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Fantasy Ex-Harmonia

[QUOTE="Constance Auburn]classic misdirection

The button was a trap, I swear.

Gareth Dalga / 31 / Novushkun


"Some men live for honor, others for love. I live, I exist, to drink from the bloody cup of victory."

--Gareth "BAMF without an anime-lookin' picture" Dalga

-- WIP from here on --

Hometown: Wintry peaks of Navalio.

Gareth Dalga stands at 6'4 and is described as being a massive presence on the battlefield ( Literally ). He is not accustomed to what he calls "...Dancing around like a pack of fools.." but instead uses a hard-hitting sword stance that suits his figure. Gareth is frequently described as having a face of stone and sharp, brown eyes. He has shoulder-length brown hair that has started graying at the temples, held back from his forehead with a leather headband. His hair seems to resemble some sort of tangled animal.

Personality: Despite Gareth keeping an impassive face at nearly all times, he is capable of many layers of emotion. He is sober to the hardships of life and often ignores physical anguish. Gareth is taciturn, callous, and often cruel, but not without compassion.

Personality cont. ( Sorry it's not one paragraph. ) His creed is that of killing and death, influenced by those he was tutored by on the slopes of Navalio. He is characterized by a lack of chivalry and savage attitude in combat. Gareth considers killing to be the most pleasurable thing in the world, and often pursues outlaws and deserters in order to legally kill them, in order to avoid any punishment. After leaving his birthtown, he was introduced to the corruption of the 'real' world and thus developed his disgust for 'honorable' knights who all-to-often slaughter innocent civilians. He has a hatred and malice of those who believe in ballads and songs that portray knights as those who keep to a strict honor code, viewing them as idealist riffraff.

Abilities: Gareth is greatly formidable swordsman, and is considered an extremely threatening person due to his ruthless and wild ways of fighting. He is not against utilizing tactics considered dirty, such as throwing dirt in an opponents eyes and showing no mercy to downed foe. The important thing to remember about him is that if he gets the chance, and he wants to, he will kill someone without warning. Most Novushkun warriors would believe that you should challenge someone to a duel before attacking them. Gareth, well, he isn't your normal swordsman.

Weapon: Gareth's main weapon is a magic-wrought great sword. The sword itself is a frightening thing, reaching near six feet. ( 5" 9' to be exact. ) While the magic does not cause any outward appearence, the actual weight of the sword is very little. This provides a surprise to those expecting a slower strike due to the weight.

On top of this, Gareth's cloak has an unusual benefit to him. The wearer of the cloak will be near-impervious to quick glances. Most witnesses have reported that their eyes simply slide off the other direction when trying to look at Gareth. It is very possible to notice him despite the cloak, but you must know what you are looking for.


Trained from a young age in the art of swordfighting, young Gareth Dalga was considered next in line to take over the duties of his father, and his father's father, and his grandfather's father, etc. It might seem strange that the leadership of a guardwatch was to be passed down by generation, but that was how things worked in Gareth's village. Some considered it unfair, but none dared to rock the boat of tranquility.

Despite being trained extensively in combat, no one saw fit to teach him the codes so strictly followed by their village. Perhaps it was laziness, or perhaps they thought the boy was innocent enough to get by without it, but whatever the cause, it inevitably caused the end of the young warrior's honor.

When he was seventeen, he simply disapeared. Many though he had fled to the many mercenary groups camped around Navalio, and despite the efforts of his family, he was never brought back to his quiet village.

Now Gareth has reappeared in the known world, a stranger with no cause. Rumor has it that he spent those years training his skills with countless mercenary companies, but only time will tell.

(( Low effort bio, have a happy stickman. :) -l-< )

Extras: ???
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Character Sheet

Name: Michi Torteis

Age: 17

Side: Novushkan

Hometown: Dianco, Fusstenburg (former)

Appearance (In words no less than 3 sentences and also provide a picture if you can):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/40355308_p0.png.18a512a65eaf8abd8bb56e7aa951d3c4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61866" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/40355308_p0.png.18a512a65eaf8abd8bb56e7aa951d3c4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Michi is a young man with an average height. He wears a light brown parka over a white shirt and black pants. His wardrobe is what most Fusstenburgers typical of Diancians, despite being from Fusstenburg himself.

