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Colosseum ErikaRaven VS SachiGrl


Indecisive Being




Sebastian and one of his girlfriends was taking a stroll down the park. They were hand in hand, swinging them to and fro. The weather was perfect. Sebastian was a careful merman. He always dated two or three cities away from his other female partners to prevent conflict. Female beings now-a-days are rather sensitive if they learn you have a second partner. From first-hand experienced, He learned this. His alluring, unique, blue body accompanied with gills attracted women of all races. He couldn't discriminate and settle for only one, but he knew this came with a price. He was going to pay today. For this lovely walk in the park won't be so lovely once he encounters one of his other lovers. Uh oh.

Sebastian Hendrix





Phyra was bubbling with laughter as she held hands with her man, Sebastian. "You know, and I thought I was a troll," she let go of his hand wiggled her two elongated ears with her eyes crossed and her tongue out. At her silly gesture, Sebastian laughed. "Come here," he grabbed her by the hips and gave her a deep, passionate kiss. "God, you're a beautiful troll," Phyra reddened bashfully at his comment and giggle again then bit her lip to stop and stare at him. He was such a handsome, unique man, and quite the gentleman. As they looked at each other in the eyes, her long brunette hair swirled in the wind as his fro-like hair barely budged from its place. This was a perfect moment for him to propose to her, Phyra thought to herself. The sky was clear and blue. The park was lively, well kept and green. She wouldn't trade this memory for the world. This was too perfect. This man was too perfect.

"I love you," she said softly with a smile.

"I love you too, babe," he removed his hands from her hips and intertwined them with her hands.
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Yui had started to miss Sebastian and had come in search of him. He had gone for some important business she had no idea about but, she didn't care how important it was. The point was that she wanted to see him so she would see him. After hours of searching for him on her ink made shield that floated through the air she found him with another girl.

They were both laughing and chatting playfully, Yui seemed confused looking at them and wondered who the girl with the flowing brunette hair was. As soon as they kissed, everything became clear to Yui. For a moment she kept on staring in awe at the two but than her violent side took over. For some reason her blood seemed to be boiling and she felt her temperature rising.

Without another thought she jumped off her ink shield onto the ground landing between the both of them. Yui pushed Sebastian behind her and stepped in front of the girl, so that Yui was standing in between the two of them. Yui stared with an angry expression at the girl, "What the hell do you think you are doing, Miss?" Yui's ink claws had started to elongate on their own and the urge to kill the girl was growing. She pointed her finger at the girls neck, yui's finger was covered in her ink claws and she pressed it lightly at the other girl's neck.
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As Phyra and Sebastian were leaning in to kiss again, a woman dropped between them, ending their intimate moment. When Sebastian fell to the floor, Phyra gasped in surprise. At first, she thought it was an accident. She was about to laugh at the silly coincidence until Yui yelled at her the following words:

"What the hell do you think you are doing, Miss?"

Time and space froze in that moment as fury claimed Phyra's heart. Her pulse began to race with excitement and her skin was lit lightly with flames, instead of sweat. This animal of a woman just pushed the love of her life to the side and has the audacity to question Phyra as if she has done something wrong. This woman was asking for a fight and she was going to get it. She licked her lips before speaking to the lowly woman,

"I'm Phyra, MISS" she started off calmly yet a bit sarcastically.

"And, the MAN you just PUSHED there is the LOVE of MY LIFE," her voice slowly rose in frustration until she was yelling at the top of her lungs.


She began screaming uncontrollably like a super saiyan, planted both feet shoulder width apart, made a fist with both hands, brought them facing up, and blazed spikes sparked throughout her body. She pulled her right elbow back, ready to launch a powerful punch covered in fire. Yui will not get away for the actions she has bestowed upon her and Sebastian. For all she knew, he was going to propose to her, but now that idea flew out the window. She pushed off with her back foot and set foot to generate more power with her elbow and create a powerful, fiery punch with lots of momentum towards Yui's chin.
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Yui kept on glaring at the woman, waiting for her answer while trying to control her rage. The woman seemed to gasp when yui asked the question. Yui was hoping that she had an exploitation for this or hell would break out.

The woman in front of her said that she was Phyra, Yui didn't seem to care much about that, she wanted to know what she was doing with Sebastian. Phyra started yelling suddenly, saying Sebastian was her's. Yui looked at Phyra with a wide-eyed expression, it didn't seem like she was lieing. Yui was too shocked to make any movement, until she saw what Phyra was doing. Flames were seeming to cover her up and her hands, Yui immediately moved her hand in a circle in front of her which made an ink like shield to stop the flame punch.

But the punch was rather strong because of the momentum, yui also didn't get much time to build her shield and Yui's heartbeat was racing, she was still in shock. After a while of being able to stop the punch the shield broke, Phyra was able to hit Yui, though because of the interference of the shield, phyra wasn't able to land much damage. Yui fell backwards onto Sebastian with scratches on her. She got up quickly pulling out her scythe from over her back.

"What in the world do you mean he's the love of your life !? Sebastian is mine ! Stay away from him or I'll make you pay badly !"

Yui was now ready and on her guard, unlike before she wasn't as unfocused now she was coveted up in rage. She didn't wait for an answer, her rage took over and she moved her scythe diagonally which produced a slash of ink covered up in blue light to be produced. Yui sent it straight towards Phyra. Yui sent it as a warning towards the girl.
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Phyra's eyes widened as the witch seemingly from thin air summoned a ink-like shield to protect herself from her wrath. Even though Yui's shield ate up most of the damage, she found herself grinning cockily as she managed to land her fist into the intruder's face. She couldn't help to let out a laugh or two as she fell upon the ground. Sebastian seemed to have pasted out. He didn't flinch or move when she specifically fell on top of him. Phyra figured the witch's disgusting appearance overwhelmed him.

