Evaria High School


God-Like Resident
Alright. Character stuff...

Name :

Age :

Sex/Gender :

Part of Japan where you come from :

Personality :

Likes :

Dislikes :

History :

Appearance: [Picture]

Height :


Appearance (Descriptive) : 
I'm just gonna put mine here...

Name : Jake Tiaer

Age : 16

Sex/Gender : Male

Part of Japan where you come from : Tokyo

Personality : Cheerful but has mood swings sometimes, usually has no friends though.

Likes : Reading

Eating food



Dislikes : Getting mad

Large groups of people.

History : Just passed and somehow managed to get into this academy.

Appearance :


Height : 5'9"

Weight : 136.4lbs/62kg

Appearance : Brown eyes with black hair, Strong muscular build. Scar on his back which was caused when he was attacked by an escaped animal at a zoo.
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Name : Aoi Kaze

Age : 16

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Kyoto

Personality :She is very Bipolar she could be very happy one moment than sad and depressed the next. She is also very adventurous wanting too see a bit of everything shine she couldn't leave the shrine was she was younger. She is also fascinated easily by the simplest of things.

Likes :Music, singing, food, girls and guy (Bisexual),adventuring, Seeing new things and places.

Dislikes : angry people, scary people.

History : She was raised as a Miko (shrine maiden) so she was quite smart and got into the academy easily.



Height : She is small for her age at only 4'11

Weight: you can't ask a girl that ( 94 lbs)

Appearance (Descriptive) : She is small and has a very small build. She is also like a fragile package meaning her body is physically weak, she has purple eyes and blond mixed with pink hair.
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Name : Nakashima, Kenta

Age : 17

Sex/Gender : Male

Part of Japan where you come from : Sapporo

Personality : Shy, Intellectual, Caring, Suicidal, and Musical(He plays 18 different instruments)

Likes : Swimming, Violin, Piano, Harp, Cello, Opera, Symphonies, Guys(Gay)

Dislikes : Being in a large crowd, Pizza,

History : Since his parents died in a car crash and sister being in the hospital he has not been able to have a close relationship with people. Since this is a new school he wants to turn over a new leaf.


Height : 6'3"

Weight: 150 lbs.

Appearance (Descriptive) : He is very slim since he has a swimmers body and he has white hair and a blueish-purplish eye color.
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Name: Natsume Yuuki

Age: 16

Gender: female

Part of Japan were you come from: Tokyo


- Shy

- Musical

- Artistic

- Kind

- Caring

- Athletic

Likes: music, art, dancing, reading and writing.

Dislikes: boredom, doing nothing

History: Natsume was raised by her grandparents after her parents left her with them. She's very shy and isn't great at making friends.


Height: 5'1

Weight: 120 lbs
Name: Haru Hikari



From: Furubira

Personality: She is a very intelligent person and she has pretty much straight A's. She is shy once you meet her, but when you get to know her, she's really outgoing and playful.

Likes:Violin, reading, gaming, and school.

Dislikes:Hypocrites and bullies.

History: Haru's foster family recently moved from a small town, leaving all of Haru's friends behind. Haru's birth parents were abusive and negligent when she lived with them in the early years of her life and she was put into foster care when she was twelve.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-10-19_23-5-55.jpeg.c9e2d222d311fab8cff1a9991b934aee.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-10-19_23-5-55.jpeg.c9e2d222d311fab8cff1a9991b934aee.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'4

Weight: 119 pounds



  • upload_2014-10-19_23-5-55.jpeg
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Name : Dia

Age : 17

Sex/Gender : male

Part of Japan where you come from : Matsue

Personality : Dai is pretty silent and really tough though he doesn't fight all the time because he doesn't believe he can solve every thing with his fists but that doesn't mean that it still doesn't come in handy

Likes : family, friends, sweets, martial arts, and nice days

Dislikes : people who annoy him, threats, bitter foods

History : Dai's parents work mostly all the time mostly out on trips so him and his younger brother and sister have been living with their aunt Aki


Height : 6ft

Weight: 180

Appearance (Descriptive) : tall and mostly serious brown hair and hazel eyeshe usually wears bandages on his hands for his martial arts

Name :

"Just Aki."


Nickname - Aki

Age :

"17 years old."

17 years old

Sex/Gender :


Part of Japan where you come from :

"Matsue, Japan."

