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Futuristic Every Ship a Sovereign


Mystery Man
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey guys, I'm looking to create an RP heavily inspired by Firefly. Basically the premise is that once humans discovered space travel they became extremely splintered, nationalities pretty much disappeared overnight and were replaced by a Tribal outlook based on Blood Ties, this is especially prevalent among the people who own starships, who are almost completely nomadic and live in convoys of spaceships that operate very similarly to Central Asian Tribes. The people who live on planets are more likely to have developed nations and the like. Rarely is a Planet controlled by a World Government, much less a galactic or even regional empire. This is where the name of the RP comes from because quite literally every Ship is essentially a Sovereign Nation. You will be primarily concerned with the people on your ship and your convoy and it will mostly focus on daily interactions and slice of life stuff in a tight-knit community. It will be focused around family ties, friendship, and (possibly) romance.
I'd be interested in this! Can we make our own sovereign ships or are there preset ones? I'm personally leaning towards a ship that's made up of Irish and Scottish spacers that have adopted a very tribal culture, like what you'd see in medieval Scotland and Ireland.
I'd be interested in this! Can we make our own sovereign ships or are there preset ones? I'm personally leaning towards a ship that's made up of Irish and Scottish spacers that have adopted a very tribal culture, like what you'd see in medieval Scotland and Ireland.
Sure thing! Although I was mainly going for you guys being part of the same Convoy, so while the ship you create will be owned by your family you will still be part of the *tribe* in a way. Does that make sense? And the Convoy as a whole is very ethnically mixed (but everyone is still related in at least some way.)
heads up, my crew's gonna be blasting country roads for lightyears.

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