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Fantasy Euphorium Isekai- Character Sheets



The Pun Tyrant
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
  • 1.Basic Roleplay Common Sense

    2.Posts are to employ a minimum of 15 full PC lines and come once per week. A two week period will be allowed as a maximum extention of wait, with a month passing kicking the person out of the roleplay outright. This is, if the person does not communicate OOC and bring a proper reason.

    3. Players who are absent for at least 2 weeks will have their characters temporarily taken over as NPCs. Players who are kicked out of the roleplay or otherwise vanish for nearly or reaching that period will have their characters permanently taken over as NPCs. BY JOINING THIS ROLEPLAY AND MAKING A CHARACTER; ONE AGREES TO THIS RULE.

    4.I reserve the right to alter the rules as I see adequate should the need arise.
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    • Name:
      Tori Senbonohana

      Miss Wife ; Mommy-Tori ; Wind-coat
      Titles (former)- Second heir to the ___ region





      Social Status:
      Fallen Noble (now commoner) - Poor

      Original World:

    [div class="gif 4"]
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Note: Shifiru Tarutaru22
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  • image.jpg Name:
    Himeno Senbonohana

    That one girl, Hime, Barmaid, Yuno
    Title(s) (former) Third heir to the __ Region



    Barmaid (Secretly)

    Social Status:
    Fallen Noble (now commoner) - Poor

    Original World:

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Name: Minoru Kanda

Nicknames/Titles: ( - )

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Species: Human

Occupation: Adventurer

Social Status: (for natives only)

Original World: Earth

Appearance: - WIP -
Reasonable heigh at 5'8
Short black hair
Slightly overweight
Not very on time with his shaving and sometimes forgeting about it, he has as right a grown stubble.
Not often, but Minoru also uses reading glasses.

Minoru is a very hard-working person that knows how to give his best in whatever he is doing. In the past he was more energetic and naive, today most of the time is very grounded and mature, his maturity is the kind built up in the stones of his hard and demanding routine. While others struggle with this routine, meaning that Minoru already got used to it and adapted to it, to the point that living too much outside of it can be troublesome, old habits are not easy to kill. Living alone for so many years turned him a bit selfish, and when he tried to share an apartment with a girl things didn't go as well. That's why he don't think he's ment to share his living with anyone else, being a bit of a loner in that sense.

His extensive RPG experience also shapes his worldview in the sense that made him understand teamwork and roles, and he even considers that most of his sucess at his job has a relation with it, since it can be noticed that some of his social skills where shaped into MMORPGs and online enviroments.

Minoru is also what can be described as a low-key pervert. Even though he is not found of explicit sexual harassment and would never do something like that, being able to respect someone's restraints, Minoru is very interested in many sexual deviances and thinks about sexuality as something beautiful and, in its essence, pure. Not many things can piss him off as much as any censorship applied to any content he has interest in. Minoru absolute despise censors, who he deemed as "Pussies with no self-assurance who take pleasure in making the world boring for everyone else". That also says that he often thinks most people are as perverted as he is. Minoru could go out of his way to assure someone's free expression, thats if that expression has some sexual connotation. He don't believe that people who restrain themselves too much in the company of their partners and are not open about it can have a healthy relationship, and he believes that in a exaggerated degree.

Although in his day-to-day life he is calm and capable of taking moral hits without showing weakness, and although he can even assume the role to negotiate and search for balanced and reasonable solutions, although he seems very grounded and able to always keep his cool, that is in contrast with his online persona. When protected by anonymity and in need of some relief, he already showed that he can be an extreme asshole. Many people online got bursts of anger because of his deliberate trolling, and while in his persona, he couldn't care less for pissed off kids, almost like he actually wanted them to have the worst worldview of other people as possible, at this stage he really does evil intentionally, don't believing it has serious consequences.

If he doesn't have beer or games to get lost in, he has another way to get a little bit of comfort, because he kept in his wallet something that can always cheer him up when he is about to give up. That's the picture of his daughter that he carries whenever he goes.

