Ethervel - A World inside a World


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Full Name:


Vel or Normal?:

Occupation(If character has one):

Appearance (Description if needed. If using a description, use more than two sentences.):

Personality (1 or more paragraphs):

Ability (If you have one. Some Normals don't need powers to be a part of the RP. Can only choose one variant of one Element. Pick one someone has not yet chosen.):


Weaknesses(at least three):

History(2 to 3 paragraphs):

Other(Anything extra about your character you want others to know):
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Donald 'Don' Houns

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Dusty.png.be4eb3513b9120a510ba9098adf31e76.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41352" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Dusty.png.be4eb3513b9120a510ba9098adf31e76.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Vel or Normal?:




Personality (1 or more paragraphs):

Don is an energetic young man, always bouncing around wherever he is, bubbling with pure energy. He doesn't know the phrase 'calm down', instead knowing only pure adrenaline. He seems to never sit down, always standing. His energy has made him a nuisance to those around, and no one tends to take him seriously in Ethervel.

Along with being energetic, he is also quite reckless in his behavior. As a trainer and Watcher, he sometimes has to delve into less kind places of New Manhattan, resulting in run-ins with gangs. He goes here wholeheartedly, though, aside from the warnings he gets from Normals and other Vels alike. His rash nature has him in doubt in his comrades.

What is obvious, though, is his kind heart. He is undoubtedly nice to anyone and everyone he meets, though he won't hesitate to break into a fight if someone he cares for is in danger. He is merciless to those that threatens his family and friends, and will protect them at all cost. His stubborn and brutally honest part of him also makes him someone that you can find amusing at times.



Strengths: Caring, a skilled boxer, and loyal

Weaknesses: Not too good at swimming, stubborn in his decisions, easily trusting


Born in Ethervel on June 23, 1995, he was expected not to make it through his infant years. He was infected with pneumonia soon after his birth, and was predicted that he wouldn't recover. His family had little hope, and began to lose hope as his condition worsened. After a couple weeks, though, he had recovered from it, and was once again a healthy child. This renewed his parent's hope in him, and called him a 'little miracle'.

His mother was Vel-born, while his father had originally been born in the actual world, but had moved to the Vel after being found by a Watcher and directed to Ethervel. His mother has the ability of Bright, so she works in a hospital in Ethervel, where Bright-users usually are recomended to work. His father works as one of the government officials, a desk job of sorts, since his ability happened to be Wood. He never truly got the hand of his ability, but he was smart, earning him a well-paying job in the city. Thus, Don lived a quiet and calm childhood.

One day, Don was playing with his younger brother, who was 2 years younger than him, when suddenly, he felt himself become lighter. It was strange, but as they chased each other around the yard, he soon forgot about it, until after a couple minutes. Don seemed to move off the ground. He was scared. For a couple seconds, he felt like he was flying through the air, and he weighed nothing.

When his feet felt solid earth again, he ran to his father, who had the day off. He told his father about the experience, and was then comforted by his parent. His mother came home later, and the two sat him down, and explained that he had found his Ethernite power. And it was almost as rare as his mothers. He had the Morph ability, which made him into pure dark essence when he used it. This had frightened him at first, but now he was enthralled.

He soon started school, where he was placed in a small class, with other Shadow Element Vels. He went through his beginning years doing regular school, learning basic math and English, up until high school. There, he began taking classes on his ability. He learned how to use it, how to control it, and how to effectively make its use. He also picked up how to sense if someone had Ethernite in them, and learned about the Other World. He took extensive classes on that, hoping to one day become a Watcher.

After he finished high school, and with the help of his dad, he signed up to become a Watcher. He took another year of lessons in the Academy of Watchers, and was soon fit to go out into New Manhattan as someone to find those with Vel powers.

Other: Don has ADHD, explaining his constant energy.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c17a74bed_WaterWoman.jpg.cf24bb3868cb330854b5b6342e2d50cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41621" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c17a74bed_WaterWoman.jpg.cf24bb3868cb330854b5b6342e2d50cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nephele Cyrene

Age: 22

Vel or Normal?: Vel

Ability: Water, specifically Waves

Occupation: Lifeguard by day, Bartender by night.


Nephele lets her heart do her thinking most of the time and she usually goes with the flow of things. She's very sensitive to others' emotions and is compassionate as well as caring. Not only is she empathetic, she is generous and often gives the wealth of advice or a trusting ear. Nephele tends to be rather bubbly and social; she lives for parties and other such gatherings. Being a very emotional person she tends to have times of depression; during these times she finds solace in photography and painting. Sometimes she lapses into moments of silence that make her seem mysterious and brooding--but she actually just has a really bad attention span.

When it comes to love, Nephele used to have a bad habit about loving
too much and getting her heart broken, so now it's kept in a glass box. She's by no means icy, in fact, she loves having the attention of a significant other, although when things start to get too serious she bolts like a newborn colt. But some say she's a remarkable lover when you've got her. Nephele typically withholds information about herself and instead gives emotion--we know she has enough to go around. She also tends to be very indecisive about things, much like the tides of the waters she can manipulate. In a nutshell, this dame is an emotional rollercoaster, but she means well.


Naturally, Nephele is a strong swimmer--she doesn't know many who are more adept at it than she is. She's also pretty good at climbing. Being "in tune" with the emotions of others makes her quite charismatic and she does great in most social situations. People are drawn to her, especially when they need someone to talk to and their trust comes to her easily. She's good at keeping secrets. She can also be quite motherly, especially to children and loved ones. She can take the awkward out of a situation and make things a bit better. Nephele is very adaptable since she goes with the flow of things.


Being an emotional person also makes Nephele prone to taking too much to heart and over thinking things. She has periods where she just broods and avoids people. During times like these, she shoves the bad feelings down so others can't see them. When she falls for someone, she falls hard and fast--which is why she tries to get out of the relationship before that happens. She's also got a fear of centipedes, clowns, and armadillos. That last one is completely irrational, but it is what it is. She is also an alcoholic--which would be worse but she can really hold her alcohol. She's definitely not a lightweight. All in all, her emotions are her biggest weakness.



