♥ Evergreen High: The Beggining ♥ | Accepting | New.

Name -

Age -

Gender -

Appearance -

Personality -

Biography -

Power -

Additional Information -

When did you notice that you had a power? -

What is your opinion on the history of Evergreen High? -


• Name

Aurora Willow

• Age •


• Gender •


• Appearance



• Personality

Aurora is a quiet, introverted individual. She mostly keeps to herself and prefers to listen rather than speak. She is much more intelligent than people give her credit for. Aurora is often caught day-dreaming, imagining fantastic worlds in her mind. She is always in a state of mild depression, but she hides it well, having never been one to speak about her feelings or emotions to others. Despite her shyness, she strives to be kind and compassionate towards any and all people around her, always willing to offer help to those in need of it. She has always enjoyed being alone, but hates feeling lonely, which is a funny sort of mix. Aurora has a very hard time trusting people, due to some of the events that happened in her past.

• Biography •

Aurora grew up in a small, run-down apartment complex with her single mother. Her father left them before she was born. Aurora never met him, doesn't even know what he looked like, and she has no desire to.

From a young age, Aurora seemed to be aware of things that others weren't, could see things they couldn't see. She would tell the children in her Kindergarten class about the pale boy who lived in her closet, and the crying woman who walked the halls of her apartment. She appeared to have a peculiar understanding of the people and the world around her that was far beyond her years. She would talk to herself, though she claimed she could hear voices responding back to her.

Her teachers and the other adults around her passed it off as an overactive imagination, an overabundance of imaginary friends, but they grew alarmed when she began to speak of increasingly morbid images, describing the people only she could see in gruesome detail. She was sent to several psychiatrists who ended up diagnosing her with depression and schizophrenia.

Her relationship with her mother was never exactly stellar, but it withered away the more she spoke of the spirits around her. They rarely talked, and when they did it was only short, snippy comments, normally some sort of complaint about how Aurora looked or acted. Despite her mother's uncaring and dismissive behavior, Aurora bent over backwards in her attempts to impress her, to earn her approval.

As she grew older, Aurora grew more independent and became self-reliant. She would walk herself to school, earn her own money; she even taught hersef how to cook. The children at her school teased and bullied her, making fun of her cheap clothing, lack of speech and her so-called 'ghostly visions'. Aurora couldn't understand why they were so mean to her, as she'd never done anything to purposefully upset or anger them, but she came to the conclusion that it must have been something she did, something she said, because why else would they hate her so?

As time went on, Aurora became more introverted and kept to herself, spending most of her time out of the house, normally at the library. She read books about magic, the supernatural, finding solace in the fact that there were other people who understood what she could do, who wrote books to help her figure out how to control her strange powers. Aurora read a lot on the subject of witchcraft, primarily Wicca, and is in the process of training herself to make potions and cast minor spells and charms.

• Power •

Mediumship - The ability to view, speak to, interact with and sometimes control spirits

Minor magic abilities, such as being able to cast weak charms and spells on certain people or objects (Totally understand if this one isn't ok, since you did say only 1 power, so I will absolutely edit this out if needed)

• Additional Information •

Aurora has three earlobe piercings on her right hear and one on her left, two helix piercings on her left ear, and a navel piercing.

She is particularly fond of tattoos and is often busy designing the ones she wants to get when she turns 18.

Aurora loves singing, drawing, acting, basically anything to do with the arts.

• When did you notice that you had a power? •

She's had her powers since she was born, but she was 10 when she realized that she was different from other people, that they couldn't see the things she could.

