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Fantasy EPOCH -- a timewarp


juice that makes you stupid
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"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff."

Time exists, but not in the way that we know it.
Time, despite not having a physical form, is something that people live with. On, even. Time has adapted into land. Land covered in cities, towns, and villages. These exist all at once, rather than being a chronological set of events. And while they exist at the same time, they are largely unaffected by the other eras surrounding them.
Time exists while not existing all at once.
Time is the world, and the world is made of time.
- - -
A citizen of the twenty first century withdraws their passport from their bag. They show the guards that're are legally allowed to travel from one era to the other. They hop onto the overcrowded boat and find their seat and after a short wait, the ship stops and they file out onto the docks. Instead of a familiar city in the twenty first century, they're now in an Italian trade city in the 1500’s.
What will they do now? Trade goods? Visit family? Commission a Renaissance era portrait? The possibilities are endless.
As they meander down the streets of the city they see a wide variety of different characters. Plenty of actual citizens, but they can also spot a few people from the 1920’s and even the Future. Was that MLK? Though things have always been this way, it amazes them to see how different every era is. The cultures seem to stay the same no matter what. No matter how much technology people try to integrate into the past, it never sticks. Almost like these eras are stuck, in a way. Time passes, people change, but beliefs stay the same. It’s… peculiar.
There have been theories for centuries about how all of this is maintained. A rather large group of people believes that the Future is in control of everything. Laws, transportation, guards, even the upkeep of the many different cultures. But, along with these beliefs come suspicion. If they are in control, will they one day go mad with power?
Nobody has an answer.
Until they find a definite one, people will continue to live their lives like nothing is wrong. But really, is anything wrong?


  • Rules and Expectations:
    • - This RP will take place either on Discord, or on an MXRP group chat if enough interested for that is shown.
    • - If you're interested, let me know so I can update you when things are set up.
    • - Realistic/semi-realistic paragraph style.
    • - Minimum of one paragraph per response.
    • - Characters will be human, with the exception of cyborgs and androids.
    • - Characters can't be actual historical figures, but they can be descendants or relatives of them that don't exist in reality.
    • - Racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc, won't be accepted in any OOC interactions. However, to stay realistic to history, Some will be allowed in character.

"You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it."

Want updates on when things get started? Let me know!
Suggestions? Please let me know those too, I love developing things,,,


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Wow, I'm blown away by this. I already have several ideas for characters and I'd love to see where this goes. c:

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