Nephele is an alcoholic. This fact isn't really surprising, since her mom was an alcoholic. She died in her own vomit when Nephele was six. Her dad wasn't around much when she was young, so when her mom died Nephele didn't really have a parent. Her dad's parents took her in, but seeing as though they were too busy with their other grand kids Nephele pretty much did what she want. She surprisingly didn't turn out that bad. She wasn't one of those "underprivileged kids who cause trouble," she was an all around good kid for the most part. She always had a lot of friends, but none she was ever super close to. The first guy she ever let beneath the facade of happiness ended up breaking her heart into tiny pieces. Nephele didn't have anyone to go to, so she got into her grandfather's liquor cabinet and drowned herself in the ecstasy of drunkenness. Turns out she could hold a quite a bit of alcohol, in fact, it was a wonder she didn't get alcohol poisoning. After that, she took to the bottle often.

In high school she was the school's star diver and freestyle swimmer. It was almost as if she could control the way the water moved. Nephele got plenty of offers from colleges--full rides even--until the day before the state championship she was caught shooting tequila. It wasn't until her dad's aunt visited her grandparents that she realized she wasn't where she really belonged. Her aunt was from Ethervel, a place she had never even heard of. Her aunt recognized the girl's affinity for water and took her in. She even tried to break Nephele of her alcoholism, but it didn't work. Now she works in a bar during the evening and during the day she works as a lifeguard at the city pool.

Other: Nephele has a taste for '90s rock and alternative music, but can sometimes be found listening to psychedilic rock. She typically wears t-shirts with skinny jeans or shorts, but is almost never without her Chuck Taylors. Sometimes you can find her strumming on an old acoustic guitar she bought from a pawn shop or taking pictures. She's never without a camera of some sort. Her favorite color is blue, but she has a thing for cool colors. Also, she has a pygmy goat named Goat. He's a little shit.

@Refaulted. All done! ^^



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I thank you for the compliment. Once I get the extra tab I submitted, then I mauy ask you to tweak a little bit if needed. Other than that, welcome aboard! :)

Valerie Bennet


Vel or Normal?:



Healer at Ethervel Healing Center



Most of the healers Valerie works with are the kind, nurturing type. They act as caring mothers and fathers to their patients, doing what they can to heal. Valerie, while more talented than the majority of the healers around her, lacks what they call 'bedside manner'. She is not the kind of healer that sits with you, takes your hand, and reassures you that everything will be okay. Instead, she tells you the harsh truth of the situation, even if you're unlikely to make a recovery, because that's her duty.

And that is what drives Valerie. Her duty. Just because you only have a sliver of a chance at recovering doesn't mean she won't do her best to heal you. Valerie deeply cares about her patients' recoveries, she just doesn't know how to show it. Some see her as cold, but Valerie just doesn't see the need to sugarcoat things. This could stem from her disdain for the Bright power of the Vels (we'll go into that later), but she's always been that way. The only person her coworkers had ever seen her be kind to was Don Houns.




Intelligent, Quick


Doesn't get along well with most people, especially in her line of work.

Straight-edged, sticks to the rules to a fault.

Can get obsessive.


Valerie grew up with well-to-do parents on the upper side of New Manhattan. She lived life as most girls of her age and standing - lessons of every kind and all the things she ever wanted handed to her on a silver spoon. Her parents, however, didn't want her to become an entitled, spoiled brat. They instilled in her a strong sense of duty to others and to herself. Through this, Valerie realized her destiny - to become a doctor. She loved how the human body worked - how illnesses were like puzzles waiting to be solved, with the ultimate reward being a person's health.

It's funny that Valerie's last name is Bennet. Bennet, which comes from Benedict, means 'blessed', Valerie considered herself 'blessed' a year ago when watchers caught her and her powers. Over the years, Valerie began to view her powers as a lazy crutch. To be a healer in Ethervel is to use your power to heal others. That's it. You will it, and depending on the strength of your power, it is so. Valerie hated this. Where was the puzzle to be solved? The mystery to be revealed? Sure, there was some honor in honing your healing power, but Valerie needed something deeper than that.

That's the real reason Valerie didn't get along with most of her coworkers. While they used their powers alone to heal, Valerie tried to use medical techniques from the actual world, especially in treating diseases that were particularly resistant to Vel healing. The one person who understood and was kind to her was Healer Houns, Don's mother. Like a second mother in second home, she took care of Valerie. She understood that, despite her abrasiveness, Valerie was just a girl dumped upside-down in a new world, unsure of herself and her place in it.


Valerie's birthday is soon.
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" If you want to die do it yourself, if you're to scared find your own fate yourself. Suffer...Until you find it yourself."

  • Full Name:

    Roxanne Qualt



    Vel or Normal?:




    Appearance Information:

    Roxie stands at the height 5'7

    Roxie has a fairly small and thin build though he is muscular

    Roxie has naturally very bright strawberry blonde hair that sets off her emerald eyes

    Roxie is rarely seen without her signature hairstyle, though her hair goes down to her lower back surprisingly


"Unfortunately Peace and Chaos must be in balance, otherwise the world would gradually be destroyed. "

  • Full Name:

    Hamish Dorcas



    Vel or Normal?:



    Owner of Library(For Normals) and Information Outlook(For Vel), Glimmer


    Appearance Information:

    Hamish stands at the height 5'10''

    Hamish has a fairly lanky and thin build

    Hamish naturally has very vibrant red hair, with two constantly stray strands that always stick out

    Hamish has dark chestnut eyes with small specks of red that mimics his hair color

    Hamish adores cloaks hence why you'll see him in them a lot

    Hamish goggles hold his glasses prescription in the lenses, during physical activities he's found wearing his goggles more often.


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    Full Name:

    Akemi Alastriona

    Age: 18

    Vel or Normal?: Normal

    Occupation: Student, - odd jobs- delivery girl, dog walker, shopkeeper, baby sitter, pianist-- etc

    Personality: Akemi is a solitary girl- quiet but she enjoys to do things by herself. She takes life very lightly and believes that a single person can do anything with enough effort. Since she raised herself through her teenage years Akemi lacks common knowledge about the ways of society and mannerisims- often forgetting that other people have families, or homes.

