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Fandom Equivalent Exchange (FMA RP!)

@JKthegreat I think that because we only need a few more, we wait for the tab so they can quickly read up instead of having to go back and forth, but I don't mind either way.
@JKthegreat I don't think I know anyone into FMA lately, unfortunately. But if need be, I can whip up a Homunculi should we need one. I'd also say give it a little bit longer for them to put up a replacement IC tab, but if it doesn't come by the time we're prepared to start, we can use the Overview.

Don't worry about the issue though, it happens to the best of us!

You could always make a post in the interest check if nobody comes around soon. Just sayin'!
We solved that the IC Rping is back look at the tabs xD All we need now is two or three more Homunculi and we can start.
JKthegreat said:
We solved that the IC Rping is back look at the tabs xD All we need now is two or three more Homunculi and we can start.
My good friend @Psionic Nightingale said he'd be interested in making a homonculus. He and I both are pretty big FMA buffs. He should have a CS done by the end of the day.
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Sounds like a plan!

Gives me enough time to make some icons for Plain Doll Rowena.
Oh? Is that so? I beg to differ.


Lust (Amelia Beau)




N/A, youngest out of all the Homunculi, looks 26 physically

Homunculi Abilities:

Blood Manipulation

Lust has the ability to manipulate blood, whether it's her own blood, blood from others, or from her surroundings. Techniques include:

• She can control the blood of others to manipulate their body movements against their will, like a marionette

•Lust can create clones of herself by using her own drops of blood

•She can stop blood from bleeding, however this does not apply to herself. Lust can stop others' bleeding, but not her own.

•She can absorb the blood of others into her own (either by absorbing it by touch or drinking the blood itself) and use it to her advantage. Lust can use this in various ways: enhance/replenish herself, momentarily have the same abilities as the source of blood does, or use it as a power source.

•Can crystallize or solidify blood

Lust also has the basic Homunculi abilities: longevity, regeneration, enhanced speed and strength.


Prior to her name, Lust is a very manipulative woman, who likes to seduce weak willed humans (usually men) into her palm, using their inner longings/lust in order to do so. Rather than fulfilling her own lust, she uses her looks and her naturally enticing image to attract the lust of others, and use them in order to continue with her plans. Despite being the youngest, Lust is very intelligent and strategical, usually being the first to commence a plan for her and her fellow Homunculi. She is very obedient towards her creator, but there are times where she questions her duty as a Homunculus, showing a small piece of her humane side. Some actions from her creator's commands she finds are very strange, as she usually likes doing things with reason. This causes her state of mind to sway a bit, however she quickly shakes these thoughts away, telling herself that she should be grateful that she was picked, or that the creator always knows what is best for them.

Lust usually speaks with a smooth and sultry like voice. She can be very sensual when grabbing a man's attention, such as subtly using skinship (for example, pressing her breasts against someone's chest when hugging), or leaning in slightly too close. Although she does this with purpose, when questioned she usually plays it off, giving her an innocent facade. However, this does not mean that she recklessly throws herself onto men. She only does this when she sees someone who has the potential to help accelerate her plans, otherwise she has no interest.

Most of the time, Lust keeps a cool and calm personality. Oddly enough, she enjoys doing "human activites", as she calls it, such as shopping, going to the spa, getting her hair done, etc. She usually keeps this as a secret, since the other Homunculi usually put her down for this, thinking of it as a humiliating act. At times, she can become very out of character, especially when startled or flustered. She becomes speechless, and can't seem to form words, stuttering when she tries to do so. In battle, when deeply provoked, she becomes merciless and twisted. Her sadistic side causes her blood lust to be uncontrollable, giving her enemies slow and painful torture, sometimes to even the brink of death. This can cause her to become reckless, or even desperate. A grin is usually on her face rather than her usual stoic expression, along with her eyes being more narrowed with a carnivorous gaze.


Like the others, Lust was made by their creator at some point in time during the long thirty years after the ending of FMA: Brotherhood. Working alongside with the rest of the Homunculi, she grew to know them in a sisterly manner. However, despite getting on somewhat good terms with most of them, she was always the one who got abused most by their creator, whether physically or mentally. Whether it'd be for her failures or the creator's amusement, Lust would always be the one called. Because of this, a contradictory fear formed within her. Fear that she wouldn't dare to acknowledge in front of the others. She disguised this fear as an undying devotion towards him, too scared to leave him in fear of what he would do to her in case she got caught. (so cliche fml I hate writer's block cough)


Lust stands at a height of 5'6 and is described to be very beautiful. She has long, sleek blonde hair that stops just below her waist, as well as lilac eyes. She weighs at about 114 lbs, and has a slender, yet curvy body with a large bust. The Homunculus also has a slim face with a small nose, plump lips that always has a layer of either lipstick or lip gloss (depending on her day), and a complexion that's almost as flawless as porcelain. She is almost never seen wearing the same outfit twice, and her Ouroboros mark is on the nape of her neck, hidden behind her hair. Lust has a liking of wearing black high heeled boots.