Personality :

"Eh. ."

Aki is a silent type and does not have bare emotions.

Once Aki appreciates you accompanying him, he is actually nice, sweet, and kind.

Aki is actually humorous when you know him.

This sums up a Kuu-dere.

Likes :




+Instant Noodles

+Peaceful and quiet settings.​


Dislikes :

"Flash. Boom."


-Gym, Japanese

-Party animals

-Preppy or popular girls

-Show offs

History :

Aki would always stare off into the window as if there there was the cheat code for happiness written on it during when the teacher was lecturing. On occasions, he would sometimes fall asleep during the lecture.

Aki was born in America then moved to Japan with his parents. Aki does not have any knowledge of kanji or the language itself. He only is good at Math, English, Science. Due to the language block, he has a personal tutor in the school that teaches him the subjects in English. The tutor would pull him out at the end of class to give him a sheet of paper that sums up what the teacher taught to the class in English so he could understand.

Aki has only 1 sibling. Her name was Misaki Ryouko. Today, they live in the same town and school. They both live under the same roof. They both have a necklace with them (explained in Appearance) because they kept a promise together which will be revealed in the RP.

History of the parents? I'll leave it up to the RP to reveal.

Appearance: [Picture]


Height :




Appearance (Descriptive) :

Aki has crystal blue eyes while his hair is dark blue. Aki wears glasses because he is far sighted. He would wear a black necklace with a ring on it. There is printing on it that only his sibling, Misaki and himself can decipher.



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Name : Ryo

Age :16

Sex/Gender :Male

Part of Japan where you come from : Tokyo

Personality : Very welcoming and happy, sometimes to much some people even consider him 'creepy'. Ryo is really good in most classes, except he can't keep his mouth shut for a second.

Likes : Food, Laughing, Guys (gay) reading,art, chemistry, things that can explode, jokes, good mooders

Dislikes : Quitness, non good mooders, Negativity, Healthy food

History : Ryo comes from a very poor family, they even used their last money to get him in high school so he may get a good future unlike them. His mom is very sick so he and his brother always needed to take care of her, while his dad is at work.

Appearance: [Picture]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/kuroshitsuji___undertaker_by_nou_e-d40z5hs.png.91060d411b371f279683e63af0477f11.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/kuroshitsuji___undertaker_by_nou_e-d40z5hs.png.91060d411b371f279683e63af0477f11.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height :1.72

Weight: 67

Appearance (Descriptive) :Ryo has light green eyes (not in the picture but shhh) Greyish hair and a scar across his face



  • kuroshitsuji___undertaker_by_nou_e-d40z5hs.png
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Name : Chiharu, Nino

Age : 17

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Kyoto

Personality : Quiet, athletic, kind, caring, easily scared, easily cries, once she gets to know someone or is used to them she relaxes around them.

Likes : Apple juice, pastries, animals, reading, writing, baking.

Dislikes : Eye contact, coffee, spicy foods, anything that's scary, being alone.

History : Nino used to live with her father but he left to be with another woman after her mother had died. Now she lives with her grandparents. They don't pay much attention to her but she does helps out with their small bakery business.



Height : 5'2"

Weight: 108 lbs

Appearance (Descriptive) : Red hair, soft green eyes, usually wears glasses for reading only, has a petite build. She's stronger than what she appears to be.
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Name :


Misaki Ryouko

Age :


16 years old



Part of Japan where you come from :


Matsue, Japan.

Personality :

Misaki is an introverted person and a tsundere -- but more of the "tsun" than the "dere".

She can solve any problem, no matter how hard it is if she really thinks about it.

The problems that seem to be impossible to her is the area of socializing. She has a hard time expressing her feelings and relies on Aki to help her.

She needs some time alone every once a while.

Misaki sometimes cheers her brother, Aki, up when he's glum.

Misaki enjoys playing her brother's videogames, sometimes competing eachother.

Misaki can be competitive and ruthless.

She can be a tomboy at times.

Likes :

"Hehe, Onii-chan's glasses!"

+Wearing Onii-chan's glasses





+Writing stories




+RC Cars



Dislikes :

-Losing to Aki

-Show offs




-Annoying Kids

-Annoying people

-Obnoxious people

-People in general


History :

Misaki was very alike to Aki, she would also stare off in the window.

They both had the same past, moving to Japan.

