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Multiple Settings Evenstar City - A Group Superhero RP (Closed)


Lover of Gorgons
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Evenstar City
We can be heroes
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// premise ...
On a planet Earth similar to our own, Evenstar City is a bustling metropolis, where extraordinary people make their home. Superheroes of all shapes and sizes have declared this city their base, where they live, love, and fight crime. For the past few years, Evenstar City has been mainly peaceful, save for the odd purse thief now and then. But now, Earth is in danger once again. Interstellar threats, aliens from beyond the stars, have come to Earth's system, just looking for trouble. Thousands of alien races seeking to either destroy or to take over earth, taking its resources and it's plethora of superhumans. But due to years of peace, the superheroes Earth relies on have... grown weary. They can no longer lead the fight. It's time to pass on the torch to the next generation... you. The superheroes of yesterday are searching for the perfect teams of young heroes to train, to teach them how to fight off this alien threat. Will you answer the call?
// rules ...
All roleplayers must be 18+ and be able to reply with at least one significant paragraph per character per post to be considered.
All character(s) powers must be approved by the owner before being claimed. Owner has right to deny certain powers/combos. No repeat powers unless discussed by all parties.
Pay attention to the taken superpowers, listed below this post.
All roleplayers must be able to speak OOC frequently to discuss plot points, here or on discord.
Will you answer the call?
Β© reveriee
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Taken Powers Listed Here (will edit when more come in):


Desired powers/skills:
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Name: Daniel
Desired powers/skills:Free movement through walls / thievery skills
Name: Daniel
Desired powers/skills:Free movement through walls / thievery skills
This rp is 18+, so I can’t accept you. Unless you submitted your character’s info on accident?
Potential interest here! mighty need for a costumed superhero roleplay.
would like to know more on what you plan to do with the RP. I have a few superhero characters I've drawn andwritten might be interested in roleplaying here.

Name: Kyle
Pronouns: He Him
Age: 28
Desired powers/skills:
again depends on what will work best with the other characters and roleplay plot. I can go with any of the below:
  • An ex cat-burglar/acrobat possessing "photographic reflexes" or the uncanny ability to perfectly copy other people's movements
  • A gene splicing super-soldier type hero, basically genetically altered physiology. (Enhanced senses, strength, agility, and durability)
  • A Medic using nano-tech to mend wounds. A skilled fighter but focused on supporting.
  • A spawn of human and alien, able to fly and generate photonic energy blasts.
I have more but would rather not claim any until I see what are some of the other ideas others might choose, to pick something that will work well with a group.
Also potentially interested
Is there a limit of one character per person?

Name: Mina
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 18
Desired powers/skills: Energy manipulation and/or flight/agility
Potential interest here! mighty need for a costumed superhero roleplay.
would like to know more on what you plan to do with the RP. I have a few superhero characters I've drawn andwritten might be interested in roleplaying here.

Name: Kyle
Pronouns: He Him
Age: 28
Desired powers/skills:
again depends on what will work best with the other characters and roleplay plot. I can go with any of the below:
  • An ex cat-burglar/acrobat possessing "photographic reflexes" or the uncanny ability to perfectly copy other people's movements
  • A gene splicing super-soldier type hero, basically genetically altered physiology. (Enhanced senses, strength, agility, and durability)
  • A Medic using nano-tech to mend wounds. A skilled fighter but focused on supporting.
  • A spawn of human and alien, able to fly and generate photonic energy blasts.
I have more but would rather not claim any until I see what are some of the other ideas others might choose, to pick something that will work well with a group.
I have a few things planned! Here's a list:
  1. Auditions/earth swarm ( aliens and interdimensional creatures are starting to swarm earth, the reason these new teams are being built. Older heroes will hold auditions/try outs for new heroes to be their apprentice team)
  2. Team Building Exercises
  3. Fighting (duh)
  4. Ranking of teams (by public and by older heroes)
  5. Competitions
  6. Alien/Interdimensional rights battles
  7. Saving the world
Also potentially interested
Is there a limit of one character per person?

Name: Mina
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 18
Desired powers/skills: Energy manipulation and/or flight/agility
A limit of two characters per person! Does this affect what powers you want?
Oh it's just illusions.
My character idea is a singer who uses her illusion powers in her shows and uses her shapeshifting powers to hide her real identity.
would you be willing to remove shapeshifting and use illusion powers to keep your identity secret? an idea
I might want to throw my hat into this.

Quick question though,would a character who inherited a power suit be acceptable? Not like Iron Man nanotech level,but maybe with high strength and durability plus an arm cannon.
Name: Claire
Pronouns: her/she
Age: 28
I have two characters I'd like to submit. I'm okay with only playing one, but I figured I'd throw both in and see what you say.

Set one: Lilly and Lee Lyn. (Twins)

Lilly Lyn is a genius- not a hacker, but in building. She has the power to look at something and mentally take it apart, finding out how to rebuild it, its weaknesses, all of it. She's not one for fighting, but for helping others to fight better, and how could she say no to seeing all that neat tech?

Lee Lyn is Strong and Charismatic, fights with a sword, and has a power of super strength- but without the 'excessive' amount of muscle normally seen in 'super strength' characters.

Lilly Lyn.jpgLee-1.png
I might want to throw my hat into this.

Quick question though,would a character who inherited a power suit be acceptable? Not like Iron Man nanotech level,but maybe with high strength and durability plus an arm cannon.
that would be so cool! I'd totally allow it!
Yooo! I hope I can join the mix!

Name: Ginko
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 25

Desired powers/skills:
Bio-electricity generation - Soma can generate electricity from his body that boosts certain physical attributes, granting him enhanced speed and strength, but not resilience. His bio electricity can be combined and conducted through his katana blade to enhance its cutting ability.
Soma's armor is flexible and light weight, but withstands the conductivity of his bio-electricity. Though it grants capable defense against bludeonging/cutting/firearms it is not wholly impenetrable, and repeated attacks can and often will crack and shatter the body suit. Grants little to no protection against other supers either. tumblr_p01b49pRAQ1r0ge4lo1_1280.jpg3a753720cf9b6e36bac1b5bb4e465701.jpg
Yooo! I hope I can join the mix!

Name: Ginko
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 25

Desired powers/skills:
Bio-electricity generation - Soma can generate electricity from his body that boosts certain physical attributes, granting him enhanced speed and strength, but not resilience. His bio electricity can be combined and conducted through his katana blade to enhance its cutting ability.
Soma's armor is flexible and light weight, but withstands the conductivity of his bio-electricity. Though it grants capable defense against bludeonging/cutting/firearms it is not wholly impenetrable, and repeated attacks can and often will crack and shatter the body suit. Grants little to no protection against other supers either. View attachment 1033885View attachment 1033886
love this idea! Will add you to the list!
Might as well throw mine in.


Name: Nellancholy
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 22

Desired powers/skills:
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Powered suit
    • Strength (approximately enough to lift 2 tons with moderate effort)
    • Durability (easily deflects small arms fire,can be punched through by large caliber rounds or torn open by high explosives)
    • Agility (capable of wall running for 2 seconds despite the suit's weight)
    • Arm cannon (switches between shooting fluid that can be primed to be either adhesive or corrosive,and solid metal slugs)

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