-Lust's favorite food is chocolate parfait and pad thai.

-She's somehow affiliated with Fort Briggs, although it is unknown how. She carries an ID that blurs out her own information, but has the Major General's signature.

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Name: Rosabel Garden (Homunculi Greed )

Gender: Female

Age: Appears to be 20

Homunculi Abilities: Plant and ground manipulation. Being killed with a rose and brought back with it in her head caused it to become a part of her essence. She can grow flowers at will, use vines, turn her body into a storm of rose petals as a means to escape a bad situation. Her mark is on her hand, but she wears gloves most of the time while handling flowers. Her petals are quite durable, and withstand fire but still damage her harshly.

Personality: Blended with her sister, it seems like she's two separate people at times. Rosabel is mostly friendly but quiet. Her sisters influence has caused her to feel a need to show off, can get easily confused, and to go though crushes like tissue.

Bio: Her family was known in their town for growing the most beautiful and unearthly flowers in this world. Any color you wanted they could grow, blend colors, even grow rainbow flowers. Though their prices were a bit high they would bargain with a customer or accept a trade. They lived a common life regardless of how much money they had because family was the most important thing to them. So their parents were glad when it was announced that Edward Elric, was the Fuhrer, believing in his ideals (plus the girls had a crush on him when they were young). She moved out with her younger sister, Lily, and continued the family business of selling flowers. She studied alchemy in order to resemble their old crush, though she grew out of it, and improve their flowers. This was something that Rosabel protested, stating what make their flowers special is the love they put in them.

However tragedy struck one day when during a bad storm lighting stuck the house lighting it aflame. Their parents died which broke both the girls hearts, and caused Lily to become dependent on her older sister. Though it seemed to be a trend in their life that happiness is fleeting as she was practicing her alchemy and hit a rebound. The stem of the rose she was tiring to create turned sharp and sped straight for her. Rosabel pushed her sister down, and Lily screamed nearing going insane seeing her sister standing with a rose sticking out of her forehead, dead. That night Lily took her sisters body and attempted to bring her to life, blaming herself for the death. In the end Rosabel was brought back to life, at the cost of Lily's.

Rosabel doesn't remember much about her life as her memories and her sisters are blended together. All she can remember is her name, she knows a woman named Lily, her gardening skills, and that a man named Edward Elric was an influence in her younger life. Not knowing where she was or what she was to do, she left her home to wander from town to town selling her flowers (it was the only thing that felt 'right'). Since the sisters were new to the small town they lived in, no one knew what happened to them and their home became a thing of ghost tales. Rosabel herself rumored to be a killer, as no one had ever seen her sister since she left.



Other: One of her fav foods is any kind of sweet
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Appears to be about the age of 15, but due to the fact that she isn't actually human, she is far older. The second made of the Homunculi.

Homunculi Abilities

Ultimate Gauntlet

Her hands can become a pair of large gauntlets that strengthens her attacks.


Her name would seem like she would be very aggressive, but in reality Wrath is very calm. She has to keep her emotions in check or she goes out of control. When out of control, she becomes extremely violent and will attack anything within her peripheral vision.

Wrath has a bit of a strange sense of humor and a willingness to go along with any crazy plan that she has been ordered to do no matter what. Her loyalty is perhaps the biggest reason is is so easily manipulated. She is still largely unsympathetic to humans and enjoys watching them suffer, both physically and mentally.


Wrath was raised by her creator, so she has been refrained from knowing any other way of life. Her creator has become more of a parental figure to her, while the other Homunculi are like her family. She wouldn't tell them though. Wrath usually takes a neutral side in arguments in order to avoid becoming emotional.

She will do anything for her creator no matter the cost or the problems that might arise because of it.

She was the second created Homunculous and is the strongest of them all, despite her size.

But her love for her Creator doesn't mean she doesn't also fear him.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/anime2.jpg.c919fe06ac54bd5ef2b575d0664eff06.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/anime2.jpg.c919fe06ac54bd5ef2b575d0664eff06.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Anime.jpg.a6bd5e0c813d136c91517446dc2dae46.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87751" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Anime.jpg.a6bd5e0c813d136c91517446dc2dae46.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Her favorite food would be nothing, for she does not have to eat and would chose not to anyway.



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