

mad to live
This rp requires admin acceptance to join. Therefore, to sign-up please do the following:

1. Create a character sheet in the character gallery using the form below for guidance. (Go here & click the blue button to "create a character")

2. Once you have done that
reply below with a link to your character.

Join this group.

Once you are accepted Revo will reply to this thread notifying you and add you to the group. Within the group you will be given the name of your character and your icon will become the character image you provided in your character sheet.

Your character will also be added to the character roster thread so we have a record of who's active in the RP.

Name: Character's first and last name.

Age: How old are they?

Faction: Human Sympathizer, Government, Resistance, Lone Spec, etc. What affiliations do they have?

Password: Read the "About Evolution" thread to find it.

Appearance: 1-3 paragraphs. I also recommend including a play-by celebrity face claim to represent your character, but this is optional.

Personality: 3+ paragraphs

How do they interact with others? How have they reacted to all this emotionally?

History: 3+ paragraphs

What is their background? What group are they in? How were their lives changed by all this. Note that the segregation between the species began about 15 years ago and has recently come to a head. The last few months are when the riots really started breaking out and people started dying. Before that it was mild segregation of restaurants, etc.

E-Gen traits: 1-3 paragraphs (If they are human delete this)

How have they evolved? When did it manifest? What can they do? How does this alter their lives?

Potential subplots: This is optional. If you don't have anything you can delete it. But if you want a spin-off romance, someone to play your relative, etc. here is the place where you can announce that.

Writing sample: 300+ word post written from the point of view of this character. I recommend writing out a scene from their past.
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Alright guys! I think I got it all ready to open. Let's do this!

Below you can find my character sign-up. Feel free to use it as an example!

[note: I am long-winded. You don't have to write as much. Haha.]


Name: Nadia J. Rosenberg (Nickname for close friends and family is "Naj" or "Nadie")

Age: 22

Appearance: (played by Saoirse Ronan from the movie "How We Live Now")


Nadia is a petite 5'3" tall girl, who's a bit too skinny for her own good. Her piercing blue eyes seem too large for her face and she has a sharp, angular jaw. Her hair is often in a constant state of disarray, wisps going off at odd angles. You can often find her with over-sized pink headphones wrapped around her neck and the hood on her zip up jacket pulled up. She almost always pairs this look with worn converse sneakers and a pair of ripped jeans that hang haphazardly on her small frame. Her skin is a constant shade of white with a spattering of speckles that play along check bones that seem to jump from the contours of her face. She doesn't look all that intimidating, which works to her advantage. People are always underestimating her.


I would be lying if I told you she plays well with others. She doesn't have to ask to know exactly how you're feeling. If you're lying she can sense the shift in your emotions. She might not be able to read your mind but sharp-witted and with a little intel can put the pieces together. When all this started she was a shy, introverted, nerd who liked to fly under the radar. Let's just say that this world has changed her. She isn't that little girl anymore. If she has something to say, she says it, no filter. She'll call you out on your bullshit and shoot it to you straight. She's become extremely street smart and the other members of the Resistance have taught her how to handle herself and a handgun. They've become like a family, living in the abandoned warehouse together. She keeps up appearances, attending University in an attempt to blend in with the human population, but honestly she'd rather be training defensive tactics with one of the guys back at the warehouse.

When they go out on missions she takes things very seriously. She knows lives are on the line and she isn't going to let that blood land on her hands. That's something she'd never be able to wash off. She loves each member of their rag-tag group of professional rebels. She's worked with them for over five years now, everything from taking down convoys with an RPG to rescue specs en-route to the "quarantine camps," to sending a room of humans into a rage to cause a riot that would provide cover for a intelligence operation, to making coffee for their hack team who are hard at work breaking into the gov't servers. In a time when most of them have lost family and friends it's a comfort to fight beside each other, to know that if you don't die for the cause at least you died for someone, for the man or woman beside you. She finds a strange honor in that.

If you're not in the inner circle of the Resistance odds are she doesn't trust you one bit. She knows people lie. She feels the way no ones emotions every quite match the words that pass their lips. She's been burned before so now she has walls up a mile high. She hides behind sarcasm and witty comments, but deep down she's that insecure girl who just wishes the world was different... who doesn't want to face the grim reality that most of society is made up of the all consuming scum of the earth, people who shouldn't even be allowed to lick the dirt off her shoes. That's how she feels about most humans these days. She's seen what their fear has done to them, to everyone... and it makes her sick.


In the year 2012 Nadia was born to Olivia and Marcus Rosenburg in Dallas, TX. Her father was a Russian scientist, her mother a finish athlete. It wasn't until 2015 that the E-Gens were exposed by a scientific study. Her dad was over the moon with excitement, going on about how amazing evolution was and what great things this meant for society. God was he wrong. The media spread the news worldwide. Viral videos started popping up of people doing amazing things: lifting cars, exploding objects with their mind. The press took on a mind of it's own. Reporters focused on the potential these abilities had for violence. One telecaster stated they had "more killing potential than any conventional weapon." The government tried to assure people they were looking into it, developing a cure, ensuring public safety through responsible regulation. That of course would prove to be a grave perversion of the truth.

In 2019 Nadia's father was exposed as a spec with the ability to manipulate energy. His research was discredited, tainted because there was no control environment with someone who could effect the energy around him. He was defamed in the scientific community and at home in his own neighborhood he and his family faced constant harassment. It got so bad that they had to move into a small apartment a few towns over. They had had a beautiful house but now the only place that would allow their property to be bought or rented by a spec was a sub-par apartment complex in the city. Nadia tried not to but a part of her blamed her father. Why did he have to be this way? She was young and niave, warped by the media and what she saw all around her.

With 2021 came the economic crash. Nadia's dad, who had been tentatively holding onto his job at the science lab even though they'd cut his pay significantly was finally fired along with over half the staff. A few weeks later the government brings him in for testing. They give him a line of bullshit about how he needs to help them find a cure for all the specs out there who are out of control or simply don't want the changes that have been forced upon them. He agrees to help, to become their lab tech and guinea pig... but remains very suspicious of the entire situation.

In 2023 Nadia realizes that she is a spec with the ability to feel emotions around her and manipulate them at will. She tells her mother. They both agree no one can find out and she gets word to Nadia's father, who spends most days stuck in the lab. He knows their is no cure. Desperate to keep his daughter from his fate of governmental control, he pulls some of the last strings he has left. One of his friends at the lab is a spec sympathizer and agrees to falsify the blood tests required to get Nadia the necessary documents certifying her as human. This allows her to function in society with a large amount of freedom. A few weeks later her father disappears. Turns out his powers started to intensify, there was an "accident" at the lab that resulted in the "combustion" of a government official. Her dad was then classified as a "level five" and sent to their secret maximum security facility. He's still alive and comforted that his two girls are safe, passing as human.

Little did he know that in three years his wife would be killed while trying to defend a spec at a demonstration that got out of hand. She took a club to the head by a police officer and no one stopped or cared long enough to get her to a hospital in the midst of the commotion. The government came to their home and informed Nadia. Being only 14 she became a ward of the state and had to hide her abilities living in a "home for human youth," the modern term for an orphanage with kids too old to ever get adopted. She became unmanageable. She did what she wanted: smoked cigarettes, went to clubs, stole at whim. She lost herself. The only thing that saved her was meeting a Resistance member the following year who befriended her and showed her there was hope. There were people fighting back. She could see her dad again someday... if he was even still alive after five years.