Likes: Beer, Porn, Memes, Video Games, RPGs, Anime, Vacations, His Online Guild friends

Dislikes: Being sober, Wearing a tie, absolutely despises censorship and hates the good-prince estheriotype.

Fears: Women who want to take his money, Heights

- Raised in a normal family with good-caring parents
- Kicked from home when he was 18 for being a lazy useless piece of shit who played games all day long. Because of this he has a better relantionship with his father than with his mother, who actually kicked him away from home.
- Because of that he started working at a fast food restaurant, when he went through hell before eventually finding a new job.
- Someday he got very drunk at a party and ended up sleeping with a beautiful woman. He was too drunk to remember anything from that meeting though, he barely remembers anything about losing his virginity. Because of this encounter however, the girl became pregnant with his daughter.
- The girl demanded that he married her so he did out of stupidity and emotional manipulation. The marriage though didn't worked out and they divorced in only 5 months. His daughter stays with her mom but he takes care of her once or twice a week.

Cp. 1
My name is Kanda MinoruI would say my life is made of ups and downs...
"Aaaah! Booooh! Daddy is a dummy! Daddy is a dum-dum! Boooooo"
"This precious little thing, this is my daughter, her name is Karin. She's a few days away from her first anniversary.. so cute!""She's here already?" - the bell started to rang - "Tsc... Why does she always have to cry when that happens...""Oooh... Calm down Karin, daddy is so dumb! So duumb!! ...Alright alright i'm going!"Gotta get her prepared or else Sakura is gonna be all nitpicky again...
"Hey Minoru. Did she gave you too much work?""Hi Hitomi... Not at all really, we had a lot of fun! Right Karin" - the baby laughed as a positive response"That's nice! Next weekend i think i'm gonna travel with Satoshi, do you think you can take care of her for a few days more? That would be very helpful...""Ah? Well.. sure.. that's no problem at all""Thank you Minoru!"
I don't like saying goodbye to my daughter, at least it seems Hitomi is treating her well, maybe i should be thankful for having all the free time to myself while she's dealing with that.Anyways.. time to go back to my bedroom, i have more stuff to do."Tsc.. All you want is to give me all the hard work while you're gonna chill somewhere... It's okay because she's my daughter, but don't get to comfy, Hitomi! You bitch!"
Avelarya Online
New Kingdom Reborn
USERNAME: FlippyTheBirdie
PASSWORD: **************​

"Boy oh boy! I cannot wait! I can now finally start my amazing medieval ADVENTUREEEE! So this is what my friends were talking about, they were all about this game latest update... but it's really impressive! The graphics became much more realistic, anyway... I have to find this dungeon to upgrade before they come online... hm?"
But right in front of the cave's entrance, a 3-meter tall knight covered in high-level black armor, something that the poor lvl. 4 Green Adventurer could only dream of.
Command: Move

"He's not moving... maybe i should attack?" - The small adventurer grabbed his sword and attempted an attack towards the dark knight.

Would you like to Start a 1x1 pvp Battle with the player?

"Eeeh.. i guess not, he seems much stronger than me... But... hey! Move out the way! I need to finish this quest to level up! If you stay afk like this you're gonna be banned! Hey!"
"Uh.." - It still took him a few minutes to respond - "Get out of here, im busy with something"
"Doesn't look like it... Hey! Please move... i need to get levels!"
"Shut up! I'm not going to move! Unless..."
"....?" - The adventurer was confused.
"Do you really wanna pass then?"
"Yes! Just tell me what you want and move out of the way!"
"Okay then..."

The great warrior made a pause, raising his hands and screaming his will with a deep voice.

"I demand memes to satisfy my hunger before moving! Adventurer! Bring me your best meme, and send it to my mailbox!"

"Eh..." - The adventurer of course just assumed that was just an idiot who lost his life on that game, he was right about that, it better play along.
"Okay then..."
Now began the quest for a meme online, although some things were very distracting. Mainly the fact that the Dark Knight in question forgot his mic working while listening to some strange video in the background.

