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After two hours of writing, Serenity was getting stiff. Sitting still was not a particular favorite pass time of hers. Shortly after the two hour mark she finished the essay part and was done with the test so she sat back and stretched both her automail and real limbs so she didn't feel so stiff. Once they were allowed to turn in the tests she did so and got up to stretch her legs. "Man, that's one more thing I hate about written tests. They take too long and you have to sit still for them. Hopefully the practical exam will be a bit more energetic and free moving." she said mostly to herself. When she saw one of the recruits showing what seemed to be a civilian girl into the central building she thought it was a little strange but brushed it off. She enjoyed the sunlight while she could take it in but the smell of flowers reminded her of home and it was both good and bad. It made her nose twitch a bit and after a while forced her back inside. She enjoyed flowers as much as the next person but too much of it brought back some sour memories for her. She went back inside and waited for the stuff-shirts to announce the next phase of the alchemic exam.
Wrath waltzed right into Headquarters without a worry. She had stolen a military uniform, and now was parading around in it. The first thing she needed to do was make sure the homunculi was safe, then she could finally get the item she was originally sent for. It turned ut luck was in store for her, the girl was already at Headquarters by the time Wrath arrived from blowing up part of the city. There was a great big rush around as the soldiers went to their job station. It was turning out to be an exciting day, at the least.

Wrath followed the homunculi to the files room, guessing that she was after the files, but that is where she stopped. There was no need to keep an eye on her. The soldiers were in too much of a rush to worry about some sighting of a homunculi. Once the girl left, Wrath came out from around the corner, which she did to hide from the girl, and entered the file room. Inside she searched for the file of someone that she was going to pay a visit.

After he believed a sufficient resting time had passed, Ed stood up and called out to all the recruit that had remained in the exam hall. "The practical exam is about to begin. Please round up all of your fellow recruits and meet me through that door there." he said, pointing to a door on his right "Walk straight along the fairly long path and it will lead you towards the back of command where we have an outdoor area that is protected and secluded enough for you all to demonstrate your alchemic abilities to us. Be there within the next fifteen minutes. That is all." With that, he exited the room through said door and made his way to the practical area.


I was in the room when Ed made his announcement, and my heart started to beat faster. I knew I had abilities better than most state alchemists, never mind the people here, but there maybe a few here that were even better than me, which made me nervous about whether or not I could make it in. Nonetheless, I ran out side and started calling to the recruits waiting around the edges to follow me so we could get to the practical exam, before walking making my way towards the outdoor area Ed had described.
Fredrick exited his office, having finished his cake and work for the day, wanting to go check out the practical exams, hopefully seeing who Edward would pick for this team he was suppose to lead. On arriving at the practice exam he noticed that they hadn't started, and were only just starting to file into the room. He headed over to Edward and asked quickly so non of the students would hear "any ideas on who you want, and who is marking the written exam this year?"

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Rosabel was still lost within the building, so she decided to start reading the file she had acquired, while walking.

State Alchemist registration form, the odd thing though was that there where two different writing styles indicating that two people wrote on this.

Name:Lily Garden


Alchemy Specialty: Plant based alchemy, the creation of plants and vines to fight, and further research to create toxins, or antidotes using said plants

Family: Sylvia Garden-Mother, Richard Garden-Father, Rosabel Garden- Older Sister (Who is so totally cooler than me)

Reason for taking this exam: Well I originally got interested alchemy because of my idol crush Edward Elric when I was younger. My family grows rainbow flowers, and not to brag but we're pretty a big deal (Shes such a show off). So I studied on using alchemy on plants to help out our store. My sister disapproves saying that our flowers are grown from out love so I have to do this without her knowing until I pass if possible (If she didn't leave her stuff in the open maybe she would have succeed). I'm so close to a breakthrough, so I decided to take the test, as to get grants for further research (Plus she wants to meet cute guys).

NOTE: Oh my god please disregard the underlined words, my sister found my form and had some fun. This is my only form so PLEASE IGNORE IT! She likes to embarrass me.

Looking at the photo she could tell it was the girl in her head. There was a family picture in the file as well if next of kin needed to be identified. Her eyes widened seeing herself in the picture with Lily. "So shes...my sister...younger sister" Pocketing the pictures she pondered what she had learned So I have a family and we sell flowers, that makes sense that I feel at ease in a garden. What happened to them though? Who is this Ed guy that meant something to her?

