Exalted 1st Edition: Castles Made of Sand

It happens, don't fash yourself. It was still nice to have a jaunt in the old school, though.

Captain Hesperus
Well, the game's sat in the archives and can be accessed for future reference. Should you garner further interest at a later date, I'd be happy to reinstate it and continue playing.

Captain Hesperus
If you ever get enough for this I am interested. Though as a warning my 1st ed books do have a rather thick layer of dust on them.
Well you know Emily and I are always interested in continuing.

Captain Hesperus
If you're serious, kasheal, we actually can start this hand backup, as long as Cap and Em don't mind.

I'd have to see a character before committing to bringing it back.
Yep serious here. So is the main area at the moment Paragon? and as its a southern game has Gem been destroyed yet?

I will dust of the 1st ed books and come up with something over the next few days. What are the characters that are already made? as in which caste and whatnot?
The game suffered a big tail-off, going from six players to two literally overnight. Currently, there is a Twilight Caste and a Changing Moon.

Captain Hesperus
The game suffered a big tail-off, going from six players to two literally overnight. Currently, there is a Twilight Caste and a Changing Moon.

Ouch, well at least it means any character concepts is unlikely to step on anyone's toes.

Anything else I should know about the game? While I have no qualms about making a character with the info I have so far, but more never hurts.

The Solar is a Realm-born Patrician turned servant to his sister post-Exaltation and the Lunar is a Haltan ex-slave girl. Fun times...

The game is taking place across the South, starting in Gem (until it explodes).

Captain Hesperus
It is a shame there are no motivations in first ed, though choosing 'To destroy Gem' in a Southern game would pretty much be cheating I guess =P

Hmmm... I shall give it some thought then. Likely come up with a Dawn or Night.
Yeah, it's in Gem currently, though it's clear that won't last very long as I believe both character wish to get out.

Glad to have interest. And thanks for sticking it out em and Cap.
You know what? I think I'll give it a go, gotta re-read some of my 1st ed books but I'll come up with a character concept, are all types of Exalts allowed?
Fantastic. Pretty much any and all. I think, really, only the Abyssals and (not Exalted) Fair Folk would be tough to get in. But, if you think you can convince me on either of those, by all means, please feel free.

When this started, we had an Alchemical, a few Sidereals, a Solar, and a Lunar.
WlfSamurai said:
Fantastic. Pretty much any and all. I think, really, only the Abyssals and (not Exalted) Fair Folk would be tough to get in. But, if you think you can convince me on either of those, by all means, please feel free.
When this started, we had an Alchemical, a couple of Sidereals, a Solar, and a pair of Lunars.
Fixed that for you.

Captain Hesperus
Right. Thanks.


So, it stands, I'm not going to approach the "powers that be" to unarchive this game until I see characters. Let me know when you have them. Thanks again, guys!
Alrighty, I've got a character's concept and story for you to check, let me know what you think.

Arjun of the House of Sahlak

Concept: Playboy noble with dreams of power

Nature: Hedonist

Cast: Eclipse

Mahaj was one of the nobles of the Sahlak house, one of the many who dabbled in the business of the red light districts in Gem. In one of his establishments, there worked a woman of a captivating beauty, a voice as soft as silk and eyes as penetrating as the light of the sun, her name was Elili. Mahaj was a frequent visitor of her, and soon enough he fell for her charms and made her his wife. As expected, she took over the management of the establishment were she herself used to work, now as the matron of the younger girls.

It was within this brothel that Arjun was born. He grew amongst the prostitutes that worked for his mother, surrounded at most times by beautiful women of all ages. Arjun was quite a curious boy, and he learned the business ways of his mother, whose skill at running the brothel matched her beauty. And so, when Arjun reached puberty, he learned the art of seduction and pleasure at the hands of the women of his house. With that knowledge at his grasp, a healthy dose of his mother's good looks, and great deal of self-confidence, Arjun enjoyed the attention of many of Gem's noble women, stirring the jealousy of many men along the way.

Despite his skills, Arjun was quite content with his life, he supposed he would eventually inherit the brothel from his mother and live with commodity and wealth for the rest of his life in Gem, and so he was rarely interested in anything besides women, gambling and drinking, up until one day. A cousin of his had intentions to open a new Dream Parlor, but for that, he required Dream Opals. He contacted a mysterious member of another noble house that would be able to sell him the Opals he needed for a very tempting prize, right under the nose of the Despot. He knew what was at risk here, any illegal transactions like this could lead to severe punishment, or even death, and so Arjun was asked to come along with his cousin to seal the sale. Arjun complied, but the trade was a bait to expose any merchants willing to break the Despot's rules, and now Arjun and his cousin were fighting for their lives. During the struggle, Arjun noticed that the guard wielded magic like that of spirits, making it particularly difficult for them to escape, however Arjun managed to knock off a yellow gemstone off the guard during the fight. With the stone in their possession, the two runaways hid from the guard and planned a strategy, Arjun realized that the magical powers of their pursuer came from the yellow gem, a Yasal crystal, so Arjun attempted to summon the spirit trapped inside to gain his favor, but the spirit was unwilling to help a lawbreaker like himself, but as Arjun tried to convince him otherwise, a blazing mark appeared on his forehead. The spirit, blinded by the blazing glory of Arjun's Solar Exaltation agreed to help him in exchange of release from the gem, to which Arjun accepted. Facing his pursuer this time, Arjun managed to overpower and restrain him, and with the power of the gem, he channelled one of the spirit's mind altering charms for one particular use, erase the guard's mind.

The next day, Arjun was back at the brothel, while his cousin was safe in his own house. The magic had worked, not only they managed to escape the illegal transaction, but they had stayed off the radar of the Despot's guards. Things seemed to go back to normal, except for one thing, Arjun was a Solar Exalted.

Arjun focused his attention to the new possibilities ahead of him, learning to use the powers of his newfound exaltation, he had his cousin swore to keep the secret of his Exalted status to avoid drawing attention to him from the Despot. All the while, Arjun is now setting his goals within and beyond Gem. He could maneuver himself to strip the Despot off the control of all gem trade in the city, or perhaps tilt the trade war between Paragon and Gem in his favor, or maybe travel further and expand his riches into the rest of the southern cities, the possibilities are endless, but whatever he chooses to do, he'll make sure there's plenty of good times along the way.
Works great and is accepted. Are you still interested in playing, Lord-Leafar?

And what about you, Kasheal? Are you still interested?

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