Appearance: [Picture]


Height :



123 lbs

Appearance (Descriptive) :

Misaki sometimes wears Aki's glasses. She mostly wears a hoodie during fall and spring. In summer, she would wear a t-shirt and short pants. In winter, she would wear a sweater (image). Misaki has crystal blue eyes, a trait shared with Aki. She does not wear much make up or nail polish, finding it too girly. Misaki does not like to wear dresses, finding them uncomfortable.

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Name: Moto, Kaori

Age: 16 (almost 17)

Sex/Gender: Female

Part of Japan where you come from: Yokohama

Personality: Kaori looks like a top student, one that has no life outside of school and studies. Which isn't true at all. Kaori has more of a social life then most people her age. The only thing is that she doesn't want her school or classmates to find out about it, so she straightens her hair for school to make herself look like a good student. Kaori actually loves fashion as well as school, not only that but she runs a popular blog about her 'double' life. Juggling school and her secret social life means she's never bored, which is how she likes things.










History: Will be added.




After School-


Height: 5'5

Weight: 131 lbs

Appearance: Short black hair and sky colored eyes. Kaori appears to be a well put together girl, while in reality she's pretty much a mess. She wears brown contacts for school so that she doesn't stand out.
Name : Kaname, Emiko [Miko-chan]

Age : 16

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Tokyo

Personality : Despite coming from the city, Emiko has quite a calm personality. She is friendly and social, but also a bit endearingly shy in her own way. She is quite well rounded, skilled in music, knowledgeable in literature and an experienced martial artist. Her parents insist she be involved in activities of the physical, artistic and scholastic nature so that all aspects of her self reach their fullest potential. Her endeavors in music and literature lead her to become a bit of a hopeless romantic. Though she is reserved she can be quite passionate about certain things. She can get irritated a bit easily when others misunderstand her, which is quite often as her thoughts wander.

Likes :






-Snow/rain/cold weather

-Happy endings

Dislikes :

Too much attention

-Darkness~particularly being alone in a large home at night

-Happy endings


History : Emiko is the only child of two loving, but sometimes overbearing parents. They are constantly working, maintaining a comfortable and very fortunate lifestyle. Though rich and mostly quite busy, Emi grew up a bit lonely, with no siblings and only a nanny to watch her when her parents were working. . She has a pet cat she calls Kiko.



Height : 5'6

Weight: 125 lbs

Appearance (Descriptive) :A relatively average sized girl with long sandy brown hair and hazel green eyes<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-24_12-3-3.png.14c5c6b8ef2d8239ea8d2619ba049b37.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-24_12-3-3.png.14c5c6b8ef2d8239ea8d2619ba049b37.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Haiko Uwezame

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Part of Japan where you come from:Tokyo

Personality: Haiko is rather depressed, he's quiet and he likes to make friends.

He can get mad sometimes, but that doesn't happen very often.

Likes: Music




Dislikes: Sadness




History: Haiko was born into a family of 4, which include his mom and his grandparents. He went to a private school for the longest time but bullies made them have to move, when they did, they moved here.



Height: 6' 4

Weight: 148 lbs

Appearance (descriptive): He's slender, but he's not as tall as most people think.
Misakichan said:

Name :


Misaki Ryouko

Age :


16 years old



Part of Japan where you come from :


Matsue, Japan.

Personality :

Misaki is an introverted person, despite her bubbly personality.

She needs some time alone every once a while.

Misaki sometimes cheers her brother, Aki, up when he's glum.

Misaki enjoys playing her brother's videogames, sometimes competing eachother.

Misaki can be competitive and ruthless.

She can be a tomboy at times.

Likes :

"Hehe, Onii-chan's glasses!"

+Wearing Onii-chan's glasses





+Writing stories




+RC Cars



Dislikes :

-Losing to Aki

-Show offs




-Annoying Kids

-Annoying people

-Obnoxious people

-People in general


History :

Misaki was very alike to Aki, she would also stare off in the window.

Since Aki went to self-defense classes, she was very curious and wanted to join in. Misaki begged her parents to do so, the parents finally giving up and enrolling her in with Aki. Misaki had better grades in the self-defense classes and academically than Aki. Her parents given her a knife as well with Aki.


They both had the same past, moving to Japan.

