Evaria High School


UOTE="Shina Zeelia, post: 1747049, member: 20931"]

Name : Kaisa Kross

Age : 17

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Tokyo

Personality : Kaisa is quiet smart for her age, but tends to zone out in school. Though she make look weak, she's a lot stronger then other's would think she is. Also quite cheerful, and happy once she gets to know someone. Although she's loves being in loud places, her most favorite place to be was in the library. She also enjoyed being with a lot of people, yet also liked being alone.

Likes :



~Making friends




Dislikes :

~Girly things

~Rude people

History : At around seven years old, Kaisa had experinced her parents divorce and she was forced to live her mother who became drunk almost everyday. Kaisa left every evening just to get away from her. A few months later, CPS had come by to take her back to her creepy perverted father in Japan. Of course her father was excited to see her, so he had kept an epmty room and filled it with as many things he could just for his daughter. Kaisa had to settle down before she had started school, and a week later she was then enrolled to Evaria High School.



Height : 5'5

Weight: 127lbs

Appearance (Descriptive) : Kaisa wore her school uniform every day to school, her hair was always straight along with for bobby pins in her hair. After school or when out of school, she always wore jean shorts and a white blouse with a brown shirt over top of it. Her hair was some what tied with a ribbon, leaving most of it hanging down. Her boots only came half way up her leg. Her socks met mid-way up her thigh. She also wore a necklace, along with a small like cloak over her shoulders.

( As so )


Name: Akira Hayashi

Age: 17

Sex/Gender: Male

Part of Japan where you come from: Hokkaido

Personality: He is probably just your normal delinquent - rough, rude, cold, has a sharp tongue, uncaring, carefree.


- anyone(pansexual)

- hot babes

- Omuraisu(omelette rice)

- Art

- Skipping school/classes

- Breaking rules


- Student Councillors

- Teachers

- Class monitors

- Anybody who think they know what's right

- Nagging

- being alone

History: Akira lives a lovely life until his mother passed away when he was ten. From then on, his father rarely came home, and will always be away on business trips. The house became voided of anything, and Akira then started to become secluded. He soon developed the 'delinquent' lifestyle to distract himself from the loneliness at home, and because no one guided him onto the right path. He enrolled in Evaria High School not too long ago, and has retained a year.



Height: 6'1"

Weight: 160lb

Appearance: His silky hair ends at the bottom of his neck with the beautiful colour of precious wine. He has a lean body with perfect preportions, and grey eyes with an angular jawline along with a light skin tone which gives him a soft feel. He also wears a silver pendant, which belonged to his mother, around his neck, and it is usually tucked inside his shirt.
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anteater21 said:
Name: Akira Hayashi
Age: 17

Sex/Gender: Male

Part of Japan where you come from: Hokkaido

Personality: He is probably just your normal delinquent - rough, rude, cold, has a sharp tongue, uncaring, carefree.


- anyone(pansexual)

- hot babes

- Omuraisu(omelette rice)

- Art

- Skipping school/classes

- Breaking rules


- Student Councillors

- Teachers

- Class monitors

- Anybody who think they know what's right

- Nagging

- being alone

History: Akira lives a lovely life until his mother passed away when he was ten. From then on, his father rarely come home, and will always be away on business trips. The house became voided of anything, and Akira then started to become secluded. He soon developed the 'delinquent' lifestyle to distract himself from the loneliness at home, and because no one guided him in the right path. He enrolled in Evaria High School not to long ago, and has retained a year.



Height: 5'9"

Weight: 145lb

Appearance: His silky hair ends at the bottom of his neck with the beautiful colour of precious wine. He has a lean body with perfect preportions, and grey eyes with an angular jawline along with a light skin tone which gives him a soft feel.
Name : Ayaka Koizumi

Age : 16 ^~^

Year: 2nd year

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Moves constantly

Personality : Ayaka is a quiet girl to everyone at first and seems very unapproachable, but once she opens up to someone she is very fun, spunky, outgoing, and loves being the best at everything. Though she cries easily because she hates being yelled at or getting pressured into doing something. Being both intellectual and athletic seemed unusual at her middle school so she never really fit in.

Likes : Bunnies, sports, sweets, fashion, being the best, likes boys, music, writing, reading, singing, and anything cute!

Dislikes: Bullies, sour things, death, yelling, and being ignored


She has long black hair and dark grey eyes. She is slim, but has a soccer player's body. She is about 5'7 and is self conscious of her height.

Height: 5'7

Weight: 120

History/Background Story: Ayaka is the oldest child of a very successful family. She has a younger sister named Fumiko and she is a 'little demon' according to Ayaka. She has moved around a lot due to her parents jobs and her getting bullied. She always wants to be the best of the best because she feels like that's the only way she'll be noticed by anyone. Before she transferred she was invited to a party by her 'friends' and it ended up being a setup to prank her. After that she became very quiet and seemingly unapproachable, but she doesn't mean to seem so 'I don't want to talk to you' she just naturally is like that. She tries not to talk much about her family because some people think she is a snob show off ext. She was discovered for her singing talents and became an Idol. She didn't want to use her name or look the same when she was an Idol so she changed her Idol name to
Azami. Azami is a very big thing and Ayaka is very proud how popular she is but she won't let anyone know that she is an Idol.