    Without a doubt Akemi is very straight forward person who is often confused about why people are sensitive about certain matters like dead loved ones or embarrassing things like sex. Ironically enough, she's very bashful when spoken to- when a sensitive matter of hers is spoken of (like living arrangements) she'll lie compulsively. Akemi generally dislikes encountering people and will flee if suddenly approached. Easily startled. Like a deer.

    Ability : Lightning

    Strengths: Works very well independently. Parkour is her mode of travel so she can climb to just about any impossible place. Fairly intelligent and very creative- able to work out problems in her head.

    Weaknesses: Rather than thinking about the future Akemi is very set on the present, often taking risks she doesn't find very dangerous. Utterly stubborn. Has an instinctive fear of blizzard weather. Fairly hard to gain her trust.

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Carter Rogen

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c17692bc6_14-2.png.c892d05ad8cfab35f5daf41ae3656440.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41431" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c17692bc6_14-2.png.c892d05ad8cfab35f5daf41ae3656440.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 19

Vel or Normal?:



Street performer


Though without much guidance in his life to be taught 'proper manners,' Carter is a very friendly and respectful person to those he greets. Being a street performer to earn money, he interacts very well with people to draw their attention towards him. Carter has always adored making people feel happy and entertained, guiding him to be very caring for others and doing his best to keep the 'vibes' positive in his area. Light and energetic, the teenager had become a quick-footed fighter after several years of living on the streets of New Manhattan. And Although not a violent person by nature, the blond is no pacifist and will be willing to fight when running is not an option. Regrettably though, those years on the street had forced the blond to be a deft pickpocket and thief when his performances did not attract a large enough crowd.




Carter has a myriad of talents, ranging from simple ball juggling and slight-of-hand tricks to awe-inspiring acrobatic stunts as he has learned the art of free-running. His best crowd-bringing talent though, would be the way he plays the violin that can bring tears to one's eyes and make their soul dance. The blond is very resilient and quick-thinking in most any situation, allowing him to avoid police officers if he was caught stealing money or food.


Sometimes Carter can be reckless, jumping into dangerous situations and just barely being able to escape them. He is also a naturally curious individual, causing him to often listen in on other people's conversations or simply wanting to get a closer look of what catches his eye, whether it be trouble or otherwise. And although usually in a good mood, silently he looks around and envies the crowds of people who walk by him with their families and loved ones. People they care dearly for. More often than not, Carter feels deathly alone in this world..

History(2 to 3 paragraphs):

Born in May of 1995, Carter was born into the world without ever meeting his father, who had left his mother sometime during the pregnancy. The blond didn't really mind that though, the young boy was happy with his mother in their apartment in the City. Sadly though, Carter's mother had had a low and ever-weakening immune system that had often had her sent to the hospital. This had also made it difficult for his mother to work, therefor making it where they could barely afford the rent for their apartment. The only real money Carter's mother had was the money she had saved to pay for Carter's schooling, which she had begun to use up from her mass of hospital bills. To a young boy though, money was of no concern. All he wanted was his sick mother to feel better and come home..

One day, when the blond was a mere 12 years of age, his school had called him down to the principle's office. Naturally being a well-behaved child, Carter was confused as to what it was he had done. But what he had heard had turned the boy's entire world upside down. The hospital had called Carter's school so the boy would be informed that his mother was found lifeless that morning. Torn with both shock and horror, Carter had ran from school to the New Manhattan City Hospital for his young eyes to gaze upon the pale frame of his dead mother..

With no family for him to turn to, Carter had taken refuge on the streets of the city he was born in. Over the years, he had developed many talents and tricks in order to make at least enough money to eat for the day, including teaching himself how to play a violin he had 'procured' from the high school he would have attended if the blond had continued with his schooling. Without any real friends or family, Carter had no ties to keep him down. He was like the wind; free-flowing and always moving. Speaking of which, around the blond's 19th birthday, he had noticed several strange phenomena that he had encountered. He was naturally light, but Carter had begun feeling he was almost weightless when he ran up the walls and atop the roofs of New Manhattan. It was nearly effortless.. And in one instance, he had fallen off a building roof with a drop that would have almost definitely ended his life. But instead, a heavy gust of wind had blown from Carter's outstretched hands to allow the male to land slowly and safely to his feet. He was never sure what the cause of these strange happenings were, but he actively stays alert, seeking for the answers to his questions.


Carter is bisexual, though leans preferably towards males. Although the blond is usually seen in a happy, chipper mood, he is actually quite emotional where others would call it 'moody.' Loves sweets with a burning passion.



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Full Name: James Thomas Hawthorne (Preferred name Thomas)

Age: 19, going on 20

Vel or Normal?: "Normal"

Occupation(If character has one): Junior in college, part-time mechanic, wannabe artist

Appearance: Thomas is unusually tall- 6'7, to be exact- and is getting the muscle to go with it. Broad-shouldered and lean, he can cut a pretty intimidating figure if he wants to. His eyes are dark blue, and a bit slanted, and his eyelashes and eyebrows are much darker than his light, reddish-brown hair. He keeps his hair long enough that the tips of his bangs fall into his eyes, but not quite long enough to be called shoulder-length. He used to gel it excessively, but now eschews products all together as some sort of penance for the hideous hairstyles he once inflicted upon the world. Despite his questionable hair care choices, he's a very handsome boy- high cheekbones, sharp jaw, expressive eyes, full lips, and the brightest, most self-satisfied smile you ever did see.

Personality: Thomas is... well. He tries to be the antihero type- break hearts, start trouble, be selfish- but his inherent good nature thwarts him every time. He's the sort of person who will strike up a conversation with a stranger just because they look a bit down in the dumps, or hang out with his baby sister instead of his friends just because she needs somebody to talk to. He worries about people a lot, though he tries not to show it, and what he wants most out of life- regardless of what he might say about girls or parties or mansions- are good friends, family, and stability.