She looked up towards the window and saw the applicants outside. She opened the window and climbed out, walking to the side of the field. Staring directly at Ed, slowly making her way towards him I'm going to find out, I need to find out. SHE'S MY SISTER AND I'M NOT GOING TO LET HER GET AWAY! she screamed in her head

(sorry its so long :P )

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The blond walked slowly into the area designated for the practical exam. Although he had spent a considerable amount of time looking through the shops in central, he had only been able to quickly eat a bowl of ramen. As such, his hunger was only barely sated, and he was thoroughly displeased. He sat down close to the edge of the area, and pulled out a notebook from his pocket. As he waited for the rest of the candidates to arrive, he leafed through the notebook, writing in it every so often.

As Ed was standing in the area where the practical exams were performed, he could recall many memories from it. Though, it had obviously been rebuilt after the destruction thirty years ago, it looked exactly the same, so had the same effect on Ed's recalling. He remembered performing his own alchemy exam, as well as his battle against, at that time, Colonel Mustang which also took place in that same area. Thinking about his own exam cast his attention to his ability to transmute without a circle, and he began to wonder how many would be able to do that this year. In the previous twelve years, there had only been one that had the same ability. In this batch, Ed already knew Kael could, but he wasn't sure if there would be more. He had a feeling there would. It was difficult being on of those few, as when you stepped up and performed your alchemy, everyone watching would know that you committed the ultimate taboo, and questions immediately get asked. Before he could think any deeper about it, he saw a young girl storming towards him, who looked to be neither a recruit nor an officer on duty. "Uhm..." Ed stumbled, straightening up as she approached "Can I help you ma'am?"

She stopped in front of him, he had to look down due to her height "Your Edward Elric?" He doesn't look that impressive, but my head is telling me not to get on his bad side. She tried to be polite but it was obvious how nervous she was "My sister was going to be here, have you seen her? Her name is Lily Garden, I'm...Rosabel...Garden" She said the word slowly the name still sounding foreign to her. "She registered to take these exams, her form was the one that was filled with comments I made. She uses plant alchemy. Have you seen her?" She kind of fidgeted under his gaze, though she did not know why, why am I nervous around him?

Serenity rummaged through her pockets and found a pack of nutrient rich granola bars that had been wrapped in plastic to keep them fresh. She took them out and munched on them to give her some much needed extra energy that she knew was going to come in handy during the practical. When she heard that the test was about to start and to gather in the exam room she knew that this could be her only shot and she was not going to blow it. She noticed a strange girl talking to Mr. Elric. She thought it was odd for a minute but shrugged it off and headed to the testing area and was amazed by the set up. All four elements were represented and all the materials she could need were right there in front of her. With these she could make anything but the set up was so nice she almost didn't want to mess it up....almost. She still wanted to show the military what she could do and perhaps one day...get enough research and funding to fix everything and go back to being a normal alchemist.
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The blond checked his watch before closing his notebook and placing it back in his pocket. He stood up and walked over to the young man with the ponytail whom he had spoken to earlier. "Yo" He said, standing next to the male. "I didn't catch your name the last time we spoke. Name's Ryu Haynes by the way."

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((Sorry guys have had a REALLY shit week, I can't even explain it in words, I'll try to post more I promise))


Ed's breath caught in his throat, his eyes widening in fear and disbelief.
Rosabel Garden Ed thought, trying to remain cool in front of the girl but struggling. He had personally followed the story of Lily Garden, whom had been reported dead in the middle of a large transmutation circle some time ago. She had apparently been a talented biological alchemist, which her sister, Rosabel, disapproved of. They had all assumed that she had been killed when attempting a dangerous transmutation, and that the sister had disappeared out of grief or possibly fear, but maybe, it was possible...surely not. Could she have attempted Human Transmutation an succeeded? Is it possible that she brought her sister back to life at the cost of her own? Very improbable, but definitely not impossible. But that would make the living sister a human creation based on a previous life. In other words...a Homunculi. Ed cleared his throat and smiled at the girl once again. "I don't quite recall hearing that name around here, I must admit" He said as kindly as he could "But if you would be willing to come back in a few hours when I am done overseeing these exams, I may be of more use to you. For now though, I must attend to these recruits. Please forgive me, we can talk later about this." His heart still beating faster than usual, he managed to keep his composure has he clapped his hand loudly to draw the recruits' attention and said "The first recruit to demonstrate their abilities is: Gregory Alderweireld." The young man stepped through the crowd and made his way to the presentation area to begin the exam.