Species(OPTIONAL) (Novushkun side only. Read the Poormin overview. Can only be a mixture of two genes, no more no less. For example, I'm half human and half bat. Having a bat's DNA I can also have its abilities like echolocation, have some or most of its physical properties like wings and the ability to fly and so on.): Human

(No less than a paragraph plox): Michi may be called dull for his boring hobbies and choice of clothing but he is the type to pay them no mind. Michi is an easygoing person

Abilities: Under his parka, Michi stores all his destructive bombs and weapons.

Michi's father is a skilled bomb maker in their hometown at Fusstenberg and his only son is no different: Michi is known for his quick times in bomb making.

He has basic knowledge in handling firearms and also carries a handgun, a Mauser HSc, for a backup weapon.


Weapon (If Novushkan) / Magic Instrument (If Eilow): An assortment of bombs, of which a stick grenade is favored.

Bio(A necessity but it can be optional to post everything about your character, PM me for things you don't want others to know and maybe we can work a special something out. *Wink Wink*:

Michi's father is a known firework maker who is known for how he 'paints the night sky'. When he taught Michi of making fireworks, the final product always turned out to be more destructive and loud than his fireworks. Michi's grandmother, a Diancan, scouted him when he noticed the talent of the child in making shocking explosives. So that's how he ended up in Dianca. "I'm ready to dissolve all evil"




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"I'm ready to dissolve all evil"


Ami Hatsune






Lincoleshire, Cornelius


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c352b9d58_ANIME-PICTURES.NET_-_106972-1164x1500-original-misshu-longhair-single-tallimage-lighterotic.jpg.ac40a93e31ca8fdd701f1bed34c6cc02.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61877" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c352b9d58_ANIME-PICTURES.NET_-_106972-1164x1500-original-misshu-longhair-single-tallimage-lighterotic.jpg.ac40a93e31ca8fdd701f1bed34c6cc02.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Half Wolf


She is very athletic. Her energy is a never-ending flow, and this energy is extremely shown in her personality. She is usually cheerful, if not always and knows exactly how to turn a mistake into a thing to be happy about or laughed at. At the same time, she holds many part time jobs, she is working hard because she does not want to hinder anyone and to take care of her little brother. She is a glutton when it comes to food, but is also constantly combating with dieting, calling herself a 'diet warrior'. This (again) reflects her energetic personality. She gets a thrill out of being scared, unlike most people. She also seems to have a very high amount of skill in that regard. Whether it's acting scared or scaring others. Despite her air-headed tendencies, she is very perceptive. Her intuition is very noteworthy, and she can question a single act down to the point it can be answered with simple responses. Sometimes her air-headed tendencies is a facade, to hide her real feeling for something.


Close combat


A big sword


Ami parents both died when she was 18. They had gotten sick and couldn't get better. She also has a brother who was 10. Ever since then she worked really hard to help trying to keep money. so her and her little bother wouldn't starve or be homeless. She also trained a lot so she would be a good fighter. She now is leaving in a small house with 3 jobs. Her brother is 13 and goes to school.





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Severin Heids, Amier's Finest, Spatial Corrupter

The first rule of fighting: Don't die. Death isn't when your heart stops beating, it's when you let evil overcome all the good you've done. Those who die with their heads held high need not fear death for they are truly immortal.
Severin Heids

  • Name:

    "I am Severin Heids, think that's funny? Laugh and I'll sever yours. I don't mind being called Sev or Sevvy, in fact, if you're a pirate or something I'll even let you call me Savvy, if only to spare the reactions to my full name."


    "I'm 23, did you think I was older than that? No? Good."


    "I'd say that I am a very disciplined person. It reflects on my magic. Don't be mistaken, I am human and therefore I react like any other person, I'm just a lot harder to get affected by my emotions. I don't quit, I wouldn't be called Amier's Finest otherwise. However there are times that I become emotionally unstable, if that happens calmly and rationally run the fuck away."


