Europe in Flames


Four Thousand Club

Jonah Morris; Alias: "Singularity"

Played by @Alad V

<DATA EXPUNGED>; Alias: The "Grand General"

Played by @Alad V

<DATA EXPUNGED>; Alias: Masquerade

Played by @The Out Of World

Anastasia Dikeos; Alias: Nike

Played by @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki


In order to keep everything sane and above board,we need to adhere to a set of rules. Read them in full. Understand them. Obey them,or get out. Simple as that.

1) RpN's rules apply. RpN has some basic rules. Follow them here.

2) Know who's in charge. There's a totem pole,here. Admins above mods above fellows above myself above you. Hopefully,things don't need to go above myself.

3) Independent thought is encouraged. Disagree with a ruling of mine? PM me with your case as to why. But,make sure it's a well thought-out argument; I will not entertain flights of whimsy.

4) Do romance right. This is an ENORMOUS pet peeve of mine. Romance is not sex. Understand this; If you develop a romantic relationship with a character in the RP,make it a realistic progression,and if you MUST share a bed,then don't even fade to black; Implications and a time skip work wonders. We're not idiots.

5) Equivalent exchange. Nothing is free. For every gain,effort must be expended. Something is ALWAYS lost,even if it's just time. The more your power can do,the steeper these costs become. Bear this in mind.

6) Prohibited powers. In the name of balance,there are some powers I need to say "no" to,completely outright. Immortality,invulnerability,reality warping of any description,omniscience,omnipotence,passive immunity,time fuckery of any sort,futuresight and mind reading of any variety,ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL,instant death or incapacitation abilities or technologies. This list is not exhaustive. Yet.

7) Be considerate. No,I don't care if you have an opportunity to post right now. If you and one other person are dominating an entire page,you will wait for others to post. People,myself included,drop out of RP's because of being left in the dust.

8) Use proper English. I can understand if English isn't your primary language,but for everyone else? No excuses. Everyone in this RP is to make every attempt to use proper English,so people can understand eachother. We're all educated,here.

9) Read all the relevant info. If I can answer a question with "Read the fucking manual",then you are in breach of this rule. Just to make sure you've read things,answer the question "What year did drone technology get the big breakthrough" in the miscellaneous section of your character sheet.

10) This is War,by Thirty Seconds to Mars. War is Hell. War is conflict. Expect war to visit the RP. Hell,PLAN on it. Death is a very real possibility; If I see the chance,I will seize it. So should you.

11) Give us something to work with! Your posts need substance. When you post,make sure everyone else has some ammo to work with. A good minimum to shoot for is two paragraphs.

12) Have fun! I know,big list of rules makes me look like a buzzkill. However,these rules exist in order to secure the enjoyment of as many people as possible. I'm sure most of these rules will rapidly become second nature.

Character Template

This is the basic template for all characters. Everything I list is mandatory. You may add whatever extra you believe is necessary,and I encourage you to make good use of bbcode,in particular spoilers and tabs. RpN has a tutorial for such coding; It's easy,once you see how it's done. Also,remove all of my explanation text when making your character. Failure to do so will result in my going insane. You REALLY don't want that.
Name: Give me a first and last name.

Alias/es: If not applicable,state as such.

Age: No younger than eighteen. Seriously. If a child were to get involved,they'd break. Most adults would,too.

Sex: Male,female,genderless,whatever is relevant.

Nationality: Somewhere from Europe is vastly preferred; Foreigners are treated with suspicion and scorn. If you're an alien,simply put "Kolgrim Union" here,instead.

Appearance: Use whatever you need to in order to convey your appearance. However,I need your height and weight,too.

Super Category: There's a list in the relevant material. Use whatever's relevant for your character.

Powers and Abilities: Make sure you explain what the power is,what it does,and what it cannot do. Also plan for growth.

Equipment: Weapons,armour,bags,and tools go here. Provide images,if you can.

Background: Tell us how you've obtained your abilities,your life growing up,and how and why you've come to Europe. We begin in Germany. Any less than two paragraphs is going to get denied immediately.

Miscellaneous: Any information that doesn't fit into any other category can go here.

  • Name: Jonah Morris.

    Alias/es: Singularity.

    Age: 28.

    Sex: Male,though only genetically,now.

    Nationality: British.

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Name: "Highly Classified"

Hayden Aaker
Alias/es: Masquerade

Age: 20

Sex: Androgynous, Unknown as of now.

Nationality: Swedish

Appearance: Masquerade is an individual of moderate build, not overly muscular and not distinguish-ably heavy-set or extremely thin, nor does Masquerade appear to possess ANY secondary sex characteristic such as body hair in specific places or even their body odor smelling a certain way.

Powers and Abilities: Masquerade holds a rather unique ability, in that they are constantly producing an odd, black, tarry substance through magical means. Though Masquerade has a... "Safe amount" they can produce a day with very negligible usage of energy, approximately a two-liter's worth, through use of energy and exhaustion, Masquerade can increase the rate of production far beyond the normal "Safe Amount". All of this adding to an available 'pool' of previously-made substance. This material can also be hardened to the point it can smash cement to rubble and even stop the bullets of small-arms if it is hardened to, at least five inches or so thick. Masquerade can also move this substance along the ground at a rate of about ten miles per hour but when not in actual 'motion' can move stationary pieces into shapes as fast as they can react. This substance is, however, very thick and tar-like liquid in it's natural state. Making it conduct electricity rather well, also if burnt at sufficiently hot temperatures, it will harden and if it is hardened completely through, Masquerade will have to expend energy melting it back down, or lose control of the hardened portion. Another use Masquerade derives from this substance is the manipulation of it's color and shape, and can apply it seamlessly over their own features to create various "Masques" that seem just as real as a normal face.

(Primary uses explained thus far: Cutting weapons, blunt force weapons, Protection, Camouflage)

(Weaknesses: Electrocution, Intense Heat)

From a young age, Masquerade was trained by the Swedish government to act as a covert operative for use in securing their independence from the European Union, should things come to a rather heated and continuous struggle. As such they were trained extensively in infiltration, assassination and their reflexes and durability were not only enhanced to peak human level, but taken even further by the application of surgically grafted implants. Lending a substantial, if unnatural, boost to Masquerades reflexes and ability to sustain punishment. However they are hardly anything approaching what a dedicated altered subject designed for punishment absorption or speed could achieve, but a moderate balance of both.

(Enhancements: Fast Reflexes, Durable)

Added now, as one could assume from Masquerade's background, they are also a polygot and know German, English, Swedish, Italian, and Russian fluently, as well as knowing how to alter their voice to sound like nearly anyone. Alongside being a very capable hand-to-hand combatant and masterfully skilled at god old-fashioned stealth with the assistance of their Substance.

Equipment: Often opting to wear heavy cloaks, robes, or any other garments that would keep as many distinguishing characteristics hidden as possible, Masquerade is an enigma. When actively deployed in the field of combat, and not used for assassination, Masquerade employs a very efficient Kevlar-weave body suit outfitting with light-weight and durable plates woven into the fabric, as well as donning Masquerade's only truly distinguishable characteristic that would elude to it being them, but only seen in the field, a full-face, one-way visual mirror mask outfitted with infrared scanners. For weaponry Masquerade almost always relies upon their abilities, however, they are all but required to carry a silenced pistol on their person for emergency circumstances,

Super Category: Magi, Super-Soldier

Background: Masquerade, born Hayden Aaker in 2030, was a peculiar child from birth. Instead of the normal, bloody red birth common to humans, Hayden's birth was overwhelmingly BLACK. Born to a middle-class family with no real special connections, no over-abundance of money, no famed reputation, nothing outstanding to their name until Hayden came to be. it was not long after Hayden's birth that the Swedish government began to take extreme interest in the "Baby who made the room black" Hayden and their family were visited several times over their young life by government agents. Checking on Hayden's well-being and even began to run minor tests on what this odd substance Hayden made WAS. The demonstrated lethality of Hayden's abilities proven to a visiting agent when Hayden cleaved their family's sofa in half when throwing a tantrum, their flailing arms unintentionally sharpening and honing the substance that arced from their hand and slashed, ripped and gouged it's way down through the sofa's form.

