Exalted 1st Edition: Castles Made of Sand


Maelstrom Engineer
Castles Made of Sand


A First Edition Exalted Game

By: WlfSamurai


Click here for title music


"Iseda, what are you doing out here?" His mother was clearly upset. Isada could hear it in her voice and feel it in the strength of her grip on his arm. But, stepping outside Paragon's gates hadn't been his idea. It had been his father's.

"Papa brought me." He looked into his mother's eyes, not blinking, so she would know he wasn't lying. In them he saw fear and anger. Turning, he looked to the madman he once called "Father" standing out in the desert, arms stretched to the sky as black clouds churned overhead. Arcs of lightning leaped from cloud to cloud, anxious to lay waste to the sand below.

His father's words rose over the dunes and thunder. "Awaken ancient ones! Rise and take what is rightfully yours! Yes! Come! Take my son and I to be your servants!"

Clutching him close, Iseda's mother began to run, dragging him with her and stomping over the sand castle he had built only moments before.

"Run, Iseda! Run!" He could hear the fright in his mother's voice as she continued her flight. And then, she tripped, and both he and his mother tumbled in the sand. He lifted his head to look back where his mother had fallen and gasped. The clouds were taking shape; a demonic face rolled out of the clouds, opening its maw as it rushed toward the ground. Before Iseda could make a move, it swallowed his father whole.

Seeing this, his mother, still sprawled in the sand, turned back to her son. "Run, Iseda! Now! Back to the gates!" As the clouds roared behind her, Iseda turned from his mother and began running.



Castles Made of Sand is a 1st Edition Exalted game focusing on the South and the many forces that threaten its extinction.

Game System Information:

Exalted is a game of heroic and villainous demi-gods putting their fingerprint on their world by channeling Essence–an energy that flows through everything and binds it together. Using this energy, the Exalted can achieve jaw-dropping and unbelievable feats. Because of this, the game ranges from nail-biting social conflict to pulse-driving movie-like combat scenes. So grab your daiklave and head into a universe of Titans, Exalts, and Men.

Further information for Exalted can be found at White-Wolf's website.

Game Requirements:

  1. "Exalted" 1st Edition core rulebook. Please be versed in the Exalted rules. If you are not, I'm happy to work with you.
  2. "Exalted Player's Guide" for Power Combat Rules
  3. Exalted book for the type of Exalt you wish to play (i.e. Dragon-Blooded, Lunars, etc.)

Game House Rules:


Backgrounds may only be acquired through roleplaying after character creation. Backgrounds gained in play default to being Free Backgrounds. Free Backgrounds are subject to the whims of the story and can be lost easily. During play, the player can spend 3xp per dot to make them Fixed Backgrounds. Fixed Backgrounds, while not immutable, possess a degree of protection against plot events and will typically not be lost easily.

Character Creation Information:

Please use the character creation rules as written in the "Exalted 1st Edition" core rulebook with any changes from the "Exalted Players Guide" and with the following additions:

  1. +10 XP for a background story
  2. Merits and Flaws (No more than 10 BP from Flaws).


Pre-invited Players:

Players for this game have been pre-invited through this interest post. The players chosen are:

  1. Mei
  2. MrSerious
  3. Myllinnia
  4. Captain Hesperus
/waves from the back of the room

Hi, sorry I'm late. Got stuck behind a tractor on a single track road...

Captain Hesperus
*has been here forever no one noticed her and so after an eon she sighs and says.* He~re!


Oh yes what a very interesting pic and story.
Reporting in! And still reading bits and pieces before I finish my Secrets. Lots of things to digest.

Due to the nature of this game being invite only, skipping the awaiting players step.

The storyteller may now proceed to the storyteller's board and have his game requested. Enjoy!
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Approved.
Due to the nature of this game being invite only, skipping the awaiting players step.

The storyteller may now proceed to the storyteller's board and have his game requested. Enjoy!

Thank you, as always, sir.
I'm interested, but I haven't played 1st edition before. Is it mostly the same as 2nd edition, or are there dramatic changes I should be wary of?

Concept-wise, I would probably go for a Twilight who while lost in the desert has had vision of High Nyunda. As a result, he has become a little obsessed with building flying things as a prelude to constructing a new and grander flying capital of the South.
The flavour is almost identical, but the mechanics are different (no tick based combat). There is no 'Motivation' but Nature like in oWod. Initiative is rolled every round, multiple actions now split die pool instead of influencing DV. And defenses are layered. You roll to parry, then dodge, I beleive I admit combat is much slower in 1E but I find it much more understandable.

In 1E the Lunar Charms are the ugly duckling with 'Barbarian, Smash!' being the most viable Lunar option due to how their Charms work. Sidereals DO work though they're not perfect but quite playable.
I'm afraid my 1st ed books are several hundred kilometers removed from me, so no promises on when I can have a character ready by, sorry :(
That's fine. You're welcome anytime.

Did you box them up and send them on a round trip around the world because they needed more culture?
Hehe, no, I moved out of my old appartment without taking all my stuff with me and am currently renting it to some of my friends. The books are in the attic somewhere. It's quite silly, and not the first time I've regretting not bothering with moving properly.
Looking for 2-3 new players for this game. Please read the beginning post for all relevant information and remember THIS IS A 1ST EDITION GAME.
Yes, First Ed. In which Integrity does not exist...




Captain Hesperus

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