    "I come from Amier, where I studied to be a mage. It was the worst decision of my life."


    "Eilow of course."

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@Metaphysics , she somehow gives me a vibe of an anime character I've seen before. I just can't remember though. Q.Q Accepted.

@animegirl20 , I like her so far, would like get an update on her Species, Combat Abilities and Weapon (Unless it's as straight forward as a literal big sword and the sword possesses no explosive materia then no need to update the weapon)

Other mentions:


@The One Eyed Bandit

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6835-the-one-eyed-bandit/ , Fuuuu. whaii iz dat char no finish yet? can't waitz.

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9343-alice-ivy-macintyre/@Alice Ivy Macintyre

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9343-alice-ivy-macintyre/ , I would like to get an update on the Cs you're working on, if possible.

Ahaha! No, I get it. I must say, it's only because I can't find any more images that he looks like a girl.

Oh, and I am really looking forward to this rp. Thanks!
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Also I love the general list going down the names and everything's fairly mundane save for my obnoxious gobbledegook of a name xD

It provides much easier access for everyone's need and as such, I'll be putting the important rundowns and Chapter summaries at the overview soon.
Blendsteel Cleaver[/URL] - A single edged blade, and one of two of Ellis's sword-type weapons, the Blendsteel Cleaver is a medium length weapon, having similar proportions to a classic short-sword. Consisting of a long, flat piece of metal, it is only bladed on it's left side, the edge coming an extremely slight point, starting near the edge of the blade and ending at only a centimeter in length. Much like a machete, this weapon is specialized for hacking, providing a good level of utility in the navigation of areas dense in forestry.

[*]Blendsteel Blade - Like it's counterpart, the Blendsteel blade is a single edged sword. It's longer than the Cleaver, measuring up to around the size of a longsword. Ellis's primary weapon of choice, the Blendsteel Blade meets at a fine point, allowing for it's use as a thrusting weapon, unlike it's blunt-nosed brother. Of this weapon, she keeps various designs, each having slight variations in weight and form to suit different situations.

[*]Blendsteel Bow - The last of Ellis's weapons, the Blendsteel Bow doesn't perform anything exceeding it's namesake, it's design being much the same as the modern compact bow. Notably though, it is easily compactable, being able to fit inside most suitcases.



  • Compact Weapon Rack: In the interests of staying well equipped at all times, Ellis is in the possession of an easily compactable weapon's rack that she can carry with her on her travels off of Skouvil. Looking much like a thick, black metal briefcase, it is able to be easily folded out in both horizontal directions. Each side has enough space for four weapons the size of her Blade or Cleaver, with a spot for her bow in the center of the contraption.


  • Blacksmith - Within the Arima Clan, it has become traditional for each member to both design, and forge their own gear. As such, practically every member has through knowledge of Blacksmithing and all the processes involved.
  • Bladedance - Ellis is more than proficient in the use of one-handed blades. Her prowess in the use of her melee weapons is enough for her to go toe-to-toe with nearly any combatant, even showing skill enough to battle evenly with magically or genetically enhanced foes in the past.
  • Hawkeye - Living among the Thames Estuary, a great deal of the wildlife is aerial in nature. Thus, one's training in the use of some form of ranged weapon is vital should they wish to hunt their own game. Ellis is specialized in the use of the bow in this regard, having garnered much experience in it's use over the years.




Hometown: Thames Estuary - Skouvil:

About the sphere-island of Skouvil, there are two things that are of note. The first, is the plethora of rare minerals that lay across the Island's surface, rare metals and gems numbering in such abundance that it would make even the most hardened of miners faint in joy. What is perhaps more notable however, is the fact even after all it's discovery many years ago, it's resources have hardly had a dent put in them. Even in addition to this, knowledge of Skouvil is perhaps even harder to come across than the bounties that lay on it's surface, most prospective miners having tossed away any documents to the place long ago.

Why, you may ask?

The answer lays in the Arina Clan. The first to discover the island Skouvil, were the crew of the now ancient Arina, a small, once insignificant airship that explored the circle islands like any other. However, upon discovering Skouvil, the crew came to an odd consensus, that they, instead of selling the location for wealth, would instead take residence. Of course, they wouldn't be the only ones to find the island, but, having taken legal ownership of the place, there was little any could do without impeding upon the law, and so, the island faded in obscurity.