Afterwards, Hayden was taken from their family and trained in relative secret at the age of seven. The first thing to be done, was to wipe any trace Hayden had ever existed from the Earth, before moving onto the physical. Starting with more basic martial-art forms, and then afterwards shown extensive and advanced techniques in hand-to-hand combat, Hayden was honed into a deadly and single-minded weapon. However, they were a weapon in more ways than one, both inside of combat, and in political intrigue. Having discovered Hayden's "Masque" ability when Hayden had smeared the substance on their face and attempted to hide themselves from the agent sent to apprehend them. Baffling the man when he had looked down at the child and saw his own face staring back at him. Hayden is not naive in any stretch of the imagination, and though they are all but a tool to those above them, they seem to thoroughly enjoy the intrigue, tension, and violence their position brings.


Oddly enough, due to it's near-natural presence around Masquerade, their substance is almost a part of their living being. The substance itself is able to show Masquerade's life signs, vitals, oxygen level, etc. Though applications of this fact are, currently, only just being explored. 1994
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Confirming Permissions...

Accessing Profile...

Information Loaded!

NAME// Reeta Salminem.







>> Identification Photo

// Long, shoulder length, extremely dark brown hair. Fair complexion. Light brown eyes. Five foot, six inches in height. 137 lbs. in weigh (62.1422 kg.). Lighter build, slim with little obvious muscle. Scars located on calves and backs of hands. Suspected tattoo on lower back of six butterflies. Tattoo on left shoulder of snarling cat, possibly mountain lion. Known to wear leather pants - black boots with technological plating on the tops - a simple, dark red shirt - dark brown cloak, lightly torn at the end.




A Favorite Quote Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.
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Amelia Elden

Basic Info


Alias: Draco Witch

Age: 24

Sex: Female

Nationality: British

Super Category: Magic

Sub Category:


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 120 lbs



Powers and Abilities

  • Conjuration [summoner]




    Able to summon dragons with a verity of size, strength and element.Dynamic is more team based than absolute control. The contract made was one of service in exchange for information and research.


    Due to the bond Amelia is always connected to the dragons she summons. She is able to speak their language and sense where they are at all times. She can also see what they do for a few seconds at a time, though it is a very taxing ability.


    Due to the magic needed to sustain the bond most non summon based spells are weakened or take more magic than the average mage to perform. She cannot control any summons directly, they can rebel and flat out refuse to do as Amelia asks. There is a cool down of at least an hour before another summoned can be perform. Other spells are weakened further during this cool down period.

    Physical Effects

    Due to the constant link needed to maintain the bond side effects start to influence and change Amelia.

    > She appears mostly normal, however patches of toughened skin and blue scales develop over her skin. Primary along her arms chest and back.These scales provide some protection against slashing and piercing damage however they are no where near as strong as an actual dragons.

    > Sharpened teeth,pronounced canines, hardened and sharpened claws/

    > Minor enhanced to senses

    > Due to the contracts being made with a blue dragon she has gained a minor resistance to electricity.

    > Amelia has also developed a sensitivity to temperature change.


  • pseudodragon.jpg


    Species: Pseudodragon

    Rank: D

    Type: Brass (Fire)

    Persona: About the size of a house cat Boro goes everywhere with Amelia with ease. Whether hiding in her bag or curled up along her shoulders he doesn't leave her side for more than an hour at a time. He can't do much aside from fly and make a puff of fire. Boro is fairly weak and fragile not able to take much damage, so when in combat he is usually perched somewhere out of the line of fire. He may jump in and use the venom along his claws and top of his tail to cause an enemy to become drowsy or fall asleep. However this rarely happen and is reserved for emergencies. There is a bond being shared between Amelia, Boro in that they need each other to sustain the contract, the specifics are still murky at best and being looked into.


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    A mild mixture of tech and magic the suit is made of a graphene material. Built light to allow for movement and flexibility, layered in vital areas, mostly along the torso, to block out most attacks. Magic has been infused into the armor to allow for slightly better resistance to piercing damage. It also protects against most other types of magic where normal armor falls short. Boots are made to absorb shock impact and reduce stress when falling to a minimum.

    The helmet worn is double layered and has features to allow for night vision, thermal and electromagnetic sight. Can also pick up on magic energies both active and residual. Along with a slight optical zoom. Can double as a headset for communication.


Born to a family of well known warmages Amelia grew up around magic her whole life. Her mother was a well known healer and evocation caster, her father a gifted summoner of celestial beasts. From a young age she knew what was expected of her and from the time she could read was taught the history and basics of magic. She spent most of her child hood studying the arts and found it to be quite enjoyable. she would often zone out during history lessons but when it came time for actual application she was zoned in.

Upon reaching the age of 12 Amelia went from studying under the guide of her parents to being the apprentice of Marek Alberic. A caster who was a master several schools of magic. Training from that point on was very difficult and a lot was demanded of Amelia. While it was a hard road with a lot of road blocks she progressed. Her social life was nearly non existent with her only company being her family and mentor. Occasionally she would get to visit with other young spell casters but Amelia was often times awkward and on the quite side.

At 14 Amelia made her first summon and much to her own surprised her call was Venos, a rather powerful green dragon. It surprised no one of the type of summon Amelia was met with since the girl had shown interest in all manner of mythic bests, especially dragons. Venos valued power and strength however saw no worth in Amelia. Nor could she prove her strength in a manner which satisfied the drake. As such the Dragon vanished with out a contract made. This greatly discouraged Amelia in terms of progression however she wasn't allowed to sulk or wallow. Merek pushed her training further making her read countless of books and spells. Using known magic and some tech to boost her magic ability.

A year later Amelia was confident enough to try again. She was worried about being met with the same dragon once more however much to her relief she was met with Donryu, a very strong bronze dragon who valued knowledge over strength. More in her element Amelia was able earn the intrigue of the dragon with her knowledge of magic and history. A contract was formed under the the terms that more information on magic be gathered and shared.

Amelia has spent years training and improving on her skills. Building a bond with her summons through trial and error. Not every Dragon was exactly cooperative but she manged to befriend a small group of dragons who like Donryu took interest in the human world and agreed to work with Amelia.


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Name: Hugh Agrian

Alias/es: God's Wrath (or Simply Wrath)

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Nationality: Switzerland




Hugh, is 192 pounds and 6'2 in height.

Super Category:

Hugh was originally a Normal person, but became a Super Solider, then went rouge.

Powers and Abilities:

Hugh is Bionic, therefore he has nanites in his bloodstream. These nanites are encoded with data, which can be compared to Apps on a phone. These different "Apps" allow for a different range of powers. Though all the "Apps" programed in him aren't known, a few have been seen and are listed.

The Commando App, which allows for a full range of combat techniques using weapons, and without weapons. Allowing him to also know how to handle any weapon without having to be trained. Another ability of the Commando App is to recognize and respond to a situation in the best possible way, making for great war and military tactic's that only a five year general would come up with after two days.

The Pyro App: Which allows for fire manipulation. This however doesn't mean he can generate fire, but if it's nearby he can use it to his advantage. Using this app, he can also convert fire (Along with, electricity and nuclear power) into energy to charge the Nanites with power.

(Though, if too much energy is applied to the nanites they will shutdown in order to properly conceal and absorb the energy, while dispersing it among themselves. Also, too little energy or temperatures lower than negative twenty degrees also force the nanites into a conservation mode. Which shuts them down.)

The Enhancement App: This is more like a basic function of the Nanites, but depending on the level of charge inside the nanites his normal abilities are enhanced, for example if the nanites are fully charged, he could stop a truck going full speed, though it wouldn't be easy. This applies for both speed, agility, the five senses, healing, and the bodies immune system.

(This application does have backfires though. A sound that would hurt a normal persons ears, may completely blow out a persons ear drum when using this app. Also, because feeling is one of the five senses, this also amplifies pain. Though one may learn to block that out.)

The Trident App: Though oddly named, the trident App allows the user to replicate the powers of others on a lower level. Some say it's called the trident app because a trident is a spear (the main power) with two smaller spears coming from it (The lower level versions),


Hugh used to have a rifle when he was a Super Solider along with a very padded body suit. Now he simple has a Desert Eagle gun, with a cloak padded kevlar, and some regular clothes with some weak kevlar sown through it. He has a phone, which has several hacking abilities, though what they can all do is unknown. It should also be known that Hugh has several "Pick-Up Bases" set around his location, these are actually Stationary Pod Drones (SPD's) which he uses to store useful equipment he might find, buy or steal. These Drones are capable of teleportation, which is how he gets them from city to city, but are not meant for constant travel which results in a two day cool down limit after one teleportation. Also these pods are large and bulky and do not move after being located in a specific area, unless they are teleporting. Thus the name they were given.


