Erasing the World

ScaraByte said:
Subject 02

Name: Iro Hiron

Age: 16

Gender: Male




Psionic Blast- Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, loss of consciousness, vegetative state or death after having created a psionic link into that person's mind.



He tends to think to much for self putting him in risk of his power hurting him aswell


Mind, and Body

Personality: He is a loner most of the time but talks to people after he trusts them or if they are experiments like him he will trust them. He can be cheerful and inspire people to be happy but it depends on what he finds interesting about them.

Subject Number: 02

Room Number: 20
Accepted, but the weakness isn't something that matches the intensity of the powers/skills you put on him.

As in, the weakness' impact should be just as great as the impact of the power/skill.

Worrying about one's own safety is something everyone does, and the more paranoid ones tend to overthink about it, too.

So your weakness would be considered a part of his personality rather than a weakness.

After that is fixed, you can join the roleplayers in the RP tab. :3

Thank you for joining~~ <3
Name: Sith

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Description: not seen in the picture, but his teeth are sharp and fit together like shark teeth; all of them. Perfect canines replace all of his original teeth.

Skill: He's psychotic, someone perfectly trained to kill and will stop at nothing to do so if ordered. He's hard to kill being almost nearly synthetic after years of biomodification.

Weakness: He'll follow any order, no matter what it is from a higher up. He would betray anyone if his emotionless self actually made an ally, if he was ordered to. As well as his synthetic self is very weak to any sort of electricity; such as a power surge or an emp.

Weapon: The blades built into him all over his body, including his scorpion-like controllable tail.

Personality: None. Not to say it's learned later, but rather he is void of showing any. He feels emotions, like hatred, comfort, disappointment, but none ever leaks out due to his lack of humanity. He comes off as mean, evil, someone frightening past the appearance. He's one whom book matches the cover.

History/Bio: Tested on since birth, modified as a fun little experiment some scientists had turned into a funded project to make a slave soldier to do whatever was required; one that would stop at nothing to find a single target. One that would walk under the sea despite any malfunctions to cross the ocean if he had no other way across to find a single soul that would, that will, eventually end up on the wrong end of his blades. He was normal in his early years, before he reached the second digit; but the past ten or so years have changed him past the point of return and onward. Each session changes him more and more, less likely to be disobedient, each session burning into his soul an eternal pain to be connected to the pieces of metal that now have replaced his flesh and bone. His heart and mind are all that stands strong, the only things that have his humanity;

Subject Number: 13

Room Number: 137

Other: What did one lawyer say to the other lawyer? We're lawyers
Facethelight said:
Name: Sith
Age: 19

Gender: Male


Description: not seen in the picture, but his teeth are sharp and fit together like shark teeth; all of them. Perfect canines replace all of his original teeth.

Skill: He's psychotic, someone perfectly trained to kill and will stop at nothing to do so if ordered. He's hard to kill being almost nearly synthetic after years of biomodification.

Weakness: He'll follow any order, no matter what it is from a higher up. He would betray anyone if his emotionless self actually made an ally, if he was ordered to. As well as his synthetic self is very weak to any sort of electricity; such as a power surge or an emp.

Weapon: The blades built into him all over his body, including his scorpion-like controllable tail.

Personality: None. Not to say it's learned later, but rather he is void of showing any. He feels emotions, like hatred, comfort, disappointment, but none ever leaks out due to his lack of humanity. He comes off as mean, evil, someone frightening past the appearance. He's one whom book matches the cover.

History/Bio: Tested on since birth, modified as a fun little experiment some scientists had turned into a funded project to make a slave soldier to do whatever was required; one that would stop at nothing to find a single target. One that would walk under the sea despite any malfunctions to cross the ocean if he had no other way across to find a single soul that would, that will, eventually end up on the wrong end of his blades. He was normal in his early years, before he reached the second digit; but the past ten or so years have changed him past the point of return and onward. Each session changes him more and more, less likely to be disobedient, each session burning into his soul an eternal pain to be connected to the pieces of metal that now have replaced his flesh and bone. His heart and mind are all that stands strong, the only things that have his humanity;

Subject Number: 13

Room Number: 137

Other: What did one lawyer say to the other lawyer? We're lawyers

I'm wondering, though--that's a human under that suit, right? Or not?