Don't worry baby... I'll take care of this, bitch...

Her sly grin turned grim when Yui stood back up and pulled out a scythe. The intimidating weapon had a good rage with the wooden staff. Phyra had to be exceptionally careful with this chick. Though, this wasn't the first time she played with knives, she had an inkling this was Yui's first time fighting with real fire. She has no idea who's she's messing with.


She wasn't expecting the witch to come at her so soon. She slipped back and fell on her tush from 'dodging' the swing, but it turned out it was just a warning. Some of the glowing ink splattered onto her taylor lace Magdamium 'silk' blouse. The clothing she wore was one of a kind and costed her an arm and a leg to get. Only her planet sells inflammable clothing, and intergalactic shipping is mad expensive.

"Do you have any idea how much this shirt cost?! It was made by DIANE von FURSTENBERG!!"

Flames continued to flail around Phyra in anger. Instead of getting up immediately, she brought her leg up and to the side, the muscle in her leg bunched up and her lower leg was ready to deliver a quick, crushing blow. She blinked for a moment when she realized certain words that spewed out of the woman's mouth. Did she just say that Sebastian was her's? How does she fucking know his name? Is she his fucking stalker? With these ludicrous thoughts in mind, she snapped her leg forward swiping at Yui's feet hoping to cause her to fall again. In the midst of her kick, she said:

"And, by the way..."

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Yui was hoping that her ink blow would cause a little more damage, but all it did was cause a stain. Yui wiped some blood off her slightly ripped lip and looked at the other girl with rage. Amidst all of this she wondered who Diane, hmm what was the name, was. She sure seemed to compliment her appearance with all the yelling and shouting.

Yui's ear twitched and she kept her eyes on Phyra. She saw the muscles in her leg flex up and got ready to dodge the blow that was coming at her.

When she was just about to kick her she quickly moved her right hand in the air creating a rod made out of ink, Yui grabbed onto the rod and used it to jump some distance away from Phyra. While jumping away she heard her say that Sebastian was his. This girl was really getting on her nerve. Yui made a circle with her right finger, it was a black circle made out of ink, it had an hollow space in between.

"No ! You are crazy, Sebastian is mime. He's mine and only mine."

After saying that she lightly pointed the middle of the circle from behind it. The front side of the circle began shooting out bullets made out of ink at Phyra. They were made out of black ink and covered in a blue light. Eight bullets emitted from the boundries of the circle, after emitting from the circle they went up into the air and came at Phyra from all directions.



Phyra scoffed when her opponent managed to dodge her kick. Her leg returned to her body; it was only able to slash the mere air beneath the annoying woman with cat-like ears. She stood up and cocked her hip to the side and flipped her hair. In a blink of an eye, a dark whole appeared before her or what she thought was a black whole. One moment, she was trying to look cool then in the next moment she's stepping back frighteningly and finally her face flashed anger upon hearing Yui's words:

"No! You are crazy, Sebastian is mine. He's mine and only mine."


"--ACK!!" the fire surrounding Phyra suddenly faded.

Bullets flew through the black whole and shot through her shoulder and slightly scathed her side. She screamed in agony at the sudden pain as she fell on her knees. She grasped the wound in her shoulder, blood smeared unto her hands. To stop the bleeding, she burned her wounds.

"Now, you won't get shit. EAT THIS!!"

Phyra stood tall with her palms facing up. Two large balls of fire were summoned above her hands. She rose her hands simultaneously and threw them at Yui. Phyra didn't stop there. She continued hurling fireballs at her target with ferocity. She wasn't going to let this woman get away with saying such outrageous comments!
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Yui rotated the palm of her hand in an anti clockwise direction, creating a shield which spread outwards and covered the front of her. When the first fire ball came she blocked it with her shield, and also was able to block most but soon because of so many hits the shield broke. Yui gasped when I fireball hit her at her side, she fell to the ground and lightly poked the burn at her side. She built another ink shield over her to avoid being hit by another fire ball.

She moved her hand lightly over her side covering it with cool ink, to cool down the wound. She made her sheiks stand up straight while she turned around such that she was on her stomach. She built a camouflage which made her look like the ground unless looked upon carefully.

She crawled her way to Phyra who was concentrated on the shield, even though it wouldn't be soon before the shield broke. She fastened her pace and reached behind Phyra. She held her hand up in the air which got covered in an ink ball. Her species were known for being violent but they didn't lose their cool that much. An ink strand that was rather think emerged from Yui's hand and that strand was followed by many others, the strands attacked Phyra from behind about to wrap her up in ink. Of they caught her she'd be unable to move.
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Phyra, indeed, was focusing all her strength on Yui's ink shield. Her fury blinded her and she neglected to notice her prey crawling about on the floor to sneakily trap her from behind. Alas, she threw enough fire balls to break the ink shield, but to only realize Yui was no longer there. She looked around frantically, but sadly she saw her enemy too late for she was wrapped by some unknown ink-like strands. She struggled within its grasp, but found the effort rather pointless.

"You cheap whore! You like playing dirty, huh?!"

"You can't even get your own man!"

Phyra had a few tricks up her sleeve as well and she wasn't about to let this woman beat her about while she entangled in these strange strands. Instead of struggling to release herself from the strands that wrapped about her, she focused in all her anger and in all her negative emotions. Her powers grew stronger the more infuriated she became. Her heart raced in adrenaline as a powerful surge went through her veins.


She yelled as flames spiked again throughout her skin. Phyra's flames shot aimlessly throughout her surroundings, causing nearby objects to combust into flames. Benches and trees were engulfed in flames. Grass and bushes spread the fire she spewed wildly. Now, Phyra was able to camouflage in the fire surrounding her to avoid whatever attack Yui had in mind for her.

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