Hugh was a troubled child to start with. He always got into fights, and had a very strong opinion in the things he believed in. Never once had he cared about others, and if they didn't like his opinions, then they had hell to pay. And he would make them pay it right then. Even if it meant that he ended up getting beaten up, and not them. Even though he was constantly fighting, the boy was actually a genus more than he was a trouble maker. and Excelled through all his classes.

In his teenage years he hadn't changed by much. Except now he was picked on for his grades, and the fights where a hell lot more bloody. Someone usually went to the hospital for broken bones or deep gashes. At one point someone even got shot. But never once did he regret his decisions. Declaring he was right, and would always be... Such a stubborn boy he was.

As an adult, Hugh matured by a land slide and realized his foolishness. Though he was still stubborn, he was more calculative and forgiving than before. As well as being more open to other ideas and thoughts. He became an engineer, but he found it wasn't what he thought it would have been. Thats around the time the war started... As soon as he found out it was between Russia and China, he immediately packed his bags and set off to enlist in the Russian army. It wasn't because he wanted too. No it was because of his ancestry. His family had originated from Russia. His family had begged him to go, out of obligation to his ancestors. So go he did. He became one off the 20th Russian Super Solider Experiments, and one of the Super Legion generals. But when his troop was ordered to destroy a defenseless town near China, his heart couldn't bear it. No matter how much his ancestors would hate him, this he would not do... He knew the horrible fate he would have if the Russian Capital found out that he had denied there orders so he faked his own death during the raid of the city, and ran off. To defend those who were innocent in the war.

Miscellaneous: The Answer, 1994.

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  • Name: Francisco Sanchez Rivera (Frank)

    Alias/es: Massacre

    Age: 29

    Sex: Male

    Nationality: Spanish

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Name: Dan O'Malley

Alias/es: The Fighting Irish

Age: 30

Sex: Male

Nationality: Irish - Southern Ireland

Appearance: Dan dresses in a long black coat that goes just below his knees and has many, many pockets and zippers. He also wears black combat pants and black combat boots. To top it all off he wears a stove pipe hat (for unknown reasons), wears a black eye patch over his left eye and black combat gloves.

He has a fit build, blue eyes, long blonde (almost white) hair that reaches his shoulders and has a scar down the middle of his left eye going down to his mouth.

Height: 5'10" Weight: 150 pounds

Super Category: Magi

Powers and Abilities: Dan is a weapon magi which means he can summon weapons to use in combat. The weapons he can summon are useful has they don't need to be reloading because they were made from nothing therefore require nothing to use. The weapons that can be summoned at once are ten but he can only use at a time but can provide others with some as well. The bad part of this type id magic is that the size of the of the weapons is equal to how much energy he used to summon them. So if he summoned large gun then he used a large amount of energy to soummon said gun.

He also has natural strength due to when he summons his weapons he has to be able to carry it to use it. When he first started summoning he tried to summon an atom bomb to bomb his enemies and nearly died from doing it. First he started small and worked his way up the chain. After all his hard work he was able to finish off with 15.38 tons.

Equipment: The weapons are what he summons. Other equipment he tends to find.

Background: Dan was born in Southern Ireland (he chooses not to say exactly where) and grew up studying weapons. Weapons are his absolute favorite thing in the world and has been interested by them at a very young age. When he found out about magic he wanted to create his own type of magic. Weapon magic. It took him years to perfect by when he first used it was in highschool and he got into a fight because his best friend was being beaten up. Out of anger he clenched his fists a summoned brass knuckles to help his friend.

When he heard about what was going on in the world he started to panic. He didn't want anything to happen to his family and friends so decided to help Europe by taking a boat to the main lands of Europe. He wasn't sure where to go so he went to Germany hoping one of friends there would tell him more about what was happening. Let's just say he knows now.

Miscellaneous: Blind in his left eye. Ambidextrous. 1994
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  • Aliases: Only known to go by Leon and Leo.

    Age: 24 years of age

    Sex: Male

    Nationality: German

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Name: Anna Swann

Alias/es: Phantom

Age: 23

Sex: Female.

Nationality: The United Kingdom.

Appearance: Height: 5'9 Weight: 125lbs (57kg)


Super Category:

Powers and Abilities:
Anna's first ability is a sort of 'ethereal' form, where she can briefly switch from being physical, to non-corporal, allowing her to avoid attacks and phase through solid objects. Whilst in this form her speed is massively increased, and she is pretty much impervious to damage. However, she cannot attack whilst in this form, and it is not permanent by any means, she can't stay in this ghost-like form for more than three seconds, whilst she is using it however, it is often mistaken for teleportation, due to her going completely invisible, only letting off a shadowy aura indicating where she is moving.

Her second ability, is unique in that she can learn any fighting style after studying it for just a few minutes, even in combat. She can even master it and surpass her opponent from studying them. However, the more skilled the opponent, and more complex the fighting style, the longer it takes to learn it, as well as this, the power is useless against those who use ranged based attack, which is where she will try and close the distance with her other ability. It is best to note that even if she masters a fighting style, if the opponent is skilled enough they could still beat her with said fighting style, if they had factors such as strength, stamina, speed, and trickery.


Armor:The armor she uses is merely an 'illusion' of sorts. Despite looking incredibly high tech the only actual advantage it offers is simply 'armor' she lies about her origins, and her power. Saying the armor is the cause, despite not being true, it also makes her appear as a man, and she has a modified voice changer within the suit to sound male as well.


Weapons: As weaponry, Anna possesses two top of the range, katanas, she is proficient with dual wielding them, or fighting with one. She will use one if she is tired, and fight more defensively, and vice versa.



Anna lived a mostly sheltered life, her parents were incredibly strict, never allowing her even a moments freedom, she was disallowed from doing something as menial as leaving the house. Why, you might wonder? It was simple really, they feared the new rise in technology, the revelation of metahumans, magic wielders and aliens.

They labeled such beings as 'corrupted' and 'monsters'. Blindly unaware their own daughter was the very thing they despised, Anna didn't bear the thought of telling them, ironically they seemed to love her in a relatively unloving way. Alas, Anna grew up without friends, and without a shoulder to cry on through tough times. She was home tutored due to her parents paranoia, as such she has learned to only depend on herself, as everybody else only cared for their own goals and beliefs.

Anna initially seemed unlucky, being born into the UK whilst the threat of war rose all across Europe, she was only eighteen, when the EU declared war on the UK and Sweden. Panic across Britain reached a new height, rumours of a terrible 'World War 3' that would break the world. Like most people, Anna was most definitely frightened. Yet, as time passed, being afraid seemed to diminish in feeling, rather than heighten. The realization that she was a wielder of magic dawning in on herself, survival for her was definitely possible. No, it was guaranteed.

Alas, the EU's invasion was a miserable failure, they were broken by The British Isles and Sweden, and at an alarming pace, began to disintegrate into nothing, causing the whole of Europe - with the exception of the UK - to plunge into anarchy. It mattered little, Anna who was utterly incapable of living life like her parents for any longer, bought passage to Australia, well out of the fighting, if Europe was taken by lawlessness, the UK would likely follow.

However, she was forced to purchase private passage to the country, as an illegal immigrant. The man she traveled with knew a supposed secret entrance in, she took that chance. Foolish... The plane never even made it to the country, first there was shouting, then an explosion, the plane crashing down at alarming speeds. She managed to enter her ethereal form moments before the crash, preventing all harm. Ah, but of course... She was in none other than Germany, a country gripped by the vicious clutches of war. It seemed worst case scenario had been achieved.

Miscellaneous: 1994!
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  • Name: Joseph Joachim

    Alias/es: Phylactery (Synesthesia, Welder, Golem)

    Age: 22

    Sex: Male

    Nationality: German-American. Can pass as a German when needed, but keeps his American upbringing a secret from strangers.

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Name: Alexander Büchner

Alias/es: The Dark One

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Nationality: German


Appearance: He stands 190 cm and weighs around 90 kgs. His physique is between average and muslcular.