From 2027 at age 15 until the present she has been hanging around people who one day came to lead the Resistance. When she was 18 she moved in with one of them and spent most of her time at the Warehouse they established as "headquarters." It was owned by one of the guys' uncle, a human who was certified by the red cross and shipped supplies to shelters and disaster zones. This served as the perfect cover. To further blend in she officially applied there as part of the assembly line, packing boxes of food and clothes that had been donated or bought with government or social program funding. She also attended a human college part time to further her immersion into human society.

The Resistance taught her everything she knows: how to fight hand-to-hand, how to subdue an enemy with her powers of emotional manipulation, how to block out emotions she didn't want to feel, how to make a bomb out of household items, how to fire a gun... everything under the sun. Recently however, tensions have been lit on fire. Violence is at an all time high. Riots break out almost every day. Looting is a regular occurrence. Bombings light up the night sky. The city is quickly falling to ruin.

They've re-purposed the Warehouse. The government thinks the facility is sending supplies to human communities that are displaced by the riots and bombings. Instead they are sneaking supplies into other states where they have regulated the quarantine camps to imprison their kind. The Resistance is trying to hold strong, to protect specs wherever and whenever they can... but they're quickly realizing it's not going to be enough...

E-Gen traits: Empath

She can sense emotions of others. This makes it hard to lie to her because your words and your emotions won't match up naturally, sending alarm bells going off. She tries really hard to block this out in every day life but it's a constant in the background, like turning the volume down on a radio. When someone is really emotional around her she'll probably avoid them at all costs. She's gone up and yelled at someone for being so grumpy-pants on more than one occasion.

She can manipulate emotions of others so that they feel however she wants them to. This comes in handy when the guy who is fighting you suddenly feels incredibly upset or calm instead of angry and hateful. When the Resistance gives speeches she amps up her power to try to make the room more emotionally open to their message. When they are in battle she hits the enemy hard with emotional extremes to disorient them.

She can project emotions she is feeling. This sometimes seeps out when she isn't meaning it to. Her friends can attest to the fact that when she's miserable everyone's miserable and her happiness is almost infectious. Fortunately they've known her long enough that they know just how to brighten her day with a playful prank or a big gigantic bear hug / tackle. She has a lot of self-appointed brothers and sisters.

Her abilities are amplified by skin to skin contact. If she's really on her game it can get to the point where it can consume you until there's nothing but you and that feeling. Mental pictures swarm in your head. Your knees buckle. It's not fun. On the other hand she can also ease people's pain and give them a sense of bliss unlike anything they've ever felt on this earth. It's a blessing and a curse.

Potential subplots: I need... 1) Resistance member friends. 2) The resistance member she moved in with when she was 18 and released from the home (male, brother type or friend and future love interest). 3) People she went to University with in Dallas, TX (human and spec). 4) Other people from her past. 5) Someone could play her dad if they want and have him escape from the prison and join the Resistance. He'd have been in jail for like... 10 years. Maybe he wasn't in jail the whole time... it's open. Just something needs to have kept him from getting back to find Nadia in that time. Maybe he escaped after 4 years, came back, and couldn't find her bc she'd been taken to the home. Then he could have joined another Resistance cell and we can plot their reunion. Okay... so yea, lots of potential to have backstory with Nadia if anyone's interested! Hit up my PM if interested!

Writing sample:

Nadia rode the subway, swinging her head in time with music that blasted out of her headphones in semi-silence. The beaten up subway car set off a low moan of resistance as it curved around a corner. Her converse sneakers slid below her on the dusty surface of the floor, trying to find resistance to keep her steady. The once pristine subway system was dirty and humid. The ventilation system was probably down again. These days the power was always down, the water wasn't working... it was just one thing after another. The car shuttered and straightened out.

The hand of her companion casually wrapped around the back of her chair and she leaned back into it. He'd been her friend for so long, and it was times like this she remembered why. He projected steady, calm emotions. He was a simple guy, relatively uncomplicated, and a breath of fresh air. For some they would have thought him boring, but not her. She soaked in every minute of the companionable silence and ease of his presence.

They emerged from the underground onto a portion of track that was open to the light of day and she squinted against the sun that was just beginning to sink below the horizon. They were crossing a bridge that looked far too weak to support the weight of this gigantic machine. But that's the way most things looked these days, frail as if they were in their final hour of life. Out the window she saw fires glowing in distant alley ways from big metal bins. People clustered around, trying to get warm. Texas was one of the last states to hold out on enforcing E-Gen quarantine camps so people had migrated here in mass quantities to try to avoid the regulations. People from all walks of life were desperate for their final hope of a normal life. They may have no where to live, but at least in the streets you were free. She thanked the heavens, not for the first time, that she had found a family in her little group of rebels. They had a roof over their head and that was more than most could say.

She sighed. The CHS, "certificate of human status" papers suddenly felt heavy in her pocket. She hated hiding, pretending she wasn't just like them. She didn't have people spitting in her face when she applied for rent in the shittiest parts of town. She didn't have to pick up food from the back of her favorite restaurants because they were "human only."

"Hey, quit it." The man beside her complained, elbowing her in the side in protest. He suddenly looked slightly grouchy, his brow furrowed as he shifted position in his uncomfortable metal seat. Oops. She hadn't meant to get so worked up, but sometimes the anger just consumed her.

"Sorry..." She replied, looking down at her hands, which she hadn't realized had been fidgeting in agitation. He settled his hands around her shoulders and gave her an encouraging squeeze of the shoulder. He could probably guess at the root of her distress. It was hard for all of them to look down on the city like this, to see what their home had become. She could sense he felt it too.

Link to Character: [Click here]
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Name: Rachel Navarina



5'9 with long black hair and is short but lean. She has some scars and bullet wounds in her arms and legs from fighting. Has dark blue eyes. She wears a pair of old sneakers with a couriers backpack on to carry small supplies. Her hair is straight and long and kept neat when she was in camp and off duty. She wears old jeans or old pants and they were usually tattered and dirty. She kept a holster at her side all times and t is hooked up to the loop of her pants. She keeps some military clothing that she uses when on missions and has some body armor.


She is a very strong leader and loves the thrill of the fight but wants to also keep her members under control and keep them safe. She has a attitude of acting like the mother of the resistance group and wants to keep people at peace and find ways to keep it civil in the group. Has a lot confidence and has a mild ego problem and wants to do thing by the books and keep everything in line.

She is very open to people around her that have gained her trust but stays vigilant with people that are just joining or look suspicious. She is willing to do things that other people rarely do and will find a way to complete it. But one thing that makes her mad and she loses all her past emotions is when she finds out there are traitors among her ranks. She loses all feeling and displays public executions to the rest of her group to show them what it is like to feel a traitors death.

Many people fear but also respect her fr the many courageous things she has done. People look up to her as sort of the hero of the resistance and look to her for guidance for the problems that the Specs have to face. She is under a lot of stress to help all the specs in the country and will overreact to some problems and is high strung at the moment.


Born into a modest family. Rachel had a nice life with her mother and a close friend that moved in with her a few years earlier. In 2015, her father had died while on duty and left the rest of the family behind. Rachel was taught how to defend herself and the family before he died. But then the segregation of specs started and her friend was taken away . She was mad ever since that and wanted to find a way to help the specs return revenge on the people that mistreated them and wanted to help them live a normal life without persecution.