"Tsc... damn pervert. Okay, here it is"
The little window popped up on the dark knight's screen. "Alright, lets see..." - The adventurer got filled with anticipation, but the dark knight just tossed the message in the garbage folder. - "... Eh, cats are really not my thing, you're gonna have to do better than this."

"Oh common..."
But another group was approaching, 5 brave adventurers ready to explore Khamali's Mine. The leader promptly approached him.
"Move on, warrior. We want to enter that cave."
The Dark Knight, however, still acted like a child.
"Pf.. don't want to."
"We have a lvl 5. Druid and she needs to level up. Move on"
"I will move on, as long as some of you provide me with good memes."
"Memes?" - The adventurers looked at each others. "Bullshit! We're not here for searching for memes! We're here to fight" - "Do you.... Do you think thats a good idea? I mean i never saw that armor before... he must be super-high level..!" - "Don't worry. Besides Yuri, Every member in our party is over lvl 20."

"Aah, so you are all over lvl. 20? Interesting... Do you all plan to fight me?"
"Alright. Who's going?"
"You can all come at once. Why don't you invite your other guild members, assuming that there is more?"
"tsc... You think you can take all of us?"
"... I'll set your permitions right now. Let's do this."
"... Don't underestimate us! Guys, let's go, attack!"

The adventurers split rushing for the attack, as each one's specialties showed up. Rina attacked with a full-on fire blow, while Cowlin rushed with his sword, and the thief threw his knifes, everything reaching the spot just in time for a huge explosion.

It wasn't enough though. The knight stood still laughing at the adventurer as the clouds of dust dissipated.
"Is that your best then. I am sorely disappointed, i was expecting a counter ability or something like that. I guess i'll have to make my own fun then. Grr..."
The Dark Knight then started flexing his muscles and forcing them, until the point that almost the whole armor just shattered in front of them. He wasn't human after all, maybe that explain it.

"tsc... It's... It's an Orc..." - The avatar had the explicit testosterone and the various scars of someone that certainly passed a lot of time in the character creation. - "I.. I've never fought an Orc in this game..." - "Not many people use them"

"SHUT UP! BASTARDS! YOU'RE NOW GONNA PAY! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR REFUSING TO PROVIDE ME GOOD MEMES!" - The speech wasn't so epic as the ground breaking up, probably some environmental ability. - "Equip!" - Weapons showed in his hands, an giant axe on his left hand, and a giant sword on the right.
The green adventurer just watched as the Orc Berserker started killing everyone with very impressive realistic gore graphics. It was actually kind of awesome. More guild members showed up, just for their avatars to be slain in gruesome displays of blood. Interestingly, the game allowed to the avatar's corpses to keep displaying on the ground after they were murdered, some impressive new technology.

"A-Amazing..." - The astonished green adventurer, who had refused to battle with the dark knight, was still safe. He looked as the Orc stood above a pile of bodies covered in blood. Then the orc noticed him, and slowly started to walk towards him.

"Monster!" - The adventurers were back - "I don't know how you got all that power... but we are not giving up! We're not... wait..." - as they tried to open their inventory, they noticed something unfortunate and infuriating. - "Where is my items? Where is my lvl 24 Sacred Sword?"
"Huhuhuh... about that, thats the reason im on this part of the map right now" - The old avatar's bodies then started turning into some kind of goo. Then it all became one single red mass of goo, that slowly started shaping into a three-headed giant dog.
"I needed some player's bodies to complete this summon, so i'm thankful to you"
"Tsc.. what level is that monster?!"
"Cerberus is merely a lvl 50. Monster, he's still 30 levels behind me, so it's easier for me to tame him. Anyway it only serves the purpose of opening the possibility of a new quest to my guild. Nothing low-levels like you could participate."

"I.. i don't wanna play anymore!" - "Y-Yeah.. its kinda late anyways, we can search for something else tomorrow" - "Wait! Guys!" - The leader of that guild tried to argue with his friends, but all of them were leaving, as the orc laughed out loud to his face.

"MuWaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Listen here, Idiot!" - The orc pointed at him with his sword. - "I'm only here for griefing idiots and for the memes! If you're not here to provide me with that, you better leave!"

That was too much, and even the leader couldn't take it, so he left, leaving only the poor green adventurer alone in there, with those two monsters.

"Wha-Wha-Wha-Wha... What is your guild, Dark Knight?"
"I... am from the Cult of Pain Guild." - He raised his sword, ready to attack. - "You can send us an invitation after you finish the tutorial again. NigaWhite will look at it and he will decide, that's not up to me"
The adventurer closed his eyes, ready to be sent again to the beginning scream, until...

"Stop it! Minoru!" - The blade stopped, a few centimeters away from the adventurer. The kid opened his eyes, just to see the angelical vision of the greatest divine queen, someone who just by looking at it you could tell she was the leader of the guild, as her hair waved with the wind, with the sunlight strucking behind it.
Above her head, her username, a name that the adventurer would never forget. He swore that day to never forget, the day he was saved by the great, Swaglord96.

Cp. 3
"That's it, after all that work...
I've been to incountable situations of stress... Many bosses telling me to do the most impossible stuff, they treated me like shit... I let clients treat me like garbage and said things i didn't do... i didn't took any days off even when i was dying sick! I said many things to my supperiors that i didn't meant to just to suck them off and made most people on the office hate me, i searched for the owner's interests online just to have something to talk about with him! But that's.. that's finnaly it! I'm gonna get that promotion!"
Minoru left the room, and looked at his few friends at the office. He then smilled and tossed them a sign of thumbs up."OOOH! You did it, Minoru!" - "You really did it? Did you get the promotion?!""Yup... A few more responsabilities, but a 20% raise!""Ooh! 20% Raise!" - "That's a lot""We're going out for partying tonight boys! Drinks are on me!"
A few days later

"Oooh! Who's a little princess? Yes you are! Yes you are! And who is the power hammer of justice? Ossan is the power hammer of justice!! She's so cute madam! Congratulations for such a cute child.I condem the defendant to give half of his earnings for your children in the figure of the defendant's ex-wife until she reaches the age of 18!""WHAT?!?!?!"
Later that day...

All that was left to him was to get drunk in the nearest bar from his office before going home. He did made plans to participate at the event happening that night on his favorite online game, but that would have to wait."I need to getssh completely washted to have the amoount of fon to compensatiIC.... One more, please!!"That was the twentieth first mug of beer he sent down before the bar was ready to close, but he did got a full pack of more beers before leaving, and then he headed to the train who would lead him home. Minoru wasn't very aware of what track he was making though, and he didn't even properly checked the train he got into.After a long trip he just stopped at a very isolated place he never saw before. Most of it was just a dense forest."Ic.. Dammit... how did i get here? What time is it? Oh, well, if i don't have anything else to do i guess i'll just drink more... ic.."So he sat down in some rock and started drinking again, reaching new levels of drunkenness."Ic.. Sorry for your stupid, stupid dad, Karin... you're going to become a great person, i can tell you that, there isn't any more hope for me but... but i hope you don't waste all my money on drugs and anime figurines.. ic... oh man what time is it... uh..."Minoru tried to grab his phone, but it ended up falling, as his own body fell into the floor, eyes closed, sending him to the deepest sleep.
Skills/Talents: Bloodlust: As more damage he takes, the stronger he gets, and more damage he can cause.

Powers/Abilities: None

- A cellphone with no battery
- His wallet containing a few cards and the picture of his daughter

Theme Song: (optional)

Favorites: (optional)

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Character Sheet :
Name: Jeremiah Collins
Nicknames/Titles: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Species: Human
Occupation: College/part time fast-food worker
Original World: Nerd/Athlete/Punk

Jeremiah tends to be quiet- unless he is singing, of course- and doesn’t like unnecessarily talking out of term. He is also a bit shy, in the sense that he does not go up to a person and introduce himself, at least very well. If a person speaks to him first however, he can respond with a sense of normalcy. Another way to allow him to warm up is to introduce a competition- he is very competitive.