• What is your opinion on the history of Evergreen High? •

Aurora knows very little of its' history, but she feels apprehensive due to the few things she has heard. She is determined to investigate and learn more about it, partially because she has always been a curious person, and partially because she feels as if there's more to it than the students have been informed.
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  • Name: Shane Westfall
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Female
  • Personality: Shane is typically laid back. She has the appearance of your typical jock, with the personality of a someone completely opposite. Unfortunately, she's mostly known for her unwillingness to be in a stable relationship. She is known for being irrational and hard-headed, but usually kind to most people. She never holds her tongue, which gets her into a lot of trouble. She's a sucker for a pretty face and extremely flirtatious. She gives off a 'mysterious' vibe and it makes her very popular with the ladies, also because she looks and acts almost exactly like a boy. You will often catch her running on the empty track field during evenings/nights and when she's done running, she'll sit on the bench and sketch whatever comes to mind.
  • History: Not much can be said about Shane as she was raised quite normally. She is an only child who lives with a quite successful Drag Queen for a father. When her mother found out about her fathers habits, she didn't think she could handle it and left. Since then, Shane has been overly attached to her heterosexual, but feminine, cross-dressing father. She tells him all of her secrets and although she doesn't ever speak of him, she wouldn't be able to go on without him. She holds no grudge against her mother, as this experience taught her to be more open minded. Shane never had a 'set' group of friends. She would go out and party, whoever she spoke to there was her friend for the hour.
  • Power: To control time, though she still hasn't fully
  • Additional Information:

    Shane has both of her nipples pierced.

    She secretly dresses more girly when she is alone.

    She has naturally wavy hair.

    She owns her own car (Toyota Yaris NCP93R).

    She works part-time as a bartender at an LGBT bar.

    She is actually quite the nerd.

    She's never been seen with the same girl twice because "Shane doesn't do relationships."

  • When did you notice that you had a power?:

    Shane has been a boxer ever since since was at least 9. She took this fighting skill extremely seriously. One day, during her practice, she got hit in the face and thought about how she could have avoided it. In the process of her mentally seeing a different outcome, she noticed that her opponent went for the same exact hit, and was able to counter it. She began trying it out on many occasions to make sure she wasn't going insane. So far, her record is stopping time for 12 seconds.

  • What is your opinion on the history of Evergreen High?:

    This facility has a very interesting backstory that leaves many of the new students in a state of curiosity. Who was murdered, why? Who were the suspects? Were they ever caught? Questions like this make students prone to try and rebel against not traveling to the back part of the school, but it also gives the place a bit of flair.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long pink hair with extremly light purple tips

Personality: Smart, Kind, Shy, brave, headstrong, and has anger issues

History: She is rich but never tells anyone. Her father died when she was six.

She didn't have very much friends in school. She had only about 2 friends in her entire


Power: Biokinesis

Additional Information:N/A

When did you notice you had a power: When she was swimming in the ocean when she was 10

and she was pretending to be a mermaid and she became one.

What is your opinion on the history on Evergreen High:

I think that it is very interesting but it does leave me curious.
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Name - Astraea Aurellia Lynx

(Called Ash Tray or Ass Tray by her brother, referring to her smoking habit)

Age - 17

Gender - Female

Appearance -

Shoulder length, curly, dark brown hair. Pale skin, tall, thin. She has green eyes and wears rectangular brown glasses. Often looking disheveled, Astraea's clothing is usually bland and gray.

Personality - Astraea is not shy, she's reserved and introverted. She prefers not to speak unless asked a direct question, but generally listens to and observes her surroundings intently. She is intelligent and book-smart, but doesn't have a very high emotional IQ. Her words are sharp, cutting right to the point without any sugar coating. Astraea is a logical thinker, easily finding solutions to puzzles and mysteries. That being said, because of this ease, she often gets bored quickly. This sometimes leads to substance abuse - she gets addicted to things incredibly quickly: coffee, smoking, drinking, etc. She enjoys playing the piano.

Biography - Astraea's parents met while teaching at a prestigious college. They live on campus, and raised Astraea and her older brother there. Her older brother is more of a jock type, enjoying the parties and events on the college campus. Astraea was always different than him, gravitating more to the cerebral opportunities on campus, and chatting with faculty. Her parents are both very bumbling and quirky, absent minded-professor types. They dote on both of their children, practically smothering them with undying affection.