A few years later riots started to happen and she knew she found her chance when they started to target the prisons that specs were being held in. One night she broke into one of the prisons with some people and they were able rescue 15 people and get out of the prison. they moved to Texas to start a resistance to help rescue specs and supporters of their cause. Many people joined when they heard word of it and they had a good force of 100,000 supporters all over the country that provided many things to the cause (money, weapons, hiding places for specs, etc..)

Rachel started the first resistance to help the specs and many other resistances opened up but they were all run by her. She had aquired some specs that joined the resistance and had mainly humans fighting with her. She had a mjor job coming up to attack a convoy and rescue many specs that were being transported and was going to rescue them but she was going to need help from some of the specs in her group.

Potential Subplots: 1.) Spec member in the resistance she helped trained to fight against the enemy and has much trust in.

Writing sample:

It was a quiet day at the house of Rachel, her mother and best friend. they had little food and were trying to make best with what they had. Her mother was making some eggs and a few pieces of toast they had left. She heard a loud bang from the outside of their house and it was the military going around and rounding up specs. A loud bang came from the front door and they busted in with weapons drawn at her best friend, they finally figured out she was a spec and arrested her. Rachael ran to get the men of her but they knocked her out and when she woke a few hours later. she found her mother dead over across the kitchen floor and her friend was never to be seen again.

Link to Character: http://www.rpnation.com/showcase/rachael-navarina.2837/
Name: Aya Ananta

Age: 18

Appearance: Aya has long, black hair that is shiny and very smooth. Her body is very slender, yet she is very toned. Her skin is pale and smooth(the kind of skin every girl wants). She has red eyes and a very proportioned faced. Aya is considered very beautiful. You will usually see her in a black hoody that hides her face. She also wears jeans with holes in them and wears no shoes(hers finally fell apart). Aya carries brass knuckles to defend herself.

Personality: Aya has a very sympathetic/empathetic nature. She tends to get along with everyone she meets despite being a more introverted person. Despite all this she has a temper that is easily triggered, which can be a major problem. Her moods tend to change rapidly(not in a bipolar sense). She is shy at times yet will definitely speak her mind. She is usually good at sensing or picking up on the moods of others by reading their facial expressions.

She tends to play well with others unless they cross her; she likes to get even. She tends to hide her emotions from others because her emotions tend to get her in trouble. Not much of a leader, Aya tends to be a follower. She cant stand having to lead people because in her mind it will lead to disasters. People love talking to Aya though, because she is a good listener and sympathetic toward their problems.

Ever since Aya has discovered that she was a E-Gen she has become very quit and tends not to speak and hides her emotions even more(her emotions tend to affect her powers). She doesn't like big crowds and try to avoid them at all cost. She likes her powers and find them pretty, yet she wishes she was normal. Aya has started to hate normal people, despite wanting to be one, because how they treat her kind.

History: Aya's life was pretty normal. Her parents adored her and gave her anything she wanted. This never made her spoiled, she rarely

asked for anything. When E-Gens started to be segregated it never affected Aya. Her parents didn't know that there own daughter was one of them. Later on when the E-Gen situation got worse Aya's parents got the "we are human papers" immediately.

Life continued on from there uneventful, yet Aya noticed that her eyes were gradually changing in color. Eventually her eyes were a blood red color. This concerned her parents but they didn't do anything about it. One night when Aya was a sleep they took her blood and sent it to a doctor. The doctor came to their house the next night. Little did they know Aya was awake and curiously watching. Her parents find out Aya was a E-Gen flipped. They wanted to know where they could send her, they didn't want a freak as a daughter. Hearing this Aya ran into her room and packed a book-bag with clothes, food, and her papers saying she was human. Still crying anger also filled her and her room lit on fire. The whole house went up into flames. This is how she discovered what her powers where.

That happened only a couple of years ago. Now being 18 she walks the streets alone. She has to steal in order to get by. She hides in the shadows ans silently mourns. She no longer has a family or any friends.

E-Gen traits: Her eyes are red, she doesn't know what this has to do with her powers but they changed when she got her abilities. She knows she can set things on fire, but she has no idea she can also freeze things. She would be able to control her powers if she practiced but she is terrified to even try. Since she cant control them her emotions tend to set them off. For example if she gets extremely angry she can end up setting a whole building on fire. Her flames do not spread slowly either. Everything all at once will be burned.

Her abilities also make her immune to fire and she can handle extremely cold weather. Even on hot summer days she can could be dressed for winter and never feel hot. This comes in handy for her because the ragged clothes she wears are perfect for any whether. She never gets sick anymore since her powers have come into her life. She counts this as a major blessing.

There less noticeable changes to her body as well. For example she can see and hear much better. Suddenly she can run and jump faster then the average human. She is even a lot stronger. She still gets fatigued like humans though so she tries to stay in shape.

Writing sample: I was walking down the with my bag on my back, which i am quite tired of carrying. Causally walking in a store I have a goal in mind. "Do you have any aces bandages by any chance". Not even looking up the cashier pointed to the back corner of the store. They were in the back of the store in the blind spot of the cameras. " I guess it is my lucky day." Taking one i shoved it into my hoody pocket and started to walk out of the store. "Did you find them?" The cashier asked suspiciously. Calmly I answered saying I did but didn't have enough money with me to buy one. The cashier thought nothing of it. Walking out of the store I walked to a nearby alley and threw my bag on the ground. "Today my friend we part". Grabbing my papers and my brass knuckles out of the bag i strap them under my clothes using the bandages. Smiling to myself I leave the alley and my bag behind. The day was going so smoothly until a scream rang out. Running toward the sound I find a girl being towered over by a man with a gun. "What are you doing?" I yelled out. The man turned around and looked at me then focused on the girl again. The poor thing whimpered and started to cry. Guy screamed at her calling her a spec and to shut up.

"Filthy." The guy mumbled under his breath. He moved his finger to she trigger.

"No.....NO!" Rushing towards the poor girl I try to save her but I am too late. I hear the gun shot, it rings in my ears. Freezing I see the girl's lifeless body fall to the ground. Anger starts to feel me, all I can see now is that horrible man. Filled with rage i let out a scream. He burst into flames, he yells for help and rolls around on the ground. In horror i watch him burn alive. "Not again, please no." I hear screams of terror behind me and I run away in a panic leaving a trail of flames behind me. I turn around to see buildings on fire and armed men chasing me. Feeling a sharp pain in my neck I fall to the ground. My vision starts to fade, then I see nothing. When I wake up I realize I am in a vehicle chained. I somehow still have my papers and brass knuckles. "I am so screwed."

Character Link: http://www.rpnation.com/showcase/aya-ananta.2839/

(This is the first time I have done this...sorry if it isnt very good)
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Name: Darren DeLuca

Age: 24



Standing at 6'4", Darren is a lean, but fit man. His long, black hair hangs to his shoulders, and on occasion he will pull it into a pony tail, especially if he is working on something intensive. His attire is adorned in tattered layers of dulled cotton and black leather. On colder days he will wear a hoodie and beanie. More often than not his soft jawline sports a sheet of stubble that could potentially grow into a thick beard would he ever let it grow out. His dark jeans carry unintentional threaded holes at the knees, and his Chucks are faded and frayed. He is unarmed.

Personality: For the most part, Darren keeps to himself. He's not a very trusting individual, and rightfully so with his traits. He believes not everyone is inherently good, and that no one has the capability to change how they are. Through this, he has developed an attitude where he cares very little if people come or go, because he never expects them to stay.

