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Realistic or Modern Evergreen Circus || OOC

Yee I'll be slightly less active for the next few days because I need to finish an animation for my finals, but I will try to reply wherever I can-

also I'm halfway through making another character but he's a stagehand and we have a few of them now,, should I keep him as a stagehand or make him a performer
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I’m a lot more active on discord. I mainly only pop in for posts and whenever I’m specifically tagged
Also I recommend not waiting for the ringmaster posts. You can always assume that Maxwell has spoken in between acts without writing for the actual character. I’d say he’s really only necessary for the opening and closing of the show
Drove 30 minutes to work only to be told by my manager there is a tornado watch so I have to stay in the back hall. LOL
We’re alright. My crazy self decided to stay and work until close even though my manager asked if I wanted to leave Smh
Sorry for the random coding change! I’ve been trying to get better at it. Koala gave me theirs and I used it to edit my current one to be insanely easier to use.
Meme Machine Meme Machine

Honestly? He kind of reminds me of the lead singer of Owl City. This song, perhaps?

And don't worry, I'm kind of missing this RP too! I think we're just in a little bit of a lull. :-)
oh shit hey guys i didnt even get a notification for this thread until now i missed a lot wow,

ahh, that sucks; i miss notifications for threads too sometimes. always a bit frustrating to miss out on a lot.

i finally posted for once, though; and i swear i'll get her actually interacting with people next time i post. for now, bea's just sorta hiding and hoping that nobody notices she's late.
another thing hey guys im really tempted to make a guy who thrives on attention and drama to spice things up maybe smil e s
oh no, my hand is slipping, what is this, a form? a wip? what is this...scorcery...? oh no,,,

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