Eternia: Land of Bloodshed

Mooalally said:
@AvidElmV2 Done!


Age: 412 (This is assuming dragons take many many years to grow up)


View attachment 105842

Dragon - Juvenile

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Weight: Approximately 12 tonnes

Height: (From highest point without wings to feet) 13 feet

Family: His mother is alive, but dragons abandon their young when they are able to hunt for themselves, father is presumed deceased

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Occupation: Nomad

Inventory: Doesn't have one

Skills: None

Abilities: Able to bite down hard, tail can knock over most men, wings not formed enough to fly, but can glide in a pinch

History: His mother was a large dragon with a matching cave and loot. She cared for, along with Sahkrinvah, 6 other dragonlings. Sahkrinvah was the runt of the litter, and he despised the others for it. They teased him endlessly for being no bigger than a horse for many years, and his hatred fermented and grew as did his mind. While they were out fighting each other, practicing to become the Alpha male in a few centuries, he would be inside, admiring his mother's loot and dreaming of the day on which he would prove to the others he wasn't just a useless runt. His mother didn't instantly abandon him, and he was grateful for that, which, in part with him being too proud, attributed to the fact he never stole anything from his mother. No matter how bitter and resentful he got, he still had that. One day his mother was telling them stories; stories about their father and how he was slain in an epic battle between him and a dragonslayer. They fought for 5 hours, locked in vicious combat. Eventually the human got lucky and was able to find an opening to thrust his sword into, and his father was felled. That's where he'd heard of these dragonslayers, and he grew fearful and distrustful of humans because of them. He sometimes thought about going into the nearby town and hiring one to slay his siblings, but he couldn't work up the courage to do so. Instead he stayed alone, and told himself endlessly that one day he would be the Alpha male; that one day he would rule over his petty, stupid brothers and sisters.

Once he was tossed out from his home by his mother, he wandered the land, looking for suitable locations to call home. All the prime spots were taken by fiercer, larger dragons that didn't hesitate to chase him off their property. He grew, learning to hate even his own race. He was petty, and stole livestock from their territory after such occasions, and gave himself the illusion he was brave. He has nowhere to go and nothing to do but focus on surviving while his family grows, each ever more powerful and respected, with lairs and minions of their own, every passing year.

Cynical and reclusive, he is wary and untrusting of anybody, but especially humans and dragons. Although, he is slightly curious about the dragonslayers he hears about. He is quite intelligent, having spent many years honing his mind, and will engage anybody he deems worth in a battle of wits. He is quick to anger though, and will get violent with his aggressor. He knows how to quit while he's ahead, a skill he learned when stealing from other dragons.
Sorry Moolally, I didn't know your CS was done. I trying to juggle a few things at once so please excuse my inactivity.
Completely fine, I was just excited to start roleplaying. If you have things to do then go ahead and do them.
Thanks. Anyways, The Dragon-Juvenille is accepted.

@Deadkool @GrieveWriter This is the moment we have been waiting for..... Our time has come....... We will release our mechanical beast onto Eternia! Ignis will become....... THE AWAKENER!! Also, haven't you guys ever wondered why The Awakened's were sealed away?
Listen bro, the only thing I know is that for over 200 years, that poor slumbering tin man has been denied a bottle of alcoholic liquids. And once he's back, come heaven or hell I will get him that drink.
Also, Deadkool, I wanna make Siege and Auto have a history. Just go along with this, it's gonna be hilarious.
You didn't get involved! You were hiding in the tree, and Grael was too focused on the situation to notice :/
Is this still open?

Name: Cardiffarnivar (Cardiff for short)

"Oh, I don't like using my full name. Too many "arr" sounds for my taste. Cardiff is fine."

Age: 375

"It's weird. I'm a teen by dragon standards, and impossibly old by human standards. Funny how that works out."


"Oh, I do wish that painter had chosen my good side. I look like some sort of beast in this picture."

Personality: Cardiff is quite affable and friendly, for a dragon, and almost relentlessly even-tempered. She prefers to avoid conflict and let bygones be bygones whenever possible, but will fight back if there's no other option, or if someone manages to make her lose her temper (a rare feat). She's also a bit of a scatterbrain, and gets lost easily.