Generations down the line, the Arina Clan is barely talked about in the outside world, their names known only by those who would deign to try and claim Skouvil from them. Their culture, is surprisingly normal, they themselves having no particular issue with leaving the Island for supplies, or merely to keep up with the ever growing technology of the outside world. They will however, drive off any who so choose to step upon Skouvil, so it's natural resources remain untouched. There is a rare man or woman allowed onto the island, but, this is only under the conditions that they have both earned the trust of the Arina Clan, and intend to make their home atop Skouvil.

Even now though, their reason for so fervently protecting the place is unknown.

//Additional Details:

Blendsteel: Residing atop Skouvil, the Arima Clan naturally has access to a far higher grade of materials than most when it comes to the production of their armaments. In addition to this, with their long stay on the island they've honed their smithing techniques to a fine art, having developed a precise mixture of minerals and techniques to assure the production of the highest grade possible. This material, dubbed 'Blendsteel', is used in the production of nigh on all of their equipment, offering levels of durability on par with even the highest grades of metal available. While their smithing techniques aren't exactly a secret, this black metal is rarely produced off of Skouvil, due to the high cost of the materials involved. Notably, Blendsteel is extremely sensitive to magnetism.

Gliders: In the interest of minimizing the weight, and resource use in the production of their transport, the Arima Clan has, over time, adapted the technology involved in the creation of Airships to produce Gliders. Much like an Airship, Gliders are a piece of transportation designed to allow the user to soar through the skies. Unlike Airships though, they are designed for use by a single person, being designed as a sort or 'horizontal surfboard" on which the user can stand, controlling their thrust and elevation through a pair of pedals near their feet. It should be noted that the Arima Clan is not the only group to develop this from of transport, let alone the only group to use them.




I thought no one was gonna pick Thames Estuary as their hometown. good box @The One Eyed Bandit good box.
Metaphysics said:

Severin Heids, Amier's Finest, Spatial Corrupter

The first rule of fighting: Don't die. Death isn't when your heart stops beating, it's when you let evil overcome all the good you've done. Those who die with their heads held high need not fear death for they are truly immortal.
Severin Heids

  • Name:

    "I am Severin Heids, think that's funny? Laugh and I'll sever yours. I don't mind being called Sev or Sevvy, in fact, if you're a pirate or something I'll even let you call me Savvy, if only to spare the reactions to my full name."


    "I'm 23, did you think I was older than that? No? Good."


    "I'd say that I am a very disciplined person. It reflects on my magic. Don't be mistaken, I am human and therefore I react like any other person, I'm just a lot harder to get affected by my emotions. I don't quit, I wouldn't be called Amier's Finest otherwise. However there are times that I become emotionally unstable, if that happens calmly and rationally run the fuck away."


    "I come from Amier, where I studied to be a mage. It was the worst decision of my life."


    "Eilow of course."

  • Hahaha nice character. So you were Inspired by my cs <3


Humans are so fragile. Both their minds and their bodies. Should I be their champion, their beacon of protection upon which they flock like sheep? Or do I owe any obligation to them at all?

Age: 7

Side: Humans in general, preference for Eilows.



Neroes immediately appears to be an inhuman being upon first glance. His body is composed of synthetic flesh composed of an amalgamation of the four elements, which is encased with metallic armor that operates much like skin that radiates a brilliant luster tinted with a luminescent molten orange shade. Nereos's body is humanoid in general frame, but the minutiae of his appearance is far different from that of a human’s. He immediately emanates the presence of a monster or aberration, with cruel metallic barbs hungrily poised upwards around his shoulder and back area, crowning his complexion of metal which hides two pits of searing light that serve as eyes. Even his "flesh", which is modeled after that of a humans, is of a dull, burnt grey shade completely uniform in texture so as to exacerbate his aura of unnatural presence. The only visages of color that break Nereos's dull grey form are those pulsated by his energy core, appearing in the form of bright molten orange streaks that don his body, At his sternum area is a particularly bright, vaguely circular mass of this same energy. Mimicking the heart beat of humans, pulses of brightness emanate from this core and streak throughout the lines of orange that pattern Neroes in rhythmic beat, engendering a sense of organic existence regardless of his blatantly unnatural presence. Neroes is 212 centimeters tall and weighs a 210 kilograms, with these dimensions obviously being warped by his unique bodily composition.


