Eternal Halloween


Forever Sleepy
The Town of Eternal Halloween

(Rp Theme Song:

In the small town of Brazisk, nothings ever been right. Outsiders have nicknamed it "The Town of Eternal Halloween". Surrounded by a dark forest, it hardly ever gets outsiders. But recently more and more outsiders have come, only to be scared off. All the people of Brazisk are what the outsider call "monsters". But of course it was only fair to be called so. The time has come where the peaceful "monsters" of Brazisk might need to fight. As more and more outsiders gain knowledge, the more they fear and plot against them. Will the monsters of Brazisk be able to save themselves? Or will they be slaughtered in the war to come.......




Age: (any)


(List of species






Bitterfly (venomous butterfly hybrid)

Blue Raven




Doll (Creepy kind)





Succubus (Female)

Incubus (Male)



Human (Outsider))






Name: Marisa Selent

Age: 19

Species: Succubus/Gorgon

Weapon: Guillotine scythe View attachment 7328

History: As a newbie to the town, she hasn't very much history. Before she got there best be kept a secret till later.

Personality: Sadistic and sweet

Other: Silent shape shift

Looks: View attachment 7329


Name: Fate Selent

Age: 12

Species: Succubus/Gorgon/Doll

Weapon and Looks:

History: Same as Marisa

Personality: Kind and Accepting

Other: She can change ages and forms
Name: Klaus William Diederich

Age: 369 / 21

Species: Incubus / Vampire

Weapon: Chakrams

History: Born to the highest of blood, he placed in a pretty good spot growing up. His mother, a full blood Vampire and his father, a full blood Incubus, gave him all the strength and abilities he has of today. Nothing much is known about him, despite the bad details of killing and dirty on-doings of his family. He doesn't choose the bad or good side, he fights just to fight and loves to get a bit of blood on his blades. He often thinks of himself as royalty, due to the high blood of his family, and treats everyone as of it. But, that isn't necessarily true.

Personality: Klaus is a bit of a smart alec, a sarcastic twat and a general mouth-piece. He is good with words and can easily get you out of your clothes if interested. His mouth does tend to run away with him, earning him fervid glares and sympathetic head shakes. Instead of employing tact and diplomacy, he speaks his mind, and to hell with the consequences. He's the kind of guy whose got a whipfire personality, and a temperament that’s as equally explosive, but he can be relatively quiet when he wants to be, choosing only to speak when the opportunity arises for him to insult someone or to make some witty, sarcastic or derisive remark. Now, he can be pretty pleasant but that wouldn't be fun and he isn't necessarily the nicest guy, anymore. Klaus doesn’t comply very well with orders or authority, depending on their outcome. If something can be gained from it, then he will take anyone’s advice, but only if it is a conclusion that can benefit him.


Name: Roxy

Age: 20

Species: werewolf

Weapon: Gandiva

History: Roxy had lived their a couple of years and she used to have a family but she was abused by her parents and never really got much attention in her family, since it all went to her older brother. She ran away from home and has never heard from her family since or spoken to them.

Personality: silent and trust nobody and she is very suspicious of everyone.

Name: Sufura

200/ 20

Species: Doll(creepy kind)/ Deomon


View attachment 7341

History: Sufura lives with her little sister she's never thought of anything else but protecting her most of the town knows her for always sticking up for the kids of the town and protecting them. Sufura also trys to spoil her little sister.

Personality: quiet, Nice, but doesn't take kindly to new comers especially humans.


View attachment 7342

Name: Nicorel


Species: Demon/ Doll(creepy kind)

Weapon: Katana

History: Nicorel has always been babied and protected. She's a bit fragile but loves to play with the other children. She saw humans kill her mother and father while Sufura was out eating. When Sufura came home she saw half the scene and killed the murders and swore to proect her. Sufura never talked but Nicorel always smiled and had fun.

Personality: Funny, Silly, Loving, Loves her sister


View attachment 7343
Name: Alayna Rose.

Age: 19 years old.

Species: Vampire/ Bitterfly.


History: Alayna grew up with a rich, and powerful family. She was the daughter of the two most dangerous people around, so most people are suspicious of her. Her Mother was full Bitterfly, and her Father was a pure-blood Vampire. When she was born, all of her family's powers were descended down to her, so she is quite powerful. Growing up wasn't always the easiest. She was tired of people being so afraid of her, since her powers were so strong. Eventually, she learned how to cope with the behavior most the townsfolk showed towards her.

Personality: Despite the ways her parents tried to spoil her, she is very sweet and doesn't mind helping others out. She can be a bit stubborn sometimes, and even a little greedy, but not usually. She is quite kind and rarely acts angered or annoyed.

Looks: Angel/Butterfly Anime/aade90c509da5493451a21274a667c2fe4414e14.jpg

Name: Kiki kitzu

Age: 19

Species: Vampire

Weapon: sai

History: Kiki has lived in the strange town his entire life. He was born from two full blood vampires who decided to move away because of the humans and Kiki decided to stay behind. He grew up in an upper middle class family, giving him a slight better than you attitude.

Personality: Flamboyant and open. He is fun loving and has a sexy sense about him but by no means is he seductive. Easily agitated and somewhat shy to upper class people with more power.

Looks: View attachment 7348
Name: Anya

Age: 18

Species: Soulless

Weapon: reverse scythe

History: Anya's parents were both brutally murdered by outsiders 12 years ago when they were searching for food. Her mother being a vampire, and her father a demon, it obviously took a lot of humans to kill them both, even more so since they were together. Anya has always been treated different because she doesn't really have any emotions (obviously, soulless) so she's obviously different than most of the others in the village. She's always been the outcast and usually keeps to herself in a cemetery.

Personality: apathetic in most cases


age:not really known...

species:he is many things, a vampire, a demon holder, a dark angel and many other things

history:long and tragic his only real friend now is alex the dragon/wizard he is god of hell and has fought many wars

weapoin:dark elf weapons(there the best in the known lands)'

personality:he is caring and easily falls for people, really shy sometimes but courageous when needed

looks:he is a little pale, tall and fairly muscular with black hair
Name:Shadow Collen



Weapon:Has no real weapon,usually just uses what he can find around.

History:Not even he knows,all he remembers is a lullaby being sung to him when he was little.

Personality:More of a "lone wolf" than a pack man,he has hard times trusting others.Most of the time he seems like he does whatever he wants no matter what others say,but he always thinks things through before saying or doing anything.

Looks: (But he doesn't have the gloves,just normal hands.)
Name: Castella Mikikaru

Age: Looks 17 but is really actually over a 1000 years old

Species: Bitterfly doll

Weapon: Hidden poison tipped daggers and a silver rapier (will add pics later)

History: Has short term memory loss and usually remembers things things that are important to her. If she deems something unimportant, she will forget it.

Personality: Castella is shy and kind though can be vicious when angered.

Looks: (will add pic later)

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