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The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
"You won't ever escape titan island, open seas are just memories and a pretty view now"
Golatiah is the largest prison on the planet, nasty people of all sort get thrown on to that god forsaken slab of hell. The unlucky sorts forced to live here have many names for it, but everyone knows what you are talking about when you mention titan island. A Pirates worst nightmare and the ultimate punishment one can be sentenced to. It's never "two months working at Golatiah" if you can last two months without being eaten by a feral giant you'll most likely be rewarded with greeting new arrivals or trading unearthed minerals for miniscule goods.

Golatiah is a death sentence, either the monsters eat you or the guards kill you for kicks...
Maybe you work yourself to death trying to get on the wardens good side.
But enough about where you are being sent to, let's find out why you are being sent here. It's most likely one of three scenarios...
you're a _______________

Patsy- literally anyone at the wrong place at the wrong time.
You may have been some Courier delivering a rare artefact, a bodyguard for some important noble.
Point is you were at the scene of the crime and despite not committing said crimes you have been tied to them and considered guilty as hell.
Was it intended or simply bad luck?

(if you make a patsy we can decide on a random bonus that suits your character)

Pirate- one of the charming, murderous, plunder hunting bastards apart of the legendary Captain Rahul Morgan's fleet. Morgan was among the many pirates captured during a massive raid in the city of Cullair, the captain was tortured to death with the only information given was that he needed to "hide the shards away to save everyone."
As a pirate you were either apart of Morgans crew who saw the vision he did
You wanted to loot a city as apart of the largest pirate alliance sailing under a legend
Good intentions or greedy motives either way you got caught.

Pirates may get a bonus to the following skills/ talents.
Fighting-- CQC, melee weapons, attack magic, guns/cannons
sailing-- sailing, fishing, withstanding the elements
Manners-- intimidation, persuasion

Hired by government officials, common folk, rich traders, shady criminals and more. A knomage is one who studies magic and uses said studies for profit. You was likely hired recently (or possibly kidnapped) for the purpose of identifying a artefact or some magic items.
When the raid happened you were unlucky enough to be directly involved with the Luna shards or mysterious staff, or just like a patsy you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Imagine being mistaken for a damn pirate...
Magic is the best way to resist arrest.

knomages may get a bonus to the following skills/ talents
magic- reading, casting, creation, runes.
fighting- artefacts, attack magic, defensive magic,
alchemy- potions, poisons,

This is a medieval fantasy where you shall try to escape a island prison full of titans. The characters can work together to forge a escape plan while fighting to survive or simply wait for Captain Morgan's prophecy about the world ending.

Some stats may get involved with the cs.
Rules for magic will be similar to quirks or bending. "Everyone gets one" as in everyone is born with some kind of power.
But runes and artefacts allow one to use various kinds of powers.

Players would be expected to post two paragraphs or more twice a week.

Ask questions or claim you won't ghost below

Characters go here
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Think avatar bending or boku hero quirks.

Put simple everyone has a single type of mana that allows them to use magic.
If you have fire mana you can conjure/control flames,
If you had transparent mana you could turn invisible,

Basically like that but I will most likely say no if the mana or power seems to bullshit.
For example I'll most likely ask you change it if you put
Super speed,
Deadpool healing
Ill make the cs page and finish the sheet once three people claim they won't ghost.
But for any first draft characters pm them to me and I'll be happy to fill in the blanks and answer questions lore wise

I'm thinking standard stats like strength intelligence etc
But like the first post says skills and talents will matter somewhat
... Exactly how dumb of an idea would it be to make a pirate that wants to bury a shard on this island? This of course depends on how large a shard exactly is.
... Exactly how dumb of an idea would it be to make a pirate that wants to bury a shard on this island? This of course depends on how large a shard exactly is.
If your asking to make a pirate with this plan then no aha

If your asking me if that's what's happening the answer is also no.
captain Morgan and his crew ended up seeing a vision of the world ending because of some certain shards and a staff. They organise a raid on a city which supposedly has some of these world ending items.

But no pirate actually found them during the raid
If your asking to make a pirate with this plan then no aha

If your asking me if that's what's happening the answer is also no.
captain Morgan and his crew ended up seeing a vision of the world ending because of some certain shards and a staff. They organise a raid on a city which supposedly has some of these world ending items.

