Essence Cost in Combos


New Member
I am running a campaign for the first time and am trying to wrap my head around some of the combo rules. Most specifically, one of my players is considering comboing Peony Blossom Attack with the Second Melee Excellency.

Let's say he invokes this charm and spends the 5m for Peony Blossom, and wants 5 extra successes on his attack (His Dex+Melee is 10) at 2m apiece (10 total). Does he pay the 2MX cost once and apply the extra successes for every attack of PB, or does he pay 10 with EACH attack?

Additionally, can he choose to buy 5 successes on attack one, and then scale it back to 2 successes for attack 2, etc?

Thanks for the help!
He has to pay for each attack that he uses the Excellency with. He doesn't have to actually use the Excellency to the same level each time, or even with every attack, if he wants to save motes. As a Reflexive charm, Excellencies in a combo are optional to use, not required. If you had a supplemental charm in the combo, that would be required to be used with every action applicable.
He has to spend motes for the excelleny for each attack that it is applied too. However, peony blossom (assuming you're using the errata) is only one attack, which is then applied to multiple enemies. So he'd only have to pay once.

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