Appearance: [Picture]


Height :



123 lbs

Appearance (Descriptive) :

Misaki sometimes wears Aki's glasses. She mostly wears a hoodie during fall and spring. In summer, she would wear a t-shirt and short pants. In winter, she would wear a sweater (image). Misaki has crystal blue eyes, a trait shared with Aki. She does not wear much make up or nail polish, finding it too girly. Misaki does not like to wear dresses, finding them uncomfortable.

Heyuu!! I'm make a charry too! Never thought I'd se you here xP

"Well, I'm Rioichi, but its just Rio to you"

Tsyniaki Rioichi


"Old enough to drive"





Part of Japan where you come from:

"I'm kindof from everywhere..."

Always traveling, Rioichi doesn't have a single place he's from


"I'm who I am and not going to change."

Happy-go-lucky, smooth, tries to make people happy, selfless


"I'm a puppy person =3"

Puppies, water, swimming, books


"Everyone hates something"

Cats, broccoli, turkey

History :

"My life story? Its not too interesting."

Rioichi's parents are dead from illness and he was moving around with his Uncle. They had a good relationship, but Rioichi hated that they were always moving, right when he finally met and knew everyone. He had gotten his scars when he was saving a hawk from a cat. The hawk in a scramble to get and fly away, accidentily clawed his cheek. The cat was angry and attacked Rioichi instead, but he managed to get away.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.409cab6e8f3931e7fa9d50382617eb3b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25787" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.409cab6e8f3931e7fa9d50382617eb3b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Mm kinda short..."



"I'm rather thin, so I don't weigh that much,"



"What? Its my style."

- Black and grey hat, purple accents

- Blue headband underneath

- Black shirt

- Blue jeans

- White skater shoes

- Necklace

- Black wristband, purple stripe

- Tanned skin

- Short, red hair

- Blue eyes

- 3 scars on his left cheek



  • image.jpg
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Bills352 said:
Name : Aoi Kaze
Age : 16

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Kyoto

Personality :She is very Bipolar she could be very happy one moment than sad and depressed the next. She is also very adventurous wanting too see a bit of everything shine she couldn't leave the shrine was she was younger. She is also fascinated easily by the simplest of things.

Likes :Music, singing, food, girls and guy (Bisexual),adventuring, Seeing new things and places.

Dislikes : angry people, scary people.

History : She was raised as a Miko (shrine maiden) so she was quite smart and got into the academy easily.



Height : She is small for her age at only 4'11

Weight: you can't ask a girl that ( 94 lbs)

Appearance (Descriptive) : She is small and has a very small build. She is also like a fragile package meaning her body is physically weak, she has purple eyes and blond mixed with pink hair.

Sulfirious said:
"Well, I'm Rioichi, but its just Rio to you"

Tsyniaki Rioichi


"Old enough to drive"





Part of Japan where you come from:

"I'm kindof from everywhere..."

Always traveling, Rioichi doesn't have a single place he's from


"I'm who I am and not going to change."

Happy-go-lucky, smooth, tries to make people happy, selfless


"I'm a puppy person =3"

Puppies, water, swimming, books


"Everyone hates something"

Cats, broccoli, turkey

History :

"My life story? Its not too interesting."

Rioichi's parents are dead from illness and he was moving around with his Uncle. They had a good relationship, but Rioichi hated that they were always moving, right when he finally met and knew everyone. He had gotten his scars when he was saving a hawk from a cat. The hawk in a scramble to get and fly away, accidentily clawed his cheek. The cat was angry and attacked Rioichi instead, but he managed to get away.


View attachment 69593


"Mm kinda short..."



"I'm rather thin, so I don't weigh that much,"



"What? Its my style."

- Black and grey hat, purple accents

- Blue headband underneath

- Black shirt

- Blue jeans

- White skater shoes

- Necklace

- Black wristband, purple stripe

- Tanned skin

- Short, red hair

- Blue eyes

- 3 scars on his left cheek

YoungDreamer said:
Name: Moto, Kaori
Age: 16 (almost 17)

Sex/Gender: Female

Part of Japan where you come from: Yokohama

Personality: Kaori looks like a top student, one that has no life outside of school and studies. Which isn't true at all. Kaori has more of a social life then most people her age. The only thing is that she doesn't want her school or classmates to find out about it, so she straightens her hair for school to make herself look like a good student. Kaori actually loves fashion as well as school, not only that but she runs a popular blog about her 'double' life. Juggling school and her secret social life means she's never bored, which is how she likes things.










