Evil twisted sadistic minds needed


I am particularly geared towards comedic and extreme means of anything, and I hope that I don't put my touch too much into these thoughts... I am trying to compete with JB after all.

There are plenty of sensitive areas on the body to make full use of. I am no doctor or torturer so I can only imagine...

The nails-rip them from their plantings in the fingers and toes slowly by bending them back (make sure you keep the nail intact while doing this) and finally disconnecting.  Teeth-twist, shake, but no dancing here.  Again, take your time, good pain can't be rushed.

Disemboweling, and then returning of the organs.  They're Exalted, they can take it... poking and proding encouraged, handle the intestines especially rough.  Take out every organ one by one, examine it a bit roughly and put it back in.  You might want to break a few ribs in the process for good measure.

Find some adorable looking animals of any kind: rabbits, cats, dogs, etc. and sacrifice them literally on the torturee.  The victim will be getting his only bathes from the blood so they better appreciate it.  Drown the victim in the blood a couple times and revive them.  Some blood may remain in their lungs, so drown them with water if necessary.  Set their genitalia aflame.  Sure, there are more creative means of disposing of living creatures' greatest pleasures, but this is to achieve irony when they are thrown into a room piled to the ceiling with decapitated women.

Release live rodents into their ass.  I can't see anyone liking this.  :?:

Do not retreive the rodents.  Feed the rodents, but not the victim.

No glass will be used.  Too clean.  Rusty nails and other metal shards.  Prevent aggressive infections and rotting but do not heal fully.  Be restrictive when cutting, the parts that are cut will be scarred and less sensitive to further torture.  Do make absolutely sure that the victim is kept awake and fully aware of all torture.

Disposables: the eyes, protruding parts of the head, limbs, hair, organs (where there are two), nipples (and/or breasts), genitals, some muscles, certain brain segments.

Pierce the eardrums when drowning has been exhausted.  Remove the tongue when eating of rotting animals has been exhausted.  Remove eyes, ears and nose when all torturing has been completed, if ever.  Before removing limbs, break bones (all of them) and shift them around.  Be sure to alternate limbs, and torture methods over time lest they become resistent to pain in said areas.  Never remove the vocal cords, they inspire the other victims and their screams are ever so pleasant in any case.

Attempt to locate the specific fears of the individual, and enhance them, while making use of them.  Spiders, heights, blood, whatever.  Try not to desensitize or cure the fear on accident.

Toy with the mind.  Never let the mind give up hope, when they are broken they respond less to pain and have a higher chance of dying.  Capitalize their fear.  Save the more risky procedures for last, life is important for the living.  Escalation is the preferred method to keep in mind for choosing torture routines.

That's all I can think up for now. :?
This is a difference in style.  I prefer to work on the mind, and not just the body.

You can endure torture that is being done to you.  You are just being acted upon.  I much prefer getting the tortured to be active in the process, to break the mind as well as the spirit.  Those scars are going to last longer.

When you have to choose to rape three girls or watch their parents tortured and then raised to torture and kill their own children, that's a toughie.

When you have to choose to give the Neverborn power over you, that's a toughie.  

Getting the Solar to be an active particpant, and blur the line between what is acceptable and what isn't, then the decisions that have been made haunt them for a long, long, long while...
I think I'm gonna traumatize them with a combo of all of the above, but let them escape (hopefully) before they're completely broken and have permanent major damage (well, maybe I'll let a party member be really fucked up, and the others will have to figure out a way to deal with the gibbering madman shell of a former hero). I might get them to give a syllable or two to a deathlord though...that could lead to interesting further plotlines.
Most likely, yes...considering I have it bookmarked and my girlfriend, who often uses this same computer, happens to be the PC with the lunar lover that I'm gonna de-tattoo. She's gonna kill me once I start torturing him.
You think this is nasty?  You should have seen my Mage game...

The Technocracy don't play.  At all.  Neither do Vampires.  The Garou were the noblest of all their potential adversaries, but the Bastet that the PCs wound up working for was...well, he was a cat.  And cats like to play with their food...