When it comes to interacting with other people, his words are minimum, but he is cooperative. He never seeks out a fight, but if need be he can handle himself. If he is ever asked a question, he is very direct and blunt. He finds no point in sugar coating or dancing around subjects so as to not hurt someone's feelings, which often brings him to come across as a jerk. Yet again, being called anything like this does not affect him, for he doesn't care what others think about him.

Darren is very adept at keeping his emotions in check. It's rare that he ever gets to a point where someone affects him, and the current devastation only affirms his thoughts on how stupid the human race can be. Even though he could be considered different by society, he will always refer to himself as human.

History: Darren never got to live a life of luxury. He was put through the foster care system at an early age when his parents were killed in what the media considered a hate crime by a man who suffered severely from a mental illness. Being the young age that he was, he never took interest in the matter until high school after taking a class that briefly discussed psychology in a tangent.

His abilities were discovered before his days in high school during the initial segregation. Darren was only nine at the time and his foster parents nervously took blood samples from each child they cared for. A year later he was forcefully removed from their home and has since lived on the streets. For a while, soup kitchens and runaway shelters for teens were accepting of everyone, but by the time he made it into high school there was too much discrimination to allow him a consistent roof over his head.

High school was a trying time for Darren. He was eventually able to land a job working under the table for an auto repair shop. He was never officially filed as a worker, which later got the owner in trouble and led to Darren eventually being let go. With the life the way it was, he found himself typically blowing all his money on drugs and living for the next fix.

It wasn't until he was seventeen that he learned of the Resistance in Texas. He had intended to meet with his dealer and instead ran into a member who eventually recruited him. They helped him clean up his act and gave him a roof over his head in exchange for his telepathy. Darren could read people's thoughts, communicate with them, and even go so far as causing his target paralysis through mental link, or cause amnesia targeting short-term memory retention.

E-Gen traits: Telepathy

Darren is privy to the thoughts of others, hearing them on a frequent basis. If he tries hard enough, he can hone in on a specific mind, typically needing to visibly see the individual in order to gain a certain mental tunnel vision. The default setting is a cacophony of thoughts in the form of disembodied voices. A great deal more focus is required to completely drown out the thoughts.

As he can hear thoughts, he can also project his own to others, allowing a form of silent communication. It was common for him in the beginning to accidentally share his thoughts with those he was focusing on to read theirs. It took a few years for him to finally share at will, balancing his focus with more ease.

By establishing a focused link, he can now choose whether or not he wants his presence known. Regardless, through this focus he can cause the brain to seize. This momentary paralysis exists in the form of a seizure where his target will experience the full effects for as long as he allows it. He isn't particularly fond of using this ability, for the effects of a seizure can be long-term and very damaging to the affected mind.

Also through the focused link, he can erase short-term memories. Causing amnesia is also not one of his favorite things to do, for he has struggled with targeting the right memories, and he finds the act before erasing an invasion of privacy. As he looks through someone's memories, he causes his own to become vulnerable for the target to view. This could cause him to lose his focus and alert the target of his presence and intent.

Potential subplots: Resistance member friends, foster home friends, druggie friends. Frieeeends.

Ron Burgundy

Writing sample:

Darren took a drag from his cigarette as he surveyed the city night life from the roof of an apartment complex. He wasn't a resident. Just a passerby in search for a quick view. There were so many people in Texas with the way things had evolved, and it caused the night to glow warmly against the indigo sky. For such a wretched place to exist, he took it in with each stride.

The smoke exhaled from his lips wisped to his right with a brief but light breeze that rustled his shoulder length hair. Among the sounds of angry engines and padding feet, the thoughts of the people around him murmured in his mind like an orchestra warming up their instruments and fingers before tuning. He didn't want to tune, and accepted the chatter as it were. It was no different to him than a particularly raucous bar. The noise was commonplace to him, though it would always remain annoying in its own right.

Before the embers reached the filter of his cigarette, he discarded it on the roof and snuffed it with his foot. His interlude had come to a close. Calmly, he made his way down the stairwell, a voice becoming particularly loud in his mind as he reached for the door.

I swear, if I have to cover for his ass again, I'll disown him. A particularly disgruntled man entered the stairwell as Darren tried to exit, causing a momentary dance as the two tried to pass by each other. Come on, shit--okay now I can get somewhere. Everything is going so well, I say sarcastically to myself. Damnit, Jim...

The voice nestled back into the murmurs as the man traveled upward and Darren continued towards the exit. The security guard watched him curiously after double taking. The complex had a rotation of security guards that typically got to know the residences. To relieve the suspicion and possible need for his ability, Darren gave a short wave to the guard.

"Have a good night," he called out. "See you tomorrow, Rich." He had come to learn the guardsman's name after pilfering through his memories to erase his entrance into the building. It was always easier going out than coming in.

Link to Character: http://www.rpnation.com/showcase/darren-deluca.2887/
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Name: Ina 'Uisa' Ewald

Age: 28

Appearance: Standing at 5'6'' without heels and a good 5'9'' with heels, Ina has long dark brown hair with a slightly thicker athletic frame. Her eyes are a stunning light blue, but are milky and clouded with deep burn marks that stretch across the bridge of her nose and mask her eyes she received in a horrible laboratory accident. Ina does not wear any makeup and her wardrobe is, more or less, 'suit and tie'. She wears clean and professional shirts, usually dark colors like navy, black, and gray mixed with whites and sometimes other colors are thrown in. She is also known to wearing cultural clothes from other countries, like kimonos or saris depending on the day. Despite wearing elaborate clothing, they are cheap and Ina does not mind if they get dirty while she is working. She wears a black pearl necklace she received from her three martial arts masters as a graduation gift from medical school and she never takes it off. Ina also has a tattoo on her left shoulder of a wolf to symbolize her compassion for her patients and fellow friends and specs, friendliness, loyalty, and charming cunning. She also holds a walking cane she 'uses' as a blind man's cane out of habit, using it to hide her ability to 'see' other living things through the projection of their life energy.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-31_11-5-48.png.87d9640ad0c9e0db14cf180d10cce512.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19437" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-31_11-5-48.png.87d9640ad0c9e0db14cf180d10cce512.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Face claim: Julia Voth

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-31_15-42-26.png.de98e457018c47b54b5e9e8db65f3bf3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19462" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-31_15-42-26.png.de98e457018c47b54b5e9e8db65f3bf3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Ina has always been one to be fairly confident of herself and is not really afraid to show how smart she really is, but she is just as cautious She takes great pride in her work when it runs smoothly but is the first to admit if something goes wrong. That was always one thing that Ina preferred over anything else when it came to her work: work by yourself and not in groups to not have the group weigh you down and throw you under the bus. She would rather admit she did something wrong than fall prey to her co-workers who were...incompetent With that, Ina is very serious when it comes to her two jobs: taking care of her patients and aiding the resistance in keeping specs from being bagged and tagged by the human government.

Known for her cunning and intelligence, Ina is very good at being perceived as an innocent, blind woman who happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time when being 'involved' with events with specs. She always brings a spec or two with her to keep them off of the street and away from any human enforcers out to get specs. Being very loyal to her patients, she would die before she let any of her spec patients be taken by the corrupt human officers responsible for their deaths. While she does her best to behave in public and keep a level head...there have been times where she has really blown up and you don't want to be on the receiving end of it.