Thaumaturgical Biotechnological Being


Nereos was originally a complete automaton programmed towards the erasure of any inhuman threats to human beings, and as such was simply a tool against Egnarions for the most part of his inception and early existence. However with a series of fortunate events, Nereos was able to develop his own sentience, which in turn has granted him a personality that should be as full of substance as those of the humans he was modeled after. Nereos considers the world around him, and even his own existence, in rather impersonal terms. Perhaps due to his origins as an unthinking tool, Nereos operates based on a highly rigid sense of pragmatism. Logical deduction, efficiency, and rationality are his gods, while utilitarianism is his priestly expression. Nereos is willing to trample the weak to observe the success of a greater cause, and holds little stock in idealism, believing such notions to be weaknesses of the human mind. He holds himself with pride, and believes that he is by composition superior to the humans he once was designated to guard. However, he does not observe excessive hubris that would impair his judgement as of course, such devotion to a single emotion would be contrary to his protocols of pragmatic action. Neroes conducts himself in a rather brash manner. He is sardonic and sarcastic, often highly critical and prone to mockery. He is rather outspoken, and is not inhibited by most social norms in regards to emotional etiquette.

Although he still appears to function with the same basis as he did when he was an automaton, Nereos does so merely because he has not yet experienced the world sufficiently and as such simply resorts to championing a mindset that best justified his actions prior to becoming sentient. His sense of morality, though underdeveloped, has a pure hue to it. Human emotions that such as valor or nobility, which would be utterly exempt from one that possesses no thought, are slowly emerging within Nereos as time passes. Regardless, Nereos's human development has not been sufficient enough to drastically alter his outlook on life, and he will still appear to be a rather cruel creature that, though he may strive towards a result that would most definitely be considered noble, will employ means others would deem malignant. Nereos's original programming still influences his emotional core as well, in particular the imperative command to protect all human beings, an order that he still naturally obeys. This creates an emotional conflict within Neroes's being, as though he is ever so slowly emerging as an independently sentient being, he still feels an all too mechanical need to guard humans. Perhaps, as his being grows and his sentience develops, Nereos will choose upon his own will to safeguard humans, or perhaps he will vilify his past as a mere useful trinket and set himself upon a path against humans.

Nereos also houses a second personality which is the representation of his mechanical mind before sentience. It does not appear to have its own distinct will, and is every bit of the machine that Nereos once was. He utilizes the personality’s mental voice as a vaguely self aware A.I., but perhaps there is something more to see than meets the eye.


Biotechnological Thaumaturgical Bodily Composition

Nereos's entire life is sustained by his core, a baseball sized mass of brilliant searing orange energy nestled in Nereos's sternum. It provides the raw magical energy to fuel Nereos's actions, and is extremely efficient to the point of being infinitely sustainable should Nereos not take any major action that would drain his energy. It imbibes energy from volatile sources such as solar energy, electrical discharges, and blasts of raw, untainted magical energy not formed into any sort of spell. In addition, those willing could impart their own life force into the core, and indeed life force is the most nourishing of energy sources. Nereos can also forcefully drain the life force out of incapacitated living beings if he so wishes. Since Nereos's body houses no vital organs outside of this core, the only way to effectively eliminate Nereos is to annihilate this core. The rest of his body is remarkably repairable due to being simply synthesized forms of the four common elements and because Nereos has innate magical knowledge and energy to repair his body rather easily.