Family: Chiyo (Mom 45) Hayato (Dad 47) Fumiko (Sister 11)
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[QUOTE="Ayaka Koizumi]
Name : Ayaka Koizumi
Age : 16 ^~^

Year: 2nd year

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Moves constantly

Personality : Ayaka is a quiet girl to everyone at first and seems very unapproachable, but once she opens up to someone she is very fun, spunky, outgoing, and loves being the best at everything. Though she cries easily because she hates being yelled at or getting pressured into doing something. Being both intellectual and athletic seemed unusual at her middle school so she never really fit in.

Likes : Bunnies, sports, sweets, fashion, being the best, likes boys, music, writing, reading, singing, and anything cute!

Dislikes: Bullies, sour things, death, yelling, and being ignored


She has long black hair and blue eyes. She is slim, but has a soccer player's body. She is about 5'7 and is self conscious of her height.

Height: 5'7

Weight: 120

History/Background Story: Ayaka is the oldest child of a very successful family. She has a younger sister named Fumiko and she is a 'little demon' according to Ayaka. She has moved around a lot due to her parents jobs and her getting bullied. She always wants to be the best of the best because she feels like that's the only way she'll be noticed by anyone. Before she transferred she was invited to a party by her 'friends' and it ended up being a setup to prank her. After that she became very quiet and seemingly unapproachable, but she doesn't mean to seem so 'I don't want to talk to you' she just naturally is like that. She tries not to talk much about her family because some people think she is a snob show off ext.

Family: Chiyo (Mom 45) Hayato (Dad 47) Fumiko (Sister 11)

Name : Haruka Takahashi

Age : 15

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Tokyo

Personality : Haruka seems like a cold-hearted person who is indifferent due to her lack of facial expression and blunt replies. She has a tendency to hide her feelings, whether it may be positive of negative and is always seen by herself, even though she's not particularly disliked by people. She doesn't know anything 'love' related, so she can be a bit...difficult when it comes to such topics. (ex: family affection, BF/GF love, friendship)--(will add her inner personality when the RP goes on~)

Likes :

-Food (especially sweets)





-The arts (drawing, singing, dancing, etc.)


Dislikes :

-Food with strong flavor (too spicy, too sweet, etc.)


-Being suddenly grabbed/pulled from the back

-Sports (participating)

-Talking about herself

-Being forced/cornered
History :

Her parents raised her in a cold, stern way, and so Haruka seemingly lost her ability to feel emotions (which is not the case). She was alone throughout childhood, as she was an only child (relatives around her age didn't speak with her often since she was 'not fun to talk to') and spent a lot of her time reading, studying or wandering around in the garden. As she grew up, people took advantage of her since she seemed small (she's kind of short) and insecure, which gave Haruka a bad image of interacting with others, thus creating her trusting problems. She grew fond of the arts (specifically: music--piano and flute, drawing, singing and ballet) to keep her mind off loneliness. When her parents died, all their wealth was transfered to her, which she gave to her relatives (her family ran a successful businesses, making them a powerful and wealthy family).

Height : 5'2" (156 cm)

Weight: 97 lb (44 kg)

Appearance (Descriptive) : Haruka has dark violet waist-length hair that waves a bit towards the end. She has matching violet eyes, though it's lighter than her hair. She appears thin and fragile, but lithe.

(Are you still accepting?)
macaron said:
Name : Haruka Takahashi
Age : 15

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Tokyo

Personality : Haruka seems like a cold-hearted person who is indifferent due to her lack of facial expression and blunt replies. She has a tendency to hide her feelings, whether it may be positive of negative and is always seen by herself, even though she's not particularly disliked by people. She doesn't know anything 'love' related, so she can be a bit...difficult when it comes to such topics. (ex: family affection, BF/GF love, friendship)--(will add her inner personality when the RP goes on~)

Likes :

-Food (especially sweets)





-The arts (drawing, singing, dancing, etc.)


Dislikes :

-Food with strong flavor (too spicy, too sweet, etc.)


-Being suddenly grabbed/pulled from the back

-Sports (participating)

-Talking about herself

-Being forced/cornered
History :

Her parents raised her in a cold, stern way, and so Haruka seemingly lost her ability to feel emotions (which is not the case). She was alone throughout childhood, as she was an only child (relatives around her age didn't speak with her often since she was 'not fun to talk to') and spent a lot of her time reading, studying or wandering around in the garden. As she grew up, people took advantage of her since she seemed small (she's kind of short) and insecure, which gave Haruka a bad image of interacting with others, thus creating her trusting problems. She grew fond of the arts (specifically: music--piano and flute, drawing, singing and ballet) to keep her mind off loneliness. When her parents died, all their wealth was transfered to her, which she gave to her relatives (her family ran a successful businesses, making them a powerful and wealthy family).

Height : 5'2" (156 cm)

Weight: 97 lb (44 kg)

Appearance (Descriptive) : Haruka has dark violet waist-length hair that waves a bit towards the end. She has matching violet eyes, though it's lighter than her hair. She appears thin and fragile, but lithe.

(Are you still accepting?)
Yes I'm still accepting, welcome. (Btw 2nd period has started)

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