(sorry, I'm all over the place, so I can't process things correctly right now. xD )
RainbowStars said:
I'm wondering, though--that's a human under that suit, right? Or not?

(sorry, I'm all over the place, so I can't process things correctly right now. xD )
yeah he's human xD , he's just really, really modified. He's more of a cyborg than a human, though he is still technically one.
You have just requested Access to data 000-000-0001. Input authorization code from a (minimum) level 5 personnel..... Access granted

  • tumblr_n7yyf7iJJe1ts7zh1o5_1280.jpg

    Name:Access Denied Subject 000-000-0001 has given herself the nickname Sky or Skylar

    Age: Unknown, rough estimate to be 16

    Sexual orientation: Subject known as Sky has not shown love interest in anyone, 000-000-0001 believed to be demipansexual

    Height/Weight: Subject stands at 5'6 and weights about 105 Ib

    Subject number: 000-000-0001

    Room number: 42

    Subject has in her possession at the moment the follow:

    A Large supply of Coffee that is needed to be re-stocked every week

    A small supply of Chocolate that is needed to be re-stocked daily

    A state of the art Access Denied computer&Laptop capable of withstanding 000-000-0001's dexterity and skill.

    A Secure and strong Wifi signal on her

    Her room consist of the following:

    A secure lanline with strongly protected internet connection

    A comfortable queen bed with many stuffed animals and pillows per subjects request

    Standard equipment such as bathroom, shower, etc...

    A tech room to allow her to Quote "Do her magic" end Quote

    Nanobots that she has invented

    Her nanobots are very small machines, about 1.5 nanometers in size, and are basically super small and durable robots at her command. She always has some on hand and they are able to do a few things, such as re-create technology, allow communication between people with nanobots in their bloodstream. Each come with their own little camera and mic, allowing her to scout out area's and mess with people around the compound. Note that these things are capable of being shut down with EMPs, electro-magnetic signals. An example of one:


You have just requested Access to data 000-000-0002. Input authorization code from a (minimum) level 4 personnel..... Access granted

  • la1vW.jpg

    Name: Subject 000-000-0002, also known as Alex

    Age: Subject is currently 18

    Sexual orientation: Subject has shown no signs of loving anyone else, but has shown signs of compassion for wildlife and has been seen to interact withSubject 000-000-0001

    Height/Weight: Subject is 6'4 and weights 150Ib w/o equipment (200 with)

    Subject number: 000-000-0002

    Room number: Subject 000-000-0002 is not able to be kept within a normal room, instead a large reinforced see-through dome with a forest and wildlife has been created to contain him.

    Custom Bullet proof vest that contain shells of ammo

    A high powered shotgun with a fined blade attached

    4 grenades for bombing missions

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Federoff said:
You have just requested Access to data 000-000-0001. Input authorization code from a (minimum) level 5 personnel..... Access granted

  • tumblr_n7yyf7iJJe1ts7zh1o5_1280.jpg

    Name:Access Denied Subject 000-000-0001 has given herself the nickname Sky or Skylar

    Age: Unknown, rough estimate to be 16

    Sexual orientation: Subject known as Sky has not shown love interest in anyone, 000-000-0001 believed to be demipansexual

    Height/Weight: Subject stands at 5'6 and weights about 105 Ib

    Subject number: 000-000-0001

    Room number: 42

    Subject has in her possession at the moment the follow:

    A Large supply of Coffee that is needed to be re-stocked every week

    A small supply of Chocolate that is needed to be re-stocked daily

    A state of the art Access Denied computer&Laptop capable of withstanding 000-000-0001's dexterity and skill.

    A Secure and strong Wifi signal on her

    Her room consist of the following:

    A secure lanline with strongly protected internet connection

    A comfortable queen bed with many stuffed animals and pillows per subjects request

    Standard equipment such as bathroom, shower, etc...