But no pirate actually found them during the raid
That's fair. He's going to be looking for the shards and the staff then. For the first time in his misbegotten, poorly lived life, a higher purpose has him by the lapels. So gods damnit, he may be stuck on this island, but it won't be for long.

Also, fighting a titan sounds awesome (look, he joined the crew for gold and glory not to fund an orphanage or some noble goal like that).

I'm thinking of a pirate character with a copy ability. He can summon six vaguely formed blades hovering around him, and every time he nicks someone with a blade, he would get a single use of whatever their ability is. Passive abilities, or other types that don't have a clear 'use', grant him one second of whatever it is they do. A blade with an ability 'in storage' shines blood red along the edge. Blood must be drawn before a copy can be made. They cannot move further away than an arm's length away from him, and they move as a steel blade with the same strength behind them as an actual blade in his hands. Durability wise, they tend to shatter when subject to too much abuse, and then cannot reform for about five seconds. They don't lose any ability stored in there, they're just not on tap at that moment.
Not to be a dick but ima have to say no to that. A copying power can work in this fictional world but what you described is...
summoning six blades,
Telekinesis with said blades,
Then the ability to store mana for later using blood.

Copying in this case isn't the best as one needs to know how to use every potential power.
So if he spends all his life learning how to use his magic we cant expect him to spray water as good as the waterbender he stabbed you know?
Not to be a dick but ima have to say no to that. A copying power can work in this fictional world but what you described is...
summoning six blades,
Telekinesis with said blades,
Then the ability to store mana for later using blood.

Copying in this case isn't the best as one needs to know how to use every potential power.
So if he spends all his life learning how to use his magic we cant expect him to spray water as good as the waterbender he stabbed you know?
The idea is to bring out a character that's versatile in bursts, but by and large limited to melee. Stepping down to two swords then? Cuts are a necessity to make sure he can't just look at someone and take their stuff, he can't surprise someone by secretly stealing their ability. He does not store 'mana' as his own power fuels the ability, he just copies the spellwork. You are correct that he cannot master abilities as well as the original owner, that will be explicitly one of his weaknesses.
The idea is to bring out a character that's versatile in bursts, but by and large limited to melee. Stepping down to two swords then? Cuts are a necessity to make sure he can't just look at someone and take their stuff, he can't surprise someone by secretly stealing their ability. He does not store 'mana' as his own power fuels the ability, he just copies the spellwork. You are correct that he cannot master abilities as well as the original owner, that will be explicitly one of his weaknesses.
Put simple copy powers in this story are generally used to make artefacts or in a attack sense to use someone else's mana.
A knomage whose studied various runes and mana would have better chances copying others spells.

Like some shapeshifters it requires a sample of blood to copy and mostly only happens in regards to how much blood was taken.
For a example
If copy pirate or a shifter took a few drops of blood they have enough to fire off one blast or transform for a minute or two.
Put simple copy powers in this story are generally used to make artefacts or in a attack sense to use someone else's mana.
A knomage whose studied various runes and mana would have better chances copying others spells.

Like some shapeshifters it requires a sample of blood to copy and mostly only happens in regards to how much blood was taken.
For a example
If copy pirate or a shifter took a few drops of blood they have enough to fire off one blast or transform for a minute or two.
Hmm. How about just draining their mana/energy then? The more he cuts, the longer he can sustain himself. Fresh blood only of course.
Bumping with something very relevant for anyone into this whole Piracy business. Piracy 101, AKA 'So who pays for that mast that just got shot off and Pegleg Dave's third pegleg?'

Followed up by Piracy 102, 'Wear lots of bling, be jolly, and always be ready to feed a man his own eye.'

I'm interested :O I might be thinking abt a patsy
not me already plotting out a charmingly self-serving pirate
If you two and tolenka are happy with four players to start with I'll bang the cs up for y'all to make while I finish the first post of the rp

Another question is would people rather the stats or not?

Speedam Stats work a bit like fallout's special stats. The big difference is age, we can't have a ten year old with 10 for strength and 1 in everything else, the same way we can't expect a frail old woman to start working out to raise her endurance. So my compromise is this. The younger your character is the more opportunity they have to level up stats but they start off with less.
The older they are they start with higher stats but will level up stats only at fixed points in the story.