"Kael Graysen" I said, nodding to the blonde guy whom I had sat next to in the exam "Nice to meet you, I guess." It had been awhile since I had dealt with social encounters, especially with people my own age, as part of Alphonse's training had involved solitude, so it would take me a while to get used to the niceties, but I thought I was starting to get the hang of it again. "Good luck for the exam, Ryu" I added, as the first recruit put on a pretty impressive show of construction alchemy "By the looks of it, we're all going to need it, the competition looks tough this year." I was maintaining my cool, but I could feel my sweaty palms and the rate of my heart beat increasing rapidly. I knew I had the talent, but what would people think when they knew what I had done?

@Rhodus @AnimeLover1116
JKthegreat said:

"Kael Graysen" I said, nodding to the blonde guy whom I had sat next to in the exam "Nice to meet you, I guess." It had been awhile since I had dealt with social encounters, especially with people my own age, as part of Alphonse's training had involved solitude, so it would take me a while to get used to the niceties, but I thought I was starting to get the hang of it again. "Good luck for the exam, Ryu" I added, as the first recruit put on a pretty impressive show of construction alchemy "By the looks of it, we're all going to need it, the competition looks tough this year." I was maintaining my cool, but I could feel my sweaty palms and the rate of my heart beat increasing rapidly. I knew I had the talent, but what would people think when they knew what I had done?
"A pleasure to meet you as well Mr. Graysen. I hope your luck stays true. As for the competition, I wouldn't worry. These guys tend to talk big, but in the end, they're just blowin' hot air." The blond smiled, sizing up the other male again. He could tell that Kael was anxious, so he decided to try to ease the tension with more smalltalk. "So, what niche do you fill; What's your specialty? Biology? Metallurgy? Botany? Something unique?" He laughed softly "Also, who did you study under? They must've drilled the training into you; You've got quite the upright posture." This other candidate was proving to be most interesting. The blond made a note to keep an eye on him in the future.
Serenity crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the wall to stay relaxed and calm. She wasn't worried about what people may think about her alchemy or her body. She could do all kinds but metal and stone were always so readily available and easy to manipulate into whatever she could think of. She watched as the first recruit was called upon to demonstrate their abilities and wasn't really impressed since she could break down the chemical balance and energy spent into a very quick and simple formula. She tapped her metal finger hidden by the sleeves and gloves on her real arm lightly. The aurtomail felt so normal and natural and she didn't particularly feel ashamed of it even if the cause was human transmutation. A forbidden alchemy, carried out by her foolish siblings and accosted them all in the end. She kept her golden eyes on the participants and how they performed in order to outdo them when her turn came up.

"Elemental, actually" I said with a grin, once again envisioning what I planned to do when it was my turn to demonstrate my abilities "Really good for a variety of different things, but I mainly use it for combat and defense. I trained under Alphonse Elric, Edward's younger brother, in Ishval for the past eight years or so. The stories that Ed used to tell me of their old teacher, I'm not surprised that Al has been so tough on me, but it got me to where I am now, so I will be forever grateful to the both of them." I leaned back against the wall, the conversation managing to take my mind off of my anxiety "So how bout you, Ryu? Specialty and tutor? You seem laid back but for some reason I get the strong impression that you really know what you're doing when it comes to alchemy."