Super Category: Meta-Human

Powers and Abilities: Ferrokinesis or 'Metallic Control'

User can create, shape and manipulate metal, a solid material (an element, compound, or alloy) that is typically hard, shiny, and features good electrical and thermal conductivity. Metals are generally malleable —they can be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking— as well as fusible (able to be fused or melted) and ductile (able to be drawn out into a thin wire)


[*]Ferrokinetic Constructs, including weapons/missiles, walls, armor or allies/servants.

[*]Metal Attacks

[*]Metal Detection

[*]Metal Dust Manipulation

[*]Move/lift metal at nearly any speed whether in/on a surface, air or water. One could even do this in a vacuum of space if one has a way to survive the experience.


  • May be unable to create metal, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
  • Distance and the amount of matter depends of the strength and skill of the user.
  • May be limited to certain metals.
  • Metal is affected by everything that normal metals would be, although the user is perfectly able to use their power to return the metal in its original shape and/or controlling it even under these forces:
    Melt under extreme heat.
  • Turn brittle and shatter under extreme cold.
  • Can be rusted.

[*]Extremely vulnerable to Electricity and Magnetism Manipulation, though some metals (such as gold) are not magnetic.

[*]User may be limited to manipulating the metal which makes up their bodies.

Alexander wants to improve his capabilities so that he could be of use to (anyone or anything). At present he's not capable of utilizing his ferrokinesis. He can produce only a couple of types of metallic alloys in small-ish amounts and his manipulation isn't all that great to be honest- he can barely guide a floating knife.


six old dull knives

Armour: nothing as of yet

Bags: He has a backpack and an improvised baby-bag

Tools: basic tools like a hammer, screwdriver and a wrench.

Background: Alex grew up as a problem child, making everyone around him miserable and being something of a public menace. It was when he turned twelve that something had happened to him. The chances of being struck by a meteorite is small but still possible. As it turned out The meterorite wasn't a normal meteorite. The material was neither organic or inorganic and imbedded itself into the young man's body. Over time the matter fused and assimulated itself with the boys body.

After that near death experience and having something inside him he changed into a quieter person. His life had changed thanks to that thing. He grew up as a normal adult, finished school and is unemployed after doing some years in college. He recently discovered his powers three years ago but he isn't used to it and didn't have the time to practice much with it. He's in Germany because he was born there.

Miscellaneous: Nothing as of yet.
The Grand General


    The Grand General.



    Nationality: German.

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Name: Anastasia Dikeos





Appearance: Heigh: 5ft 9in Weight: 44Kg


Super Category: Meta/Super-Soldier

Powers and Abilities: Elektrokenisis, she is a human battery storing and releasing a certain amount of electrical energy. She can absorb from anything electrical or mains and release in various means whether it be bolts of lighting, continues arcs of electricity. explosive arcs, limited form of prupulsion, power objects and can create magnetic fields which have further application. The electrical side can produce shockwaves, lift metal objects, create a shield type electromagnatic fields. This powers come as a heavy price, she is vamparicly tied to electricity the more she uses or the less background electricity the weaker she becomes and using all of her energy can mean certain death. Weaking is also not physical, her sanity gradually wanes and becomes almost feral looking from any electrical sources whether man or machine.

Otherwise she is a trained martial artist and parkour runner though has no training in guns, tend to explode in her hand, and is only human in durability.

Equipment: Weapons,armour,bags,and tools go here. Provide images,if you can.

  • Weapons: 2x Metal batons that can harness her powers

  • Backup Knife




Other: Specially designed electrical charger precharged with enough amount of electricity to keep her alive. Emergency use only.


Born in a village in the cypriot island near the Trodos mountains, Anastasia was a fairly care free child playing with friends up the mountains and living a perfectly normal simple life. That changed during a trip to the local city, walking through on of the high streets with her parents. In an area full of technology something triggered in her, the nearby atm burst floading the area with money, the traffic lights malfunctioned and then an arc burst from her hand to the nearby car causing the fuel to explode. This explosion injuring her self and others and in recovery in the hospital man in suits approached her, they explained she was a mutant and now the property of the EU government.

Before she knew is she was whisked away from her island home in a secret facility in mainland europe. The locked her in a dark isolated room with no electrical devices, weakening her enough that she was no danger to anyone. The only reason she was let out is to be trained and indoctrinated brutally , she learned to use her powers and turn her to a weapon with no contact with the outside world for years. Soon though something happened, she was returned to her cell and was left in there for an amount of time she never knew only an occassional jolt of electricity keeping her alive. This was until the door just opened with no one to take her to training, ones she had enough energy she stepped out of her cell and the facility was deserted. Something though drove her to leave, like something she was meant to do. She picked up whatever gear she was familiar with and walked out to the facility. She had something to do and what that was she didnt know.

Miscellaneous: 1994
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  • Name: Duncan Leonardi

    Alias/es: Battery

    Age: Twenty-four

    Sex: Male

    Nationality: Turkish

    Height: 6'3 ft

    Weight: 234 lbs



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@Alad V

Cinera Autumn Theroux

Alias/es: Cinderella/ The Ash Princess

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Nationality: U.S.A. (Birth - 10 years of age), Sweden (10 years old - Current)


5' 4"

Weight: 120 lbs

Super Category: Magic

Powers and Abilities

Ash Form:
Cinera can turn her entire body into ashes, allowing most forms of attack to pass through her while doing so. Knives, bullets, etc. However this needs to be a conscious effort, she can do this in about three seconds. She can hold herself in malleable form though, if she thinks shell be walking into a bullet storm soon, it just expends extra energy. In this form fire can be absorbed and she can use a burning ash form. She can move her body in any manner she can imagine in this form, allowing huge holes in her body to appear to allow more dangerous things to pass through, such as laser or plasma blasts. Although if such incredibly hot things do contact her body said portion is forcibly fused together. Water will also make holding the ashes together difficult, so she would either need to turn back to normal, or risk losing body parts or her life. She can control her individual parts separately, such as break each limb off the main body and use them individually. Her limit is simply what she can mentally keep track of.

Ash Creation: She can create a literally infinite quantity of ash from her body. However the rate of creation is limited by her experience and how much of her body shes using to create it. Should she only use a finger to create it, it would be a ridiculously small amount, equivelant to maybe a cup every ten seconds. Should she use her full ability in Ash Form, she can create an amount equal to a pick up truck in ten seconds. She can create infinite quantities given time, but she can only control how much she is mentally capable of. At current, a sixteen wheeler trucks worth is the max she can concentrate on controlling.

Ash Manipulation: Cinera cannot control preexisting ash as is. She must create that which she wishes to control. However the limit on manipulation is entirely up to her imagination. She can turn her arm into a sword for example, by condensing the ash so much it become as hard as steel. Or she can create a small vortex and pick up objects with it by spinning it. Her abilities grow only as far as her imagination does.

Equipment: Cinera carries a backpack on her, with a few choice toys she got from the group she works for. Besides these she simply creates anything else she uses in the field. She doesn't wear any form of armor. She goes in wearing whatever she decides is comfortable. The basics are in the backpack, such as matches, emergency blanket, water bottle, extra clothes, rope, etc.

Beyond this she has:

Night vision goggles

A pair of sunglasses

x1 HK M320 Grenade Launcher

x3 No. 76 Incendiary Grenades

x5 M84 Stun Grenades

Background: Cineras parents met while her mother was studying abroad in the States. She met Cineras father and while it wasn't exactly love at first sight, it was about as close as the real world came to it. She decided to remain in the States, earned her citizenship, and settled down with him. A couple years went by, and Cineras mom became pregnant with her. Both parents were overwhelmed with joy, especially her father. But he was also understandably sad that he wouldn't be able to see the baby often as he was a Navy Seal now. He shipped out for something big about three months into the pregnancy... and didn't come back. He was listed as MIA, and that was all her mom and Cinera have ever learned. Nothing more than an apology, and a lump of cash. The money went to bills and saving up for the baby, as Cineras mom didn't know of any family he had alive. So a funeral was a moot point, with him MIA. She lamented his death alone, and got to work getting a job.

Cinera was born and raised for ten years in the USA. Her mother choosing to raise her there for at least some time, in a denial-based hope that one day her husband would walk through the door. She on a US military base, and Cinera idolized her every act. But as situations destabilized globally Cineras mother had a growing desire to return to Sweden, and fight with them. She wanted to raise Cinera near family, and in a environment she was familiar with. So, a couple months after Cineras tenth birthday, that's exactly what they did. They moved in with her parents for what was supposed to be a temporary arrangement, until Cineras mother could afford their own place. Cinera got to meet her retiree grandparents, which was equally exciting and fantastic for both sides, and her mother joined the Swedish Armed Forces (to the somewhat disapproval of her parents). Cinera was really excited by the prospect of not only learning a new language, but also for her moms new occupation. Cinera wished to be exactly like her mother.