"There's no need to make a fuss over me. I'll be fine."

Race: Dragon, Young

"Well, I'm a dragon, of course!"

Sexuality: Homosexual

"That's a rather personal question, isn't it?"

Weight: 7 tonnes

Height: 6 feet (measured from top of head frill to bottom of feet)

"I'm not entirely sure why you need this information. I mean, I don't generally wear fancy dresses. Or anything, really."

Family (Deceased, In prison, Alive, etc.)

Biological Father: Missing, presumed alive

Biological Mother: Deceased

Siblings: Unknown

Adoptive Parents: Deceased

"I never really knew my biological parents, and honestly, I could care less. Dragons don't usually keep in touch with their blood relatives. Less chance of getting eaten that way. I do miss Mom and Dad, though, but I know they're watching over me, so I get by."

Alignment: Neutral Good

"A little kindness now and again never hurt anybody."

Occupation: Wanderer

"I do odd jobs for people in return for food. Haven't really established a hoard yet, so I take what I can get."

Inventory: A bag of gold coins, tied to her neck with a lanyard.

"Dad made it for me, a few years before I left home. I like it. It's nice and practical."

Skills: Some ability in negotiation and diplomacy.

"It's the only way I can get people to stop hiding long enough to offer my services."

Abilities: Wings provide a clumsy sort of flight, and act as rudimentary weapons in a pinch. Can claw and bite people pretty effectively.

"I've been practicing my ice breath, but currently, it's less 'death by instant frostbite', and more 'refreshing minty breeze'. I'll keep at it, though!"

History: Before Cardiff was born, her mother got on the wrong side of a dragonslayer, and was dispatched after a long and grueling battle in the icy caverns of Frostvale. During the fight, one of the eggs was dislodged from the nest, and miraculously managed to roll down the mountain without getting shattered on an errant rock, eventually winding up in the backyard of a couple of farmers who lived in a village at the mountain's base.

The farmer and his wife took the egg in, and decided to cook and eat it, since there wasn't much else they could do with an egg that size. When the wife set it on the stove, the residual heat helped to complete the incubation process, and the egg hatched. Naturally the couple freaked out at first, but calmed down a bit after the dragon didn't flay the skin from their bones on sight. They took the wyrmling to the village elder, who knew a thing or two about dragons, and he decided that the couple should raise the dragon. Dragons were an intelligent species, he reasoned, and so if they raised it as their own child, it would treat the village as home when it grew up, and therefore won't attack it. The elder was a very practical man.

So it was that the farmer and his wife took care of the dragon as if it were their own child, and since they were ultimately decent folk, Cardiff grew up in a loving family environment. This, naturally, made her quite weird by dragon standards, but she still shared some of a dragon's instincts. By the time the farmer and his wife were old and grey, she was old enough to fend for herself, and as a consequence gained a yearning to strike out on her own and establish a hoard. Following the deaths and later funerals of her foster parents, she gained the leave of the new village elder (the old one having died by the time she started eating fresh meat), and went out into the world to seek her fortune.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-9_15-49-27.png.b9e4d4dacb5b05f4b8a6359136266edb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44851" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-9_15-49-27.png.b9e4d4dacb5b05f4b8a6359136266edb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I say."



  • upload_2015-3-9_15-49-27.png
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MrEgret said:
Is this still open?
Name: Cardiffarnivar (Cardiff for short)

"Oh, I don't like using my full name. Too many "arr" sounds for my taste. Cardiff is fine."

Age: 375

"It's weird. I'm a teen by dragon standards, and impossibly old by human standards. Funny how that works out."


"Oh, I do wish that painter had chosen my good side. I look like some sort of beast in this picture."

Personality: Cardiff is quite affable and friendly, for a dragon, and almost relentlessly even-tempered. She prefers to avoid conflict and let bygones be bygones whenever possible, but will fight back if there's no other option, or if someone manages to make her lose her temper (a rare feat). She's also a bit of a scatterbrain, and gets lost easily.

"There's no need to make a fuss over me. I'll be fine."

Race: Dragon, Young

"Well, I'm a dragon, of course!"