Jeremiah is also brilliant. This takes shape in a couple of forms. One such form is the standard academic brilliance. He mainly specialized his learnings in engineering, though it wasn’t restricted to just topics of that nature. He is also brilliant in the sense of, well, snarkiness. When someone says something that he deems ‘stupid,’ he will respond accordingly, whether it is wit, or sarcasm.

Despite these flaws in his social skills, Jeremiah is a very genuine person. This brings its own set of pros and cons. For example, he will probably tell someone that he enjoys their company, and will probably tell them the reasons why as well. This makes him very trustworthy- or at least, the appearance of trustworthiness. It also makes him a bad liar. However, Jeremiah knows that he is a bad liar, so he mastered the way of lying by omission. He doesn’t do this very often, but he does it enough where he can hide some shameful secrets.

This genuinity also produces a blunt way of speaking. As noted before, when prompted, Jeremiah will speak his mind. He can omit some details, but as a general rule of thumb, Jeremiah tends to try to be helpful and to the point. He abhors conflict, but recognizes that it is impossible to achieve. Therefore, he will bluntly tell someone his aim before using his smarts to try to work out a compromise.

Jeremiah has another facet to him: he is competitive, whether it be academic, athletic, or
plain video-game wise. This can be a great way to introduce him to other people, but it also destroys the thing he wants to foster- a lack of conflict. As usual, he recognizes this flaw, and tries to keep it to a minimum, but it stays with him.

Finally, Auren follows the “Straight Edge” punk movement. This generally means that he abstains from addictive substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, and that he is generally careful about whom he courts with- which admittedly, is none so far because of his standards- along with other. Furthermore, because of this, he keeps a strict schedule in keeping his body in shape.

Likes: Music (especially aggressive sounding music), academic topics and debate, and games (such as puzzles, sports, and video games.)

Dislikes: Idiots (in his view), unnecessary conflict, and rigid, static (stagnant) order.

Fears: Bugs (Spiders, insects) and Loss of loved ones

Jeremiah was born to a well-to-do, if busy, family. His father was a respected doctor, whilst his mother was a businesswoman. Jeremiah was the second child, his older sister having a four year head start on him. One might say that he had the life- parents that provided for him, and loved him, and even sent him to a private school. Yes, he had those benefits. However, It came with the problem that his parents were far too strict. It almost seemed like they expected perfection from their children.

This naturally led to a lot of arguments, particularly when they reached the teen years. It began with his older sister becoming sick and tired of all of it, and leaving for extended periods to houses of trusted individuals, and attempting to break free before college. Consequently, as a result of this, when Jeremiah’s sister left for college, their parents made sure that Jeremiah couldn’t do any of those methods to escape. And so what Jeremiah referred to as his “Hell Years” began.

For two years as a Sophomore and Junior in high school, Jeremiah had to labor under the perceived notion that his parents expected only perfection from him. They expected him to get good grades- high A’s were considered “standard” for Jeremiah. They limited the time he could spend with friends, and began to watch his every move with almost paranoia.

Music was an escape for him. He became interested in the piano first, before moving on to various other instruments; however, the guitar became the main focus for him. Eventually, he became interested in singing. As usual, his focus allowed him to quickly become proficient in these instruments. And one might ask, who paid for these lessons and instruments? His parents, for most of them.

Needless to say, Jeremiah resented his parents. He began finding out ways to subvert their authority, and do it secretly. He started doing underage drinking, slight smoking, among other things. He followed his sister’s lead, and tried to lead a slightly chaotic life, attempting to find adventures. He formed a punk band, and got his own electric guitar and everything.

Jeremiah was still a nerd, though. He formed a LARP/HEMA group in an attempt to be more like the adventurers in his beloved fantasy novels, and though he was never quite skilled with the heavier weapons such as the longsword and Claymore, but he became technically skilled with the lighter weapons such as the rapier and knife.