    A tech room to allow her to Quote "Do her magic" end Quote

    Nanobots that she has invented

    Her nanobots are very small machines, about 1.5 nanometers in size, and are basically super small and durable robots at her command. She always has some on hand and they are able to do a few things, such as re-create technology, allow communication between people with nanobots in their bloodstream. Each come with their own little camera and mic, allowing her to scout out area's and mess with people around the compound. Note that these things are capable of being shut down with EMPs, electro-magnetic signals. An example of one:


You have just requested Access to data 000-000-0002. Input authorization code from a (minimum) level 4 personnel..... Access granted

  • la1vW.jpg

    Name: Subject 000-000-0002, also known as Alex

    Age: Subject is currently 18

    Sexual orientation: Subject has shown no signs of loving anyone else, but has shown signs of compassion for wildlife and has been seen to interact withSubject 000-000-0001

    Height/Weight: Subject is 6'4 and weights 150Ib w/o equipment (200 with)

    Subject number: 000-000-0002

    Room number: Subject 000-000-0002 is not able to be kept within a normal room, instead a large reinforced see-through dome with a forest and wildlife has been created to contain him.

    Custom Bullet proof vest that contain shells of ammo

    A high powered shotgun with a fined blade attached

    4 grenades for bombing missions


Wow, those ideas of yours are really inspiring~

Anyway, welcome to the RP! Currently, people are headed to the breakfast lounge (or I think--I just came back online from disappearing yesterday. >.< I also have to catch up on things... xD )
Thanks, I try my best ^_^

You have just requested Access to data on Dr. Morgan, personnel level 5

  • kurisu_vector___solo_by_saioul-d3frklr.png

    Name: Dr. Morgan K. Crystal

    Age: 25

    Sexual orientation: Pansexual

    Height/Weight: 5'10/115 IB

    Security clearance: Level 5

    Assigned to:

    Subject 000-000-0001

(I hope you don't mind but I made a scientist for my subjects)
Federoff said:
Thanks, I try my best ^_^
You have just requested Access to data on Dr. Morgan, personnel level 5

  • kurisu_vector___solo_by_saioul-d3frklr.png

    Name: Dr. Morgan K. Crystal

    Age: 25

    Sexual orientation: Pansexual

    Height/Weight: 5'10/115 IB

    Security clearance: Level 5

    Assigned to:

    Subject 000-000-0001

(I hope you don't mind but I made a scientist for my subjects)
Accepted~ :3


[QUOTE="Clear Water]


Maverick Alexander// 18 // Male


Maverick Alexander is the type of guy dad's warn their daughters about. Except, he's not interested in their daughters; he's interested in their sons! Maverick is incredibly homosexual, to the point where it's painful. He's obsessed with boys almost as much as he's obsessed with himself, yet he does love to play games with everyone, including girls.

He can be quite a flirt and is not above using his charm to get what he wants, and he'll often flirt with girls to get their attention, then end up throwing them to the side once he gets a rouse out of them. Next to being gayer than a rainbow, Maverick is completely self-obsorbed. He knows he's attractive, and he'll use that power for as much evil as he wants.



Maverick is able to transport to and through different dimensions at the speed of light. This is caused by splitting the space time continuum in the muted levels of "after space" or manipulated space caused by this specific transporter. This in turn creates a black hole, which can only absorb what he chooses to be in the after space (at this point, he can only transport himself). While in the black hole, Maverick is temporarily mutilated and sewn in to the fabric of space time, only to be spit out by the equal force of a white hole, which is also unexplained phenomena that creates matter out of nothing.



Although Maverick has this undeniably intricate and interesting ability, it can only be acquired a certain number of times. Maverick can use this ability up to six times, but if he tries to use it more than six times, he risks a three day coma, or worst case scenario, death. It takes a total of six hours for the space time continuum he forcibly broke to re-sew itself, which is the amount of time it takes before he can use his power after the limit.


Maverick uses his baton as a weapon. Of course this item can be used as a fun fashion statement, but most of the time, it's used for whacking people over the head.


Subject Number:


Room Number:



Maverick is not flamboyantly gay. He enjoys being manly. In fact, lots have women have thrown themselves at him, but of course, he's never interested.


Ah, sorry, this one, too---reaccepted~! xD




Eva Kerfor







Her to the right.



She can turn her bones into Steel when needed.


She cannot move in this state and it weighs her skull to the point of making her pass-out.



She has a sweet personality although get distracted easily.


Subject Number


Room Number



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Arion said:




Eva Kerfor







Her to the right.



She can turn her bones into Steel when needed.


She cannot move in this state and it weighs her skull to the point of making her pass-out.



She has a sweet personality although get distracted easily.