History: Will be added.




After School-


Height: 5'5

Weight: 131 lbs

Appearance: Short black hair and sky colored eyes. Kaori appears to be a well put together girl, while in reality she's pretty much a mess. She wears brown contacts for school so that she doesn't stand out.
*accepted * 

Minnows said:
Name : Kaname, Emiko [Emi-chan]

Age : 16

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Tokyo

Personality : Despite coming from the city, Emiko has quite a calm personality. She is friendly and social, but also a bit endearingly shy in her own way. She is quite well rounded, skilled in music, knowledgeable in literature and an experienced martial artist. Her parents insist she be involved in activities of the physical, artistic and scholastic nature so that all aspects of her self reach their fullest potential. Her endeavors in music and literature lead her to become a bit of a hopeless romantic. Though she is reserved she can be quite passionate about certain things. She can get irritated a bit easily when others misunderstand her, which is quite often as her thoughts wander.

Likes :






-Snow/rain/cold weather

-Happy endings

Dislikes :

Too much attention

-Darkness~particularly being alone in a large home at night

-Happy endings


History : Emiko is the only child of two loving, but sometimes overbearing parents. They are constantly working, maintaining a comfortable and very fortunate lifestyle. Though rich and mostly quite busy, Emi grew up a bit lonely, with no siblings and only a nanny to watch her when her parents were working. . She has a pet cat she calls Kiko.



Height : 5'6

Weight: 125 lbs

Appearance (Descriptive) :A relatively average sized girl with long sandy brown hair and hazel green eyes
*accepted *
Bills352 said:
Name : Aoi Kaze
Age : 16

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Kyoto

Personality :She is very Bipolar she could be very happy one moment than sad and depressed the next. She is also very adventurous wanting too see a bit of everything shine she couldn't leave the shrine was she was younger. She is also fascinated easily by the simplest of things.

Likes :Music, singing, food, girls and guy (Bisexual),adventuring, Seeing new things and places.

Dislikes : angry people, scary people.

History : She was raised as a Miko (shrine maiden) so she was quite smart and got into the academy easily.



Height : She is small for her age at only 4'11

Weight: you can't ask a girl that ( 94 lbs)

Appearance (Descriptive) : She is small and has a very small build. She is also like a fragile package meaning her body is physically weak, she has purple eyes and blond mixed with pink hair.

Misakichan said:

Name :


Misaki Ryouko

Age :


16 years old



Part of Japan where you come from :


Matsue, Japan.

Personality :

Misaki is an introverted person, despite her bubbly personality.

She needs some time alone every once a while.

Misaki sometimes cheers her brother, Aki, up when he's glum.

Misaki enjoys playing her brother's videogames, sometimes competing eachother.

Misaki can be competitive and ruthless.

She can be a tomboy at times.

Likes :

"Hehe, Onii-chan's glasses!"

+Wearing Onii-chan's glasses





+Writing stories




+RC Cars



Dislikes :

-Losing to Aki

-Show offs




-Annoying Kids

-Annoying people

-Obnoxious people

-People in general


History :

Misaki was very alike to Aki, she would also stare off in the window.

They both had the same past, moving to Japan.

Appearance: [Picture]


Height :



123 lbs

Appearance (Descriptive) :

Misaki sometimes wears Aki's glasses. She mostly wears a hoodie during fall and spring. In summer, she would wear a t-shirt and short pants. In winter, she would wear a sweater (image). Misaki has crystal blue eyes, a trait shared with Aki. She does not wear much make up or nail polish, finding it too girly. Misaki does not like to wear dresses, finding them uncomfortable.


Xeno238 said:
Name: Haiko Uwezame
Age: 16

Gender: Male

Part of Japan where you come from:Tokyo

Personality: Haiko is rather depressed, he's quiet and he likes to make friends.

He can get mad sometimes, but that doesn't happen very often.

Likes: Music




Dislikes: Sadness




History: Haiko was born into a family of 4, which include his mom and his grandparents. He went to a private school for the longest time but bullies made them have to move, when they did, they moved here.



Height: 6' 4

Weight: 148 lbs

Appearance (descriptive): He's slender, but he's not as tall as most people think.