JKthegreat said:
"Elemental, actually" I said with a grin, once again envisioning what I planned to do when it was my turn to demonstrate my abilities "Really good for a variety of different things, but I mainly use it for combat and defense. I trained under Alphonse Elric, Edward's younger brother, in Ishval for the past eight years or so. The stories that Ed used to tell me of their old teacher, I'm not surprised that Al has been so tough on me, but it got me to where I am now, so I will be forever grateful to the both of them." I leaned back against the wall, the conversation managing to take my mind off of my anxiety "So how bout you, Ryu? Specialty and tutor? You seem laid back but for some reason I get the strong impression that you really know what you're doing when it comes to alchemy."
"Ah, yes, the younger Elric. That does explain it. As for my specialty," He paused smiling. "I tend to use dynamism and metallurgy most of the time. My tutor, whether you believe it or not, is the current Inosento. He trained me in both fighting and alchemy." He chuckled at Kael's last statement. "Well aren't you perceptive? You are correct in your assumption. I tend not to show my full repertoire unless I have to, so you shouldn't expect a grandiose display from me. I think I'll aim for second place at the most. A man should save his trump card until the very end, no?" He leaned a little closer to Kael, lowering his voice slightly. "And I'm guessing you have a pretty big trump card if you trained under Alphonse. Perhaps something to do with how you transmute? After all, Alphonse wouldn't just train anyone, now would he?"
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I couldn't help but look away as Ryu had clearly very quickly figured out my secret and the battle in my head I was having over it. On the one hand, showing that I could transmute without a circle would probably give me a higher chance of getting in, as it was a unique talent, but on the other, I didn't particularly want people to know what I had done nor did I want them to ask any questions, and it would be useful if I had a talent like that tucked away in my sleeve until I needed it. "Well, yeah I guess you could say that" I said, nervously scratching the back of my neck as I turned back to him "Anyways, whether I use that trump card or not, i intend to make it in either way, and it seems to me you feel the same way."
JKthegreat said:
I couldn't help but look away as Ryu had clearly very quickly figured out my secret and the battle in my head I was having over it. On the one hand, showing that I could transmute without a circle would probably give me a higher chance of getting in, as it was a unique talent, but on the other, I didn't particularly want people to know what I had done nor did I want them to ask any questions, and it would be useful if I had a talent like that tucked away in my sleeve until I needed it. "Well, yeah I guess you could say that" I said, nervously scratching the back of my neck as I turned back to him "Anyways, whether I use that trump card or not, i intend to make it in either way, and it seems to me you feel the same way."
Ryu laughed. "Of course I intend to make the cut. I just don't want to do too well. The better you are, the harder they make you work. If I do the best, I'll get the most work, and that would be no fun at all. So you see, I'm content with being just good enough for now, rather than being better than average." He glanced over at the center of the testing area. "Looks like your turn's comin' up fast. Best of luck to you." He gave Kael a thumbs up and smiled calmly "And don't be too worried by how easily I figured out your secret. While you do hide your emotions better than most, I've been practicing my skill of reading people for a long, long time, so there are few things that escape my knowing."

I heard Ed call out my name and I waved a thank you for the good luck from Ryu. I had already made up my mind about what I was going to do. I had more than one trump card, so using this one wouldn't be the worst thing, plus it would give me a much better chance of making it. Ed winked at me as I walked past him, and I grinned back, trying to hide my anxiety the best I could, but I was pretty sure that he saw straight through me. I stood in the center of the examination area, feeling so many eyes set upon me, and I took a deep breath. I closed my eyes for a few moments, seeing in my mind the chemical makeups of the elements and other substances around me, and imagining how I could alter them. Then I clapped my hands together, and my exam had begun.

I placed my hands on the ground, and a few seconds, the entire compound could feel the ground quaking, until it suddenly stopped. People just assumed I had been making an earthquake, but actually, I was creating enough molten rock underneath the surface to create a small volcano under the surface should blow in about...BOOM...

The miniature volcano erupted a few feet away from me, the magma heading straight for me. I put my hand out in front of me, and as it touched my hand, it immediately reshaped itself into a sword laying in the palm of my hand. Swords were metal, magma was molten rock, rock contained metals. It was a simple equation but and impressive one to pull off on the eye.

At that moment on my other side, a burst of water came gushing from the earth. I tapped the blade, and through it precisely at the water, as it should have cut straight through. But it didn't. As soon as it made contact with the spout, it froze completely in an instant, and collapsed, shattering along the ground. I had infused the blade with alchemy, something not many could do.

I could still feel the shock of the entire crowd from my performing alchemy without a circle, but I didn't let that get to me at this stage. For my final trick, I needed my specialty of wind alchemy to help me out. While in training, I had mastered something that not even Alphonse was able to do. I first, created a hurricane that swirled around me as its center, causing me to disappear from the sight of the onlookers. I then threw large chunks of earth into the hurricane, followed my a great amount of water which I drew from the air and finally I created fire by drawing heat from the molten rock I had created and setting a spark. All of the elements swirled in the air around me, creating a magnificent but daunting site, The Hurricane began to close in on me, or so they thought, and as it closed the gap at the bottom where I was meant to be standing, I could hear the gasps as most believed I had lost control of it. But a few seconds later, many pointed upwards and shouted for the others to look. Because there, at the top of the hurricane that was larger than the central building itself, I was beginning to rise out, using the air to power a sort of 'flight' I had invented. I took a bow and then the entire hurricane collapsed, and I descended using the same method of flight. it seemed I had even stunned Ed as I touched the ground.
Rosabel stood to the side of the area, waiting for Ed like he promised. She stared at him no longer nervous, something in her mind churning. He lied, her file was here and these people are here for the exam. Don't lie to me little man, I don't care what these memories tell me, I want my sister back, SHES MINE ONLY I CAN HAVE HER!