Subject Number


Room Number





Welcome to the club~
Federoff said:
You have just requested Access to data 000-000-0001. Input authorization code from a (minimum) level 5 personnel..... Access granted

  • tumblr_n7yyf7iJJe1ts7zh1o5_1280.jpg

    Name:Access Denied Subject 000-000-0001 has given herself the nickname Sky or Skylar

    Age: Unknown, rough estimate to be 16

    Sexual orientation: Subject known as Sky has not shown love interest in anyone, 000-000-0001 believed to be demipansexual

    Height/Weight: Subject stands at 5'6 and weights about 105 Ib

    Subject number: 000-000-0001

    Room number: 42

    Subject has in her possession at the moment the follow:

    A Large supply of Coffee that is needed to be re-stocked every week

    A small supply of Chocolate that is needed to be re-stocked daily

    A state of the art Access Denied computer&Laptop capable of withstanding 000-000-0001's dexterity and skill.

    A Secure and strong Wifi signal on her

    Her room consist of the following:

    A secure lanline with strongly protected internet connection

    A comfortable queen bed with many stuffed animals and pillows per subjects request

    Standard equipment such as bathroom, shower, etc...

    A tech room to allow her to Quote "Do her magic" end Quote

    Nanobots that she has invented

    Her nanobots are very small machines, about 1.5 nanometers in size, and are basically super small and durable robots at her command. She always has some on hand and they are able to do a few things, such as re-create technology, allow communication between people with nanobots in their bloodstream. Each come with their own little camera and mic, allowing her to scout out area's and mess with people around the compound. Note that these things are capable of being shut down with EMPs, electro-magnetic signals. An example of one:


You have just requested Access to data 000-000-0002. Input authorization code from a (minimum) level 4 personnel..... Access granted

  • la1vW.jpg

    Name: Subject 000-000-0002, also known as Alex

    Age: Subject is currently 18

    Sexual orientation: Subject has shown no signs of loving anyone else, but has shown signs of compassion for wildlife and has been seen to interact withSubject 000-000-0001

    Height/Weight: Subject is 6'4 and weights 150Ib w/o equipment (200 with)

    Subject number: 000-000-0002

    Room number: Subject 000-000-0002 is not able to be kept within a normal room, instead a large reinforced see-through dome with a forest and wildlife has been created to contain him.

    Custom Bullet proof vest that contain shells of ammo

    A high powered shotgun with a fined blade attached

    4 grenades for bombing missions

Goodness, did I not accept this?? O.o ;;;

If not, I am so sorry! I thought I replied to this, but checking again, I don't think I did!

Accepted! (if not already stated)

;.; Ahhh, am I overreacting???

*** very disoriented***
Name: Jack Arthur

Age: 10

Gender: Male


Skill: Undetectable Stealth

Weakness: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder



Jack is quite reserved, with a severe case of PTSD after his time as a child soldier. Nevertheless, he is quite intelligent and tries to open up to those that he thinks he can trust.


Jack was born on a rainy day in Nigeria. During his youth, in the turbulent period that was ripe with political turmoil, Jack was adopted by an African warlord, who became his godfather after he killed the former's parents. Jack was subsequently raised as a child soldier and later fought in the country's civil outbreak in 2017. He and other children were shown Hollywood action films daily for "image training," and were given food mixed with gunpowder containing toluene to make them more controllable. On one occasion, Jack was injected with an unknown substance during a physician's experiment. On another, Jack witnessed the warlord demonstrate to him that blades were a "noble weapon" compared to guns, by slitting another soldier's throat in front of him. Under The warlord, Jack became a killing machine, known alternately as the "White Devil" and "Jack the Ripper" due to his incredibly high kill rate compared to other boys his age, as well as a reference to his being one of the few Caucasians born in Nigeria. Armed with a gun at the age of six, he would later remember it as an AK rifle, as well as a knife, he proved to be a superior soldier, rising to become captain of the Small Boy Unit at ten. His skills with a bladed weapon, as well as his cruelty in dispatching enemies with them, were another reason for his "Ripper" nickname.