[QUOTE="Mage_Kikyou]Name : Nakashima, Kenta
Age : 17

Sex/Gender : Male

Part of Japan where you come from : Sapporo

Personality : Shy, Intellectual, Caring, Suicidal, and Musical(He plays 18 different instruments)

Likes : Swimming, Violin, Piano, Harp, Cello, Opera, Symphonies, Guys(Gay)

Dislikes : Being in a large crowd, Pizza,

History : Since his parents died in a car crash and sister being in the hospital he has not been able to have a close relationship with people. Since this is a new school he wants to turn over a new leaf.


Height : 6'3"

Weight: 150 lbs.

Appearance (Descriptive) : He is very slim since he has a swimmers body and he has white hair and a blueish-purplish eye color.


Cry said:
Name: Natsume Yuuki
Age: 16

Gender: female

Part of Japan were you come from: Tokyo


- Shy

- Musical

- Artistic

- Kind

- Caring

- Athletic

Likes: music, art, dancing, reading and writing.

Dislikes: boredom, doing nothing

History: Natsume was raised by her grandparents after her parents left her with them. She's very shy and isn't great at making friends.


Height: 5'1

Weight: 120 lbs

MundieORiley said:
Name: Haru Hikari


From: Furubira

Personality: She is a very intelligent person and she has pretty much straight A's. She is shy once you meet her, but when you get to know her, she's really outgoing and playful.

Likes:Violin, reading, gaming, and school.

Dislikes:Hypocrites and bullies.

History: Haru's foster family recently moved from a small town, leaving all of Haru's friends behind. Haru's birth parents were abusive and negligent when she lived with them in the early years of her life and she was put into foster care when she was twelve.

Appearance:View attachment 65378

Height: 5'4

Weight: 119 pounds

deathfox6 said:
Name : Dia
Age : 17

Sex/Gender : male

Part of Japan where you come from : Matsue

Personality : Dai is pretty silent and really tough though he doesn't fight all the time because he doesn't believe he can solve every thing with his fists but that doesn't mean that it still doesn't come in handy

Likes : family, friends, sweets, martial arts, and nice days

Dislikes : people who annoy him, threats, bitter foods

History : Dai's parents work mostly all the time mostly out on trips so him and his younger brother and sister have been living with their aunt Aki


Height : 6ft

Weight: 180

Appearance (Descriptive) : tall and mostly serious brown hair and hazel eyeshe usually wears bandages on his hands for his martial arts

BrokenTh0ughs said:
Name : Ryo
Age :16

Sex/Gender :Male

Part of Japan where you come from : Tokyo

Personality : Very welcoming and happy, sometimes to much some people even consider him 'creepy'. Ryo is really good in most classes, except he can't keep his mouth shut for a second.

Likes : Food, Laughing, Guys (gay) reading,art, chemistry, things that can explode, jokes, good mooders

Dislikes : Quitness, non good mooders, Negativity, Healthy food

History : Ryo comes from a very poor family, they even used their last money to get him in high school so he may get a good future unlike them. His mom is very sick so he and his brother always needed to take care of her, while his dad is at work.

Appearance: [Picture]View attachment 67469

Height :1.72

Weight: 67

Appearance (Descriptive) :Ryo has light green eyes (not in the picture but shhh) Greyish hair and a scar across his face
Hey Welcome 

ColourfulDeath said:
Name : Chiharu, Nino
Age : 17

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Kyoto

Personality : Quiet, athletic, kind, caring, easily scared, easily cries, once she gets to know someone or is used to them she relaxes around them.

Likes : Apple juice, pastries, animals, reading, writing, baking.

Dislikes : Eye contact, coffee, spicy foods, anything that's scary, being alone.

History : Nino used to live with her father but he left to be with another woman after her mother had died. Now she lives with her grandparents. They don't pay much attention to her but she does helps out with their small bakery business.



Height : 5'2"

Weight: 108 lbs

Appearance (Descriptive) : Red hair, soft green eyes, usually wears glasses for reading only, has a petite build. She's stronger than what she appears to be.
Welcome to Evaria
If I can still Sign-up. <^<


Luhan Crow





Part of Japan where you come from:



Luhan seems to be a type of dull character. He has trouble using emotion in both on his face and in his voice. Though, he does try to smile and tries hard to use emotion in his voice. He's lazy but will do anything if it prove himself somehow, like if he was given a challenge and one person was counting on him to do so he will do anything in his power to complete this challenge. He prefers to be alone instead of with other, but does think it would be nice to at least have one person by his side. He has been called rude before, but he doesn't mean to be.





