

The Hatbox Empress/Retired Admin
This is the thread in which all plotting, planning, questions, extra information, you name it, will go. Do not put OOC into your thread posts themselves, it is after all, why we have this.


Update Log:

Overview/Rules Regulations/ Sign Up Skeleton.
I read the overview, but just to reiterate so that I understand I would like to ask; are the inhabitants of Erelos from other planets, invited in by Mother Mai? Or is it possible to create a character that was born in Erelos?
The inhabitants that the you, the roleplayers, will play, are from other planets, though you don't remember being elsewhere outside of the dreams you have of other places. The actuality of arriving is finding Erelos on accident while traveling in space, however, since the 2 day mark will have passed, the players do not know this, and believe, if they still remember not being there to start, that Mother Mai took them there.

I am not allowing a native Erelosian to be made.
Alright, thank you. It may take some time for me to put up my character sheet, but I will do my best! Thank you once again for the clarification, I do realize that it may have been somewhat of a dumb question. I'm just a bit slow when it comes to certain things, I really appreciate your patience. ^^
No, it's perfectly fine. The way I see it is if one person has a question, others might as well, and it's better to answer as they come to avoid confusion later, and to help out the one who is confused.
So, for the character sheet, would you prefer pictures or written description?
Either or. I would advise noting that with pictures, that may night be the final look. I'll be sending out pms once the rp is started to accepted players of changed traits based on what they provide in the sign up.
So this may be an obvious question, but I'll ask it because I'm clueless.

Is the plot of this is focused around free-roaming, or around a specific goal/significant purpose? I became a tad confused reading over the description, since oblivious me couldn't pick out any main points the characters are supposed to be searching for or working towards.
Erelos is mainly wrapped around what you, as the characters decide to do. Ill drop hints, set scenes and dates, to give you all ideas of what's occurring, and different possibilities you may or may not take. The first big thing is with Mother Mai, giving you all about three days before the festival, which leaves a lot of things to be happening across the board. This also ties into what players will be given in pms.

Ultimately, there are things planned, but how they come about, and how I treat them in the story, depends on how the players go leading up to them.
Ah, alright. Thank you for clearing that up for me.

I'll be posting a character at some point - this looks to have great potential and I'd be thrilled to be a part of it. I'm a little tight on time this weekend, so it most likely won't be posted for a few days. I apologize for that inconvenience.
That's perfectly alright, thank you for giving me a heads up on it.
Is it possible to have a character that can't settle in any of the Trio of lands and travels between them all? (sorry if I missed it and it was mentioned in the Overview)
People can travel/visit between them, but they do have one they call home and primarily reside in.
What does 'Most Recent Dream' mean? Is that literal, or is it more of an aspiration type of thing?
It's more of what you think your characters last dream of elsewhere was like.
Does it have to be a dream theyve had while asleep, or can it be a daydream?

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This is a compilation post of the answers to questions asked in the idea thread.

Well, at the point in the rp that the players would be "Coming alive" to, they wouldn't know how they got to Erelos. And since no one is allowed beyond the gates to go to where the travelers come from, it's left to speculation. The most commonly accepted notion is that Mother Mai fetched them from the stars to offer them sanctuary.

Depending on the race, it's different kinds of ships, like what you'd find in the game Rogue Galaxy. As for magic versus technology, that depends on perspective, though Erelos isn't very technological, it holds an advancements that doesn't seem quite possible without them, but it certainly doesn't have spell castors or wizards or anything, but even the elders would be hard pressed to tell you what it actually is. Other planets do have technology of high advancement, but something about Erelos remains a mystery to their scanners and search methods, and they find that anything aimed at them for a destructive purpose seems to go very off course.

There are no gods, no demons, or things from past worlds that are no more. "Mythical" creatures are also not something that's there, at least in the way we know them. So, gryphons, dragons, fae folk, don't exist. However, lovecraftian-inspired monstrosities, or weird, strange, dangerous beasts can be found on more primitive worlds that are not settled, or very poorly inhabited by more brutish tribal like races, but aren't common, and the worlds are more often than not known to hold them and avoided.

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