After the war ended, the warlord had Jack placed in a relief center, although the relief center was reluctant to put the latter into a foster family because they feared he would be too much trouble for the family. Eventually, without the warlord' knowledge, he was later removed by a non-governmental organization and taken to the United States. Jack and other surviving members of the Small Boy Unit then underwent extensive amounts of counselling before becoming at least outwardly stable. There, Jack came into the hands of the Patriots, who implanted his cerebral cortex with a high concentration of nanomachines, in order to have him function as a back-up system for an optic-neuro AI. The Patriots chose him out of the other child soldiers in his unit because unlike the others, who would live up to their pasts and pay dearly for it, Jack did not accept his past and hated it. The same nanomachines were also capable of memory manipulation by connecting or stimulating synapses, primarily nerve sections in the dormant part of the brain. In addition, Jack was not listed under any of the United States databases.

Subject Number: 0218

Room Number: 56
[QUOTE="The Cobalt Killer]Name: Jack Arthur
Age: 10

Gender: Male


Skill: Undetectable Stealth

Weakness: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder



Jack is quite reserved, with a severe case of PTSD after his time as a child soldier. Nevertheless, he is quite intelligent and tries to open up to those that he thinks he can trust.


Jack was born on a rainy day in Nigeria. During his youth, in the turbulent period that was ripe with political turmoil, Jack was adopted by an African warlord, who became his godfather after he killed the former's parents. Jack was subsequently raised as a child soldier and later fought in the country's civil outbreak in 2017. He and other children were shown Hollywood action films daily for "image training," and were given food mixed with gunpowder containing toluene to make them more controllable. On one occasion, Jack was injected with an unknown substance during a physician's experiment. On another, Jack witnessed the warlord demonstrate to him that blades were a "noble weapon" compared to guns, by slitting another soldier's throat in front of him. Under The warlord, Jack became a killing machine, known alternately as the "White Devil" and "Jack the Ripper" due to his incredibly high kill rate compared to other boys his age, as well as a reference to his being one of the few Caucasians born in Nigeria. Armed with a gun at the age of six, he would later remember it as an AK rifle, as well as a knife, he proved to be a superior soldier, rising to become captain of the Small Boy Unit at ten. His skills with a bladed weapon, as well as his cruelty in dispatching enemies with them, were another reason for his "Ripper" nickname.

After the war ended, the warlord had Jack placed in a relief center, although the relief center was reluctant to put the latter into a foster family because they feared he would be too much trouble for the family. Eventually, without the warlord' knowledge, he was later removed by a non-governmental organization and taken to the United States. Jack and other surviving members of the Small Boy Unit then underwent extensive amounts of counselling before becoming at least outwardly stable. There, Jack came into the hands of the Patriots, who implanted his cerebral cortex with a high concentration of nanomachines, in order to have him function as a back-up system for an optic-neuro AI. The Patriots chose him out of the other child soldiers in his unit because unlike the others, who would live up to their pasts and pay dearly for it, Jack did not accept his past and hated it. The same nanomachines were also capable of memory manipulation by connecting or stimulating synapses, primarily nerve sections in the dormant part of the brain. In addition, Jack was not listed under any of the United States databases.

Subject Number: 0218

Room Number: 56

Accepted~! Welcome to the RP~!
Name: Myles Rennigan

Age: 19

Gender: Male



Description: (opt. --> for those who cannot find a photo, etc.)

Skill: Myles has this inane ability not to care about others, so outrightly obvious that he never makes relationships with anyone, other than to exchange brief words with them when working in his field. This also means he can do just about anything and feel no regret or embarrassment or any other such emotion. He has little to no regard to other people's feelings, only cares about getting his job done so he can sit back and relax.

Weakness: Not caring makes Miles do very rash things, that often lead to people hating him and thinking him an incredibly rude individual, and cause emotional and physical harm to no limit.

Weapon: A small but useful pistol he keeps strapped to his torso with medical tape, as well as two knifes stored in the same fashion in various places on his body, he moves them regularly so others ghave more trouble finding them.

Personality: Myles skill, if one can even call itit that, make his personality that of a ruxe, uncaring bastard who harasses and insults other people without rest, that is, when he actually talks, which isn't a often as sees it pointless to his job. And if there's one thing you should know about Myles, it's that there is never a thing he does without a significant purpose.

History/Bio: (opt.)

Subject Number: Subject number 77

Room Number: 93

Can I ask where everyone (or at least most people) are in the roleplay at the moment? I would read through and find out myself but frankly I haven't the time and I'm kinda lazy ;w;
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