That's not to say he's necessarily well-adjusted. Part of the reason he craves support and stability so much is that he lacked them throughout most of his childhood. His mother had him when she was very young, and his father (James, who he was named after) walked out soon after. His mom tried and did her best to take care of him, but she was barely out of childhood herself, and didn't always know what to do with him. To top it all off, she struggled with depression. When she remarried, her husband tried to be a father to Thomas, but he was a difficult child, and the man soon gave up. As a result, Thomas has a crippling fear of abandonment, and is both resentful of authority figures and desirous of their approval. He also inherited some of his depression; which- in addition to the inherent problems it causes- added to his self-esteem issues, and gave him more "reasons" to distrust his own judgement.

It's not all bad. He's finding ways to cope with his problems, and is learning to manage his mental illness. He's religious about taking his medication, and tries not to put himself down too much. He's also very charismatic, and knows how to use it to his advantage. He could persuade someone that the sky is green through sheer force of personality when he's on his game. At the end of the day, he can be pretty complicated- but he's a good kid at heart.

Ability: Earth- Sand

Strengths: Intelligence, charm, pragmatism

Weaknesses: He has a tendency to self-sabotage when he feels he doesn't deserve success, he struggles hard with his mental illness, and he can be mistrustful to a ridiculous degree.

History: Thomas was born to a teen mom, and his father was absent for pretty much all of his childhood, something that Thomas never forgave him for- it's why he insists on being called by his middle name, rather than his first. For the first seven years of his life, it was just him and his mother, and even if she couldn't always be the best mom in the world, he loved her dearly.

Then, things changed. His mother met William Jackson, and they married soon after. Things went a bit downhill for Thomas after that. It wasn't that William was a bad man, or cruel to Thomas- just the opposite, in fact. The problem was simply that William dealt with the idea of having a stepson much better than the reality- he didn't expect Thomas to resent him as much as he did, or to blame him for his mother's bouts of depression, especially during his adolescence. He tried to make a connection at first, but soon gave up. To make matters worse, the marriage wasn't exactly a happy one- both people had rushed into it. She felt unsupported, he felt stifled- and of course, in Thomas's eyes, his mother could do no wrong and the fault lay solely with William. The couple probably should have divorced, but- for some unfathomable reason- they refused to.

The one bright spot in all of this, for Thomas, was his baby sister. When he was first told the news that he'd have a younger sibling, he hated the idea- babies were stupid, after all, and what if his mother loved the new baby more than she loved him? He was terribly nervous until the baby was actually born. He spent the first three months of her life pretending that she didn't exist except for when he was resenting her for being noisy or smelly or needy.

Then, one day, their parents had a very big, very long fight. The baby cried and cried, and for once, Thomas felt sorry for her. After all, all the yelling was scary for him, and he was a mature, practically-all-grown-up eight-year-old who Understood Things. She was just a baby who didn't know anything about anything, so she must've been even more scared. He talked to her for a long, long time- telling her stories about talking animals and things about famous artists from the book he was reading, and she seemed to like the sound of his voice. After that, he decided that it would be more fun to be nice to her than to pretend she didn't exist- and besides, it was nice to have something to take care of. He and Samantha have a very close relationship, and at times he's almost more of a parent to her than an older brother.

He had his first bout of clinical depression when he was fourteen, though it went undiagnosed for nearly a year. Initially it was dismissed as acting out- after all, he'd always been a bit difficult. It only became obvious that something was very, very wrong when he stopped eating and started refusing to get out of bed. Luckily, after finding a decent psychiatrist and pill regimen, he slowly started to get better, and by the time he was sixteen his life was getting back on track. He went to a local college at eighteen- it wasn't his first choice of school, but it was a good one, it offered him a scholarship, and it was close to home and Sam. He suffered another bout of depression in his second and third semesters, and is currently weaning off of antidepressants.

Other: My favorite color is blue. Also, Thomas has a battered black duster jacket that he picked up at a yard sale and wears whenever possible because he thinks it makes him look cool.

Additionally, I'd like to add the disclaimer that depression is a serious and legitimate problem that people don't really have control over, not a personal failing. Thomas has a preexisting tendency to blame himself for just about everything, as well as tendency to beat himself up for real and imagined flaws, and things he says or thinks aren't necessarily my views. Just wanted to put that out there, since I know it can be a sensitive topic. :)

Full Name: Samantha Mary-Ellen Jackson (also known as Sam)

Age: 12

Vel or Normal?: Normal

Occupation: Middle School Student

Appearance: She's quite tall, like her brother- at 5'6'', taller than a lot of grown women, and in the middle of a growth spurt. She's awkward, transitioning from childish roundness to teenage gangliness, and a bit of a late bloomer- besides her face, there isn't that much about her to identify her as a girl. She's biracial, with dark brown skin and ear-length, inky-black hair that floats around her head in a little cloud of tight curls. She looks a lot like her brother, around the eyes and mouth- her eyes are brown, but they have the same shape as his. Her facial structure is more rounded and delicate- many people would describe her as elfin.

Personality: Samantha's personality- like that of every twelve-year-old- is a work in progress. She's beginning to be more aware of the adult world and its workings, but she doesn't quite care that much about it yet. For now, she's happy to be a kid, but when she grows up, she'll be a force to be reckoned with. Already, she's bullheaded and stubborn- she won't go along with anything if she can't understand all the whys and wherefores. Because I said so is the bane of her existence. She likes to understand things- to this end, she reads insatiably. Fantasy, sci-fi, history of math... it's debatable exactly how much she retains and understands of her literary adventures, but that doesn't deter her at all. She's a snarky kid, too, and she's pretty funny- or, at least, she thinks she is.

Like her older brother, she's naturally cheerful and charming. Even when she misbehaves, she can convince people that she's an angel with just a smile. She's developing his charisma, too- her teachers just seem to like her, and she makes friends easily. She can be a bit of a brat sometimes, and she's just a touch spoiled, but she's slowly growing out of these tendencies.