At first, Ina was not phased much by the fact a lot of people were starting to go through a metamorphosis of some kind. She figured if she couldn't see it, what was the big deal. It wasn't until one day she opened her eyes to find she could 'see' everything. Lines and clouds of energy bursting with color in her vision everywhere she walked...that day changed everything. If she is not trying to keep her house guests entertained or trying to keep the peace between rivals, Ina is usually by herself, left alone to her thoughts as she sits back with her long smoking pipe from China and a glass of alcohol in her hand, contemplating deep questions and her next strategies if she is in a bind. For lack of a better word, the events unfolding with the riots and before that when she became blind...Ina had developed a tough skin and she is not afraid to show it to those who dare challenge her or wish to eliminate specs for she dedicated herself to treat every spec that would come into her care and would destroy anything that would harm them...


Ina was born as the sole heir of her family’s fortune, her father being the Fortune 500 CEO of Ewald Automobiles, Inc., Thomas Ewald III, the money king of American car companies. She grew up with many resources and privileges, attending high education schools and was able to attend Harvard medical school a year early as she graduated as a junior from her undergraduate college. She also practiced since age 5 three different martial arts: taekwondo, judo, and t'ai chi, reaching high black belt levels by the time she was 24, just before her accident. She also trained in the erhu, the Chinese violin, and the piano from a very young age and continued to practice them as she grew older, even after her accident. In medical school, Ina was talented in diagnosis, taking in the details of each patient with great care to formulate and calculate the most logical issue of each patient. Her love for science did not just stay with patients but also stemmed from the laboratories, wanting the hard data to match with her ideas of what could be ailing the patient. She graduated from medical school at the age of 23 given her persistence.

Upon her first year of practice, however, her visit to the lab ended in disaster. A lab tech, holding a prepared gel electrophoresis tray with diluted acid, tripped and spilled the tray, some of the splatter spraying into Ina's eyes. Despite the best efforts of the other physicians of the hospital, Ina was diagnosed to be permanently blind, coming out with minimal acid burns on her face. Ina was released to return to her home, called upon for assistance when necessary for the other physicians but she has also managed to maintain her practice with her patients she is most familiar with and is sometimes called as an expert to examine other patients when the doctors need an 'extra eye'. And her 'extra eye' for energy certainly caught the attention of the leaders of the spec resistance operations, who encouraged meetings to discuss her use in the resistance, which she took up the offer immediately.

When Ina was 13, when all of the notoriety of specs vs. humans began, she would look into the crowds of people on the street, in the movies, in restaurants, and wonder just what made the 'specs' so different. They looked just like she did. They had hair, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose, and 1 mouth. How could you be any different than that? Too naive to understand the pressing trouble between the two groups, Ina more or less paid no attention to the trouble...at least not until when she was older and became a spec herself.

E-Gen traits: Energy manipulation

Ina can 'see' her surroundings through the projected and harnessed energy of living organisms around her. The life energy of living organisms shows up as lines or clouds of various colors, allowing her to distinguish one individual from another and she can adjust her sight a little to have the energy focus in one area or be 'broad' to illuminate the entire organism. She can manipulate energy surrounding her with inorganic matter too, more through manners such as heat or momentum. The energy she can manipulate comes from what can be generated by the inorganic material, not from the material itself. She can also manipulate the energy into anything such as shields, shock waves, weapons, and can manipulate energy to redirect energy to other parts of the body to improve the health of her patients, extract bad energy from their bodies, and can even control the bodies of others if she taps in deep enough into her power.

After her accident with the laboratory, Ina was first fed experimental food in the hospital, which she was told to continue to eat after she was released, the acid damaged the DNA in her eyes as it tried to repair itself and the chemicals inside the food mutated her DNA while it was being repaired, making her body perceive energy instead of light to see her surroundings. This was later followed by Ina's ability to manipulate energy, which she managed to gain more control over time and since the ability was something she could control, she could pass off as a 'shadow' among humans.

Potential subplots: I would LOVE to have plots with more people from the resistance as well as any humans that might catch on to who Ina really is. I would love to have a spin-off romance plot involved too in the future. Action and drama plots are good too! Anything involving her three masters too would be awesome! It would be cool too to have someone else take care of Ina if something goes south OR if she is captured instead and she causes chaos. I am open to really anything if you guys want to plot more!

Writing sample: "Ina...are you sure about this? You know what will happen if anyone from the government captures you when they recognize your gifts," cooed Master Youn, his salt-and-pepper hair starting to recede more along his balding head due to his age as the athletic figure of Ina stepped out from her bedroom in her parents' home, taking a long drag of her pipe and blew out smoke through her nose, her eyes glowing a little in the dimmed light like a demon as she stepped closer to her master. "Sabuhnim...I know you are worried about me. You have to look out for your own health too...I can handle myself, thanks to you, Yamamoto-sensei, and Xue-sifu," explained Ina, touching Youn's shoulder while her scarred eyes came into the light, her skin glistening from years of skin healing over as best as it could. "Besides...the opportunity the resistance is giving me would help me so much. I can move into the old factory building outside of town. It's enough space for me to treat patients there and to use it to have people hide until it is safe for them to move on to wherever they are going next," added Ina before Youn sighed deeply. Reaching forward, Youn's hand brushed some of the dark brown hair from Ina's eyes and nodded. "Just...promise me one thing, Ina," begged Youn as Ina's eyes gazed up to the bright light blue soul of her taekwondo master for over twenty years. "Promise me that whatever happens...you will NOT let the government capture you. Promise me..." he begged as both of his hands gripped Ina's shoulders. "The last thing I wish to see...is an unmarked grave where you are buried beside other specs that did not deserve it..." Softening to that look of desperation in her master's eyes, Ina's hands returned the gesture to rest on Youn's shoulders as she smiled warmly to him. "I promise, sabuhnim..."

Link to Character: http://www.rpnation.com/showcase/ina-uisa-ewald.2876/



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Accepted x 4!!!

Current Roster:

Nadia Rosenburg - E-gen / Empathy (Resistance, TX) by @revo

Rachel Navarina - human (Resistance Leader, TX) by @Harbinger

Aya Ananta - E-gen / Molecular Speed Manipulation (Unaffiliated, TX) by @Wolf0fArtemis

Darren DeLuca - E-gen / Telepathy (Resistance, TX) by @Effervescent

Ina Ewald - E-gen / Energy Manipulation & Sight (Resistance Ally, TX desert) by @LadyMatsudai

I can tell you all read up on this world's setting. Effervescent even used by password when I forgot to put it in as part of the form. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read through all I've written to bring this together. It means a lot to me. I'm going to provide you feedback on your characters, but if you want to get into detail let's take it to OOC or PM just so that the sign-up thread doesn't get clogged up with our plotting!

@Harbinger - There were some minor written errors in the application but nothing major. I liked how the leader of the Resistance is a human. It's just so ironic and perfect. Her losing her mom is a great motivator and you made that make sense really well. She's such a strong female character, which I LOVE. Protective momma bear you don't want to piss off for the win!

We'll probably start the thread at their warehouse / headquarters with your character dishing out assignments and orders for the mission. If you want any help plotting that out and figuring out how to run it just let me know. Otherwise, I'll just post first setting the scene and you can take it away. =)

Also, since you are taking the leadership position for the entirety of the thread I must stress how key it will be for you to be active. You'll be responsible for giving orders and essentially take the power of progressing the game out of my hands. Worst case scenario... If you fail to post for more than a week and we're waiting on you I will PM you and give you two days to post. If you can't I'll be forced to kill off the character and have someone else take over leadership. I just want to give you a heads up now so you're not blind sided and so you can let me know if that's a problem.