-Quiet places

-Any type of food, but mostly sweets





-Noisy, Obnoxious, and Noisy People

-Overly Loud things

-Too much movement


Luhan lives with his Mother and Step-father. His biological father has been missing since he was at the age of five years old. That was the time his mother had divorced his father and was taken full custody of him. Since he has lived with his Mother and Step-father he has had time to take in a full personality, which his mother had called him just like his father, due to the lack of responses and emotion. He had been home-schooled his whole life, except for recently. His Step-father enrolled him into an actual school out of surprise so he can become more sociable.








Luhan has dark brown hair with dark colored eyes, and fair skin. His hair is straight, mostly, but has small waves in it that's hard to see. He always wears his glasses for reading, since he always has a book in his hand. He doesn't keep anything of importance or any jewelry on him. His clothing goes from wearing a shirt with a hood on it with jeans and regular sneaker to a black shirt and a jacket over it with jeans and sneakers. He is thinly built with some muscle tone to him. He usually wears a blue scarf around his neck.​
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MelonBread said:
If I can still Sign-up. <^<


Luhan Crow





Part of Japan where you come from:



Luhan seems to be a type of dull character. He has trouble using emotion in both on his face and in his voice. Though, he does try to smile and tries hard to use emotion in his voice. He's lazy but will do anything if it prove himself somehow, like if he was given a challenge and one person was counting on him to do so he will do anything in his power to complete this challenge. He prefers to be alone instead of with other, but does think it would be nice to at least have one person by his side. He has been called rude before, but he doesn't mean to be.





-Quiet places

-Any type of food, but mostly sweets





-Noisy, Obnoxious, and Noisy People

-Overly Loud things

-Too much movement


Luhan lives with his Mother and Step-father. His biological father has been missing since he was at the age of five years old. That was the time his mother had divorced his father and was taken full custody of him. Since he has lived with his Mother and Step-father he has had time to take in a full personality, which his mother had called him just like his father, due to the lack of responses and emotion. He had been home-schooled his whole life, except for recently. His Step-father enrolled him into an actual school out of surprise so he can become more sociable.








Luhan has dark brown hair with dark colored eyes, and fair skin. His hair is straight, mostly, but has small waves in it that's hard to see. He always wears his glasses for reading, since he always has a book in his hand. He doesn't keep anything of importance or any jewelry on him. His clothing goes from wearing a shirt with a hood on it with jeans and regular sneaker to a black shirt and a jacket over it with jeans and sneakers.​
of course you can.

Name : Kaisa Kross

Age : 17

Sex/Gender : Female

Part of Japan where you come from : Kitakyushu

Personality : Kaisa is quiet smart for her age, but tends to zone out in school. Though she make look weak, she's a lot stronger then other's would think she is. Also quite cheerful, and happy once she gets to know someone. Although she's loves being in loud places, her most favorite place to be was in the library. She also enjoyed being with a lot of people, yet also liked being alone.

Likes :



~Making friends




Dislikes :

~Girly things

~Rude people

History : Kaisa had met a young boy named Luhan when she was younger, of course at a park. They vowed to talk to each other everyday and keep in touch until at around seven years old, Kaisa had experinced her parents divorce and she was forced to live her mother who lived farther away from Japan. Kaisa's mother became drunk almost everyday. Kaisa left every evening just to get away from her. A few months later, CPS had come by to take her back to her creepy perverted father in Japan. Of course her father was excited to see her, so he had kept an epmty room and filled it with as many things he could just for his daughter. Kaisa had to settle down before she had started school, and a week later she was then enrolled to Evaria High School where Luhan was enrolled.



Height : 5'5

Weight: 127lbs

Appearance (Descriptive) : Kaisa wore her school uniform every day to school, her hair was always straight along with for bobby pins in her hair. After school or when out of school, she always wore jean shorts and a white blouse with a brown shirt over top of it. Her hair was some what tied with a ribbon, leaving most of it hanging down. Her boots only came half way up her leg. Her socks met mid-way up her thigh. She also wore a necklace, along with a small like cloak over her shoulders.

( As so )

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