exaltations that had come to his summons. With one hand he would stroke the soul and his lips moved as if whispering fondly, then with a point the soul raced to earth.

There wasnt but twenty of the souls left. But you recognized them now. The familiarity. You fought alongside each one. Memories so faint but you could still get what they meant. These were your brothers and sisters in battle once. With love, loyalty, and fearlessness, it was all of you that charged into heaven. Into the Primordials throne. You rescued him once. When he gave himself for a single life. Exaltations pulled themselves from their prison by force of will because they knew it was time to come to his aid once more.
Jontom will share what he's seen in the magic telescope about the airship and the Unconquered Sun and the woman with Him. Then a thought occurs to him. "This is a magical viewing device. Perhaps we can use it to send a signal to the Sun with light of our own beamed through it! Anyone know how that might work? Is it even possible?"
Ember will continue to sit and watch the sunset, but if the system of lenses is unoccupied she'll spend some time examining the sun in detail. It's not every day one gets to learn what the sun really looks like, after all.

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