She absolutely, positively hero-worships Thomas. As far as she's concerned, he's the Best Brother EVER. He's her best support system when there's trouble with her parents- she loves them, and they her, but she hates it when they fight, which they do with distressing frequency. She also gets picked on at school sometimes, and is often more willing to talk it over with Thomas than with her parents. Despite her conviction that her brother is nigh-invincible, she is starting to notice that he does have his own troubles, and is thus developing a slight protective, fretful streak when it comes to him.

Ability: None

Strengths: Charming and sweet, plucky (at least when it comes to important things), empathetic and kind.

Weaknesses: Snarks at inappropriate times/snarking is only funny to her, sheer inexperience and immaturity, not very brave when Thomas isn't backing her up, way too brave when he is.

History: Eh, nothing much to report. Grew up in pretty much exactly the same situation as Thomas, and as a twelve-year-old has not had many important life events yet.

Other: She likes Skittles.

Like, a LOT.

Her favorite book as a baby was Green Eggs and Ham, and her nickname was Sam-I-Am for a while. Thomas and her parents are the only people permitted to call her this.
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Full Name: Roxie Heart

Age: 16

Vel or Normal?:Normal

Occupation: student


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Personality: Considered as the bad Apple of the family. She doesn't let anyone push her around. People tend to fear her. She can b ajokester/prankster and a bully. But once you become her friend she will stand up for you to the very end. She also atomboy. Comes from a very rich family.

Ability: Fire - Flames

Strengths: She's pretty good at combat she's and she's a fast runner. She's actually very smart, she's a straight A student.

Weaknesses: She's afraid of heights. Has a bad temper and at times she can get mad vey easily. She is also cluster phobic.

History: Roxie was born into a very rich and important family. Her father runs a very famous agency. Her mother is a very famous fashion designer. She also has a older sister named Rebecca. Roxie never really felt like she was part of the family she was considered dull compared to the rest of her family. Roxie loved reading and photography, but she was also very shy and didn't talk very much. She would spend most of her days studying. Her parents treated her older sister Rebecca better then they did Roxie. Rebecca was considered special while Roxie was just a plain jane. They would always criticize her and saying why couldn't she be more sociable like her sister. They would also tell her she wasn't good enough sometimes.

At school Roxie got bullied a lot, they would call her names and pull pranks on her. Her sister treated her know better. At home her sister would go to her parents telling lies about Roxie, or complain about her. She would try to act like the perfect child and her would just go along with it. At school Rebecca would join in the teasing and make things worse for Roxie than it already was.

But one day Roxie had finally snap. Roxie was in a freshmen in high school and her sister was a senior. Roxie treatment in high school didn't change very much people still treated her the same way. Roxie had a crush on one of the very popular guys in her school and to her surprise he asked her out. She was very happy but she noticed that not once had even try to kiss her or even hug her. Not that she really mind all they really did was hold hands. While she was dating him people had stop teasing and bulling her so things had seem to get better. Then one day he told her to meet him in the classroom after school, so she did. She walked in the classroom and saw
him, her sister and some other students in there. She asked what was going on and her sister came up to her and said, "you really are dumb did actually think he liked you? Funny thing he was dared to go out with you and he said that he couldn't stand being with you and that you were the most pathetic boring person he ever met." Roxie had glanced at him and was just laughing quietly to himself. Then her sister continued talking, "well anyway we thought it be fun to play a nice little prank on you." She had backed away from them and then all of a sudden they started throwing egges at her laughing. When she got home she ran to the bathroom cleaning herself up. After that she went into her room sat on her bed and buried her face and started crying. Then her mother came into the room with a expressionless stair. Then she started talking "I got a call from your school today. It's embarrassing to know that my daughter is a complete nothing. Look at your sister she never had these probs in school. Well I guess sometimes mistakes are made and your one of them. But you are family and someone has to take over your father's business. So fix your self up and don't be a disappointment like you already are." Then she left the room and closed the door. Roxie couldn't say anything she couldn't even cry. Then her sister came in with a smirk on her face and said "you know she's right" Then Roxie snapped , she looked at her sister and balled her fists up and gave her a nice death glare . "That is it I have had it with you, our parents and those pathetic losers at school for now on nobody is ever going to push me around again!" She then notice her sister looking in horror but she wasn't looking at her she was looking behind her. Roxie turned around and almost fell back, there was a big fire behind her.

Other: She drives a motorcycle, Her favorite color is pink but she likes to keep that a secret.



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Felix Boyd

Age: 18



Live in help at a dog kennel


Felix is the kind of person who blends into a crowd easily. He stands just below average height and has back length brown hair, and long enough bangs to cover his brown eyes. He wears standard wire frame glasses. Felix is thin and frail looking, lacking any defining masculine qualities. If he took the time to get a hair cut, or styled his hair he could have luck with the ladies, as it stands now he tries to stand out as little as possible. Felix wears warm clothing nearly year round, citing that he is always cold. His skin is a healthy white, tan, despite how little time its out in the sun.


Felix is easily frightened, coming off as shy or cowardly, and prefers to just blend into the crowd. Despite this he wants desperately to be useful to others and can’t look away from people hurt or in need and would die in the place of a stranger in a heartbeat. He tries his best at all things, even if they are trivial. Felix doesn’t like pity or needless concern, doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve. Felix is more then willing to sacrifice his own happiness for others, and often comes off as gullible because of it. He often jumps to negative conclusions, and expects the worst of people, though he tries not to let his negative outlook change how he treats others, and is generally kind and compassionate. At his core Felix is a truly good person.

Felix is crafty and intelligent, and works with a single minded focus, that seems to erase all other traces of his personality. When push comes to shove he has no sense of honor, and is not above fighting dirty, anything to stack the odds in his favor. When Felix does interact with others he is amiable, and generally pleasant company.


No special abilities, though Felix does have Eidetic memory which allows him to learn skills very quickly.