Sexuality: Homosexual

"That's a rather personal question, isn't it?"

Weight: 7 tonnes

Height: 6 feet (measured from top of head frill to bottom of feet)

"I'm not entirely sure why you need this information. I mean, I don't generally wear fancy dresses. Or anything, really."

Family (Deceased, In prison, Alive, etc.)

Biological Father: Missing, presumed alive

Biological Mother: Deceased

Siblings: Unknown

Adoptive Parents: Deceased

"I never really knew my biological parents, and honestly, I could care less. Dragons don't usually keep in touch with their blood relatives. Less chance of getting eaten that way. I do miss Mom and Dad, though, but I know they're watching over me, so I get by."

Alignment: Neutral Good

"A little kindness now and again never hurt anybody."

Occupation: Wanderer

"I do odd jobs for people in return for food. Haven't really established a hoard yet, so I take what I can get."

Inventory: A bag of gold coins, tied to her neck with a lanyard.

"Dad made it for me, a few years before I left home. I like it. It's nice and practical."

Skills: Some ability in negotiation and diplomacy.

"It's the only way I can get people to stop hiding long enough to offer my services."

Abilities: Wings provide a clumsy sort of flight, and act as rudimentary weapons in a pinch. Can claw and bite people pretty effectively.

"I've been practicing my ice breath, but currently, it's less 'death by instant frostbite', and more 'refreshing minty breeze'. I'll keep at it, though!"

History: Before Cardiff was born, her mother got on the wrong side of a dragonslayer, and was dispatched after a long and grueling battle in the icy caverns of Frostvale. During the fight, one of the eggs was dislodged from the nest, and miraculously managed to roll down the mountain without getting shattered on an errant rock, eventually winding up in the backyard of a couple of farmers who lived in a village at the mountain's base.

The farmer and his wife took the egg in, and decided to cook and eat it, since there wasn't much else they could do with an egg that size. When the wife set it on the stove, the residual heat helped to complete the incubation process, and the egg hatched. Naturally the couple freaked out at first, but calmed down a bit after the dragon didn't flay the skin from their bones on sight. They took the wyrmling to the village elder, who knew a thing or two about dragons, and he decided that the couple should raise the dragon. Dragons were an intelligent species, he reasoned, and so if they raised it as their own child, it would treat the village as home when it grew up, and therefore won't attack it. The elder was a very practical man.

So it was that the farmer and his wife took care of the dragon as if it were their own child, and since they were ultimately decent folk, Cardiff grew up in a loving family environment. This, naturally, made her quite weird by dragon standards, but she still shared some of a dragon's instincts. By the time the farmer and his wife were old and grey, she was old enough to fend for herself, and as a consequence gained a yearning to strike out on her own and establish a hoard. Following the deaths and later funerals of her foster parents, she gained the leave of the new village elder (the old one having died by the time she started eating fresh meat), and went out into the world to seek her fortune.

Deadkool said:

Tana Gallowglass




Tana is human in overall shape, with some notable differences. Her hands and feet are draconic, with tough, bright red scales that extend to the elbow and the knee, respectively. She also has a large, reptilian tail, made all the more noticeable by the flames that emanate from it. She's able to control the intensity of these flames, as well as extinguish and relight them at will.


Tana is generally a friendly, outgoing person, just as happy talking to a stranger as to a friend. She's maybe a bit less disciplined than the knightly ideal would decree, but she's earnest and dedicated when it comes to her duty. She's not quick to get angry, but she can be a bit hard to calm down when she does.






156 lbs



Family (Deceased, In prison, Alive, etc.):

Biological Family(Deceased/Unknown)

Sir Aldren Gallowglass(Mentor/Adoptive Father): Alive


Lawful Good




-Longsword: A well-crafted but otherwise unimpressive longsword, suitable for use in one or two hands.

-Squire's Armor: A fairly light set of armor, consisting mainly of a mail shirt, tabard, and some leather plates. The armor is modified a bit from the standard to accommodate her draconic attributes.

-Shortbow: A recurve shortbow, compact but still packing a decent punch.

-Quiver and Arrows(x20)

-Rope: A sturdy spool of fiber rope, about 25 feet in length.