Nereos's "flesh" for example, is a combination of the four elements combined into an unique form much like clay that was modified into the flesh like substance that makes up Nereos’s body. Simply absorbing any of the four elements can slowly repair Nereos's main body outside of his core, with the magical energy of his core being used to stabilize and synthesize the absorbed element into a form compatible with the flesh. It is observed that raw earth and pure water is the most efficient means for Nereos to restore his body. The extremely durable metallic armor that encases most of Nereos's body aside from his joint areas is difficult to repair, but regenerates on its own at a slow pace much like regular human healing of wounds. Perhaps most useful about Nereos's body is that he is able to change its form with his will, with the cost of expending minor amounts of magical energy from his core. With this ability, Nereos can morph his arms into blades, shields, and any number of items. He can also change the properties inherent to his body, and can thus make his body more adhesive towards surfaces, waterproof, fire-proof, conducive towards electricity, and so on. However these resistances cannot actually be maintained for extended periods of time, and are mostly reactionary defenses. Nereos’s flesh by itself discounting the armor is far more durable than a human’s, being around as tough as stone while the metallic outer armor is as powerful as a strengthened carbon alloy. The basic physical capacities inherent to Nereos’s body also far out strips the power of humans that are neither physically trained nor magically enhanced, allowing Nereos to at least have a slight chance in a pure physical struggle against a being like an Egnarion, though of course Nereos mostly relies on his magical abilities rather than pure strength.

Computational Perception

Nereos’s mind still has the same capacities it possessed before his sentience, which can best be equated to an advanced computational system for dimensional and perceptionary analysis. Exceedingly complicated calculations can be performed near instantly, battle plans can be formulated in mere seconds, multitudes of variables can all be processed in the moment of a blink, and so on. However, sentience necessitates that Nereos not possess this mental capacity directly within his own “brain”, rather it has become compartmentalized into a separate personality that is like an A.I. that directly feeds information of significant complexity to Nereos. The A.I. is essentially Nereos’s mind before it became obsolete when he gained sentience, manifested in the form a subservient second personality. It serves as an advanced targeting system and analyzing tool capable of deducing the composition and strengths of most objects with ease. In addition, it has the potential to impart upon Nereos directives and suggestions that would most likely lead him towards success based upon on the spot calculations and assessments of enemy weaknesses and strengths.

Seeker’s Vision

An unique ability inherent in Nereos’s vision that allows him to perceive signatures of life exceptionally clearly and to incredibly fine detail.It is derived from both the enhanced eyesight of a harvested egnarion and extensive magical engineering from a magician versed in Aura magic. When utilziing this vision, everything in Nereos’s vision becomes a shade of crimson red except living beings, which are shown as bright white signatures. In addition, every single living being has different signatures which Neroes can utilize to distinguish between targets with lucidity. This vision is capable of “seeing” through solid objects to perceive living beings, and is mostly geared towards rooting out Egnarion from hiding due to their significantly greater life force in comparison with humans. Certain targets can be designated to have priority over others, causing them to appear brighter in Nereos’s vision field. This also allows Nereos to distinguish between illusions and mental interferences, and has a useful zooming in/out option.


Aside from being a guardian of humans, Nereos was also meant to be a sample gatherer and research device. He was designed specifically in order to combat Egnarions, and in addition has the means to absorb their organic and magical data by draining their life force. Of course, to perform a life force drain, the target must be sufficiently incapacitated as the process itself takes several minutes and is highly impractical as a combat mechanism. Once the life force is drained from an Egnarion, all of its biological and magical details are installed and imparted to Nereos’s second personality. Utilizing this information and the magic of Tradeo imbued in his core, Nereos can assume parts of the forms of these Egnarion temporarily. For example, if an Egnarion had the ability to eject toxic spines from its back, then Nereos would temporarily be able to morph his arm to also shoot such spines. If an Egnarion possessed armor plating nigh impenetrable, then Nereos could also modify his body armor to become like this plating for a temporary time. This emulation lasts around three minutes, and multiple Egnarions cannot be emulated concurrently.