@WolfOfArtemis - Aya's a really interesting character. I'm so glad you decided to play someone in the convoy. It really adds more depth to the rp. Plus, she is perfectly written as a spec that needs to join up with the Resistance. I'm sure someone there could help her get a handle on those powers before she hurts anyone else. =)

@Effervescent - First let me just say what a fine face he has. *achem* But really, he's very very well written and I can't wait to see him in action. I see his powers as being really useful to the mission because of his abilities. He can talk to the prisoners in the convoy and get them to cooperate with their plans all while the government remains unaware of their plans. Also, his steady emotional approach to life makes him someone Naj wouldn't hate being friends with, so if you want side-plots get at me.

@LadyMatsudai - Girllll we've been on the same page from day one. Thank you for PMing me and discussing so much of the plot and asking questions in order to refine all that went into making this RP. The only caution I have for you is that you don't make your girl invincible with all those mad skills. ;] Skilled martial artist, doctor, etc. She's quite the force. I was also thinking maybe she has a second hand man at the dessert compound who has the ability to cloak her location? Could come in handy! PM/OOC me!

YAY! I'll start writing up the first post soon. Head on over the OOC and if you feel so inclined send PMs to other accepted members and we'll get things moving. I CAN'T EVEN... THIS IS GONNA BE FUN. haha.
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Benjamin Daniel Grey

Born: Benjamin Matthew Pyke





(Face Claim: Yan Feldman)

Benjamin looks to be a normal human being, his E-Gene not prominently displayed on his person. He stands at a height of 5’11” tall and boasts an athlete’s build. The young man possesses green-brown eyes paired with a dark tan complexion. His hair is nearly black in color and constantly varies in length, ranging from a buzz cut to occasionally reaching his shoulders. He rarely boasts a full beard, but mostly displaying stubble, shaving once it begins to itch.

Benjamin’s body is scarred in multiple places, most prominent on his back although he has a large one that streaks across his right cheekbone. He also has a tattoo on his left shoulder blade of a Celtic tree of life. In addition, he possesses a branded number on his right deltoid reading 0017 from when he was a child. (See History)


Benjamin used to interact well with others before he was sent to the facility. After that he became silent to a degree and not very trusting. He was especially distrusting of authority figures. As a child he used to mindlessly obey, but now that he has a choice, he will argue and fight back.

At first, Benjamin was unsure of why he was looked down on for being different. He now realizes that people are afraid of their differences and the progression that had been made through the E-gene. He still doesn’t understand why that is so, but he doesn’t care as much as long as he could eat and sleep.

The teen is emotionally okay with his life experiences, even if he does not enjoy them. He also despises those who are for segregation of the “species.” He does not view himself as above others for his abilities, but considers all people as equal until proven otherwise. That stated, he holds many humans in high regards, and others as below dirt based on their actions.

Once you break through his hardened exterior, Ben is generally a friendly person who enjoys the company of others. He loves to crack jokes and play pranks if he can, sometimes acting childish from his lack of a childhood. The boy maintains an illusion that he is levelheaded and calm, but he can have outbursts of extreme stupidity and impulsiveness.


Benjamin was born a normal child, at least when you looked at him. He was born into a well off family who were all normal humans. His parents were appalled on Ben’s fifth birthday, when he began to develop bony flakes on his skin for apparently no reason. He was kept away from his brother and sister once the flakes became more prominent. When the boy turned eight, he was pulled from school and sent away to a research facility that was researching the newly developed mutations.

Once Benjamin reached the facility, he received a number that was branded on his shoulder. From then on, he was no longer a human or person, only Test Specimen 0017. He wasn’t the only child at the compound, but his E-gene had manifested the most, causing him to be a lead candidate for testing. In turn, this excessive testing led to the scars on Benjamin’s body. The goal of this research was to find a cure, the appeal to Benjamin’s parents in the first place.

Eventually the facility was shut down and Benjamin was released. He was sent home and returned not cured, but in control of his mutation to a degree. While his family was happy in a way to have him back, he didn’t interact with anyone. During the time in the research compound he hadn’t trusted anyone except the doctor that helped him control his power, but he died in the previous year. His life went on as a silent nobody, running away from home until the segregation reached an all-time high and he was thrown in a Quarantined area.

E-Gen traits:

Benjamin’s E-Gene provides him with the ability to control his excess bone growth to the point that it can create exo-skeletal armor and crude weapons. It is removed with relative ease if done by him, his body resisting if done by anyone else. This allows for him to heal from broken bones quickly and deal with blood loss by producing more than a normal human. His body also uses the excess blood to compensate for the constant breaking of his skin when he generates exterior bone. The only place where the bone is permanent is a thin layer that constantly grows over his scars. (Read History)

Potential subplots:

So far none besides joining the Resistance after escaping the Quarantined zone. Will update with more if necessary.

Writing sample:

“Benjamin, honey, wake up. It’s time to leave.” A voice coaxed as the boy woke up from his sleep.

Slowly, the groggy child exited the comfort of his bed and looked for the voice. “Where are we going?” the young child asked the owner of the voice.

“A place that will help you.” His mother said, attempting to fill her voice with comfort. She had taken a seat on the foot of the bed, waiting for her son to get dressed. “Your clothes are on the chair. C’mon now and get dressed.”

The boy did as his mother had asked, putting on the t-shirt, jeans, and sweater that his mother had laid out. After he was finished, his mother guided him to the car outside and began to drive. After a few minutes of driving, the young child dozed off.

“Subject 0017. Wake up.” A loud voice boomed over a speaker in his room. “You know what day it is. Get up and look sharp.” The voice ordered before ending abruptly.

Visitor’s day, the boy remembered. My family may actually come this year. He thought with hope. They never did any of the previous years, so why would it be any different?

“There is a set of clothes for you in the closet.” The loudspeaker announced; this time a woman’s voice.

“Yes ma’am.” Benjamin replied before walking towards the closet and grabbing the pants and shirt he found. The clothes were a simple gray color, similar to the white ones he wore daily and to those of prisoners. The clothes were comfy enough, but did make him feel as though he was a prisoner. “How long until visitors start to arrive?” He asked as he pulled on the shirt, pulling down the sleeve to cover his brand. That was one of the many rules of visitor’s day: don’t let anyone see your number. I seemed like an odd rule, but the boy didn’t question it.

“You have thirty minutes Benjamin.” The woman replied.

That was one of the few things he enjoyed about visitor’s day: he wasn’t just a number, even if it was for only a few hours.
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Rooke this character is awesome. Excepted X a bajilliomgazillion. Nice work! Msg me. I have some side plot ideas. =)

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Still open. Go to the link in my previous post and read the sign up thread please. Can't wait for you to join us!

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Yup plz read group thread and sign up and pm me with info!

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Name: Trace (real name unknown)

Born: 15/03/2007 (dd/mm/yyyy) (age: 27)

Appearance: At 5'11, Trace is average in height as well as other aspects. Not particularly muscular or strikingly handsome, he would be the kind of person who would go unnoticed in a crowd if not for the ugly red scar that runs from the outer edge of his right eye to the back of his head, disturbing his short, mud brown hair where the follicles have been destroyed. His eyes, coloured like autumn leaves are rarely still, but anyone who has the chance to stare into his eyes for more than a few seconds soon realise they have a dead quality to them, the look of someone who has seen too much for one lifetime and does not have the capacity for feelings anymore. As to facial hair, Trace is not the best advertisement for personal hygiene and as such does not shave regularly. This does not mean he has a beard stretched halfway to the floor though, instead he has messy patches of uneven hair, a trait inherited from his father.