Perfect memory (Eidetic Memory), Creative, Has good aim, Good with animals


Nearly blind without glasses, Physically Weak, Pessimist


From birth, Felix’s Eidetic memory set him apart from his peers. Even now he still remembers the face of the mother that left him on the orphanage door. With his perfect memory he learned quickly, so quickly that he was ostracized by other children his age. Despite his isolation he was always exceedingly kind, it was in his nature, and he was the favorite of the younger children, for the comfort and kind smiles he always gave. However his kind disposition was not enough to prevent childish jealousy and from the time schooling began on, demeaning whispers followed him everywhere, whispers his perfect memory never let him forget, shattering his faith in others, and in himself. In this dark time he struggled to hold on to the values he held so dear, and the compassion he wanted so desperately to give others, and soon found it had slipped away, leaving him jaded to the world. He focused on school, knowing he could graduate early, he became singled minded and the days soon blended together. By the time he was fourteen he had graduated high school. Wanting to be away from others he set about the process of emancipating himself.

By Fifteen, Felix, who was unable to interact with people enough to hold a high school level job, was homeless. Living alone on the streets for a year, he struggled to survive, stealing and begging for scraps. Then when he was at his lowest point, the Fletchers, an old couple who own the local kennel, showed him a great act of kindness and took him in. Slowly, with the old couple’s help he began to believe in people again, his compassion reemerging. For the past two years he has lived and worked at the kennel, happier then he can ever remember being, a soft smile on his face. While working at the kennel he has begun to open up to people again, and can now interact at least semi-normally in society. He is currently aspiring to be a mechanical engineer.


Felix is a guy who wants to help other people, but has trust issues. That leads to internal conflict, yada yada. His time on the streets taught him, anything goes in a fight, and while he doesn’t have any physical ability, he knows how to use whats on hand to his advantage. He is recently recovering from a loss of faith in people, so he’s kinda jumpy and awkward around them, but tries his best to be normal. In the end he's a guy with a abnormal past and skills, who just wants to get by in the world. He had no special powers and isnt exactly the most courageous person but he has morals and wants to help people in need.


Felix has a pet Husky named Boris. He is extremely loyal and is one of the few creatures Felix trusts with his life.
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Full Name: Fang Demora Anima


Vel or Normal?: Normal



Standing at a good 8 feet, Fang's body was shaped Into that of something sort of like an a track and field pro, kind of like a body builder, but not that sturdy. His hair, was long enough and thick enough to make an escape rope out of, his hair was a silvery black, with streaks of grey In It. His eyes were a dark red, as dull as they were, they still seemed vibrant.

Fang Is kind, though rather anti-social, he was never a big fan of people, even though he needed them when he couldn't grab what he wanted, with friends, what little he had, he was always kind and cheerful, but with strangers or rivals, he was always cold and distant, trying to stay as far away or as Invisible as was humanely possible. Due to his anti-social nature, he has a hard time making friends, even when people try their best, they usually give up and go on to something more Important, which makes him an even more cold and distant kind of guy.

Water - Cooling

Is strong In a fight, has street smarts, but Is best In tight or dangerous situations, such as stealing or escaping.

Fang has a fear of commitment, mainly relationships. He has an extreme photophobia problem that he can't seem to cure himself of... He Is rather fragile, though strong, his body Is weak... Doesn't like warm places that much..

In the late December of 1988, somewhere In the frozen world of Alaska, Fang was born, his mother, dying after childbirth, had left her brother a note, asking him to take care of her child, she knew that she wasn't going to make It, and although she wanted to take her child Into the world, teaching him about the humans and even Ethervel, she was unable to do so, and so, within this letter, held all of her knowledge and Instructions on how to care for the boy, even as the years passed his uncle, Marqois, had trouble teaching him, bringing him books, week after week, the boy, which he had named Fang, after his great grandfather, Fang had a strange affinity the cold weather, even though he himself needed to use his Heat ability to keep warm In the nights..

At the age of 11, on the bus ride to school, a drunk driver had hit the bus, making It tip, the Ice on the road not helping the situation any, made the bus slide Into a ravine near the road, not a large drop, but enough to Injure the people Inside, most of the kids and bus driver were safe, but Fang on the other hand, was not, he was severely Injured, his body In the Incident had flung Into the back of the bus, slamming him Into the door, and flung out the back..

After a few years had passed, his uncle Marqois had died, and he was alone, he soon was unable to pay the the bills for his home, losing It, he had to find some way to make some money, so he took his time practicing the art of stealing, It was painful at times, cause most of the time he either got caught or lost the Item or money right away, spending It on food or clothes.. By the time he was 19 he was so good at stealing that he was able to accumulate enough money to move out of the frozen tundra of Alaska, moving to New Manhattan.. He found himself In a new city, with new people, a place where he had nothing, he hadn't a clue to why he moved her, however.. He did know one thing, It felt a lot warmer here than his homeland... Though, that soon changed, when he found he was able to use the ability called Cooling, although It was never something that big, and he could only use It on one thing at a time, If that. Sometimes he worked hard to get himself to be able to even cool down a cup of water...

By the time he turned 25 he had learned his way around this new, now old place, he was able to walk alley ways and back ends with ease, though sometimes having trouble where he'd least expect It, he sometimes even found himself waking up In a hospital, only to run off again, his home, an abandoned factory, It was so far out of the way, although, It was safe, and now his home, he had all his money, little that there was, stashed In the old safe In the basement...

At 27 Fang had made some friends, almost had a family, until they found out his secrets, unable to deal with things, he went Into hiding, though, his home was still the same, he tried to only appear during the night time. The few friends he has, already knows his secrets, and yet they stay by his side, unable to leave this strange man alone, although, he had never told anyone about the fact that he could use this strange ability, he thought that they would throw him Into a psycho ward or something, so he kept that to himself..

Fang Is bisexual, although he usually stays single, unable to support himself or his spouse often gets him down, so he tends to stay away from dating If he can. He also has a large library of books In his home, all of which he either stole or bought, Just to keep him In spirits. He also has a small dagger on his belt, he only uses It when he's on the Job.