Eventually, in his Senior year of high school, Jeremiah joined an occult group. It began with the standard ghost-hunting “Ohmygod, look at this light!” thing on camera, before it quickly became darker.

Thankfully, events happened to force him to see reality. His father was notified that he had cancer during his first year in college. Even though he resented his parents, even it could not stand in the way of worry. His father’s cancer forced Jeremiah to realize that perhaps he shouldn’t hate his parents so much, and to return home, even if it was just slightly. He began to arrive home earlier and earlier, before eventually quitting parties, and coming home at curfew. He also began to tone down the smoking, deciding that vaping was the better choice.

Jeremiah backed out of the occult just slightly, and started doing white magic called Kabbalah- Jewish occult. Was it a compromise? Entirely, yes. Jeremiah didn’t want to leave the occult fully, but he wanted to drop the darker baggage in order to please his father. He also hoped that this white magic could provide the answer to his father’s cancer, that it could cure it.

It didn’t.

When Jeremiah entered his second year of college, he was informed that his father had died. Devastated, Jeremiah returned home for a couple of weeks to mourn. It was during that time that Jeremiah completely rewrote his life. He dropped out of the occult entirely, and vowed not to do the things that had made him such a disappointment to his parents. He began to help his mother out whenever he could, and he began to get more serious about college.

It was also after the funeral that Jeremiah received something from the funeral that he will confess to close confidants made him cry. He received his father’s guitar- Jeremiah didn’t even know his father owned a guitar.

With this in mind, Jeremiah still wanted to play music. Specifically, the agressive hardcore punk music. But he still wanted to maintain the morals he had just acquired. The solution? Go Straight Edge. And thus he gathered a few like minded individuals when he got back to college, and started a band..

All was great. He kept a busy schedule, juggling the competing demands of music, academics, and athletics fairly well. Needless to say, that didn’t leave a lot of time for social or personal relationship building, but Jeremiah had it going for him. He was about to enter the third year of college, he just turned 21, and he was thinking about interning. Life was, well, good for him.

Then he was summoned to Euphorium.

Academic: Jeremiah is knowledgeable about many subjects, and though he specializes in engineering, he knows- at least in passing- about various other topics. Mainly from watching many, many documentaries. As such, he has at least heard of many subjects. (And therefore bull**** his way through it, if possible.)
Musically skilled: Jeremiah knows how to play the guitar, cello (don’t ask), bass, piano, and how to sing.
Above-average duelist: Jeremiah became interested in sword fighting at an early age, but is constrained to fighting effectively with light weapons. He is not an excellent fighter, but neither is he an average fighter.
Knowledge of the Occult: Due to Jeremiah’s former connections, he knows about occult rituals, even though he does not partake of them.

Powers/Abilities: Musical Translation: Jeremiah has the ability to use music as a focus for rational magic, instead of symbols. You know how music is said to be symbolic and moving? Well, in Jeremiah’s case, it quite literally translates the free will played by his music into magic.

Items: Old Acoustic Guitar, Cell Phone (Iphone X)
Theme Song: Majoring in the Minors by August Burns Red
Favorites: Favorite Color: Black, unless someone states that black is a shade, then red.
Favorite genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi.
Favorite Music: What would you guess? Punk.
Favorite number: 7
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  • 1.Basic Roleplay Common Sense

    2.Posts are to employ a minimum of 15 full PC lines and come once per week. A two week period will be allowed as a maximum extention of wait, with a month passing kicking the person out of the roleplay outright. This is, if the person does not communicate OOC and bring a proper reason.

    3. Players who are absent for at least 2 weeks will have their characters temporarily taken over as NPCs. Players who are kicked out of the roleplay or otherwise vanish for nearly or reaching that period will have their characters permanently taken over as NPCs. BY JOINING THIS ROLEPLAY AND MAKING A CHARACTER; ONE AGREES TO THIS RULE.

    4.I reserve the right to alter the rules as I see adequate should the need arise.

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