Solis Core

Nereos cannot actually perform rituals or spells, but his core, a mass of hyper condensed energy engineered by mages from Tradeo, Kairos, and Velfera, constantly burns and generates a unique magical energy that gives life to Nereos’s motions and magical ability. On top of literally being a heart which pumps his body into being, Nereos can draw from the core an energy that is the syncretism of Kairos and Velfera magic. Combining elemental and aura based magic into a single core, Nereos can produce an ethereal brilliant orange magical energy that he can fire in condensed laser like beams from his arms or fingers. These beams have intense heat emanating from them capable of melting rock under extended periods of exposure, and at the same time have sizable stopping force easily capable of knocking back a human sized feet five or so feet. However, there is a minute charge rate for these beams that is indicated by Nereos’s body lighting up with this same energy, creating a timeframe of around a second to react, which is crucial considering the beams themselves will be exceedingly difficult to avoid. The beams have sizable range twice that of a longbow’s shot, and do not reduce in power over distances but become thinner in area until they taper out of existence at the end of their range. The beams can be modified to be thin, slicing instruments or wider, blasting weapons.

In addition, utilizing this hybridized elemental and aura energy, Nereos can perform flight. The flight itself is much like telekinetic levitation, wherein Nereos influxes energy into his body to generate a sort of forcefield around him to create lift. By fluxing extreme amounts of magical energy, Nereos can create rapid propulsion, but this is of course quite costly. Most of the time Nereoes utilizes flight, he moves at the pace of his sprinting speed.The most common way Neroes utilizes this energy is to reinforce his body. By concentrating it throughout his artificial flesh, Nereos can utilize the Tradeyo’s transfiguration magic programmed into his body to cause his form to harden and enhance his physical capabilities temporarily.


Eight years ago, a brilliant idea was hatched by people that had fallen from grace. Mages from various houses in Kairos, Tradeyo and Velfera that had become exiled for their contrary and mostly illicit ways but still suffering from the timeless grasp of nostalgia thought desperately of a means to devise an invention that would propel them back into acceptance. Thus the idea to develop an artificial life form that could reliably fend off threats to the humans of Eilow seemed remarkably appealing to these mages, and utilizing what little they had of their previous positions of stature, they entered into cooperation with Poormin scientists eager to perform some unholy blasphemy against the sacred nature of life. Uniting the different banners of houses, siding with the technological madness of the Poormin, this cooperation seemed to be at once an anarchic mess and beautiful representation of collective human effort. Under the most stifling veils of secrecy so as not to stire the attention of both Novushkun or Eilow governments, this rag tag group devised an exceptional innovation.

After a year of extensive research, usage of resources, planning, and trials, this covert research group finally managed to produce its long desired masterpiece. An automaton devised with the sacrilegious union of technology and magic. It was designed for war, most specifically against the mystical creatures known as Egnarion. Although tensions were apparent between Eilow and Novushkuns, it would have been diplomatic suicide to release an automaton designed to slaughter Novushkun, notwithstanding the fact that the Poormin researchers also had contributed to the creation itself. Thus this machine was designed with one true goal in mind: Slaughter any Egnarions that dared to harm the human race. However, the research group faced a crucial problem. The machine would not start, no matter how much raw energy it was fed. A complex spiritual programming created by a mage of Velfera was inputted into the machine, but it had no will to utilize it. It possessed a sitable core more than apt to fuel its bodily processes, and yet it did not possess an animated willingness to move.

The solution was simple. Sacrifice a human soul to give life to this aberration. Fueled by desperation, the group kidnapped a Poormin human who had possessed marvelous magical potential but had never been able to exercise it due to his oppressive living conditions and the wretched hand of fate. Purifying the soul and leaving it as a “blank slate”, the group implanted this soul within the machine, hoping to integrate it with the spiritual programming already present to produce a fully animated automaton. This process promptly failed, as it merely caused a small fragment of the soul to be absorbed into the programming while the vast majority coalesced into an entirely new entity, creating two personalities within one being. Regardless, the end result was that this small portion that had merged with the prior programming became the dominant personality as it already possessed all the knowledge tied into the programming itself, while the vast majority of the soul possessed no knowledge to operate in the world. Thus for a few months at best, the machine underwent various test trials against Egnarions in the most remote of locations so as to prevent its existence from being made known. In this time, the larger portion of the soul slowly became its own independent being as it gained knowledge from experience, eventually taking over the passive portion that merely gave life to the programming present at the machine’s conception.