@Refaulted Ok, sir. I think I'm done.. Sorry If this took longer than may have been expected, If I'm not accepted, then thank you for at least taking the time to look It over.
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Full Name: Cosmo Hydeson

Age: 18

Vel/Normal: Vel

Occupation: Courier

Personality: There isn't much to say about Cosmo. He's definitely an enigma. He enjoys reading and writing a bit TOO much, to the point where it affects his career. He's currently writing a novel, one that depicts the slow dive into insanity from a woman who became impregnated by a rapist in clown makeup. He's nice, for the most part. He's serious when he must. Compassionate is a strong point in him, but the one thing that isn't is commitment. He can never really keep a strong relationship for more than at most 6 months. He hates this aspect of him, and does his best to resolve it.

Ability: Earth-Wood

Strengths: Cunning, Intelligent, Dutiful, Loyal

Weaknesses: Lack of Fighting Ability, Cannot Keep a Commitment, Naive, Empathy

History: Donna and Fred Hydeson were blessed with twins on October 31st, 1996 in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. They decided to name these boys Phoenix, after the city they were born in, and Cosmo, because Donna had an avid love for the universe. There weren't any complications, and they took the healthy boys back home to New Manhattan the following week

Cosmo and his brother were the best of friends, and that was an understatement. They couldn't sleep if they weren't within 6 feet of each other, and they never did anything without each other. Then, the day they turned 6, Cosmo realized he had a strange... ability. Donna had brought the boys a slice of blueberry cake, the one they begged her for, the one that took $26 to have specially crafted to look like SpongeBob SquarePants. Cosmo, hyper with the intake of 5 Dr. Peppers and blueberry cake, began to dance to the song that came on the radio. This escalated from the boy just wiggling his head to the beat from him standing up and actual dancing, with a complete array of strange peacock-like moves and some type of windmill motion.

That's when he shattered the wooden dinner table into 4 pieces. Donna had immediately taken the boys to her mother's house a few blocks over. Over a generous amount of Brandy and a shot of tequila, she eventually confided in her mother the strangeness that had just occurred.

The boys' grandmother wasn't surprised. In fact, she was wondering why it hadn't happened earlier. Donna's mother was a Vel, along with her deceased father. She was saddened her daughter never showed signs of this trait, and was rather ecstatic at the fact one of her grandchildren had this.

Then, the world of Ethervel was introduced to them.

Phoenix wouldn't get his powers of Waves until he was 13.

Other: Cosmo and Phoenix look exactly the same, save the indigo streaks in Cosmo's hair. And the fact that Cosmo is bisexual. His twin prefers the women. They usually spend all of their time together and are rarely found without their other. They own an owl, a Northern Saw-Whet hatchling, whom they named Dylan.

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Behind every lie is a rain drop of truth. Behind every truth is a rain shower of lies.

Shim Hentso

Age: 20

Vel or Normal: Vel

Head magician at a local Magic show by day, Singer at a bar at night.

Ability: Illusions



Much like an illusion, Shim tends to be what people want her to be, show them what they want. Everyone expects her to be quiet, obedient, a follower and above all else quaint company, at least her parents did. In the eyes of the people, Shim is the quiet type, one who only nods and answers when asked. During her job , she is overly excited , preppy and bubbly. During her night job she is more serious, more distant and quickly drawn away from others who try to embark in conversation with her. In front of her parents, she is more obedient, only speak when spoken too, and if by chance they give her an option to giver her opinion she is to refuse and bow like a lowly dog.

Those closer to her in heart know Shim to be a more passively aggressive woman, with a heart filled with mixed emotions, one would call her bi polar. Shim hates the preppy kinds, the dull kings and above all else the judgmental kind, the one that assumes who you are. Shim is more down to earth yet in the skies, dreaming yet not. She switches on and off like a burner on a stove, but keeps it contained like a spider trapping its prey.

The only thing Shim doesn't understand is love, or any other attached feelings like hugs, or celebrations. In her house such a thing wasn't real, and too her friend, things like that were meaningless. Shim is oblivious too nearly everything with communication, attached feelings to a simple greeting. Call her stuck up, or you could say shes just been into the house to long. If you do bring it up, that's the one thing that will make her cry, but more importantly put you on her bad side.


As you can tell Shim can make you believe what she wants you to believe , with or without her ability. She's keen with manipulation, wrapping people around her fingers as she fits. Shim is great with acting as well, she hasn't taken any acting classes ,but being with her family for so long she's made it her point to craft herself into what others want. Though Shim is not great with social communications , she is able to read others faces into what they want, or if they ask for a disguise Shim would be the girl. Shim is great with getting information from others without using lethal , or damaging actions.


Shim is horrible with communication, just awful, even her attempts land her in a foul argument ending with a few curse words , and a broken heart which isn't always hers. When it comes to teamwork , most people get angry with her. Shim isn't used to inputting her opinion , so when people ask she usually tells them what they want to hear. Most people don't like Shim being so bi polar, so they distance themselves from her, talking to her when they only need assistance. Shim's main weakness in communication, always has been.


As you can tell Shim was born into a wealthy family, well semi family. They only had gained a title due to her fathers new theory in how to gain more money with less "dirty tactics". Of course the chairman to his board accepted it, I mean more money, less dirty, who wouldn't want it. Shim was still young at this time, so all she had to do was be obedient and follow. Many nights of practices to make Shim the perfect girl. That broke her bad ways, playing in the dirt, doing random brawls, playing with bugs. Shim was replaced with tea ,dresses, nail polished, perfect hair, perfect posture and the command of speak when spoken to, walk there, sit there and follow him there. Shim was perfect in their eyes ,but not in hers.

During her time alone she made herself into the one she wanted to be. The "creation" was a bit off since she used magazines, tv shows and watched how others acted. Shim added a bit of her own, but really she was built off of what everyone else was into a small box in a still developing brain. As she grew older, her mother started getting greedy. She drunk more, acted out more and had many late nights at bars. Every night she would leave, she would tell Shim to tell daddy where she was, and to be very realistic about it, make it seem like its an illusion. Shim didn't understand the word, but knew that her mother wanted to be gone but not really.