Strength 0/10 how much you lift how hard you hit how jacked you look
Perception 0/10 how much you see hear and notice in general
Endurance 0/10 how long you run for an how much punishment you can take
Energy 0/10 relates to mana and how much you can use
Dexterity 0/10 your skill with a weapon
Agility 0/10 how fast and swift you are, also balance
Moxie 0/10 a mix of everything a dash of grit and a sprinkle of Character
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I don't mind a stat system, but if one is implemented I prefer to have some idea what each number roughly stands for. So for example what can a character with 10 strength do? Benchpress a small mountain?
If you can determine what counts as a small mountain and how much it weighs I'll have a better answer but no I don't think anyone will be flipping parts of the scenery and location.

Think more along the lines of the higher the number the better, it's a fantasy so I won't fault people for waving about swords the size of people but say your regular short sword or katana weighs between two or five kilos then some big anime buster sword must require a high number to swing around effectively.
I'd rather not have to list every weapon and limit everyone depending on their stats as it'd take a lot longer to make happen.

For the most part in game I'll make a note if something can be done
"this door looks solid but if some strong hands worked together they could force it open" (30 strength needed)
Shit like that but before the rp starts I'll give a summary on each person's stats and if we can't agree on something they can edit it or try to convince me otherwise.
Okay, so we're still roughly human/slightly superhuman level, good to know. No jumping up to the crows nest from the deck level shenanigans.

On another note, I have this idea for an NPC that my char, Vadim, lost to. Vadim is extremely competitive, and he takes his defeat very personally. He also believes the NPC beat him with skill and intellect. The NPC by sharp contrast wants absolutely nothing to do with Vadim the human blender because the fight was one of the most terrifying moments in their lives, and they feel they only really won through luck. It would lead to chase scenes if they meet again.

"There you are! Time for our glorious rematch!"

"Oh gods, that lunatic again! Someone find me a cannon with grapeshot! Quick!"
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Ugh this is so awesome! Would love to join if it’s still open.. I’m kind of a newbie though! I haven’t really rped in a bit so I’m kinda rusty x.x
Another question is would people rather the stats or not?

Speedam Stats work a bit like fallout's special stats. The big difference is age, we can't have a ten year old with 10 for strength and 1 in everything else, the same way we can't expect a frail old woman to start working out to raise her endurance. So my compromise is this. The younger your character is the more opportunity they have to level up stats but they start off with less.
The older they are they start with higher stats but will level up stats only at fixed points in the story.

Strength 0/10 how much you lift how hard you hit how jacked you look
Perception 0/10 how much you see hear and notice in general
Endurance 0/10 how long you run for an how much punishment you can take
Energy 0/10 relates to mana and how much you can use
Dexterity 0/10 your skill with a weapon
Agility 0/10 how fast and swift you are, also balance
Moxie 0/10 a mix of everything a dash of grit and a sprinkle of Character

Ugh this is so awesome! Would love to join if it’s still open.. I’m kind of a newbie though! I haven’t really rped in a bit so I’m kinda rusty x.x
If you two and tolenka are happy with four players to start with I'll bang the cs up for y'all to make while I finish the first post of the rp

Another question is would people rather the stats or not?

Speedam Stats work a bit like fallout's special stats. The big difference is age, we can't have a ten year old with 10 for strength and 1 in everything else, the same way we can't expect a frail old woman to start working out to raise her endurance. So my compromise is this. The younger your character is the more opportunity they have to level up stats but they start off with less.
The older they are they start with higher stats but will level up stats only at fixed points in the story.

Strength 0/10 how much you lift how hard you hit how jacked you look
Perception 0/10 how much you see hear and notice in general
Endurance 0/10 how long you run for an how much punishment you can take
Energy 0/10 relates to mana and how much you can use
Dexterity 0/10 your skill with a weapon
Agility 0/10 how fast and swift you are, also balance
Moxie 0/10 a mix of everything a dash of grit and a sprinkle of Character

I'm ok with both things uwu I think stats are interesting ngl
Put em here


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