-Camping Kit: Various items for setting up a camp in the wilderness; tent, bedroll, cookware, etc.


-Swordsmanship: Tana is a competent swordsman, though she's far from being a master. She's able to hold her own against most opponents.

-General Weapons Training: Though she favors the sword, Tana has enough training with most weapons to use them fairly effectively.

-Horse Riding: Tana knows how to ride and care for a horse, though as a squire she doesn't actually have one of her own yet.

--Flare: Emits a bright flash of light from the caster's hand, potentially causing temporary blindness.

--Mend: Heals minor wounds and cures minor ailments. Requires contact between the caster and target.

--Purify: Removes rot, contaminants, and toxins from up to a cubic foot of food or drink.

--Enflame: Wreaths the caster's weapon in flames, burning anything struck by it but leaving the weapon and caster unharmed.

--Foxfire: Causes an object to glow with a pale, heatless flame for up to an hour.


-Fire Affinity: Tana has a talent for fire-based elemental magic, and is extremely resistant to heat and flame, being immune to all but the highest temperatures. Much like a full-blooded dragon, she is able to emit a wide cone of flame from her mouth. However, the flames are not nearly as potent as genuine dragonfire, and the act is exhausting enough that she can only perform it once a day without it being seriously debilitating.


Tana's story begins twenty years before she was born, with a great and terrible dragon known as Kul-Nakrün. Kul-Nakrün was an old dragon, and covetous even by dragon standards. Though he had amassed a great deal of wealth over his considerable lifespan, still he desired more. To conquer and possess the entire world became his goal, and to that end he began amassing an army in the mountains of a small, southern country, uniting several nomadic tribes of dragon-hybrids and adding to their numbers with his own bloodline. His first conquests were the surrounding lands, with dozens of towns and villages falling under his yoke in mere days. The king and his lords, knowing their forces were outmatched, called on the Paladins of the Archaean Order, a knightly order sworn to uphold peace and justice throughout the land.

With the Order at their side, the counterattack was swift, and the dragon's forces were slowly pushed back. In the end, a small band of knights were able to break through the enemy's lines and make their way to the lair of the dragon himself. There, after a long and fierce battle, Kul-Nakrün breathed his last, leaving his armies leaderless and aimless. Soon, an uneasy truce was established, with some of the Archaean Order remaining to keep the peace. As a show of good will, the half-dragon tribes sent a number of children who had been orphaned in the combat to the Order, to be trained as Paladins. Tana was one of these children, five years old at the time.

Tana was placed in the care of Sir Aldren Gallowglass, a knight of some renown. Like all students of the Order, she began her instruction as a page, learning the principles and skills of a Paladin. From teachings on history and myth, to the nature of good and evil, to the arts of combat, Tana learned among her fellow squires and under the tutelage of Sir Aldren. At the age of 15, she graduated to the rank of Squire, and began to accompany Sir Aldren on his travels, helping him to settle disputes, defend settlements from monsters and marauders, and to bring aid to those stricken by famine or disease. Three years later, the time has come for her to venture out on her own, to prove herself worthy to represent the Order and become a Paladin.

Name: Arval Gwynek

Age: 182



Personality: Friendly, Helpful, Emotionally Unstable, Semi-Psychotic

Race: Undead, formerly human

Sexuality: Hetero

Weight: 20 lbs.

Height: 6'1

(Deceased, In prison, Alive, etc.):

Great, Great, Great, Grand Niece: In Prison

Everyone Else: Dead

Alignment: Neutral Good

Occupation: Humanitarian/Contractor


Staff of Undead Might~ A Magical Artifact that allows Arval to reanimate the dead temporarily, and fire shadow bolts.

A Small Sun Charm

Purple Silk Robes

A Small Ruby Gemstone

Skills: Wizardry, Necromancy, Libraic Knowledge

Abilities: Arval is dead, so he cannot die of hunger, thirst, fatigue, shock, etc.


[QUOTE="Not Sure]
Tana Gallowglass




Tana is human in overall shape, with some notable differences. Her hands and feet are draconic, with tough, bright red scales that extend to the elbow and the knee, respectively. She also has a large, reptilian tail, made all the more noticeable by the flames that emanate from it. She's able to control the intensity of these flames, as well as extinguish and relight them at will.