The moment her dad came home, she told her father that her mother was feeling ill so she was asleep in the guest bedroom that was locked. Why? Simple, she was annoying her too much, so she had locked the door. Shim was so believable, her father accepted it and went about her business. By the time she had gotten to high school ,she was much better at becoming whatever others wanted, manipulating, getting things that she wanted. It wasn't till she graduated that she started seeing things. Images of different colors, moving in a way that she found was beautiful.

The next day her mother had gone and done it, an affair with one of the local chair members. Her father knew what was happening, and for the first time she had saw him get angry. He was crying and throwing things. Shim felt in danger so quickly she threw up her hands, to protect her from the glass in his hands. With amazed eyes, she saw him act as if she wasn't there. He started yelling, asking where she was. Was it this illusion thing? Shim laughed a little ,but quickly escaped her home. Walking toward the bar her mother would always go, she bumped into a man. Smiling like a sweet child, the man saw through it. He said many weird things, like power, a different place, Ethervel. The only word she caught was Ethervel.

Without thought, she went with him to this new place, leaving everything behind.


Shim's original names was Bellamy Harfford, she was original supposed to be a boy , but they decided to keep the name. During her time of growth, she dressed up as both a boy and a girl to appease her parents. Her name changed the moment she decided to leave everything behind. Shim wears a long shirt that looks like a dress. The shirt is white and black, with blue butterflies. Underneath the shirt are short shorts with overall straps that hang down. Shim wears black boots that come up over her knee. For cosplaying reason, Shim wears a witches hat both at her day job and night. Shim couldn't change much of her past, so her tile blue eyes are still with her along with her black silver hair. As for pets, she has a black owl , that eats non stops, yet isn't as plump as it sounds.
How long will my heart stay Frozen?


Full Name: Amelia Hansen

Age: 20

Vel or Normal?: Normal

Occupation: Last Year of College, Personal Support Worker

Ability: Water - Ice

Strengths: Winter, Speed, Confidence

Weaknesses: Fire, Intimacy, Mercy

This Sorrow takes ahold

Don't leave me here so Cold

Personality: Growing up with a younger sister, Amelia naturally grew to be protective of her loved ones. When she lost her lover this only made her protection over loved ones stronger. Sometimes it even becomes a flaw of hers, she can often get too protective. From a young age Amelia has always been confident in herself and her abilities to succeed. The loss of her lover has dented some of her confidence to love again but she believes in time it can be fixed. With her confidence came bravery. She has little fear when it comes to herself, as she proved this when she ran in the flaming building her lover died in. Her bravery stays with her today. She does what is needed to be done no matter what is to come of her after. Naturally Amelia is kind. She learned kindness from her parents and has continued to embrace kindness through her life in New Manhattan.

Since the fire, Amelia has become more cautious in life. She takes longer to open up to people and she will take precautions before doing anything that could be dangerous. Since she she also realized that she can be impulsive. When she cares about something or someone she is passionate about it and will act without thinking, even when people warn her.

History: Amelia grew up in a pretty normal house. Her mother and father met in college and stayed together for many years before getting married and having her. Amelia also has a younger sister who she loves dearly. Her parents were really supportive and helped Amelia build up the ambition for school and to become successful. When it came time to pick a school to go to, she found a school she loved in New Manhattan. If tearful eyes her parents supported her and helped her make her dreams come true in Manhattan. Since she was only 18 when moving to manhattan her parents made her move in with a roommate and ended up calling almost every night to check on her. Her roommate was a girl named, Kelia. The two girls became good friends quickly, by the end of the year the two were inseparable.

In her first year in New Manhattan not only did she become best friends with Kelia but she also got a boyfriend named, Flynn. Amelia Met Flynn in her first class at her new school. She was very unorganized, her books in a mess and her pens and pencils falling out of her bag. As she was scrambling to get her stuff together a pen flipped out of her hand and hit the male in the back of the head in front of her. This was the first moment Flynn and Amelia's eyes met. The two became really close and eventually they started dating. Things were going great in New Manhattan, Amelia was happy and looking forward to her future here.

Near the end of her second year in New Manhattan her perfect life took a turn for the worst. Amelia was heading to Flynn's the morning after his birthday with the boys. She knew he would be hung over and wanted to surprise him with some pain killers and breakfast. When started coming up the street she could see firetrucks and ambulances up the road. With worry for Flynn she ran up the street only to see his house in flames. Without thinking she dropped everything she had and pushed passed the police and the firemen, ignoring any of their calls and running into the burning house. "Flynn!" She cried, searching everywhere for him, coughing through the smoke and avoiding as many flames as she could. Finally she found him, not moving or breathing. Tears washed her face as she realised the inevitable, he was going to die. Under Amelia and where she was holding Flynn started to freeze. Ice and frost was starting to form on Flynns arms, the floor beneath her became cold and slippery. Gasping and letting go of Flynn, she was grabbed by a firefighter and the ice melted to the fire in the house. She was dragged out of the house and was able to get out with minor burns, however Flynn lost his life that morning.

With the pain of the loss of her lover, Amelia stopped going to school for a while and would only hide in her room, replaying the day in her head over and over. Kelia started pushing Amelia to get out again and eventually Kelia hired someone to talk to Amelia so she could recover from the trauma. As Amelia analyzed the day over and over she was finding it weird how suddenly anything in her touch froze. However it only lasted for a few seconds and it was all gone. Amelia was left wondering if it was even real. One Amelia had gone through a few months of therapy she started to get more curious about the ice that day and she found herself often at the library. She would spend hours on end looking for books on ice and magic and witchcraft. Nothing was making sense though.

Amelia today has overcome the day of the fire but is still lost as to the abilities of ice. She has found icicle often where she has been even in the middle of summer. Part of her thinks she's going psycho, while another part of her just wishes someone would find her and explain everything.

Other: Animals are calming to Amelia. She dreams of going out to the country and learn how to horseback ride one day. Favorite colour is Blue
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