• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ✧Etsuko High✧

Clear Water

That Boy's Got My Heart In A Silver Cage



So I'm sure you've read through everything already, so if you wanna sign up, stay tuned! First, lets lay down the law.

1. Don't copy other people's characters. The point of an RP is to make a unique character; why are you copying someone else's?

2. Swearing is a-okay. Go wild.

3. Please make your CS look pretty. You could maybe Add some color, or align it in the center, add a few high quality pictures, maybe some different fonts. Make it look fun! Also, if you're reading this, Put "Orange juice, but only pulp free" in the "likes" section of the skeleton. It's the password!

4. Yes, this is a casual role-play, but not a sloppy one. I expect at least a paragraph each post, because if they're all one-liners, that's barely even role-playing, you know?

5. I expect good grammar. I understand, people make mistakes every now and then, but if its at the point where I can't understand what you're trying to say, then I don't think I'll accept you.

That's really it, because I know everyone else knows that you can't control other people's characters and generic rules like that, so why would I wast my time explaining things you already know?


{Erase all the brackets please!}

Name of character// Age // role {Prince charming, diva, tomboy, etc.}

{Picture or gif or character. Anime please!}

Appearance Details

{Weight, height, most prominent features, tattoo's, piercings, etc.}


{First, second, third, or fourth}


{A paragraph or two explaining your characters personality. Be specific please! make sure we really know your character by the time we've finished reading.}


{Your character's most favorite things! This can be a list or not, it doesn't matter}


{Your character's least favorite things. This can be a list or not, it doesn't matter}


{A paragraph or two explaining your character's background. Please remember, not everyone had a terrible childhood. People who have perfect lives add to the plot just as much as people with shitty lives.}


{Optional. Things that weren't mentioned in the skeleton can be put here}

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  • Name: Age: Role: Year:

    Johanni // 17 // Prince Charming // Third


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