The "temporary arrangement" became rather permanent as Cineras mother was nigh constantly on missions into other countries. Cinera was conflicted on happiness for her mothers career success, and her never being around. She was especially conflicted around her 13th birthday when she began to discover she was... different. More so than most teens really being hit by reality. Her powers began manifesting, and she had no control over it. She felt like a freak, and couldn't bring herself to admit it to anybody she had around her at the time. She wanted to tell her mom, but her mom wasn't around often enough. And when she was around, the rare occasions were such times of happiness, she didn't wish to ruin it with stress or worry or fear. So at first she attempted to disown her powers, but they wouldn't go away. So instead she practiced them in secret, testing their limits, and finding a way for her to control them to prevent any unfortunate accidents. With two years of practice, she succeeded.

At fifteen she decided she would tell her mother the next time she came home. She was supposed to return in a few months, but when the time rolled around she never did. Instead a member of the SAF delivered them news of her death, in action against a soon to be invading EU force. They were encouraged to evacuate to a nearby facility for the time being, but both Cinera and her grandparents refused to leave. Cinera came to regret this shortly thereafter, as the EU waged war on the British Isles and Sweden. Sure they failed, but not from where Cinera was standing. Her home was firebombed by the EU, not specifically of course, but nonetheless. Her grandfather was killed instantly, and her grandmother was trapped under debris. Cinera had been across the house, and wasn't harmed. She rushed to save her grandparents, but as she reached the alcove between her and her grandma, burning wreckage fell, blocking her path and burning her face, shoulder, and most of her body on her right side.

She barely limped out of her home before it collapsed in on itself and burned to the ground. Everything important in her life was gone. She collapsed, laying outside the ashes of her home, and gave up on life. She simply waited to die, and as she was just slipping unconscious, a group of faces stood over her. She awoke, apparently a entire day later, to find herself in a hospital bed, just as her nurse was checking her. The nurse immediately made sure she was alright, and then retrieved a couple of official looking types. They explained to her that she had been taken in by a small militia working semi officially with the Swedish government, and that they knew about her powers. They knew of her desire to fight and protect, just like her mother. And they wanted to offer her the chance to do exactly that. They told her she had as much time as she needed to choose, and that they would still give her what they could to start a life of her own, should she choose not to.

She only spent a few hours thinking, the realization was simple. She didn't have anything else to do, and it had always been what she wanted to do anyway. Not only that, but apparently her powers could be used freely? If so, maybe she wasn't alone, maybe there were others like her. Maybe there was hope for a happy future. She accepted immediately after this train of thought, and after she finished healing and physical therapy for her arm, they introduced, trained, and inducted her into their organization. She did indeed find others like her in the militia, one she even had a fling with at one point, and she began to have hope again. Although, that was quickly fixed after her first deployment at the age of 19. The girl she had a fling with died not five feet away, her blood splattered over Cineras face. The mission killed most of the young members, and showed the surviving ones the reality of the situation. As of current day she is to fly into Germany, and check out a particular city that Sweden has noticed alot of events originating from lately.


The color of her ashes are most often the basic grey. But can be changed by will, or influenced by her emotions. Much like a mood ring.

Cinera is rather good with a bow.

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The First

  • Name: Wiegraf Folles.

    Alias/es: The First.

    Age: Older than you.

    Sex: Male.

    Nationality: German.



Alias/es: Ghost

Age: Theorized to be 26

Sex: Male

Nationality: Originally from Russia, now lives nomadically.


Ghost is 6'7 in height, and 185 pounds.

Super Category: Super Soldier

Powers and Abilities: Ghost isn't like most super soldiers. He has one rather complex mutation which allows him (If used properly) to exceed the abilities of any normal human.​

The Atomic Serum


As Devastating as this Substance sounds, it is actually quite simple. But also can be slightly deadly. The Atomic Serum, is a complex and compound substance which does three things at once. Firstly, it enhances the human cells to be able to have a lot more room to be able to inhabit an extreme amount of Uranium. Once this mutation is done, the substance releases as hoard of Uranium, which spread out, and fill these pockets in the cells which have been made for them. Lastly, the substances mutates the DNA of the person. This mutation allows the Human Body, to create a new part to the Immune System. Called U-Blood Cells. These blood cells are capable of absorbing large amounts of Radiation, and safely filtering it out equally throughout the body without damage. Though if there is too much Radiation, these cells will get overwhelmed.

The reason for all of these mutations and changes occur is for one reason. Or rather for the creation of one particular power. Energy Absorption. The way this works is a completely different process. Firstly, the previously mutated subject must be in contact with an energy source. When this occurs, the energy is sucked through the pores, by the atoms in the Uranium, or Uranium Atoms. These atoms then become unstable due to the energy, but are already unstable atoms by nature. The energy adds to this effect, and the Uranium Atom breaks apart, turning into two smaller atoms. Neutrons shoot out due to the sudden break, and thus radiation forms(Being the rouge neutrons), these neutrons begin bouncing into the other Uranium Atoms, throughout the body, passing the energy to other Atoms, and causing a chain reaction. This triggers the newly developed U-Blood Cells into action, and they begin to process the Radiation, filtering it safely through the body. Adding more energy to the users normal energy stores. This is called the Fission Process, much like how a Nuclear Bomb works. Now, this energy is rapidly growing and being filtered, and stored in the body, but its also doing another thing... It's Enhancing the whole organism. Seeing how humans live on a certain amount of energy, which comes from the food they consume, this adds to that. Giving a very powerful boost in energy. Of course this spreads throughout the whole body, enhancing basically everything to new levels until the extra energy is exhausted. The level of enhancement, is based on the level of extra energy, which is based on the radiation, which all boils down to the amount of energy the user is taking in. It should be noted, that these U-Blood Cells can only filter so much before they're overwhelmed by Radiation. At that point, the chain reaction cannot be slowed to a stable form which adds more energy/ enhances, instead it would technically result in a BioNuclear Bomb. Of course, it could be on a lower level on that, which could simply result in heart failure, brain failure, muscle damage, and/or damage or failure to any part of the human body which uses energy. Also, the risks of radiation burn, and other effects of Radiation should also be accounted for. However it should be added, that all the possibly abilities of this power are not know.



It should be known, that Ghost has an Arsenal of weapons, and gadgets but only few are known, though many have been seen and are recorded.

The Hexagon Force field

This is a more common piece of equipment, used through out the Military. It is an Electronic Force Field made through the shape of Hexagons.


The All Terrain Armory

M/L LSW e- "Raiden" Charged Particle Support Weapon: Developed by Canada's AECL,this weapon was created as a light squad support weapon that can function without the need of bulky and heavy conventional ammunition,and has the added benefit of an output throttle, capable of delivering fatal charges, all the way down to a mild electrical annoyance. The weapon itself is bulky,and must be fed with large batteries,but is considered to be more mass-efficient than a comparable ballistic LMG. However,while the stopping power is comparable,the killing power is noticeably reduced,due to the nature of the injuries this weapon inflicts. When in operation,the weapon seems to project flickering electrical arcs. The reality of the situation is that it is actually firing streams of highly energetic electrons. Effective against electrical systems,as it has the potential to trip circuit breakers and surge protectors.


S/M CRB 7.62*51mm CL "Rattlesnake" Personal Rapid Assault System:
The Rattlesnake was developed by Colt as a means to deliver large quantities of heavy calibre munitions in a short period of time in close quarters. In a close quarters engagement,such features are life. Delivering a round generally reserved for sniper rifles and light machine guns,the Rattlesnake delivers a caseless variant of the 7.62mm NATO cartridge in order to maximize magazine real estate. This weapon sees service across the planet in the hands of law enforcement emergency response teams,intelligence agencies,and all branches of the armed forces; It is synonymous with the modern soldier... Or oppressor, depending on who's observing.


S/M PTL .45 "Wraith" Covert Tactical Sidearm:
Compact and equipped with an integrated suppressor,the Wraith is designed to kill without drawing attention. Delivering the ancient-yet-reliable .45 round,this thing packs considerable short range punch,which is good,as the suppressor reduces the muzzle velocity to below supersonic speeds,in order to ensure a silent shot; The action cycling itself makes more noise.