With an entirely new mindset and will, the machine defected from its creators and disappeared completely. The research group attempted multiple searches but to no avail, and eventually the group fell into disarray as each of the members had squandered all of their fortunes on this single project. For the next six years, this machine wandered the outskirts of humanity, constantly observing the ways of mankind but never actively involving itself in any of its struggles. Due to its most ingrained and basic programming rule: Protect Humans , it often saved remote villages from attacks of rogue Egnarions, and in many locations people tell tall tales of a metallic angel that rescued their homes from the grasp of monsters. Every year, the machine gained knowledge. Every year, the mind developed with the soul at a marvelously quick pace. The machine began to think independently of its programming, and eventually budded its own personality and sentience. However, it reached a point in its sixth year of existence that defined its struggle in life. To what did it live for? Humans or itself? Or would both notions be reconcilable?


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  • 57290456201401230346584170154047211_002.jpg

    Name: Enzo Reese

    Age: 19

    Side: Eilow

    Hometown: Mezan

    Appearance: Clocking in at 5'9'', Enzo definitely comes across as someone who just doesn't give a shit about keeping up appearances. His golden blond, medium length locks are unkempt and untidy, always seeming to have a permanent case of bedhead, with his eyes a tinge of misty green. Just below each of his eyes lay a triangle-like red marking, put there by his father as a family insignia.

    His chosen attire is no different, with little care being put into selecting his clothing. One word that could be used to describe his wardrobe is simple. A simple pair of pants and a simple shirt, thrown together with a simple green jacket that is torn and cut at the lower edges. Accentuating all this is a worn green scarf that appears to be shredded in several places. The most notable pieces are the pair of goggles resting on the top of his dome, given to him by his father, and his hand garments. Both hands are clothed in brown leather gloves for the sake of coolness, but upon his left is also a steel gauntlet with a bright blue rock embedded in the back.


    'To only do what is needed to be done and not a smidgen more.' Those are Enzo's words to live by, and by god does he follow them to a tee. Enzo can be best described as lazy, often being seen laying around doing absolutely nothing when there is plenty for him to accomplish. He'll avoid offering to help as that'll just give him more work, procrastinate to the last minute until he pulls some half-assed solution from thin air, and simply forget to do something for the sole reason that he was too busy day-dreaming. In fact, he procrastinates so much that he even procrastinates procrastinating, with the end result being absolutely zero productivity. Even when he's asked to do something Enzo will find the easiest and simplest way to satisfy the conditions asked of him and nothing more. Indeed, Enzo isn't the most reliable person, and he knows it all too well. He has no problems owning up to his laziness and will never push the blame onto something else that can be attributed to him merely not caring enough. His morals prevent him from doing so as he attempts to treat people with the respect they deserve and not drag anyone down with him.

    This is how Enzo holds himself in public as well: apathetically. His casual, laid back exterior appears as if nothing bothers him ever and as such nothing motivates him to do better than he already is, always relying on his natural talents. Once something begins to become too difficult and requires practice he immediately gives up and moves on to other, simpler ideas. However, this outer shell isn't completely true. While he truly doesn't care about many things, he of course has his own interests and ideals, it's just that he isn't vocal about them. He's immensely into cooking and experimenting on such (whether he is any good or not is up to debate), and he even enjoys collecting rocks as a small side hobby. Enzo feels there is no need to barrage others with his opinions, so he definitely falls into the 'follower' category. He won't put up much of an argument, even if his opinion on the chosen solution is poor. However, what he DOES care about is pursued with actual effort as opposed to his usual sloth-like actions.

    There is also a part of him that is very selfish in his actions. As he only does what he is personally interested in, Enzo is more likely ignore the wants of others in favor of his own. Of course this doesn't mean that he's a complete jerk, but convenience plays a huge role in determining such. Likewise,he has a very self, preservative mindset that, while useful in dangerous situations, rarely benefits those around him. Because of this fear is a strong motivator, and while he may try to stand his ground, enough pressure can easily break him. Overall, Enzo is no hero and accepts this. He'd much rather float through life as it flows on, putting little resistance against the path that he takes.


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