Tana is generally a friendly, outgoing person, just as happy talking to a stranger as to a friend. She's maybe a bit less disciplined than the knightly ideal would decree, but she's earnest and dedicated when it comes to her duty. She's not quick to get angry, but she can be a bit hard to calm down when she does.






156 lbs



Family (Deceased, In prison, Alive, etc.):

Biological Family(Deceased/Unknown)

Sir Aldren Gallowglass(Mentor/Adoptive Father): Alive


Lawful Good




-Longsword: A well-crafted but otherwise unimpressive longsword, suitable for use in one or two hands.

-Squire's Armor: A fairly light set of armor, consisting mainly of a mail shirt, tabard, and some leather plates. The armor is modified a bit from the standard to accommodate her draconic attributes.

-Shortbow: A recurve shortbow, compact but still packing a decent punch.

-Quiver and Arrows(x20)

-Rope: A sturdy spool of fiber rope, about 25 feet in length.

-Camping Kit: Various items for setting up a camp in the wilderness; tent, bedroll, cookware, etc.


-Swordsmanship: Tana is a competent swordsman, though she's far from being a master. She's able to hold her own against most opponents.

-General Weapons Training: Though she favors the sword, Tana has enough training with most weapons to use them fairly effectively.

-Horse Riding: Tana knows how to ride and care for a horse, though as a squire she doesn't actually have one of her own yet.

--Flare: Emits a bright flash of light from the caster's hand, potentially causing temporary blindness.

--Mend: Heals minor wounds and cures minor ailments. Requires contact between the caster and target.

--Purify: Removes rot, contaminants, and toxins from up to a cubic foot of food or drink.

--Enflame: Wreaths the caster's weapon in flames, burning anything struck by it but leaving the weapon and caster unharmed.

--Foxfire: Causes an object to glow with a pale, heatless flame for up to an hour.


-Fire Affinity: Tana has a talent for fire-based elemental magic, and is extremely resistant to heat and flame, being immune to all but the highest temperatures. Much like a full-blooded dragon, she is able to emit a wide cone of flame from her mouth. However, the flames are not nearly as potent as genuine dragonfire, and the act is exhausting enough that she can only perform it once a day without it being seriously debilitating.


Tana's story begins twenty years before she was born, with a great and terrible dragon known as Kul-Nakrün. Kul-Nakrün was an old dragon, and covetous even by dragon standards. Though he had amassed a great deal of wealth over his considerable lifespan, still he desired more. To conquer and possess the entire world became his goal, and to that end he began amassing an army in the mountains of a small, southern country, uniting several nomadic tribes of dragon-hybrids and adding to their numbers with his own bloodline. His first conquests were the surrounding lands, with dozens of towns and villages falling under his yoke in mere days. The king and his lords, knowing their forces were outmatched, called on the Paladins of the Archaean Order, a knightly order sworn to uphold peace and justice throughout the land.

With the Order at their side, the counterattack was swift, and the dragon's forces were slowly pushed back. In the end, a small band of knights were able to break through the enemy's lines and make their way to the lair of the dragon himself. There, after a long and fierce battle, Kul-Nakrün breathed his last, leaving his armies leaderless and aimless. Soon, an uneasy truce was established, with some of the Archaean Order remaining to keep the peace. As a show of good will, the half-dragon tribes sent a number of children who had been orphaned in the combat to the Order, to be trained as Paladins. Tana was one of these children, five years old at the time.

Tana was placed in the care of Sir Aldren Gallowglass, a knight of some renown. Like all students of the Order, she began her instruction as a page, learning the principles and skills of a Paladin. From teachings on history and myth, to the nature of good and evil, to the arts of combat, Tana learned among her fellow squires and under the tutelage of Sir Aldren. At the age of 15, she graduated to the rank of Squire, and began to accompany Sir Aldren on his travels, helping him to settle disputes, defend settlements from monsters and marauders, and to bring aid to those stricken by famine or disease. Three years later, the time has come for her to venture out on her own, to prove herself worthy to represent the Order and become a Paladin.

Ooo! A Padalin! Accepted.


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