M/L ASR 5.56*45mm CL "Mongol" Heavy Assault System:
Soldiers across the planet often joke that the Mongol is a light machine in disguise,or an assault rifle having an identity crisis. They're not far from the truth. This weapon,despite its compact shape,ships with enormous magazines containing caseless 5.56mm NATO rounds; This enormous magazine capacity,coupled with the ubiquitous round with manageable recoil,makes this weapon a formidable force,enabling a soldier to lay down suppressing fire with accuracy at a range,allowing it to serve as a generalist weapon.


S/M CRB n^0 "Nukor" Special Radiation Weapon:
Decidedly a controversial weapon,this weapon was developed by the Russian Federation's AYEI,and is still in the prototypical stages. Few exist,and all are plagued with assorted problems,including faulty particle shielding,power supply issues,and even supercritical reactions. However,in practice,this weapon delivers a ray of dangerous atomic radiation. Subjects suffer critical burns,extreme nausea,and boiling blood. These factors combine to create a kill time of less than five seconds. Due to how painful this weapon's death are,however,the weapon is deemed inhumane. The weapon's properties means that armor means nothing before the Nukor,and can melt computer components with extended exposure.


S/M SMG 25*40mm "Hammer" Explosive Anti-Personnel Weapon:
Considered by many an oddball weapon,this compact weapon delivers low velocity 25mm grenades in a fully automatic fashion. While obviously use in close quarters would be a Bad Idea ,in enclosed quarters at medium ranges,this weapon is effectively a god; Explosives that cannot bring down a stable structure,but still capable of killing soldiers and soldier-sized drones in droves,its major drawbacks are the weight,small magazines,and risk of self-inflicted injury.


L/X AMR 30nm "Gungnir" High Intensity Laser Emitter:
The Gungnir,developed by DARPA, this weapon is a large and heavy laser cannon. After a brief charge period,the weapon deploys an ultraviolet beam of highly energetic light. Perfectly accurate up to ranges approaching five kilometers,this weapon would seem like the perfect weapon, until you realize the facts of lasers. As a beam of light,it will not follow the curvature of the planet,and the extreme amount of energy contained in the beam produces tremendous radiant heat; Enough to auto cauterize any wound it inflicts. Furthermore,after a range of three kilometers,the beam begins to lose energy,until it simply cannot inflict damage after five. It must be used as a scalpel, and target critical regions for effectiveness.

S/M SMG 5*25mm "Hornet" Superheated Flachette Launcher: This submachine gun,the Hornet,was developed as part of DARPA's Unpredictable Warrior program. Considered a smashing success,this weapon,despite its use of a highly specialized ammunition,combines the best of firearms and bows; The supersonic delivery of the flachettes ensures accuracy,penetration,and power at range, and the projectile will remain inside the victim to continue inflicting harm. Superheated with a powerful electric current,the barbed shards inflict incredible discomfort on any target who survives. Due to their shape,infantry combat armor is a non-issue,but the flachettes are ill-suited to combat robotic foes.


M/L FLM 75 mL "Shenlong" Defoliant Launcher:
The Shenlong was developed in order to cater to the need of delivering incendiary munitions to a target at considerable ranges. While use on a human is inhumane,the Shenlong excels at clearing foliage and highly flammable debris. The exact composition of the liquid fuel is unknown,but the flames burn a stunning dark violet,earning the name "Black Napalm". This was created by The People's Republic of China.


Mercedes "Majestic" Personal Hoverbike: The pinnacle of high speed luxury,the Majestic is a status symbol. Sleek. Fast. Prohibitively expensive,even to much of the 1% crowd, this bike can do little else besides haul ass, and is exceptionally nimble, often being able to match fighter jets. As a civilian vehicle, however, it cannot take any appreciable amount of damage before effectively disintegrating.


Atomic Canisters/Energy Vaults: Developed by presumedly Ghost himself these little cylinders are capable of housing, giving, and receiving any form of energy. This means its compatible with the energy which is produced by the Atomic Serum. Thus why it is perfect for Ghost. This way, he can save leftover energy, or if there's no power source nearby and he needs to be enhanced, he can use one of the canisters.


M/L GMG 40*53mm "Tempest" Nose-Mounted Grenade Machine Gun: Found exclusively on VTOL close-air support gunships,the Tempest is the ideal air-to-surface anti-personnel weapon. Due to these features, however, terrorists and militias tend to rig these weapons to their hoverbikes, creating horrifying hit-and-run vehicles.


ML/G Multi-Functional Grenades: These grenades are only prototypes, and have yet to be truly tested, but in theory these grenades all have different blast capacities. This means that every differen't designed grenade has a differently powered explosion, and a different destruction outcome. Making them all extremely dangerous. Along with this, each one of them has a "Timer Setting" and a "Sticky Bomb Setting".


This addition to Ghost's known Equipment, is the equivalent of a Armory which can go anywhere anytime. It is roughly the size of a persons Bedroom, and made of a seemingly indestructible metal. As said in the name, this pod can go anywhere, even to the deepest depths of the ocean, or the great darkness of Space. Heck, it can even tunnel through the earth. It should also be known, that this Drone can teleported needed equipment to specific locations upon command, but the drone must be in the range of five miles before it can teleport anything.


The Tactical Warfare/Espionage & Recon Ensemble

This suit, is one always used by Ghost when he is on one his own given missions. Its white color is part of the reason why he is called "Ghost", but the main reason is due to one of the main abilities of the suit. It has a "Master Camouflage Setting", which allows for undetected holographic setting projection around the sole wearer. Along with this, there is a "Phantom Fade Setting" which can operate at the same time as the MCS. This completely destabilizes the users Atom's but not enough that they can no longer become solid once again, or to the point where the user is no longer conscious. But it does allow for solid objects to pass right though, and gives the user a non physical form. In short, nothing can touch them, and they can't touch anything. Of course this has a time limit of seven minutes, and a recharge time of ten minutes. It should also be known, that this suit is made out of a mostly bullet proof material, and has a laser diluting liner, not to mention the pads. It also can be seen that this suit is usually accompanied by Ghosts famous Multi-Vision Goggles, its not known the range of vision settings it has.




A34THEA89&5432-So after such a tragic disaster, he completely annihilated his past. No one knows who he was, or even has fragments of his past... It is said that he even went to far to upload a Concentrated Viral Virus or CVV, onto the the internet, which would destroy or corrupted any data on his past. In any case he was a remarkable man. He was even the first to discover- a35674ghfe6848937497783938- So as you can see he wasn't a criminal, like most people believe... After he deleted his past, he went under the name of "Henry Jenkins", and AD256372HEHS18267281682628- Which eventually resulted in a chain reaction of murders and destruction. After such devastation, he dropped the false name and was never seen again. To this day we have no true picture of his face, or what he looked like. Only that fragment of a name. He became Ghost, a unofficial Enforcer of law and Investigator, sometimes if he agree'd with the reason; an Assassin.

His fame began to steadily rise, and he became more and more popular among the public. It was around this time, it was realized that Ghost may have actually been a Metahuman or Super soldier, and in the one/only interview with this self proclaimed hero. he confirmed that he was indeed "A Rouge Super Soldier, who has taken a liking to justice.", this created an uproar in the police departments, and Government Offices. Shortly after such a statement he canceled the Interview, telling the reporters to run. After a few seconds of confusion, a wave of EU Military, and Special Operation Teams exploded into the room, all trying to get to him. But in a second he was gone, almost like he had disappeared from the scene, and when such news reached the paper, and news stations it just added to the growing hatred against the EU.

Many where furious at the EU for such a stunt over one man, but the EU held their ground, and insisted this man was a threat. But many knew that he wasn't, for he had never done anything wrong to deserve suspicion, except maybe for the wiping of his past, but people seemed to look past that. After that incident, his acts of justice where told more than ever, but tension was forming between the people and the EU. And when the tension was finally too much, and the nations began withdrawing he stated himself "Chaos only follows chaos." and such was true. And when Germany finally left, and the EU collapsed, many gangs leaped from the shadows, and thus he began his nomadic lifestyle hopping from place to place. Inflicting justice, and helping out cities the best he could. His next stop? Supposedly Düsseldorf, Germany.