My best villian was a Demon.  Aphastazu.  Aphastazu never once was engaged in combat.  He never once did anything overt to the PCs.  He only talked to them.  And threw them on a Multi-versal trip that wound up with them all across a bunch of planes of reality.  Aphastazu was polite, he was accomodating, and he was pure evil.  The kind of evil that whispers into a newstand man's ear about his wife taking the milk man as a lover, and then hands a small child a nicotine sucker as a gift, just as he crosses the street.  He was the evil that got a Catholic woman to throw herself in front of the PCs van to get the attention of the Technocracy as they tried to avoid a twenty car pile up on the Julia Tuttle Causeway--of course, the woman was a suicide, and thus damned in her own eyes, and thus consigned her soul to Aphastazu's gentle care, AND managed to start events that got a whole bunch of Technocrats and Magi killed in a heat up in their own conflict, and let loose a few dozen Vampires from the Technocrats' vaults, as well as got the local Rokea excised by the NWO.  

Aphastazu never once used his power, save to grant a few small wishes, and to teleport and assume more disguises than Rich Little.  The PCs were never sure if they were talking to an Ally, or Aphastazu.  He was truly a work of art, sowing so much dissent and pain in his wake, and never once did he lay a finger on anyone--he just let folks damn themselves...
The nice thing about Aphastazu is that he never once lied to the PCs.  He was always 100% truthful.  Prided himself on that even.  Often didn't tell them the complete story, often withheld kernals of information, but he never once lied to them, which made him all the more compelling...
Makes me never want to play in one of Jakk's games...well, I take that back...I'd have tons of fun, but I'd feel sorry for my poor characters...
Makes me never want to play in one of Jakk's games...well' date=' I take that back...I'd have tons of fun, but I'd feel sorry for my poor characters...[/quote']
As would I... it would be awesome fun thou...
I am sweetness and light.  And believe that people deserve to get what they ask for, good and hard.  People say they want a gritty and tough game, that's what they get.  Folks say they want complicated plots and twists and turns, that's what they get.  I try to go over what folks are interested in before I run, that way, there is no crying about it later.  

My players get lots of chances at being heroes, and lots of great bad guys to defeat.

Said Modernis game with the heist that was mentioned in another thread, had  the Dawn Caste face down the God of Gunslingers in a shoot out.  

And he won.

Only had to save a very old Solar's wife's tomb from being raided to get the Charm that allowed him to do so, but if you're going to face down the God of Gunslingers, you need to be prepared.  Big Red Tolliver was quite pleased by the whole affair, because he finally got a work out, and the fame of said Dawn only increased folks' interest in shoot outs, which meant lots more Essence, the old Solar's wife could rest in peace, the Solar himself was saved from a cycle of pain and anguish, and stopped grieving so hard for his lost wife, and got back into the world of the living.

All in all, it was a great arc.  And the Dawn got to have a shoot out with the God of Gunslingers.  How fucking cool was that?
I am sweetness and light.  And believe that people deserve to get what they ask for, good and hard.  People say they want a gritty and tough game, that's what they get.  Folks say they want complicated plots and twists and turns, that's what they get.  I try to go over what folks are interested in before I run, that way, there is no crying about it later.  
My players get lots of chances at being heroes, and lots of great bad guys to defeat.

Said Modernis game with the heist that was mentioned in another thread, had  the Dawn Caste face down the God of Gunslingers in a shoot out.  

And he won.

Only had to save a very old Solar's wife's tomb from being raided to get the Charm that allowed him to do so, but if you're going to face down the God of Gunslingers, you need to be prepared.  Big Red Tolliver was quite pleased by the whole affair, because he finally got a work out, and the fame of said Dawn only increased folks' interest in shoot outs, which meant lots more Essence, the old Solar's wife could rest in peace, the Solar himself was saved from a cycle of pain and anguish, and stopped grieving so hard for his lost wife, and got back into the world of the living.

All in all, it was a great arc.  And the Dawn got to have a shoot out with the God of Gunslingers.  How fucking cool was that?
That... that sounds VERY cool, Jakk
Id advice you not to FORCE them to become abyssals.

Since remember that it usualy takes YEARS for the deathlords to corrupt a solar... and many of them simply die despite all the death lords effeorts to the contrary.
When I need to torture PC's... I'll ask Jakk first and foremost, you sick f@  I love it :twisted: ... secondly I like to go for psychological torture run an entire session or two in a dreamscape that they think is reality, you don't have to tell the PC's its fake, make it bad, whatever problems your characters are going through have them magnified several times, break artifacts, have the manifestations of the the Celestial Incarnae berate them, all those cool fights they had? Show them all the innocents who lost thier lives as a result. Invalidate thier characters and you will invalidate the player which is when you can get some really good RP'ing done. Then snap... back in the manse and an Abyssal, or whatever, is standing over thier shattered bodies cackling, pick it up from there. Your players won't trust whats real after that

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