Personality: There is no good way to describe the personality of one such as Trace, the closest you could come is 'psychopath', but this conjures up images of murderous individuals that are not to be messed with. This is not the case, in this situation psychopath means a complete lack of emotion. This trait has it's advantages: having no remorse means being able to act without feelings getting in the way of what needs to be done; lacking attachment to people means no heartbreak, no hurt. This is a double-edged blade however, and living like this has made Trace cynical and closed off.

He does have the ability to fake emotion however, and though inside he may be a blank slate that thinks and acts in ways that will benefit him and no-one else, to other people he can come across in any one of hundreds of ways. Most commonly, he is a charming, pleasant person who could win the trust of anyone... then using that trust to his advantage, helping him to survive day by day. Cross him though, and you would be lucky to live out the day.

He doesn't go out looking for trouble, but he knows how to deal with it if it comes to him. He is a thoughtful individual, he doesn't take risks unless there is no other option, though he will let other people take risks for him.

History: Born in the UK, his early years are shrouded in mystery, his real name included. The name Trace had been given to him by his first guardian, she picked up on the way he was always fingering the scar along his head, tracing it, I'm sure you can make the connection from there. She had been a children's writer, her love of children was immeasurable, but she had been infertile and adoption was the only option for her. She poured all of her love into Trace, but it was unrequited by him, and after a few years he went back on the market.

By this time he was 13 and it was 2020. Everything was starting to get screwed up by this point, the segregation of specs had begun around a year prior. Having realised he was going to be affected too late, Trace had been bought from the orphanage by a group of scientists in Texas who had taken it upon themselves to 'cure' him. Many painful, degrading and failed experiments later, he was left out on the street and left for dead, weak and malnourished. He had survived though, no thanks to anyone else, and decided he would be better off without having to deal with people.

And so he took to living on the outskirts of society, where he wouldn't be bothered. He stole and scrounged and mugged, using his abilities to get what he needed. he soon became an example for the government, strengthening their argument that specs were nothing but bad news. This didn't matter to Trace though, that was how it had been for most of his life and as long as he was ok everyone else could go f*** themselves.

This is how he lived for another 10 years, unbothered by the authorities as his GPS tracker was inactive. This was one of the few positives that had come out of being experimented on; one test had involved trying to purge every cell in his body of any mutation, all that had been achieved was an excruciating pain that had lasted for days and the requirement for resuscitation after being clinically dead for 10 minutes. More to the point, however, the tracker cells lurking in his system were deformed during the process, rendering them useless.

He would have lived like this for the rest of his days had it been his choice, but people began to follow him everywhere, giving him help he hadn't requested. They were part of the resistance and wanted nothing more than to recruit him, promising a life where he didn't have to hide away anymore. It had taken them weeks, but after considering the advantages of this, Trace eventually felt he was best off joining them. They had taken him away from the city, and led him to the desert just so they could smuggle him back in. Though he could understand why they felt they had to do this, but in Trace's mind he thought about how he could have crept in to their precious warehouse unnoticed without their help. and this takes us to the present day, since then he has been helping the resistance, recruiting more specs or humans and lending a hand wherever one was needed. Though he would never admit it, in this place he finally felt as though he had a purpose.

E-GEN Traits:
Alchemy. This term is used loosely, what is means is that Trace can take an object, and make it into any shape of the same size. He must follow the laws of equivalent exchange however, basically this means he cannot create or destroy matter, only bend it and shape it to his will. This does not extend to living matter, there won't be any puddles of flesh that used to be people! To perform this ability, all he has to do is touch the object in question to reform it.

As well as this he has a heightened memory for things he has read, making him an incredible engineer, as with the right objects (for the material) and knowledge, he could make usable objects. for example; given glass, plastic and metals he could fashion a crude torch that would only then need a battery to work.

Potential sub-plots: I can't think of any currently, but I will think on it and see if I can come up with some interesting stuff.

Writing Sample:

A plane, flying high... too high, why? why am I up here? I shouldn't be up this high, what if I fall? How did I get in here? I'm trapped, i need to get out, I need to... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

The scream was piercing, why could he hear it so clearly, it was only in his head. But he knew that wasn't true, the scream had come out and now it wouldn't stop! He couldn't stand the sound of it after a few seconds but still he couldn't stop; his hands went to cover his ears, just to block the sound, but it was in his head, it was everywhere! Strong hands grabbed at him and forced him to face the person they belonged to. He saw the eyes, his father's eyes, they ought to have comforted him but on the screaming went. His father was speaking, he could see the lips moving, forming a name, his name, a name long forgotten, what was it? It was right there in front of him and still he could not hear it.

After a few minutes the scream broke down into sobs, screaming had used the last reserves of energy in him; his father's voice was there to comfort him though. "It's ok, we're nearly there, just another hour or so and we'll be back on land", by now most of the population of the plane had turned to see the cause of the commotion. The men in black suits who had come to take his Dad and him from their house to wherever they're heading now sat stone-faced as ever, facing forward. He had calmed down somewhat now, and nestled into his Father's arms to relax.

That was when they hit turbulence, and everything turned into one single moment of pure terror. The plane shook him to the bone, stirring another scream, but now it wasn't alone; it was accompanied by a strange energy, a feeling that all of a sudden everything around him was no longer solid, it was putty, it was weak and malleable. Without thinking, without meaning to, his hand shot out to one side in order to feel the wall of the plane, and sure enough it gave way. His entire arm went through the side of the plane and when it came back, a hole opened up where metal had just been. He was so enthralled by this he barely noticed that now he wasn't the one screaming, it was everyone else... and everyone else was falling.

The fall jolted him awake and Trace shot up in his makeshift bed, all at once he left the boy he once was behind and came back to the man he had grown into. The fear he had experienced in his dream subsided and left the emotionless void he is so used to. Every time he had that dream he could swear he gets closer to his name, and yet even further away when he wakes. He traced the scar along his head as had become his tradition, and sat up, feeling more tired than when he went to sleep.

Link To Character: Here
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Name: Donovan Terell

Age: 63

Sex: Male

Faction: Government

Password: Ron Burgundy


Donovan stands at 6'2". His white hair is short and kept under his bowler hat. He has a well-trimmed full beard that falls to the bottom his neck. His attire, a full fitted suit with undershit and tie, constantly greatly others around him, giving off the appearance of someone important. On his face rests black spectacles which cover his eyes from view. These spectacles, combined with his stoic face, make his intentions and feelings unknown to the observer. He often carries with him what appears to be a black cane, although he does not require the cane to walk with.

Donovan is a old world man. He is a harden individual, used to the pain and hardship that lie can bring. He believes in one thing: power. All persons crave it. None so more than him. He is a long game man. He would rather lose the battle and win the warWhen dealing with others, Donovan has mastered the art of manipulation. He has learned the words to get even the most powerful man in the United States on his side. He eloquently speaks, adding whatever emotion he feels will best persuade his target to his side. When it comes time for the dice to be cast, his allies can be assured Donovan has already loaded the dice, bribed the establishment and has guards ready to intervene at his command. He takes no chances. When he wins, he does not leave his opponent a chance to recover: he crushes them utterly.He takes a very pragmatic philosophy in life. Beliefs and theories serve only practical application and thus can easily change his viewpoint to whatever best benefits his current situation. His opponents would describe him as a chameleon, pitiless, heartless, a man without compassion. Donovan would say that anyone who doesn't express those qualities is weak.