Miscellaneous: 1994

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WantedThis Fucker, By Order of the Grand GeneralPrice: Whatever You Want, Within Reason

He is to be considered armed and very dangerous. Avoid contact at all costs unless you wish to bring him in, and in that case be very careful.


  • Name: Unknown

    Alias/es: None, yet.

    Age: Roughly Twenty Five

    Sex: Male

    Nationality: London, England
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Name: Adam Kainbridge/Khälîx

Alias/es: Kain, Dr.Khälîx


Adam is currently 28, while Khälîx is 48 in human years.

Sex: Male

Nationality: Kolgrim Union



185 pounds, 6,3 in height.

Super Category: Alien

Powers and Abilities:

Khälîx has enhanced Adam's body to unfathomable levels through bio-mutation as well as genetic Mutation. Firstly, it should be stated that Khälîx is a Parasitoid Alien. Simply put he is an extraterrestrial Parasite. He is one of the "higher ups" in his race (the Fragmentoids), and is experienced in finding a healthy, and easily controlled host, like Adam.

Next, the explanation of the Parasitic role. First, you need to understand that Khälîx came to earth due to the fact that his current host was failing. He quickly was able to pinpoint the ideal host, Adam. Adam was ideal to Khälîx because he was extremely healthy and fit, and was speculated to be a compatible candidate. Now we can explain what the parasite did or would do to a human organism. Firstly, it must find, or create a way into the human's blood stream. Usually by creating a wound. Then, the parasite would eventually end up in the filtering center of all blood, the heart.


This image shows the attachment of a Fragmental to a heart.

They then would take root into the heart, and then the real process begins. After attachment to the heart, the Fragmental releases a substance known as "Red Matter". Once this substance has been released into the heart, it is processed throughout the whole body. Now the purpose of this substance is to advance the hosts DNA, and essentially perfect its host. In Adam's case, Khälîx altered his DNA from the normal human Double Helix format, to a far advanced Triple Helix Format. This not only enhances the normal human capabilities (the five senses, strength, speed, agility, ect.) but it also changes the hosts cell structure/function. Though our information on the subject is relatively limited, we have fair guess at what goes on after this point. Next, theoretically this change in DNA, also results in the cell changing. In the case of a human cell, it becomes larger and has the capabilities to replicate itself at a much faster pace, which would result in the ability to create more biomass. In addition to releasing this "Red Matter" it also releases a unknown chemical, which infiltrates the body, and coats the hosts Nervous system. However it is also theorized that this chemical is linked to the parasite, and thus allows the parasite temporary control over the body. The next act of the parasite is to biologically take root into its host. Spindle fibers, are ejected from the parasite, and attach themselves to the nervous system. Replacing the temporary chemical for a more physical and long lasting control. These fibers also connect the Parasite to the hosts brain. These Fibers get specifically thick in this area, thus linking the parasite to the brain, and allowing for complete dominance of the parasite. A new chemical pheromone is once again released, and instead coats the newly developing cells. This substance begins to branch out to other cells, which do alike, and soon a new Nervous system is created, which in turn connects itself to the central nervous system. This allows for the parasite to manipulate these new advanced cells at will. But more importantly, it allows the parasite to manipulate the Biomass. This theoretically would allow the parasite to change the hosts physical appearance. An example would be a host arm turning into a bladed form. Fashioned out of hardened flesh and bone. However, this does not mean the parasite can change into anything at will. They have an ideal Predatory, and defensive organ preinstalled into they're mind, along with other features that they all contain. This means they only have two things they can fashion out of the physical form. It should be explained however, that if a Parasite where to consume another Parasite, it would gain the defensive and predatory abilities that the latter had. But, due to the advancement of the human cell, and the triple helix, there is a major weakness in this construct. Sunlight. While the body can still gain energy by eating other organisms like normal, it wouldn't be enough to fuel the parasite or the new system inside of the host. Thus the cells have been modified to take in sunlight, and transfer it into direct energy. This means that if a human host were to go days without some sort of light, the parasite inside could possibly die, or go into a coma like state. This also would cripple the host, mentally and physically. In addition to this ultraviolet light is extremely, catastrophic against a host/parasite and could damage the enhanced cells beyond repair. This includes Lasers.

Common Fragmentiod Abilities


The most obvious of all the abilities, is the enhanced normal abilities of the host. This includes healing, strength, speed, agility,

durability, the five senses and the immune system.



An act that Host of a Fragmental can

enact. It is the direct absorption of an organism, an can be used to gain the appearance of that specific organism, the abilities, the biomass and the memories of that victim. It initially starts of as tendrils of Biomass springing forth from the hosts body, and "consuming" the victim. Though this act doesn't take longer than a minute, it is a vulnerable period for the host, and can be easily damaged. In addition, the host will most likely suffer a terrible headache after the process, and if the victim suffered any diseases or infirmities/handicaps these will also be passed on to the Host.



This is another act in which all Fragmentoids can use. It is the expulsion of Biomass in the form of tendrils. This is not an attack, therefore if a tendril where to hit an opponent it merely attach to them. The tendrils seek to latch themselves onto any given surface, and then vibrate at a frequency that creates a horrible noise that travels miles. This sound is also emitted from the host as well, from the pores and mouth. The intention of this action is to summon any of its brethren in the area of three miles. Essentially it is a cry for help. However for regular people without ear protection it can shatter ones ears. In addition, this ability takes away a lot of energy from the host and parasite alike, and can leave them defenseless and beaten. It is only used in the most dire situations.



All parasites have the ability, to change the flesh of they're host into a armored form. Though this armor comes in different shapes and sizes, and can range between a full on body armor, or layers upon layers of more skin. The problem with this, is that it slows down the Host, and thus isn't as effective as a defensive ability.

Khälîx's/Adam's Individual




The Predatory Ability, which was Khälîx's original Predatory Ability. Its name (dubbed by the parasite itself) describes the ability of the claws. Which is to inflict deep cuts or gashes into an enemy. A close range ability. Though, these claws can be shot off, or cut off.

Vorpal Edge


Unlike the rest of his kind, Khälîx has no Defensive ability, rather a secondary predatory ability. He instead utilizes the Exoskeleton as his defensive ability, and sometimes force fields. However, this blade can be used for deflecting bullets, and makes for a good shield on the go. Its sharp blade is able to cut through carbonated steel, and even iron. Though, this weapon is extremely heavy and slows Adam down. Not the best in a fight which needs speed and dexterity.

Khälîx's/Adam's Exoskeleton


The individual Exoskeleton of Khälîx and Adam. It takes on some of the traits of the clothing Adam is currently wearing, and is a light full body armor.


Before Khälîx abandoned its failing host, packed away equipment for later use on earth. Some of that known equipment will be shown and explained here.

Kybirian Crystal Technology


This is a technology, developed centuries ago by a race known as the Kybirian. This is a chemical technology which is created in a lab, but has the ability to act like that of a super computer through liquified computer processors. A technology foreign to humans. This allows for handheld crystal shards to be able to give directions, produce holographic screens, calculate mathematical equations, ect. This technology was rediscovered by Khälîx a Fragmentoid explorer, and scientist.

M/18 Bibliöthek


The Bibliöthek wasn't designed for comfort, beauty, speed or power. It was built for research, making scientific breakthroughs and the creation of new devices. A space traveling Library and Laboratory. Its actual name is based off the German word Library. In addition to this, it was designed by Khälîx himself. Thus he knows the flying machine like it was his child. Also in his previous travels he found several exotic weapons which he installed onto the ship, though its true purpose remains the same which is also why it has several Super Computers operating off of Kybirian Crystals. It should be also mentioned that he has a "Manufacturing" sector dedicated to creating anything he programs it to. It has a hard plating, and good force fields, so it could make it through dangerous terrain and or situations.

Instant Armada Program


An program which the Bibliöthek could use in all out emergencies, which mass produces armed, flying drones of terror. Each of these drones are equipped with there own Intelligence Processing Unit, powered by a Kybirian Crystal. These can be manufactured quickly and efficiently, coming out in pairs by the minute. Though these drones can easily be taken down by powerful individuals.

Standby Portable Intelligence System



This being another contraption of Khälîx's. This machine can easily be slipped and secured along the wrist, and allows the user to connect to any Kybirian Crystal within the distance of 10 miles. This allows the user to access any files or information stored on this device, and posses any machine using a Kybirian Crystal. These files/information/controls can be seen through a holographic screen projected from the device. This is primarily used by Khälîx to gain immediate access his ship.