She continued to stare hard enough to give him the chills, or make his skin crawl.

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The silence of the exam site was broken by Ryu clapping slowly. "Bravo, bravo. That was quite the spectacle, wasn't it?" The calm smile remained on the face of the blond youth. He had been impressed with the display, but he was not surprised. He expected nothing less from the pupil of Alphonse Elric.


Ed joined the clap as Kael made his way away from the presentation area, a mixture of pride and anxiety filling his thoughts. It was an incredible display, but Kael had chosen to reveal his ability to transmute without a circle, which ultimately meant only one thing. Questions. Lots and lots of questions. Nonetheless, Kael had just made his way firmly on to the list of possible candidates for the Amestris' Elite team in Ed's mind. He cleared his throat, not wanting to wait too long in case it fed Kael's ego. "Thank you Kael, that was not bad." He grinned at Kael at the back of the crowd before calling "Alright, next up we have a Miss Allison Cromwell to perform her practical exam." He stepped out the way to make way for the girl that he waited to enter.

He's taking to long, I'll go search this place and see what I can find. She looked at the building itself on the outside I like it, I might take it...wait what did I think? She turned and went into the building which would give Ed no comfort knowing she was now IN the building. She walked around, revisiting the records room and reading the other candidates files. Once done Rosabel left down the hall and ran into the library. She stopped in front of a shelf, picked a book, and opened it. It was filled with alchemy and healing alkahestry as both had become available to the public now. I can understand all of this, why? I wasn't the alchemist Lily was Placing the book back she tried going to a different section but was stopped by a solider

"Sorry little miss but no one gets past here, it closed for alchemists" An image flashed of the silver pocket watch they carried and held one out. She had stolen it from Ed when she confronted him, after all that's what he get's for lying to her.

"Oh my apologies miss, whats your name?" "Lily garden, best bio alchemist there ever is!" "Oh well right this way miss Lily" Where did that come from? It felt like I was someone else She continued through and found an auto biography of the pipsqueak Read it, all the answers will be there sis. Rosabel was surprised to hear a small voice in her head, it had called her sis, unsure she read it. Human transmutation? Homunculi? That's where I got the idea when I got accepted to take the test. If I had never gotten accepted I don't think I would have thought of it. I had your body sis, and I was the blueprint, now we never have to be apart again. Big sis you love me right, your Lily? Her eyes widened and filled with tears I'm this Homunculi thing? Like the ones from long ago "Rosabel Garden put your hands in the air, your under arrest for impersonating and alchemist, and the murder of Lily Garden" They had noticed it was Ed's watch and went to inform him, for now they would detain her for questioning. She turned towards them with a chaotic smile. She knew alchemy was dangerous, but Lily wouldn't listen...Lily had seen the truth, so all she had to do was clap her hands and...well she would show them just HOW DANGEROUS IT CAN BE.

By the time the solider had arrived to report to Ed a giant explosion came from the library area. People were running out the building, covered in blood, and it wasn't their own. Looks like their test would be a real battle with a Homunculi

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Serenity was slightly impressed with the display Kael gave. It had a lot of flourishes and a lot of concentration and very promising talent that even she couldn't deny. She refused to acknowledge many people with more skill and talent than her but this guy was good. He had a lot of training and would probably be the best one day, maybe even become the next furor but for now he was still a raw recruit like her. She gave some soft claps for a couple seconds before returning to her relaxed stance against the wall to await her turn. She knew what she would do and it wouldn't require so much...theatrics but it would require a lot of skill and being able to split your mind in two to be able to accomplish. She wondered if anyone else would impress her like this guy did. Up next was a girl that was older than her, although everyone there was older than her. She was the youngest and smallest of the applicants and she was alright with that. She knew big things came in small packages. She wouldn't let her size belittle her or hold her back.

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