Donovan has had a life time of experiences. As a young man, he born in a military family, his father as Colonel in the United States Army. Thus, it was no surprise to anyone when Donovan became a member of the Green Berets. After serving a decade in the Green Berets, Donovan worked at the CIA as a waterworks agent and eventually a regional overseer. When he came out the CIA, Donovan ran for and was elected to the United States Senate in the state of Texas, serving on the committee of Armed Service.

When the E-Gen crisis began, at the start of his second term as Senator, Donovan was one of the ones calling for E-Gen people to be rounded up and controlled. He, along with the military, saw the potential future application of people with such abilities. When his own abilities manifested, he quietly withdrew from Congress to avoid any backlash. Donovan then rejoined the Department of Defense, working with some of the foremost scientists and E-Gens within the DoD to sharpen and hone his skills. While the DoD was initially skeptical of training an E-Gen, Donovan was able to use his connections to convince those in control that having E-Gens working from the DoD would be a great asset to the country. Thus, the DoD began procuring E-Gens for black ops use. As the E-Gen problem became worse, Donovan approached the powers that be asking if he could begin a program to explore the military application of a pure E-Gens black ops team. Since the Government's stance on E-Gens was clear, the United States would have clear deniability of any actions that a group of rouge E-Gens took. And so it was that a covert ops group began called Sector Ten, a group with the expressed goal of protecting America's interests both at home and abroad. Sector Ten was given the highest level of access and the latest technology to fight enemy E-Gen or humans.

Donovan was creative in how to win over E-Gens. These E-Gens were spared quarantine. They were given a wealth, money, and freedom, so long as they continued to serve Sector Ten. Donovan has custom non-government trackers embedded in every single member of Sector Ten to know their location at all times. Because of the nature of the sector's work, Donovan convinced the Secretary of Defense that it would provide better deniability if none of Sector Ten had normal trackers that could be tied back to the United States. The trackers work the same as the government trackers except that government agencies cannot use them. The second an E-Gen stopped serving Sector Ten, they were quickly shown the dog house. As Sector Ten began to experience successes, Donovan began to hear from his informants of an upstart anti-Government in Texas that called themselves the Resistance, comprised of mostly E-Gens. They were becoming an nuisance to the Government, Donovan was told. A nuisance that to dealt with before it became a big problem.Donovan is currently in Dallas, Texas, attempting to locate any leads to the Resistance movement.

E-Gen traits: Teleportation/Anti-Telepathy

Donovan is a short-range teleporter. The limit of his range his several dozen miles in a single jump. The farther the distance he is teleporting, the more inaccurate his jump is. For example, at thirty miles he might end up three miles south of his intended target. The longer the range, the more concentration that is also required. If he doesn't focus his thoughts on his target he be trying to teleport twenty miles north, but end up going sixteen miles south-west.

At very close range is where Donovan's teleportation thrives. Teleporting a few hundred yards is nothing to Donovan, requiring almost no concentration. Teleporting does create an odd sensation, causing extreme pain to the untrained teleporter. Donovan's time spent training has allowed him to build up an immunity to this pain, but anyone who he teleports will feel like they've been kicked in the balls for an hour.

Teleporting another person doubles the concentration required and with three people Donovan runs the risk of his brain becoming a liquid vegetable. Momentum is conserved when Donovan teleports. If he starts running and swings his cane forward like a sword and then teleports next to someone, his body will be moving at the same speed and his cane swinging at the same speed as it comes in contact with the person.

One of the other traits that Donovan developed, although not strictly an E-Gen trait, is the ability to combat telepaths. The DoD had several telepaths on site when Donovan was honing his skills and allowed him to work with them to develop a solution to telepaths. Donovan can now throw up walls, blocking out to his thoughts to any prying mind, in addition to being able to detect when a telepath is trying to break down his walls. While he can't make enter the telepath's mind and attack them, he can at least protect his own mind and thoughts from others. If a telepath would try to focus on his mind, they would hear nothing but static.

Potential subplots: Sector Ten team members would be nice to have. It would be also interesting to have his overseer, the head of the DoD in the story.

Writing sample: Donovan reached down into his trousers, pulling out his pocket watch. Sixteen hundred hours exactly. He looked around at his surroundings. He was in the always exciting New York City. Around him, bombed out buildings and deserted homes. There were a few souls gathered around a trash can that was being used a camp fire. This was the bad side of the city, the side hit the hardest by the violence of the Bloody Winter. Now, it was all but deserted save for the worse of society. In the wake of the riots and civil unrest, gangs had moved in the area, working with rioters to fight the police. The police couldn't fight, so they built up a giant fenced and manned wall around the city section. No one got in, and no one got out. Most regular people quickly gave up their foolishness and turned themselves into the Government. By the time most realized that they were being sent to work camps for being E-Gen or E-Gen sympathizers it was too late. Now, all that was left in the section were the few who knew had been too intelligent to not trust the Government, but too weak to escape the city section.

Why was Donovan here? One of his informants had tipped him off that there was a E-Gen in the section planning a big attack against New York City. The Government had asked him to put an end to the attack.

He turned off the main street into an alley. In the alley sat a group four of men sitting on top of destroyed dumpsters. The men jumped off the dumpsters upon seeing Donovan walking towards them.

"Whoa. Where'd this old man come from?" one of the men said as they began to walk towards him.

"Woowee. Look at that suit. Hey Jim, how'd you think I look in that?" said another man.

"Damn fine brother. Damn fine."

As they came to within fifty feet of Donovan, Donovan stopped in his place. "I don't suppose one of you could tell me where I could find Mark Loman?" As the mens' faces instant went from one of curiosity and amusement to hostile, Donovan sighed. "No? I thought as much."

The men had reached for their guns, pulling them out to aim at Donovan, only to find he was no longer in front of them."Where'd he go!?"

"Behind you," came the answer. As the man with the fastest reaction time spun around to face Donovan, he was greeted with sight of an object coming into the corner of his vision. With a loud crack of the skull smashing Donovan's cane came into contact with the man's side of his head, the force of the blow killing him instantly. At same time, Donovan reached out and grabbed a hold of the man to the dead man, and teleported, going straight up one hundred feet. He instantly dropped the man who had been rendered unconscious by the teleport. Donovan had already teleported back down to street level, a good twenty feet behind the two men left and called out them.

He began running towards them as they unleashed a torrent of bullets in his direction. However, he had teleported, the bullets slicing the thin air where he had once been. He came out his teleport tackling one of the men and instantly teleporting again while at the same time the man who had been dropped unconsciously from above landed directly onto where the man still left, killing both the unconscious man and the man still left.

Donovan and the last survivor came out of teleport, the man groaning in pain. As Donovan stood up, brushing the dirt off of his clothing, he looked down at the man. "Now, I think, you will tell me where I could find Mark Loman." The man shook his head in disagreement. "Excellent. That's just want I waned to hear." Donovan pressed a button on the rubber top side of his cane. Instantly the length of the cane that was metal, not rubber, began to spark. As he touched the cane against the man's arm the man cried out in anguish. Donovan said with a smile, "You will tell me where Mark Loman is."

A black cane with a rubber handle. The entire cane can become electrically charged by Donovan pressing a button located near the top of the cane. The charge feels like being tasered, but it can also be increased through a knob to provide more lethal solutions.

Edit: link to CS: http://www.rpnation.com/showcase/donovan-terell.3624/
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