Power - Premonitions

Additional Information - Astraea doesn't have friends due to becoming bored so easily. Though in her constant intellectual pursuits, she never remembers to take care of herself.

When did you notice that you had a power? - Astraea only recently began noticing her power, about a year ago it happened for the first time. For a few nights, she kept having the same nightmare where an old man with black eyes was hit by a car while crossing a road on campus. She didn't know the man, and assumed it was just some strange recurring dream.

On her way to the library one day after waking up to the same nightmare, Astraea stopped at the edge of a cross walk when a light flashed at her "DO NOT WALK". A stranger next to her continued walking, despite the sign. "Hm?" She noticed him walking into the crosswalk. He was an old man - the old man from her dream. Looking quickly to the right, she saw a car driving quickly toward him! "No!" She screamed and began running toward the man. He turned his head when he heard Astraea's voice. Two piercing black eyes stared at her, accompanied by a sickening smile.

The old man was hit by the car, and died on impact. Astraea has always harbored tremendous guilt since the incident, feeling that she could have prevented the old man's death. In addition, she feels that his death wasn't accidental. She thinks he was forced to commit suicide. But by what? She's considered possession, voodoo, and the like, but with no leads, she pursues an education in the Supernatural in an attempt to find the strange man's killer.

She never told anyone about the incident, she only told her brother and parents that she has premonitions.

What is your opinion on the history of Evergreen High? - Astraea finds Evergreen High's history intriguing and promising. Perhaps solving the mysteries of this school will help her solve the case of the strange old man as well. Maybe, unbeknownst to her, she will begin to form friendships too.​
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Blair Ali






Blair is your staple Covergirl, with sun kissed skin dusted with freckles on her shoulders and back. she stands at a tiny 5'3, yet still has never ending legs. Her Toned hour-glass figure matches her thin thighs, thin arms and produding collarbones.

Her face is usually framed with her platinum blonde locks that fall to her shoulders. Her face is usually seen with a sarcastic smirk sprawled across her plum lips, that cover her straight white teeth, from years of orthodontist work. Her ski slopes nose matches her groomed arched eyebrows. Her blue eyes can make guys swoon, and are usually fluttered with her long eyelashes. Blair does have a nose ring, which she always wears.


Blair is a sarcastic girl, with a witty mind and a cheeky tongue. She can have anybody wrapped around her baby fingers with a bat of her eyelashes, due to her playful, flirty and seductive personality. However, she is a complete sweetheart, and is one of the kindest people you will ever come across. She can come off as judgemental sometimes, but generally is just looking out for people.


Blair was born into the House of Ali, a strict, but fairly run home in London, England. While being wealthy, Blair was always thought to give and never take. She grew up just as real as she is now, witty, sarcastic yet wise and mature for her age.

As an only child, Blair was loved and showered with kisses all her life. She was always protected from others, and never allowed out into the dangerous world.

However, Blair rebelled at the age of 15, and began exploring her life with her friends, and not giving a care in the world. And that is how she discovered her power.


Blair has the power of shapeshifting into another form or being.

She cannot absorb their power, but she does have their accent and looks.

Additional Information -

-Blair has a tattoo representing her shapeshifting.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.4f7bd4cd654bbf800542c61abeb460e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64167" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.4f7bd4cd654bbf800542c61abeb460e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

When did you notice that you had a power?

Blair noticed the power when one night, she was running from the police. They had saw her face, and knew exactly who she was. She ran into an office building, where she paid particular attention to a janitor as she ran past. Once she was upstairs, she then ran into the bathrooms, where the police soon followed her.

However, she walked out of the bathrooms as the janitor, and even smiled at the police.

However when she got home, she was completely freaked for around two weeks before she shifted again.

What is your opinion on the history of Evergreen High?

Blair finds it intriguing and promising. She hopes to do well here and find new activities to settle her wild heart.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.e65e030595d993fac60a7b61b64cda9f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64151" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.e65e030595d993fac60a7b61b64cda9f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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