Escape to Kitty Town (A Neko adventure) Sign up and OOC

Ok Accepted. you can start posting in the RP. I need everyone to get together to ask JCat about trying to find Kitty Town... I'm thinking of having it where everyone as allready met JCat the previos night in the RP... actually I will do that...

Hanabusa Aidou , SongOfTheSpiritWolf , GIR=WAFFLES , Fire of Hearts

Read the above. Start the RP with your characters allready hearing that JCat was from Kitty Town the previous night and have them go to her to try to convince her to take them there or to get more information or something.
Name: Kimi Ugasa

Age: 14 (almost 15)

Gender: Female

Appearence: um my profile pic!!

Skills: I can cook clean and all kinds of stuff! Mainly house work!

Bio- I was born without a father, but I've lived with my mother since! I am always happy and can put a smile on almost anyone's face, but when I'm mad I can become a thrashing brat. I get along wit everyone and just want to find a place to be.
girfacedliar : you know that this RP the characters start out as slaves and after meeting a girl, JCat, the previous night they are now trying to get her to take them to Kitty Town right?

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