Life Defense Mechanism


This device, invented by the Fragmentoids is designed to be a personal protection system. It is portable and easy to equip to any host, looking much like that of a ring. Essentially, this device releases a glowing mist like gas around the wearer, and as it settles it seems to disappear. While in actuality it is still there. This gas upon coming in contact with any object hurtling towards the user immediately condenses at the connection point creating a solid form with the sudden mass, look, and feel to crystal plating. After the impact is done with, the newfound crystal plating evaporates back into glowing mist and disperses to an unseeable point once more. Also, this only happens when something is over the speed limit of 28 mph. In addition, this substance can take but only so much force until it shatters. This then leaves the user exposed. In addition to this, when the mist is active and in a protective mode, the ring begins spinning.

M/S 42 Big-Bang Rifle


A weapon created by an unknown alien species, this rifle has a bite worse than its bark. And a recoil worse than the devil itself. It fires at an astounding 1,100 RPM with the sound of a nuclear explosion unless its equipped with a silencer. It uses a product of Plasma, and laser combination as its venom of choice, which will leave a victim in a daze as they slowly fall into a pile of ash. However after thirteen rounds, this girls going to need a catnap of five minutes.

Combustion Valor


Clocking in with a firing rate of 900 RPM, this catastrophic killing machine is lightweight and the size of a large pair of gardening sheers! With just the pull of a lever, this baby begins firing a torrent of acidic fire at the enemy, reaching the ability to fire a column of flames a mile from its position. It has an arsenal of settings, to change it from torrent to blast. (Meaning either a stream of fire, or individual bursts) And even a setting to change the blast range (To set how far the fire shoots out). In addition this machine only needs the lift of a glass looking lever to start it up, and you need only to push that same lever down when wanting it to stop. The only problem with this little beauty is the factor that its a prototype, and has experiences with backfiring on its user.

MS32 Annihilator


The annihilator does exactly as its rumored to do. Annihilate you're foe. This Alien war machine can surpass any weapon with an insane ability of 18,000 rounds per minute. But what kind of rounds you ask? Only the best. Micro shockwave spearheads. A alien bullet which upon impact, rips you're foe apart with atomic disruptive shockwaves. Literally pulling apart they're atoms. Of course there are times where this can result in atomic explosions, and or a faulty bullet. In which case they'll be dead anyways either due to an explosion, or the rest of the bullets that you pepper they're body with. Really, this gun is a beauty.


Adam was just finishing up collage. He had been a mediocre student, and would have presumedly gained a mediocre job if he hadn't been attacked an infected by an Alien Parasite known as Khälîx. He suffered days in a hospital as doctors tried in vain to figure out the problem. But they could find nothing. Soon however they noticed irregular heart patterns, but at this point it was too late. Adam was merely hours away from being taken down and turned into a soulless puppet...

Khälîx is a rather mysterious creature. However it is known that he is a well ranked scientist Kolgrim Union, as well as a researcher. At least that was the case, before he reportedly went rouge. He went missing for days. And no trace was left of him. That was until his space shuttle was reportedly sighted along the Atmosphere of the dreaded Earth. It was here that all pursuit of him was abandoned. He reported that his host was in Ill condition and needed a new one immediately. He had intended on stealing a human specimen from Earth, and disposing of the old body. That intention was denied, for the KU feared another war with the steadily developing planet. Desperate and dying, he charged into Earths atmosphere anyways, ignoring the commands of the KU. To him, nothing but survival mattered at the time.

He crash landed on the coast of Scotland, though most of his ship was left intact. He quickly rushed to find the ideal host, using his ship's super computer to scan the area. One which could be compatible with himself. One also healthy and young. Finally he found one. A human by the name of Adam. He forced his dying host into action and rushed to Adam's current location. Adam's dorm. He managed to crash through the window, and desperately attacked the bewildered young adult. A brief battle ensued, with Khälîx's host emerging the victor. However the host was fading at an alarming rate, triggering Khälîx to force his host to rip out its own heart, to which he was attached. It obliged, and died there in that dorm. A gaping hole in its chest bleeding a sickly green blood. The Parasite made no waste of the sacrifice, and tore itself away from its position on the heart, before pouncing on a subdued and bloody Adam. To which had no power over what was to come. Khälîx submerged himself in Adam's vein through a gash inflicted by his previous host, making quick work in finding Adam's heart and in a few short hours, gaining full control over the man once known as Adam.

Half an hour after the incident, Adam's roommate walked in and was horrified by what he found. He quickly called the police, and ambulances where there within minutes... The man once known as Adam was taken to one of the best hospitals in Scotland to be treated. But after treating his wounds, they realized the man was in a Coma... In addition something was seriously wrong. His heartbeat wasn't normal. It took hours for them to even try to grasp what was going on, but they could find nothing. Finally they resorted to preforming Surgery to find the problem. As the rest of the doctors filed out of the room to prep for the event, they left one behind to watch him incase he awoke. When the doctors returned, they found the Doctor assigned to watch him brutally murdered with a scapel, and then hung by the IV wire. While the man known as Adam had vanished.

Miscellaneous: 1995
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Uruk M'Liktar


Kirk, The Drifter


27 Earth Years




Kolgrim Union



Uruk is 2.2 Meters tall and weighs 104 kg

Super Category:


Powers and Abilities:

Uruk's alien physiology allows him to preform feats no ordinary human could dream of. He is capable of running at speeds of up to 88 km/h, and lifting up to three times his body weight. Along with his physical gifts, Uruk is an excellent shot with handguns of any shape or size, long guns give him trouble however. Uruk is incredibly durable as well. The problem with Uruk is that he is unwilling to use his abilities most of the time to give the illusion that he is merely an armored human.


Uruk's Armor:

Pictured above is the armor which Uruk wears at all times. The armor is capable of easily stopping energy weapons and other energy based attacks. Ballistic rounds may compromise the armor if they strike in integral points in the armor, most of these being at joints. The armor also contains several hidden compartments for holding various items such as bullets, knives, guns, and personal items.

Uruk's Handguns:

These weapons were crafted on Uruk's home planet of Liktar. They fire super heated 12cm tungsten spikes at speeds of up to 810 km/h. These guns have very limited ammunition due to the cartridges not being of Earth. These pistols are very special to Uruk as they are the only things he has that are actually from his home world.


David and Forest

These weapons were given to Uruk upon his arrival on Earth. These knifes are ordinary in every sense of the word, but they hold sentimental value for Uruk, and they can be handy in a pinch.


Uruk's upbringing on his home planet is not a subject of interest, and one he will frankly never talk about. His race, however, is a subject he is fond of. The Godar are a race of tall bipedal reptilian people. Unlike Earth reptiles, the Godar are warm-blooded. Each Godar's individual skin color pattern is uniquely theirs. Godar blood is toxic and can kill humans by merely coming into contact. Godar reach adulthood around 12 Earth years. Conveniently Godar indeed breathe Oxygen, and their planet orbits a yellow sun.

As for Uruk's tale, he can trace his being on Earth to the day in Earth year 2043. a stealth ship by the name of "Liktar's Hope" flew to Earth carrying a few Godar mercenaries, one of these mercenaries being Uruk. The ship dropped the group of alien mercenaries, unbeknownst to the people of Earth, into the streets of Barcelona, Spain. Once the ship left with the hope of bringing more Godar mercenaries to Earth, assuming the first group was successful in their mission to set up a "Supers for Hire" business in the embroiled European subcontinent. See, Uruk didn't like that idea, the moment the ship left, he put a tungsten spike in each of their heads. Uruk didn't want to see the Human people hire his people to their dirty work for them.

Since then "Liktar's Hope" has never returned to Earth, as it hasn't had a reason to. Uruk has stayed in Europe, doing good in any way he could. In 2045 he sought sanctuary in Germany when the EU began to crumble, as Germany seemed like the safest place for him. Life was difficult for Uruk, he only spoke Spanish fluently, and he spoke broken English, but the Godar survived by learning German and stealing from crooks he would beat up. Some consider the tall man by the name of The Drifter a common vigilante, some consider him a thug who beats up criminals for some sick thrill, but to those he's saved, he's somewhat of a hero to those ladies he stopped from being violated, to those weak people being taken advantage of by strong criminals.



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