Er... Hi?

That is pretty laughable. How could it be inappropriate for a book, but appropriate to display at work? Back in college I was part of a writing group and at the end of the school year we had a public reading where all the members would read their work. I wrote an explicit one with a fair amount of swearing and other things. I got to read it out loud over a microphone in a room with at least 50 people in it. The dean didn't look happy about it though.
Because it was about a nude woman, sinking into the ground as snakes slithered across her frozen flesh. They took it too a degree of perverse persuasion. And my bosses find it freaking hilarious. So it's in the employee lounge.
I'm not sure how nudity is considered inappropriate in poetry to start with, but what exactly were you supposedly trying to persuade people to do in that poem?
It was a poetry society. It went farther into detail, mind you, that this site does not allow. It could have been considered kind of smutty. *snickers* I wasn't trying to make it that way. I am a very visual being and love to make my poems pop into others minds
Nice. *grinning* There are poetry contests that you can compete in, a number of them don't even require an admission fee to compete, but you have to really be selective. There's always that chance that you'll run into the type that says they're a competition, but they'll put anyone's work in there just so they can make money charging you to buy the book that you're required to buy if you want them to publish your work in said book.There's one I'll have to find it, it's got a major prize, no admission fee and if you win you'll receive $52,000 USD, but the catch is that you have to live a year abroad because it's a prize that encourages life experiences for the person who wins.
The thing is, a lot of them have rules and guidelines. I hate having to alter my style for that crap.
I understand that. It really burns me that they expect you to just change something that's so personal. I've always felt that a piece of writing is a part of a person. They're expressing something that maybe they can't express in everyday life or feel like they can't share in a traditional way (if that's the way to even describe it). It's deep and meaningful to them and to ask them to change it to make it more convenient, it's just so aggravating because even though it's a poetry contest usually held by people who (hopefully) know at least the basics of poetry it's like they don't understand how important the poem stays the way the author wrote it. It's an integrity thing as well as a personal taste issue for me.
I tried a couple of years back, but I got too frustrated with the rule where you had to limit the poem to a certain number of characters per line and then you could only have so many lines or less. I didn't have anything that could work with the rules so I gave up. The only reason I know about that one contest is because they hold it annually.
I just hate writing for other people honestly. A lot of my poems are unfinished. The poem I posted above, I pulled out of my butt. I just typed what I felt. Boom, poem xD
I have this thing where I like to nitpick at it. I have to find the right word for what I'm trying to describe because I don't want a word that's broad term. I hate describing something using -like, for example bird-like, I know there's probably a specific word somewhere for what I'm trying to describe and I want that word. It's like when some people say sad and I use wistful because they don't mean the same thing even if they are similar.
Nitpicking at your own writings killed your self esteem. Just let it flow. A bad poem, is a poem unwritten
Bravo. Now go forth and produce poems! It's honestly... not hard unless you do a specific type of poetry.. Like Haiku or Sonnets

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